Host ShinyApp from own (Linux) server and own domain - r

I have programmed a Shiny WebApp and would now like to deploy it myself. So far I have made it available at For this I have already set up my own server (a virtual machine running on a datacenter), installed CentOS Server and bought my own domain. Likewise, I have already installed ShinyServer.
However, now I do not really know how to proceed.
In forums I have found various possibilities, which I can not really understand. Therefore I would like to ask here, which possibility is the simplest to provide a Shiny WebApp from the own server under the own domain. This should work without additional costs.
Thanks in advance!

I you have already installed Shinyserver on the CentOs -instance i would advise you to
test if the installation is running properly by checking if the sample app’s are running:
go to a webbrowser on your local machine http://"your-server-address":3838/sample-apps
the test apps should be displayed here , if not:
$ sudo systemctl start shiny-server
check again
copy (scp or clone from git ) your App.R onto the server and put it inside a subdirectory of the /srv/shiny-server/ - directory
check if the app is displayed and works properly (often dependencies are missing) on the server port 3838:
4: read the
quick start guide:


ACORE API, assistance with errors and deployment

I'm having trouble with setting up ACORE API's and then having them work on a website.
Azerothcore running 3.3.5 on a debian standalone server, this has the Database, Core files and runs both the world and auth server basically a standard setup that is shown in the how-to wiki.
I also have a standalone web server, on the same subnet, but it's a separate server running linux and normal web server stuff, this has a wordpress installation with azerothcore plugin for user signup etc.
I'm trying to add the player map ( and the ACORE-API set of functions (server status, arenastats, BG que and wow statistics) (
I understand the acore-api must be run in a container (docker or whatever) on the server, which I have done and it binds to port 3000, I can then go to the local ip:3000 and it brings up this error. (all db's etc are connecting and soap is working)
error 404 when navigating to IP:3000
I do get a few errors when running NPM install seen here: I'm not sure if they would be causing any issues or not.
screenshot of NPM errors on install
But further that, when I put say 'serverstatus' on the webserver (separate server) and configure the config.ts file I can't seem to get anything to display.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but is the same scenario for all of the different functions for the acore-api
How are these meant to be installed and function? I feel I'm missing a vital step.
Likewise, with PLAYERMAP I have edited the comm_conf.php and set the realmd_id, but when loading the page, I do get the map, but the uptime is missing and no players are shown?
Could someone assist if possible?
Seems like an issue with NodeJS version. Update your NodeJS to latest LTS version 16.13.0 (

Curl error 7 when installing apps on nextcloud

Hey this is my first question on here, so go easy.
I set up a Nextcloud server on my homelab in an ubuntu server 20.04 vm using the snap install. I have a seperate vm running nginx as a reverse proxy to my Nextcloud instance. Everything works flawlessly as intended, except that when I try and install apps on Nextcloud, I get a curl error #7. I've tried using my lan ip through the web ui, my public domain name through the web ui, and the commandline using the nextcloud.occ app:install command. I always get the same error. I tried to find the appropriate log file to get more information but looking in /var/snap/nextcloud/current/log/ I couldn't find any relevant info in any of the logs. Running php -m comes up with php not installed, I guess because php is installed via the Nextcloud snap? Obviously php is installed somewhere because Nextcloud is running, but I don't know how to look and see what modules are enabled, or how to install new ones using the snap. Any help on what to do is much appreciated!
enter image description here
Update: I fixed it. I think I had improperly configured my firewall, and turning it off (in proxmox)/making some changes to my /etc/netplan/*.yaml file to properly configure the static IP fixed it. GL
Another reason can be a wrongliy configured network. I forgot to set the gateway/proxy for IPv4, so was unreachable. Most other services I use seem to resolve IPv6 first, so I did not have any other problems besides updating nextcloud apps.

Error when hosting shiny app on DigitalOcean ubuntu server

I have built a shiny app that I have successfully deployed to in the past. However, since I need better hosting resources and a custom domain, and the only option allowing for the latter is out of my price range, I am trying to host the app on a digital ocean ubuntu droplet.
I have been able to set up shiny server on my droplet using this tutorial. The sample apps work just fine. However, when I try to access my own app (having uploaded it into a directory within my shiny server) I get the following error:
An error has occurred! An error has occurred. Check your logs or
contact the app author for clarification.
I've googled for a solution and have tried moving the data cleaning steps from outside the server/ui function into the functions. I have also checked that RStudio on the droplet has all the required packages installed and that seems to be the case. I have checked the logs but there is nothing about this app or the error in the shiny server log. My app works fine both on my local computer and on I'd really appreciate any pointers (and apologies if I am duplicating but I haven't found anything that seems directly applicable).
Okay - it turns out one of the packages was indeed missing. I had installed them all using my non-root user with admin privileges, and was under the impression they were available globally. One of the packages was not available to root and installing it there resolved the problem.

Shiny app on Server: not publish it, only make it run

I am working on an Shiny app in R. My goal is to put in on a server, not on my local pc.
EDIT: my goal is not to publish it on the web, but only make it run on the server locally.
I have installed R on the server, added all the libraries I need, lastly I tried to launch my app that it is quite long, the schema is more or less this:
data preprocessing (with RODBC)
some custom functions
server<- etc.
ui<- etc.
Well in my local pc everything is fine, but on the server I cannot have a result, it is impossible to reach the address.
I decided to do something like this, create the two files called server and ui, and launching them with:
Having the idea to use the option of runApp.
Well it is arriving this
ERROR: Error sourcing C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmp8YeSOV\file22281c0c2f6d
First of all, this procedure is going to help me?
If so, could you tell me what that error mean?
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure, but I think it's not possible to reach a shiny app running in a local computer (or server). For that purpose you can use the Shiny Sever, which allow you to put your Shiny apps accessible online.
It seems that your server is a Windows computer, so your options are:
Build Shiny Server from its source code, (maybe a little difficult).
Use a virtual machine like VMware Player (free for non-commercial use) and install Ubuntu or other Linux distribution to use the pre-built binary of Shiny Server. With this option you can restrict the access to only your local network and maybe faster access to your DB's.
Use a DigitalOcean virtual server (for a very reasonable price), in this case you apps will be on the cloud and accesible everywhere.
For option 2 and 3 you can follow the very useful and well written tutorial of Dean Attali about installing and setting up a Shiny Sever. It is for DigitalOcean but is pretty much the same if you decide to use a virtual machine with Linux.
The answer is quite simple, I was using IE as browser: if you use Chrome specifying it on the runApp statement, everything works fine.

OpenCPU server root directory

What directory does the single-user OpenCPU server serve from, and if I have a webpage that uses OpenCPU JavaScript code, how do I make it run on my server? I want to avoid using CORS.
I've tried fooling around with .opencpu.conf, but no luck - there isn't anything there that specifies the server path, except for "appspaths", changing which doesn't affect anything.
Further, as a side question - has anybody attempted installing the OpenCPU cloud server on Arch, and is the process more or less straightforward?
Thanks, cheers.
You need to put your code into the inst dir of an R package and install that on your server. See one of the example apps which are live here:
