how to draw the log-likelihood graph - r

I am learning how to draw a log-likelihood graph. Please allow me briefly introduce what I want to do specifically:
Assume we have the data/vector as below:
sample <- rpois(50, 1.65)
And the log_like function is given as below:
log_like_graph <- function(lambda){
X <- as.matrix(sample) # not sure whether this is necessary for one-parameter distribution.
N <- nrow(X)
logLik <- N*log(lambda) - lambda*N*mean(X)
log_like_graph <- Vectorize(log_like_graph)
# set range of lambda
lambda_vals <- seq(-10,10,by=1)
log_vals <- outer(lambda_vals,log_like_graph)
Based on the above lambda_vals and log_vals, I expect to produce a plot like below:
However, when I excute the last command: log_vals <- outer(lambda_vals,log_like_graph), I got the error hint
Error in as.vector(x, mode) :
cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'any'
Could you please help me solve this problem? Thank you very much!
(FYI: I mainly follow the youtube video that teaches to draw the curve for a log-likelihood function, although it uses normal distribution for demonstration.)

A couple of things I see; no need to vectorise log_like_graph as you can just pass lambda values into it with sapply rather than outer, you are passing lambda_vals < 0 but the support of lambda is >= 0, and I don't think your log-likelihood function is correct (I think it should be -N * lambda - sum(lfactorial(sample)) + log(lambda) * sum(X) but it is easier/more accurate to use dpois(..., log=TRUE)).
So fixing these things
# data
samples <- rpois(50, 1.65)
# The log-likelihood becomes
log_like_graph <- function(X, lambda){
N <- NROW(X)
logLik <- -N * lambda - sum(lfactorial(X)) + log(lambda) * sum(X)
# set lambda >= 0 and take smaller steps (0.01) for a smoother curve
lambda_vals <- seq(0,10,by=0.01)
# loop through lambda values calculating the log-likehood at each value
ll1 <- sapply(lambda_vals, function(i) log_like_graph(samples, i))
plot(lambda_vals, ll1, type="l")
This can also be done with dpois(..., log=TRUE) :
ll2 <- sapply(lambda_vals, function(i) sum(dpois(samples, lambda=i, log=TRUE)))
all.equal(ll1, ll2)
# [1] TRUE


Implement a Monte Carlo Simulation Method to Estimate an Integral in R

I am trying to implement a Monte carlo simulation method to estimate an integral in R. However, I still get wrong answer. My code is as follows:
f <- function(x){
t <- integrate(f,0,1)
n <- 10000 #Assume we conduct 10000 simulations
int_gral <- Monte_Car(n)
You are not doing Monte-Carlo here. Monte-Carlo is a simulation method that helps you approximating integrals using sums/mean based on random variables.
You should do something in this flavor (you might have to verify that it's correct to say that the mean of the f output can approximates your integral:
f <- function(n){
x <- runif(n)
int_gral <- mean(f(10000))
What your code does is taking a number n and return ((cos(n))/n)*exp(log(n)-3)^3 ; there is no randomness in that
Now, to get a more precise estimates, you need to replicate this step K times. Rather than using a loop, you can use replicate function:
K <- 100
dist <- data.frame(
int = replicate(K, mean(f(10000)))
You get a distribution of estimators for your integral :
ggplot(dist) + geom_histogram(aes(x = int, y = ..density..))
and you can use mean to have a numerical value:
# [1] 2.95036e-05
You can evaluate the precision of your estimates with
# [1] 2.296033e-07
Here it is small because N is already large, giving you a good precision of first step.
I have managed to change the codes as follows. Kindly confirm to me that I am doing the right thing.
f <- function(x){
for (i in 1:10000) {

Non-linear optimization for exponential function with linear constraints

I try to solve a non-linear optimization problem using the function donlp2 in R. My goal is to find out the maximum value of the following function:
There is no non-linear constraints. The linear constraints are listed below:
Below is my code:
p <- c(rep(0,4))
par.l <- c(rep(0,4))
par.u <- c(4662.41, 149339, 14013.94, 1342738)
fn <- function(par){
x1 <- par[1]; y1<-par[3]
x2 <- par[2]; y2<-par[4]
y <- 1 / (442.8658*(x1+1)^(0.008752747)*(y1+1)^(0.555782)
+ (x2+1)^(0.008752747)*(y2+1)^(0.555782))
A <- matrix(c(rep(c(1,0),2), rep(c(0,1),2)), nrow=2)
lin.l <- c(-Inf, 20000)
lin.u <- c(-Inf, 20000)
ret <- donlp2(p, fn, par.u=par.u, par.l=par.l, A=A, lin.l=lin.l, lin.u=lin.u)
I searched and found some related posts saying that donlp2 is only good to find minimum value of a function, which is the reason I took the reciprocal in the objective function.
The code ran correctly, but I have concerns with the results, since I can easily find other values that can give me greater outcome, i.e. the minimization of the objective function is not true.
I also found that when I change the initial value or the lower bound of x1,x2,y1,y2, the results will change dramatically. For example, if I set p=c(rep(0,4)), par.l<-c(rep(1,4)) instead of p=c(rep(0,4)), par.l<-c(rep(0,4)), the results will change from
[1] 2.410409e+00 5.442753e-03 1.000000e+04 1.000000e+04
[1] 2331.748 74670.025 3180.113 16819.887
Any ideas? I appreciate your suggestions and help!

Defining a threshold for results in lsoda, R language

I have a problem with lsoda in deSolve package in R. (It might be applicable to ode function too). I am modeling the dynamics of a food web using a set of ODEs calculating abundances of 5 species in two identical food webs which are connected through dispersal.
the abundances are calculated in 2000 time steps, and they are not supposed to be negative or less than 1e-6. In that case the result should be changed into 0. I could not find any parameter for lsoda to turn negative results into zero. I tried the following trick in my ODE function:
solve.model <- function(t,y, parms){
solve.model <- function(t,y, parms){
y <- ifelse(y<1e-6, 0, y)
#ODE functions here
but it seems not working. Below is a sample of abundances of species in a web.
I will be very grateful for your help, and hope the sample code can give enough information about my problem.
P.S. I am solving the following ODE set for the abundances of species(the first two equations) and resource change (third equation)
the corresponding code for the function is as below
solve.model <- function(t, y, parms){
y <- ifelse(y<1e-6, 0, y)
# return from vector form into matrix form for calculations
(R <- as.matrix(y[(max(no.species)*length(no.species)+1):length(y)]))
(N <- matrix(y[1:(max(no.species)*length(no.species))], ncol=length(no.species)))
dy1 <- matrix(nrow=max(no.species), ncol=length(no.species))
dy2 <- matrix(nrow=length(no.species), ncol=1)
for (i in 1:no.webs){
species <- no.species[i]
(abundance <- N[1:species,i])
adj <- as.matrix(webs[[i]])
a.temp <- a[1:species, 1:species]*adj
b.temp <- b[1:species, 1:species]*adj
h.temp <- h[1:species, 1:species]*adj
#Calculating sigmas in denominator of Holing type II functional response
(sum.over.preys <- abundance%*%(a.temp*h.temp))
(sum.over.predators <- (a.temp*h.temp)%*%abundance)
#Calculating growth of basal
(basal.growth <- basals[,i]*N[,i]*(mu*R[i]/(K+R[i])-m))
# Calculating growth for non-basal species
no.basal <- rep(1,len=species)-basals[1:species]
predator.growth<- rep(0, max(no.species))
(predator.growth[1:species] <- ((abundance%*%(a.temp*b.temp))/(1+sum.over.preys)-m*no.basal)*abundance)
predation <- rep(0, max(no.species))
(predation[1:species] <- (((a.temp*b.temp)%*%abundance)/t(1+sum.over.preys))*abundance)
(pop <- basal.growth + predator.growth - predation)
dy1[,i] <- pop
dy2[i] <- 0.0005 #Change in the resource
#Calculating dispersals .they can be easily replaced
# by adjacency maps of connections between food webs arbitrarily!
# added to solve the problem of negative abundances
deltas <- append(c(dy1), dy2)
this function is used by lsoda by the following call:
temp.abund[[j]] <- lsoda(y=initials, func=solve.model, times=0:max.time, parms=parms)

