Angular Akita only setting the last value in an array - angular12

I am new to Angular with Akita state management. I am trying to set the array of values to the entitystate. but for some reason only the last item in the array is getting set. But the number of values is correct. ie. i have 14 different items in the array. but in akita, the last value is set for 14 times. Not sure what am i doing wrong here. Can anyone please help with this?
export interface UserTagState extends EntityState<string, string> {
areTagsLoaded: boolean;
const initialState = {
areTagsLoaded: false
providedIn: 'root'
#StoreConfig({ name: 'usertags' })
export class UserTagStore extends EntityStore<UserTagState> {
constructor() {
providedIn: 'root'
export class UserTagFacade {
tags$ = this.query.tagsAreLoaded$
filter(areTagsLoaded => !areTagsLoaded),
exhaustMap(areTagsLoaded => {
if (!areTagsLoaded) {
return this.query.tags$;
private readonly store: UserTagStore,
private readonly query: UserTagQuery,
private readonly api: UserTagDataService
) { }
loadTags() {;
.subscribe((tags) => {;; // up until here the tags array shows the correct value => ({
areTagsLoaded: true
providedIn: 'root'
export class UserTagQuery extends QueryEntity<UserTagState> {
tags$ = this.selectAll();
tagsAreLoaded$ = => {
return state.areTagsLoaded;
constructor(protected store: UserTagStore) {
Tags: [ "trader analytics", "trader analytics", "trader analytics", "trader analytics", "trader analytics", "trader analytics", "trader analytics", "trader analytics", "trader analytics", "trader analytics", "trader analytics", "trader analytics", "trader analytics", "trader analytics" ]

In loadTags(), delete below part and run again. Thanks. => ({
areTagsLoaded: true

I had the exact same problem, upon trying to store an array of objects (or of whatever) the Akita store saved an array where every member of the array was the last object from array I tried to store. We failed at JavaScript to be honest and the solution is a simple spread operator:
this.digitalAdTopicsStore.set({ ...digitalAdTopic });
This is how one sets an array to Akita store.

For me, I was trying to implement Akita server side pagination. I made the mistake of assuming the ID in the EntityState was not a big deal. It's a very big deal and very necessary; it will assume the ID is located in the key "id", unless you specify otherwise in #StoreConfig.
I didn't have the "id" field in my EntityState objects, and it manifested itself as making the entire data array as the last element duplicated. Because the server response didn't include an "id" for each object, I generated a client-side 10 digit random ID for each object.


My website deployed on Vercel keeps giving me the "429: TOO_MANY_REQUESTS" errors. What could be going wrong, how can I debug this?

Occassionally (maybe about half the time) when I load a page on the website I'm working on, I'm getting an error that looks like this.
ID: lhr1::258d8-1638206479250-0a01c8648601
My website hasn't been launched yet, almost nobody visits it but me, so it can't be having too much traffic yet.
The page I'm loading has a getServerSideProps() function that does only one thing - uses prisma to fetch posts from my database, which are sent to my component to be rendered.
I can't imagine what could be causing too many requests.
My vercel usage stats look like this.
What am I doing wrong? What could be causing this? How can I debug this?
For reference, below is all my relevant code. Any chance you could take a look at it and let me know if you have any ideas on what could be happening?
index.tsx has getServerSideProps() function which calls a getPosts() function to fetch the posts.
import Layout from 'components/Layout/Layout'
import PostFeed from 'components/Posts/PostFeed'
import Subnav from 'components/Layout/Subnav'
import Pagination from 'components/Posts/Pagination'
import ProfileHeader from 'components/Users/ProfileHeader'
import TagHeader from 'components/Layout/TagHeader'
import HomeHeader from 'components/CTAs/HomeHeader'
import SubscribeBox from 'components/CTAs/SubscribeBox'
import AdBoxes from 'components/CTAs/AdBoxes'
export default function browse({ posts, postCount, username }) {
return (
<Layout subnav={<Subnav />}>
<PostFeed posts={posts} />
<Pagination postCount={postCount} />
<SubscribeBox />
<br />
import { getPosts } from 'prisma/api/posts/get-posts'
import config from 'config.json'
export async function getServerSideProps({ req, query }) {
const { username, sort, tag, search } = query
const { posts, postCount } = await getPosts({
published: true,
searchString: search,
username: username,
tagSlug: tag,
sort: sort,
skip: config.postsPerPage * (parseInt( - 1 || 0),
take: config.postsPerPage,
return { props: { posts, postCount, username } }
get-posts.ts runs a prisma query and fetches the posts.
import prisma from 'prisma/prismaClient'
export async function getPosts({ username, published, tagSlug, searchString, sort, skip, take }) {
console.log(`Get posts. Sorting: ${sort}`)
// Filter posts by user (to show them on their profile)
let author
if (username) author = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { username } })
// Filter by tag
const tagFilter = tagSlug ? {
tags: { some: { slug: tagSlug } }
} : {}
// Search through posts
const search = searchString ? {
OR: [
{ title: { contains: searchString, mode: "insensitive", } },
{ body: { contains: searchString, mode: "insensitive", } },
{ tags: { some: { name: { contains: searchString, mode: "insensitive", } } } },
{ author: { username: { contains: searchString, mode: "insensitive", } } },
} : {}
let orderBy = [{ rank: 'desc' }]
if (sort === 'new') orderBy = [{ createdAt: 'desc' }]
if (sort === 'top') orderBy = [{ score: 'desc' }]
const allFilters = {
authorId: author?.id,
published: published,,
const [posts, postCount] = await prisma.$transaction([{
where: allFilters,
orderBy: orderBy, //rank: 'desc' //score: 'desc'
take, skip,
include: {
tags: true,
author: {
select: {
username: true
upvoters: {
select: {
username: true
// Just for the comment counter
comments: {
select: {
id: true
}),{ where: allFilters })
return { posts, postCount }
the prismaClient which get-posts is using to connect to prisma
import { PrismaClient } from "#prisma/client";
// PrismaClient is attached to the `global` object in development to prevent
// exhausting your database connection limit.
// Learn more:
let prisma: PrismaClient
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
prisma = new PrismaClient()
} else {
if (!global.prisma) {
global.prisma = new PrismaClient()
prisma = global.prisma
export default prisma
Try going towards getInitialProps which will execute your function on the browser vs getServerSideProps which always goes to your function creating loops as customers refresh your page or traverse through the site.
As to why so many requests, i think as clients traverse your site, you are generating hits to your function in a loop.

Strange issue with useQuery: Query arguments not being read

I have a component that passes a string (userToFetch) it as a variable parameter in a parameterized query. The component looks like this:
// pages/index.jsx
import React from 'react';
import { useQuery } from '#apollo/react-hooks';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
const GET_USERS = gql`
query users ($limit: Int!, $username: String!) {
users (limit: $limit, where: { username: $username }) {
const Home = () => {
const userToFetch = 'jonsnow';
const {
} = useQuery(
variables: { limit: 2, username: userToFetch },
notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true,
if (loading) {
return <p>Loading...</p>;
if (error) {
return <p>Error: {JSON.stringify(error)}</p>;
return (
{ => {
return <li>{user.username} {user.firstName}</li>;
export default Home;
And this is how I have configured my Apollo client:
// /apollo-client.js
import { ApolloClient } from 'apollo-client';
import { InMemoryCache } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory';
import withApollo from 'next-with-apollo';
import { createHttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http';
import fetch from 'isomorphic-unfetch';
const GRAPHQL_URL = '';
const link = createHttpLink({
fetch, // Switches between unfetch & node-fetch for client & server.
// Export a HOC from next-with-apollo
// Docs:
export default withApollo(
// You can get headers and ctx (context) from the callback params
// e.g. ({ headers, ctx, initialState })
({ initialState, ctx }) => {
console.log('initialState', initialState);
console.log('ctx', ctx);
return new ApolloClient({
link: link,
cache: new InMemoryCache()
// rehydrate the cache using the initial data passed from the server:
.restore(initialState || {})
The database is a collection of following users:
"users": [
"username": "negger",
"firstName": "Arnold",
"lastName": "Schwarzenegger"
"username": "jonsnow",
"firstName": "Jon",
"lastName": "Snow"
"username": "tonystark",
"firstName": "Tony",
"lastName": "Stark"
Now, although this should work (it does when I run the query in my graphql playground at, the code runs as if the where clause didn't exist! It just returns all results as if the query being run were:
users {
In order to reproduce the issue, visit The page ought to display a list with only one element consisting of a matching username-firstName value: jonsnow Jon but it returns two entries, negger Arnold and jonsnow Jon (respecing limit but completely ignoring where). Now, run the same query with jonsnow as a where parameter in
users(where: { username: "jonsnow" }) {
And the results would be exactly as expected:
"data": {
"users": [
"_id": "5d9f261678a32159e61018fc",
"username": "jonsnow",
"firstName": "Jon",
What am I overlooking?
P.S.: The repo is up for reference at
UPDATE: In order to track down the root cause, I tried logging some values in apollo-client.js:
console.log('initialState', initialState);
Strangely, the output shows the right query, along with the variables being passed, but wrong results:
firstName: "Arnold"
username: "negger"
__typename: "UsersPermissionsUser"
UPDATE: Here's a screenshot of results in my Apollo Client Developer Tools:
The schema generated by Strapi gives the where attribute a Type JSON and hence you have to pass the entire where part in the query variable as JSON since the variables are not getting injected.
# Write your query or mutation here
query users($where: JSON) {
users(where: $where) {
And the variables would look like:
{"where": {"username": "jonsnow"}}

Data fetch from firebase

import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import { AngularFireDatabase, AngularFireList } from 'angularfire2/database';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
constructor(db: AngularFireDatabase) {
.subscribe(courses => { = courses;
Expected Behavior:
[Object, Object, Object, Object]
Actual Behavior:
["course 1", "course 2", {...}, {...}]
The above code returns an array but I expected an array of objects. Also the type returned but the valueChanges() is Observable<{}[]>. I want to know is it the normal behavior of valueChanges() i.e., returning an Observable as object along with an array. Please help me out and tell me where I am wrong in my code. I want an array of objects as an end result with this code.
to answer your question: yes, this is the normal behavior.
Since Firebase is a realtime database, it wants to keep track of any path you've queried and see if it changed ( no matter from where the change came from, you or your user )
I'm not sure what you're trying to do with the objects returned afterwards, but since the code is very minor, i would expect you just need to display it in some list with its values ...
So I would write something like this, where you can still access each item in the Array like it's an object:
# course.model.ts
export class courseModel {
title: string = "";
price: string = "";
author: string = "";
# app.component.ts
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import { AngularFireDatabase, AngularFireList } from 'angularfire2/database';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
courses : Observable<courseModel[]> = new courseModel();
constructor(db: AngularFireDatabase) { = db.list('/courses').valueChanges();
# app.html
<p *ngFor="let course of courses | async">
{{ course.title }}
{{ }}
{{ course.price }}
What is it? - Returns an Observable of data as a synchronized array of JSON objects. All Snapshot metadata is stripped and just the method provides only the data.
So instead of getting [{ key: value }] you are getting [value].
If you want the full object, including key, use snapshotChanges().
You'll need to import map from rxjs/operators for this as well.
import { map } from "rxjs/operators";
.pipe(map(snapshots => {
return => {
let course = {};
course[snapshot.key] = snapshot.payload.val();
return course;
})).subscribe(courses => { = courses;
This will return an array of users with the structure [{ key: value }]. If you want it formatted differently, like [{ "key": key, "value": value }], let me know and I'll update my answer.
It's a simple change and your code is work as it is
And it's worked for me
First you need to use data type any[] of courses
You need to use subscribe method instead of directly store valueChanges() value into variable
Because of angular older version support directly valueChanges() method to get values but in latest angular version you need to use subscribe method and assign value like this.
courses : any[];

angularfire2 storage populate data [duplicate]

