I need to use google cloud database but the data must be post from external device using http post request. Someone has a tutorial or example to do that?
good afternoon. I need to create http endpoint to which the webhook will be sent. I need to see what data will be in the webhook.
Please tell me the simple way to create an endpoint on my PC (Windows) with which I can send a webhook like this.
maybe there is some simple implementation on node.js or with using IIS.
I am trying to put pictures that are on Firebase into a google Drive by using google App script. I've no code, I only tried reading the documentation, but it seems to be deprecated. There seems to be a way to use an Oauth token but I could not find a token on my firebase database.
I go into a lot of detail about using OAuth2 and service accounts with Google Apps Script in this story on Medium.
I suppose you want to use Firebase storage? The approach should be similar:
Create a service account
Use the OAuth2 library to generate a Bearer token
Use that token with the API call via UrlFetchApp
It would help if you shared more details on what you're trying to achieve, but this should set you on the right track.
I am currently facing the following situation.
Sending Firebase Messages via HttpCall via the google API endpoint:
Here we have to use OAuth2.0 with a valid Bearer Token like discussed in this question:
What Bearer token should I be using for Firebase Cloud Messaging testing?
After following these steps I was able to send Firebase Messages via the google API.
Now I would like to get the Bearer Token via a HttpCall without doing the manual step with the Playground https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground.
I cannot find any documentation on how to "Exchange authorization code for tokens" via simple HttpCall. I have no possibility to implement any code because I would like to send Firebase messages inside a "Dataverse Cloud Flow/PowerAutomate", therefore no possibility to load any external DLL (like the Firebase Admin Dll, which would implement this functionality).
I am not,looking for a solution which depends on external Dll like https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/rest/auth#authenticate_with_an_access_token or Pre-RequestScript
Any help is appreciated
What you are after is fundamentally not possible, since you can't hook the result of the bearer token into the same URL process to send messages. By the sounds of it you are unable to fetch one URL, process the results from that URL to pass onto the other which is what the REST API would do.
As such, you will need a secondary service that you can simply send messages to and it will invoke the Message and authentication for you, a bridge as you will. You can use Firebase Cloud Functions with an onRequest call or a simple express server on a Google Compute Engine instance (f1 free tier).
Then you can send your message request from your service to this bridge which will authenticate for you and send the message, it would be a fairly simple script to implement, specially with the admin-sdk.
after reading this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/51614256/15486192 from #Arsam, i am successfully sending data from nodeMcu esp8266 to firebase.
but i am using Database secrets Although it is deprecated.
and while searching for an alternative i came across firebase REST
Firebase Database REST API
API Usage
You can use any Firebase Realtime Database URL as a REST
endpoint. All you need to do is append .json to the end of the URL and
send a request from your favorite HTTPS client.
HTTPS is required. Firebase only responds to encrypted traffic so that your data remains safe.
after reading that, anyone conclude that you can send data to firebase using HTTPS request.
so my questions,
is REST API just an HTTP request?
i am just confused if it is, then why just not naming it HTTP API?
can i send my data to firebase Realtime-database using only https request from my client?if yes then how
REST or RESTful API design (Representational State Transfer) is designed to take advantage of existing protocols. While REST can be used over nearly any protocol, it usually takes advantage of HTTP when used for Web APIs.
Be carefull when using the REST API on the client side!
The REST API for the Firebase RTDB is usualy ment for development of code where you don't wand or can't use the official SDKs. For example when you code in a language that doesn't have a official Firebase SDK. Or also in usecases where you because of perfromacne reasons don't want to use the SDKs. In most cases landing pages.
BUT. The REST API is very handy for public data in your database. And I would only recommend to leave public data only the read access. Othervise anyone could fill up your database with knowing your REST API.
So if you plan to use the RTDB on your client side try to use official SDK because the handle the security for you.
David East even had a talk on the last Google IO on how to improve the loading time for laning pages by removing the Firebase SDKs and using the REST API. But that was also only for public data.
If you want to use it on a server from the backend you can use also the REST API. Here is the documentation for using the REST API and here for the authentication part of it.
I created a firebase function for making my website's recaptcha validation, but I'm getting the error that people get when they have the Spark (free) plan and try to send a request to an external api.
This is my error: Firebase functions ENOTFOUND on all http requests
And this is an error when someone else requested an external API: Firebase functions - getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND api.sandbox.paypal.com
From Firebase's pricing page:
The Spark plan only allows outbound network requests to Google owned services
Google owned services they say, so this shouldn't be a problem when requesting a recaptcha validation, right?
It it no longer necessary to be on the paid plan to call the reCAPTCHA server API as it was recently whitelisted (as long as you're accessing it via recaptcha.google.com). You can read more about that here.
Something in your code is reaching out to api.sandbox.paypal.com, which is not a Google-owned service. So you will indeed need to be on a paid plan for that.
Without seeing the minimal code that reproduces the problem it has hard to say what precisely calls Paypal.