Extracting normal-distributed subset from a dataset in R - r

Working with a dataset of ~200 observations and a number of variables. Unfortunately, none of the variables are distributed normally. If it possible to extract a data subset where at least one desired variable will be distributed normally? Want to do some statistics after (at least logistic regression).
Any help will be much appreciated,

If there are just a few observations that skew the distribution of individual variables, and no other reasons speaking against using a particular method (such as logistic regression) on your data, you might want to study the nature of "weird" observations before deciding on which analysis method to use eventually.
I would:
carry out the desired regression analysis (e.g. logistic regression), and as it's always required, carry out residual analysis (Q-Q Normal plot, Tukey-Anscombe plot, Leverage plot, also see here) to check the model assumptions. See whether the residuals are normally distributed (the normal distribution of model residuals is the actual assumption in linear regression, not that each variable is normally distributed, of course you might have e.g. bimodally distributed data if there are differences between groups), see if there are observations which could be regarded as outliers, study them (see e.g. here), and if possible remove them from the final dataset before re-fitting the linear model without outliers.
However, you always have to state which observations were removed, and on what grounds. Maybe the outliers can be explained as errors in data collection?
The issue of whether it's a good idea to remove outliers, or a better idea to use robust methods was discussed here.
as suggested by GuedesBF, you may want to find a test or model method which has no assumption of normality.
Before modelling anything or removing any data, I would always plot the data by treatment / outcome groups, and inspect the presence of missing values. After quickly looking at your dataset, it seems that quite some variables have high levels of missingness, and your variable 15 has a lot of zeros. This can be quite problematic for e.g. linear regression.
Understanding and describing your data in a model-free way (with clever plots, e.g. using ggplot2 and multiple aesthetics) is much better than fitting a model and interpreting p-values when violating model assumptions.
A good start to get an overview of all data, their distribution and pairwise correlation (and if you don't have more than around 20 variables) is to use the psych library and pairs.panels.
dat <- read.delim("~/Downloads/dput.txt", header = F)
You can then quickly see the distribution of each variable, and the presence of correlations among each pair of variables. You can tune arguments of that function to use different correlation methods, and different displays. Happy exploratory data analysis :)


Donwsizing a lm object for plotting

I'd like to use check_model() from {performance} but I'm working with a few millions datapoints, which make plotting too costly. Is it possible to take a sample from a lm() model without affecting everything else (eg., it's coefficients).
# defining a model
model = lm(mpg ~ wt + am + gear + vs * cyl, data = mtcars)
# checking model assumptions
Created on 2022-08-23 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Alternative: Is downsizing, ok? In a ML workflow I'd donwsample for tunning, feature selection and feature engineering, for example. But I don't know if that's usual in classic linear regression modelling (is OK to test for heteroskedasticity in a downsized sample and then estimate the coefficients with full sample?)
Speeding up check_model
The documentation (?check_model) explains a few things you can do to speed up the function/plotting without subsampling:
For models with many observations, or for more complex models in
general, generating the plot might become very slow. One reason might
be that the underlying graphic engine becomes slow for plotting many
data points. In such cases, setting the argument show_dots = FALSE
might help. Furthermore, look at the check argument and see if some of
the model checks could be skipped, which also increases performance.
Accordingly, you can turn off the dots-per-point default with check_model(model, show_dots = FALSE). You can also choose the specific checks you get (reducing computation time) if you are not interested in them. For example, you could get only samples from the posterior predictive distribution with check_model(model, check = "pp_check").
Implications of Downsampling
Choosing a subset of observations (and/or draws from the posterior if you're using a Bayesian model) will always change the results of anything that conditions on the data. Both your model parameters and post-estimation summaries conditioning on the data will change. Just how much it will change depends on variability of your observations and sample size. With millions of observations, it's probably unlikely to change much -- but maybe some rare data patterns can heavily influence your results during (post)-estimation.
Plotting for heteroskedasticity based on a different model than the one you estimated makes little sense, but your mileage may vary because the models may differ little. You're looking to evaluate how well your model approximates the Gauss-Markov variance assumptions, not how well another model does. From a computational perspective, it would also be puzzling to do so: the residuals are part of estimation -- if you can fit the model, you can presumably also show the residuals in various ways.
That being said, these plots are also approximations to the actual distribution of interest anyway (i.e. you're implicitly estimating test statistics with some of these plots) and since the central limit theorem applies, things would look the same roughly if you cut out some observations given your data are sufficiently large.

How to run a truncated and inflated Poisson model in R?

My data doesn't contain any zeros. The minimum value for my outcome, y, is 1 and that is the value that is inflated. My objective is to run a truncated and inflated Poisson regression model using R.
I already know how to separate way each regression zero truncated and zero inflated. I want to know how to combine the two conditions into one model.
Thanks for you help.
For zero inflated models or zero-hurdle models, the standard approach is to use pscl package. I also wrote a package fitting that kind of models here but it is not yet mature and fully tested. Unless you have voluminous data, I still recommend you to use pscl that is more flexible, robust and documented.
For zero-truncated models, you can have a look at the VGML::vglm function. You might find useful information here.
Note that you are not doing the same distributional assumption so you won't need the same estimation data. Given the description of your dataset, I think you are looking for a zero-truncated model (since you do not observe zeros). With zero-inflated models, you decompose your observed pattern into zeros generated by a selection model and others generated by a count data model. This doesn't look to be a pattern consistent with your dataset.

Random Forest vs Logistic Regression

I am working on a dataset. It is a classification problem. One column of the dataset has around 11000 missing values out of total 300k observations (It is a categorical variable so missing value imputation like numerical ones is not possible).
Is it advisable to go ahead with Random Forest rather than Logistic Regression as Random Forest is not affected by missing values?
Also do i need to take care of multi-collinearity among independent variables while using RF or there is no need of that?
Although the RFM can handle noise data and missing values, it seems difficult to say that it is better than logistic. Because logistic can also be improved through other pre-processing (PCA or missing data imputation) or ensemble method.
I think RF does not have to take into account the multi-collinearity . This is because the variables are randomly selected to create different trees and produce results. In this process, the most important attributes are chosen and interpreted as solving the problem of multi-collinearity with similar trends.

Did I just do an ANCOVA or MANOVA?

I’m trying to do an ANCOVA here ...
I want to analyze the effect of EROSION FORCE and ZONATION on all the species (listed with small letters) in each POOL.STEP (ranging from 1-12/1-4), while controlling for the effect of FISH.
I’m not sure if I’m doing it right. What is the command for ANCOVA?
So far I used lm(EROSIONFORCE~ZONATION+FISH,data=d), which yields:
So what I see here is that both erosion force percentage (intercept?) and sublittoral zonation are significant in some way, but I’m still not sure if I’ve done an ANCOVA correctly here or is this just an ANOVA?
In general, ANCOVA (analysis of covariance) is simply a special case of the general linear model with one categorical predictor (factor) and one continuous predictor (the "covariate"), so lm() is the right function to use.
However ... the bottom line is that you have a moderately challenging statistical problem here, and I would strongly recommend that you try to get local help (if you're working within a research group, can you consult with others in your group about appropriate methods?) I would suggest following up either on CrossValidated or r-sig-ecology#r-project.org
by putting EROSIONFORCE on the left side of the formula, you're specifying that you want to use EROSIONFORCE as a response (dependent) variable, i.e. your model is estimating how erosion force varies across zones and for different fish numbers - nothing about species response
if you want to analyze the response of a single species to erosion and zone, controlling for fish numbers, you need something like
lm(`Acmaeidae s...` ~ EROSIONFORCE+ZONATION+FISH, data=your_data)
the lm() suggestion above would do each species independently, i.e. you'd have to do a separate analysis for each species. If you also want to do it separately for each POOL.STEP you're going to have to do a lot of separate analyses. There are various ways of automating this in R, the most idiomatic is probably to melt your data (see reshape2::melt or tidy::gather) into long format and then use lmList from lme4.
since you have count data with low means, i.e. lots of zeros (and a few big values), you should probably consider a Poisson or negative binomial model, and possibly even a zero-inflated/hurdle model (i.e. analyze presence-absence and size of positive responses separately)
if you really want to analyze the joint distribution of all species (i.e., a response of a multivariate analysis, which is the M in MANOVA), you're going to have to work quite a bit harder ... there are a variety of joint species distribution models by people like Pierre Legendre, David Warton and others ... I'd suggest you try starting with the mvabund package, but you might need to do some reading first

R code: Extracting highly correlated variables and Running multivariate regression model with selected variables

I have a huge data which has about 2,000 variables and about 10,000 observations.
Initially, I wanted to run a regression model for each one with 1999 independent variables and then do stepwise model selection.
Therefore, I would have 2,000 models.
However, unfortunately R presented errors because of lack of memory..
So, alternatively, I have tried to remove some independent variables which are low correlation value- maybe lower than .5-
With variables which are highly correlated with each dependent variable, I would like to run regression model..
I tried to do follow codes, even melt function doesn't work because of memory issue.. oh god..
#it doesn't work with my own data..because of lack of memory.
Please help me.. and thank you so much in advance..!
In such a situation if might be worth trying sparsity inducing techniques such as the Lasso. Here a sparse subset of variables is selected by constraining the sum of absolute values of the regression coefficients.
This will give you a reduced subset of variables which are the most relevant (and due to the nature of the Lasso algorithm also the most correlated, which was what you were looking for)
In R you can use the LARS package and information about the Lasso can be found here:
Also a very good resource is: http://www-stat.stanford.edu/~tibs/ElemStatLearn/
