how to query corda vault and retrieve states based on a field that contains a string pattern - fetch

I have a state with customer id and customer name as a field.
The requirement is to query vault and fetch customer id for customer names
that contain a certain string pattern like 'ash'. Like in sql query we search for a pattern in the format '%ash%'.
is this possible in vault querying? if yes , then what should the syntax be?

I believe this was answered on our slack instance ( for anyone using corda)
Try setting up a query that looks like this:
new QueryCriteria.VaultCustomQueryCriteria("%"+inputCustomerName+"%",customerName));
note: thanks to Corda user Amol Pednekar for his help on this question from slack.


Find User IDs not on OPRDEFN in PeopleSoft FIN

Our former security admin team off-boarded terminated users by deleting their user profiles from the system. We have changed that policy but there is potential for duplicates. I am attempting to find user ids on the various module tables that are not on the OPRDEFN but having no luck.
I would like to query the major tables to return a list of all user ids to compare to the current OPRDEFN. From there, I can either have them added or create a reference list the admins to use prior to creating a new user id.
Does anyone have any tips or already written SQL? I am not the best SQL writer, I've tried several different things but nothings works.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here you have a list of tables using the OPRID field. I have already formatted it in a way you can just run the result to get the Oprids.
Also, consider other columns like OPERATOR
Also, you may just look at PSACCESSLOG, it will show you when someone access, so you may save time by querying it only

Querying details from GraphDB

We are trying to implement Customer oriented details in Graphdb, were with a single query we can fetch the details of a customer such as his address,phone,email etc. We have build it using had address, has email edges..
g.addV('member').property('id','CU10611972').property('CustomerId', 'CU10611972').property('TIN', 'xxxx').property('EntityType', 'Person').property('pk', 'pk')
g.addV('email').property('id','CU10611972E').property('pk', 'pk')
g.addV('primary').property('id','CU10611972EP').property('EmailPreference','Primary').property('EmailType', 'Home').property('EmailAddress', 'SNEHA#GMAIL.COM').property('pk', 'pk')
g.V('CU10611972').addE('has Email').to(g.V('CU10611972E'))
g.V('CU10611972E').addE('has Primary Email').to(g.V('CU10611972EP')
This is how we have build email relation to the customer.. Similarly we have relations with Address and Phone. So right now we are using this command to fetch the json related to this customer for email,
g.V('CU10611972').out('has Email').out('has Primary Email')
And for complete Customer details we are using union for each Vertex, Phone,Emaiul and address..
Could you please suggest if there is an efficient way to query this detail?
This comes down really to two things.
General graph data modelling
Things the graph DB you are using does and does not support.
With Gremlin there are a few ways to model this data for a single vertex.
If the database supports it, have a list of names like ['home','mobile'] and use metaproperties to attach a phone number to each.
A lot of the Gremlin implementations I am aware of have chosen not to support meta properties. In these cases you have a couple of options.
(a) Have a property for 'Home' and another for 'Mobile'. If either is not known you could either not create that property or give it a value such as "unknown"
(b) Use prefixed strings such as ["Home:123456789","Mobile:123456789] and store them in a set or list (multi properties) and access them in Gremlin using the startingWith predicate. Such as g.V(id).properties('phone').hasValue(startingWith('Mobile')).value()

using User ID feature, export to bigquery

I have a question when using the User ID feature to track users across devices/browsers.
If I activate the transfer service from GA to Bigquery in which field will I get that information. Would it use the same fullVisitorId column or a new one will be created?
The field is called userId.
More info can be found here. Please note that for this data to appear in BigQuery, you must make sure to select the User ID view when setting up the GA/BigQuery link.
The GUID will be new field and can be found as a custom dimension.

Beginning ASP.NET. using login name as sql parameter

Does anyone have some code or a link as to how to create the user login name as a parameter during a sql query in ASP.NET?
Basically I want to use the default membership structure with a new field ClubID, then I want to add a new table called aspnet_Clubs which contains things such as Club Name, stadium name, Balance etc etc... and then use a relationship between ClubID and a field in the aspnet_Clubs table to tie things together.
Then when each user logs in they should see the clubs information specific to their loginID.
I know the syntax to use for the query, its getting the loginname parameter and being able to use/assign it as part of the search that is causing me the problem.
In general it is not recommended to break the default schema of the aspnetdb where the Membership data is stored. It can bring you to unexpected consequences in the future.
I had a similar question a couple of days ago, please check it here, may be you will be able to adopt something from the discussion to your situation.

get current logged in userID in aspnet mvc membership

i am trying to show a list of users of my application "school", when admin logs in then he can view all the users in list but when school principals logins, he should get only users of his school, So i thought to get the current loggedIn userId first and then by that userId i'll get schoolId since userId is foreign key in school table...once i'll get the schoolId i can show the members of that school.
But my problem is how to get the UserID of currently loggedIn. I'm using MVC 1.0 Asp.Net -- "Membership"
if my logic above is wrong then please tell me the alternate good idea, so that principal can see only his users list..
Based on this question and answer by J. Pablo Fernández you can get the user id of the current user with the following code:
//It will only be a Guid if you are using SQL Server as the DB as oppose to MySQL
Guid userGuid = (Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey;
Here is the MSDN Documentation.
The Simple Solution
With the scenario you describe you would only be able to do this by retrieving the User information with the data stored in the HttpContext.Current.Identity. For example, if the HttpContext.Current.Identity.Name is the Username, then you would use that value to retrieve the User data for the principal that should include the UserId you can use to locate the appropriate school.
Alternate Solution
You might consider storing the SchoolId in the user's profile so that it is more easily accessible.
The easiest way that I've tried
You have to include Microsoft.AspNet.Identity
using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity;
Then use it like this
var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId().ToString();