i'd like to join the data on init from my customers table into the projects list.
Model is like this:
name: string
customer : customerKey
name: string
Do you have an example, how i do this from angular2 component using angularfire2?
my controller looks like this:
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { Project } from '../project';
import { Router } from '#angular/router';
import { FirebaseAuth } from 'angularfire2';
import { AngularFire, FirebaseListObservable, FirebaseObjectObservable } from 'angularfire2';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
selector: 'app-projects',
templateUrl: 'projects.component.html',
styleUrls: ['projects.component.css']
export class ProjectsComponent implements OnInit {
projects: FirebaseListObservable<any[]>;
customers: FirebaseListObservable<any[]>;
projectName: string;
private router: Router,
private af: AngularFire
) { };
ngOnInit() {
this.projects ='projects');
add(projectName: string) {'projects')
.push({ name: projectName, id: '123' });
this.projectName = null;
i've changed the type of this.projects to Observable from FirebaseListObservable
my on ngOnInit() method looks now like this:
ngOnInit() {
this.projects =`projects`)
.map(projects => { => {'customer/' + project.customer + '/name')
.subscribe(customer => {
project.customer = customer;
return project;
return projects;
i can now access not the name property of customer from the template inside of
<li *ngFor="let project of projects | async">
Not exactly sure how your dataset looks like, so I'm just going to write a basic example. Assuming a structure something like this:
- projects
- key
- name: string
- customers
- customerKey: boolean
- customers
- key
- name: string
Example data
- projects
- projectId1
- name: "Cool project!",
- customers
- customerId1: true,
- customerId2: true
- projectId2
- name: "Another cool project!",
- customers
- customerId2: true,
- customerId3: true
- customers
- customerId1
- name: "John Smith"
- customerId2
- name: "John Doe"
- customerId3
- name: "John John"
So we're storing the customers' key in every projects' customers property.
Let's say we want to list every projects, but we also want to get the customers' real name as well, not just their id. Since firebase doesn't have joins we'll have to do this manually. Here's one way to do it:
this.projects =`projects`)
.map(projects => {
return => { => {`customers`)
.subscribe(c => {
customer = c;
return project;
The inner .subscribe could be changed to a simple .map if you want to get the data asynchronously (in this case use the async pipe in the template`).

Ngrx: combine two selectors

I've built this IStore:
export interface IStore {
user: IUser;
sources: ISourceRedux;
where IUser is:
export interface IUser {
id: string;
cname: string;
sname: string;
and ISourceRedux is:
export interface ISourceRedux {
entities: { [key: string]: ISource };
ids: Array<string>;
selectedIds: Array<string>;
editingSource: ISource;
defaultId: string;
So, I've created these selectors:
export const getSourcesState = (state: IStore) => state.sources;
export const getSelectedIds = (sourceRdx: ISourceRedux) => sourceRdx.selectedIds;
export const getSelectedSourceIds = createSelector(getSourcesState, fromSources.getSelectedIds);
So, up to now, in order to check if a user is logged I did that:$
.filter(user => != null && user.logged)
.do(user =>$.dispatch(...))
Now I'm strugling for getting user information and selectedSourceIds at the same time in order to check if:
a user is logged ($.select(fromRoot.getUserState)
then get all selectedSourceIds (
dispatch an action
How could I get this?
Would it make sense to add that code to a selector:
// Selector functions
const getProductFeatureState = createFeatureSelector<ProductState>('products');
const getUserFeatureState = createFeatureSelector<UserState>('users');
export const getCurrentProduct = createSelector(
(state, user, currentProductId) => {
if (currentProductId === 0) {
return {
id: 0,
productName: '',
productCode: 'New',
description: 'New product from user ' + user.currentUser,
starRating: 0
} else {
return currentProductId ? state.products.find(p => === currentProductId) : null;
This code is in the product.reducer file. Here I define the feature selector both for the products and for the users.
I then build a getCurrentProduct selector using both the product and user feature.
This is my solution:$.combineLatest($.select(fromRoot.getUserEntity),$.select(fromRoot.getSelectedSourceIds),
(store, user, selectedSourceIds) => ({user: user, selectedSourceIds: selectedSourceIds})
.filter((proj) => != null && proj.user.logged)
.do((proj) =>$.dispatch({type: 'DELETE_CARDS', payload: {username: proj.user.username, tokens: proj.selectedSourceIds}}))
I hope it's useful.
I created a feature selector that combines two features to accomplish this.
The feature selector for the global module:
export interface ScaffoldPartialState extends GlobalPartialState {
readonly [SCAFFOLD_FEATURE_KEY]: State;
which I import to the Scaffold selectors and have ScaffoldPartialState extend it.
export interface ScaffoldPartialState extends GlobalPartialState {
readonly [SCAFFOLD_FEATURE_KEY]: State;
The createFeatureSelector only returns the state typed so that the returned type looks like it contains only the state for this feature.
The value is the complete application state, but the type makes it looks like it's only for one module.
By one type extending the other, the resulting type provides a property for both modules.
module1: { ... },
module2: { ... },
module3: { ... }
module2: { ... },
Module2PartialState extends Module3PartialState
module2: { ... },
module3: { ... }
This way the ScaffoldPartialState feature selector works for selectors of both modules.
export const getAuthorizedMenuItems = createSelector(
(_globalState, userPermissions, menuItems) =>
userPermissions ? menuItems.filter(e => userPermissions.checkAllPermissions(e.permissions)) : []
