Change web html content/Run bash script on http request - http

Disclaimer: I am not good at understanding http requests, so please bear with me
I am trying to change the content of an html web page whenever an http GET/POST request is made. It would work something like this:
What I want to accomplish
When my phone is charging, it is going to send an http request to the web server. The web server is going to change the content of the webpage to say something like "Phone is charging."
What I've done so far
I managed to send an HTTP request from my phone to the server every time the phone connects to a charger, I just don't know what to do with the http request that arrives to the server.
Thanks ahead of time!
EDIT: I figured out, according to #LawrenceCherone (thanks Lawrence!) that I can't do this with a static html page and just nginx. He said that I have to use a scripting language. Does bash work for this? Or should I learn something like python, PHP or something else?
I can't find any tutorials online for what I am trying to accomplish for some reason. Haven't seen any tutorials on how to 'react' to a POST request


Better understand http requests

I'm trying to learn properly how the http protocols are working.
I'm struggling to find online books or resources, as most of the time I'm finding how to make these requests in various languages and not how they actually work.
For context, I'm trying to build a flutter app with a rust server as an exercise, with some security standards. I've been programming for a while now, so I have some concepts settled down but I want to learn more about other stuff.
What I've understood for now is that it is possible to ask a server for something at some url, and from that url the server will send back html page content.
My questions are :
What data do the http requests carry ? can it be anything ? Or is it exclusive html text ?
When doing a http get request, is there anyway to write data in the body of the request ? or do I only have the url with params in it to ask the server for specific data ?
Can I write anything in a http request ? for example, encoded strings with private / public keys ?
How can the client be assured he is indeed talking to the right server when posting the first requests ?
Maybe I'm a little out of context for this forums, but I've been trying to learn all this properly and feel stuck with out I found online.

.NET Core 2 MVC - Not loading on HTTP, does load on HTTPS

I am working on an API in .NET core 2.
Everything works great when testing on https://localhost:44333, but when trying on http://localhost:44333 it does not work anymore. It just loads, and loads, and loads.... Nothing to see in the logs or anything like that.
The thing is, I need to get it working on HTTP because I want to try it on my phone in the app. So I use iisexpress-proxy to proxy it. This works when I can access the API on HTTP, but it doesn't work with HTTPS.
So therefor I need it to work with HTTP, but I have no idea why it does not work on HTTP. All my previous projects worked fine on HTTP and for some reason this one does not. I have looked in my startup if it might be forced or something like that, but I cannot find any...
You probably need more information than this, but I don't know what you need, so If you ask in the comments I will provide some more information/logs/code you name it.
The http version will be served on a different port. You'll need to look at your project properties to see which port it's being served on.
Just as some background:
There's effectively a client-side and server-side component to SSL. The http or https is the client-side component. That means the browser or other web client will either try to negotiate a secure socket or not, respectively. The server-side component is the port binding, which will either be a secure socket or not.
The forever-loading is because your client is trying to make a non-secure request, but the server's socket is attempting to negotiate SSL. It's like one person speaking Chinese and the other speaking Spanish. They're both communicating, but nothing gets accomplished.

Inspect how requests routed through a proxy look to their destination

My web app makes request to third party servers, and we sometimes route them trough proxies. I'd like to be able to "see what they see" -- see what the request looks like once its been routed through the proxy.
Specifically, I'm interested in how much identifying information about the source (my web app) is left in the request once it reaches the destination, having been routed through the proxy.
Does anyone know an easy way to do this? Maybe a web service that will just echo back all the information about the incoming request in the outgoing response?
Not a full answer, but maybe you can try:
And the other 2 webs mentioned there:
To setup a URL to send your requests and see if the info provided helps you.
I'm just stating this as an idea that came to me. You could try sending requests to your own URL, which you control (i.e. a resource in your own web application). That way, you can use your debugging infrastructure or other facilities (basically anything you want) to inspect the request that's coming into your application. It seems to me this might be the most powerful / easiest way to do this. It won't let you test the URL you were trying to test, but in terms of proxy visibility, it might be what you need.
Good luck!
If the proxy supports the TRACE method and the Max-Forwards header you can use that. Not all do, however.

Find Site from HTTP Request

Is there a way to go through a series of request and see what pages they are coming from? I am getting all HTTP requests sent from my PC. I am trying to see if there is a way in which I can just find out the main request. Like if a page has images on it, when the images request is sent, is there a way to see if the images are coming from another page using just HTTP requests. I don't know if I explained this well enough, so please ask any questions. I don't know if there is a way to do this, but I hope there is. Thanks!
If you're using Windows: Fiddler.

Is there a way to redirect Post requests preserving post data or an alternative?

I am setting up a CDN relying only on Header redirects or temporary URLs served by an API controlled by a Database cluster.
The Goal is to reduce hardware costs and have flexible nodes with only FTP/HTTP/PHP as requirement and create a cheap solution for websites that can work with this.
Howevery my Problem is that i want to have a static Address where file uploads (containing ClientID and Token) can be sent to. I am using simple post.
But the file should be sent directly to the most idle server.
So what I want is to have A Post request to which is redirected to whithout loosing the data.
The problem is that the post request gets converted into a GET request and Post data is lost.
The W3C documentation states that the 307 Header code could be used, but its not reliable and user confirmation is required.
Or is there an alternative? I am not really into network stuff... but I think the classic solution would be some sort of Load balancer or router running BGB/Quagga or something like that, and the traffic would still go over that node.. is that correct?
Or is there a way to totally redirect the traffic on Network/DNS basis?
Thanks in advance.