Error in Gradient Descent Calculation

I tried to write a function to calculate gradient descent for a linear regression model. However the answers I was getting does not match the answers I get using the normal equation method.
My sample data is:
df <- data.frame(c(1,5,6),c(3,5,6),c(4,6,8))
with c(4,6,8) being the y values.
lm_gradient_descent <- function(df,learning_rate, y_col=length(df),scale=TRUE){
n_features <- length(df) #n_features is the number of features in the data set
#using mean normalization to scale features
for (i in 1:(n_features)){
df[,i] <- (df[,i]-mean(df[,i]))/sd(df[,i])
y_data <- df[,y_col]
df[,y_col] <- NULL
par <- rep(1,n_features)
df <- merge(1,df)
data_mat <- data.matrix(df)
#we need a temp_arr to store each iteration of parameter values so that we can do a
#simultaneous update
temp_arr <- rep(0,n_features)
diff <- 1
for (i in 1:(n_features)){
temp_arr[i] <- par[i]-learning_rate*sum((data_mat%*%par-y_data)*df[,i])/length(y_data)
diff <- par[1]-temp_arr[1]
par <- temp_arr
Running this function,
the results I got were
when I use the normal equation method, I get
Hope someone can shed some light on where I went wrong in this function.
You used the stopping criterion
old parameters - new parameters <= 0.0000001
First of all I think there's an abs() missing if you want to use this criterion (though my ignorance of R may be at fault).
But even if you use
abs(old parameters - new parameters) <= 0.0000001
this is not a good stopping criterion: it only tells you that progress has slowed down, not that it's already sufficiently accurate. Try instead simply to iterate for a fixed number of iterations. Unfortunately it's not that easy to give a good, generally applicable stopping criterion for gradient descent here.
It seems that you have not implemented a bias term. In a linear model like this, you always want to have an additional additive constant, i.e., your model should be like
w_0 + w_1*x_1 + ... + w_n*x_n.
Without the w_0 term, you usually won't get a good fit.
I know this is a couple of weeks old at this point but I'm going to take a stab at for several reasons, namely
Relatively new to R so deciphering your code and rewriting it is good practice for me
Working on a different Gradient Descent problem so this is all fresh to me
Need the stackflow points and
As far as I can tell you never got a working answer.
First, regarding your data structures. You start with a dataframe, rename a column, strip out a vector, then strip out a matrix. It would be a lot easier to just start with an X matrix (capitalized since its component 'features' are referred to as xsubscript i) and a y solution vector.
X <- cbind(c(1,5,6),c(3,5,6))
y <- c(4,6,8)
We can easily see what the desired solutions are, with and without scaling by fitting a linear fit model. (NOTE We only scale X/features and not y/solutions)
> lm(y~X)
lm(formula = y ~ X)
(Intercept) X1 X2
-4 -1 3
> lm(y~scale(X))
lm(formula = y ~ scale(X))
(Intercept) scale(X)1 scale(X)2
6.000 -2.646 4.583
With regards to your code, one of the beauties of R is that it can perform matrix multiplication which is significantly faster than using loops.
lm_gradient_descent <- function(X, y, learning_rate, scale=TRUE){
if(scale==TRUE){X <- scale(X)}
X <- cbind(1, X)
theta <- rep(0, ncol(X)) #your old temp_arr
diff <- 1
old.error <- sum( (X %*% theta - y)^2 ) / (2*length(y))
theta <- theta - learning_rate * t(X) %*% (X %*% theta - y) / length(y)
new.error <- sum( (X %*% theta - y)^2 ) / (2*length(y))
diff <- abs(old.error - new.error)
old.error <- new.error
And to show it works...
> lm_gradient_descent(X, y, .01, 0)
[1,] -3.9360685
[2,] -0.9851775
[3,] 2.9736566
vs expected of (-4, -1, 3)
For what its worth while I agree with #cfh that I would prefer a loop with a defined number of iterations, I'm actually not sure you need the abs function. If diff < 0 then your function is not converging.
Finally rather than using something like old.error and new.error I'd suggest using a a vector that records all errors. You can then plot that vector to see how quickly your function converges.

R optimize not giving the finite minimum but Inf when the search interval is wider

I have a problem with optimize().
When I limit the search in a small interval around zero, e.g., (-1, 1), the optimize algorithm gives a finite minimum with a finite objective function value.
But when I make the interval wider to (-10, 10), then the minimum is on the boundary of the interval and the objective is Inf, which is really puzzling for me.
How can this happen and how to fix this? Thanks a lot in advance.
The following is my code.
n <- 120
c <- rnorm(n,mean=1,sd=.3);
eps <- rnorm(n,mean=0,sd=5)
tet <- 32
r <- eps * c^tet
x <- matrix(c(c,r), ncol=2)
g <- function(tet, x){
theta <- 37
g_t <- g(theta,x)
f.tau <- function(tau){
exp.tau.g <- exp(g_t %*% tau)
g.exp <- NULL; i <- 1:n
g.exp <- matrix(exp.tau.g[i,] * g_t[i,], ncol=1)
sum.g.exp <- apply(g.exp,2,sum)
v <- t(sum.g.exp) %*% sum.g.exp
band.tau <- 1;
f <- optimize(f.tau, c(-band.tau, band.tau), tol=1e-20)
print("interval=(-1, 1)"); print(f);
band.tau <- 10;
f <- optimize(f.tau, c(-band.tau, band.tau), tol=1e-20)
print("interval=(-10, 10)"); print(f);
The problem is that your function f.tau(x) is not well behaved. You can see that here:
vect.f <- Vectorize(f.tau)
z1 <- seq(-1,1,by=0.01)
z10 <- seq(-10,10,by=0.01)
par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(2,2,1,1))
plot(z1, log(vect.f(z1)), type="l")
Note that these are plots of log(f.tau). So there are two problems: f.tau(...) has an extremely large slope on either side of the minimum, and f.tau = Inf for x<-0.6 and x>1.0, where Inf means that f.tau(...) is greater than the largest number that can be represented on this system. When you set the range to (-1,1) your starting point is close enough to the minimum that optimize(...) manages to converge. When you set the limits to (-10,10) the starting point is too far away. There are examples in the documentation which show a similar problem with functions that are not nearly as ill-behaved as f.tau.
EDIT (Response to OP's comment)
The main problem is that you are trying to optimize a function which has computational infinities in the interval of interest. Here's a way around that.
band.tau <- 10
z <- seq(-band.tau,band.tau,length=1000)
vect.f <- Vectorize(f.tau)
interval <- range(z[is.finite(vect.f(z))])
f <- optimize(f.tau, interval, tol=1e-20)
# $minimum
# [1] 0.001615433
# $objective
# [,1]
# [1,] 7.157212e-12
This evaluates f.tau(x) at 1000 equally spaced points on (-band.tau,+band.tau), identifies all the values of x where f.tau is finite, and uses the range as the increment in optimize(...). This works in your case because f.tau(x) does not (appear to...) have asymptotes.
