How can hide storybook control per story arg - storybook

I have rails engine project using storybook and mdx files to specify the controls
but i need to hide specific control per story
title='Label Component'
object: 'employee',
field_name: 'name',
text: 'Employee name',
tooltip: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing eli'
I have two stories [label,with_tooltip]
in case label story i need to hide tooltip control
I'm using view component preview to show components

You can disable controls for individual properties of a story including the prop table documentation, or you can disable only the control and leave the prop table documentation intact.
To disable the control and prop table documentation for the tooltip prop:
title='Label Component'
object: 'employee',
field_name: 'name',
text: 'Employee name',
tooltip: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing eli'
tooltip: {
table: {
disable: true
To disable the control but leave the prop table documentation intact for the tooltip prop:
title='Label Component'
object: 'employee',
field_name: 'name',
text: 'Employee name',
tooltip: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing eli'
tooltip: {
control: false
See the Storybook docs on disabling controls for specific properties.

The best approach is doing this:
export default {
title: 'Pages/Login ',
component: Login,
} as ComponentMeta<typeof Login>;

For someone searching for a way to remove the control and change the control count, use amir's answer:
But changing the regex '/.*/g'(used to remove all the controls) for either:
Another regex that works for you.
A string with the name of the control you want to disable.
The following regex, changing the passing the names of the controls you want to disable between pipes(|).
For anyone that wants the explanation for the regex, you can read this comment.


djangocms-text-ckeditor how to stop it removing HTML tags and attributes

(1) Using the docker image of django cms obtained from
django cms install docker image
(2) The version of CKEditor being used (taken from requirement.txt) is:
(3) The directory structure is
(4) has
from cms.plugin_base import CMSPluginBase
from cms.plugin_pool import plugin_pool
from cms.models.pluginmodel import CMSPlugin
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from .models import AvilonLayout3Column
class AvilonLayout3ColumnPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
model = AvilonLayout3Column
render_template = "AvilonLayout3Column.html"
cache = False
from cms.models.pluginmodel import CMSPlugin
from django.db import models
from djangocms_text_ckeditor.fields import HTMLField
class AvilonLayout3Column(CMSPlugin):
title = models.CharField(max_length=50, default='Pricing')
column_1_featureColumn=models.BooleanField (default=False)
column_1_heading=models.CharField(max_length=50, default='Free')
#----------- HTMLField defined -----------------
column_1_button_show=models.BooleanField (default=True)
column_1_button_text=models.CharField(max_length=20, default='Get Started')
(7) CKEditior is removing attributes from HTML tags for example
If this is input:
<i class='bi bi-check-circle'>
Quam adipiscing vitae proin
<i class='bi bi-check-circle'></i>
Nec feugiat nisl pretium
<i class='bi bi-check-circle'></i>
Nulla at volutpat diam uteera
It is converted to:
<li>Quam adipiscing vitae proin</li>
<li>Nec feugiat nisl pretium</li>
<li>Nulla at volutpat diam uteera</li>
namely, the i tags and class attributes are removed.
(8) I know that this is due to CKEditor and when the above behavior is reported elsewhere people are often saying that the config.allowedContent should be set to true and then there is reference in other articles about extraAllowedContent needing to be set
(9) Then elsewhere it is stated that amending your file could address the situation adding
'basicEntities': False,
'entities': False,
but, does this mean i add the above in the backend/ file or somewhere else? If the former then this doesn't work
(10) the CKEditior plugin directory from the docker images looks like this:
(11) So am trying to get the plugin field's CKEditor to over ride it's default behaviour - this plugin field:
Any ideas how I over-ride the default behavior so the i tag and it's attribute of class stay put and are not removed by CKEditor
Useful resource:
Just can't get the advice in the above resource to work.
The setting should be added to your file.
The specific settings can be found here:
I can see that the setting you have doesn't match the model, your setting: CKEDITOR_SETTINGS_AvilonLayout3ColumnPricing, I think should be: CKEDITOR_SETTINGS_AvilonLayout3Column
May also be worth adding the htmlEncodeOutput setting:
The HTML field does have some limitations for plugins, but I think the configuration should work ok.

React NextJs Add Link as componenet into a string

I need to build nextJs links programatically.
A simple example:
const link = <Link href={'/example'}>ipsum</Link>
const text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
const replaced = text.replaceAll('ipsum', link);
But the result is:
Lorem [object Object] dolor sit amet
How can i replace a string with a link componenet without destroying the react component?
Thank you
Concatenating components in a string will result in displaying [object Object] because eventually that component is an object and will get coerced into a string to fit in.
What would work in react to achieve your goal is to use arrays instead.
const link = <Link href={'/example'}>ipsum</Link>
const text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
const res = text.split(" ").reduce((acc, curr) => {
if (curr === "ipsum") {
return [...acc, link];
return [...acc, ` ${curr} `];
}, []);
return <>{res}</>
The fragment would display the array of objects as you expect it to be.

Display Multiple Variants in Storybook Without Multiple Stories?

I am building a Storybook and would like to display multiple variants of the same component in the 'Docs' tab, without creating new stories under the component in the left nav. Is this possible?
For example, I have the following component:
export const Template = (args) => (
<Alert {...args}></Alert>
name="Filled Alert"
children: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.',
severity: 'info',
variant: 'filled'
This component has multiple severity values that I would like to show ('info', 'success', 'warning', 'error'). If I create another <Story> to show that variant in the documentation:
name="Filled Alert - Success"
children: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.',
severity: 'success',
variant: 'filled'
In this case, I'll get two entries under 'Alert' for each of the stories above. What I'd like though is only a single 'Filled Alert' entry. The Canvas showing a single component that can be played with and the Docs showing my MDX documentation.
But (to make it more tricky), I am trying to get a unique entry for each variant property. So:
Filled Alert
Standard Alert
Outline Alert
Each of the sub-bullets showing different severity, but not creating new children.
Have you tried using #addon-knobs as referenced on this SO post?
The #addon-knobs has been deprecated in favor of #addon-controls.

Is it possible to use css in .js file in a react app?

I want to map .js file. I need to apply some CSS too. Is it possible to place CSS in a .js file?
I have a constant file at src > Constant > AboutMyselftProgressCount.js and it's code is as below:
const AboutMyselfProgressCount = [
ProgressCountTitle: "USER REACHERS",
ProgressCountTitle: "WEB DESIGN",
ProgressCountTitle: "UI DESIGN",
ProgressCountTitle: "ILLUSTRATION",
export default AboutMyselfProgressCount;
Now I've another .js file at src > Routes > Home > Components > AboutMyself > Components > SkillsContent
The code is as below:
import React from 'react'
import { Row, Col } from 'react-bootstrap'
const Skills = (props) => {
return (
export default Skills;
Basically in this section I've some stuff that I'm using with props
Now, I've one another .js file at src > Routes > Home > Components > AboutMyself > index.js in which I'm mapping data from No. 1 and No. 2
The code is as:
import React from 'react'
import './style.scss';
import Skills from '../AboutMyself/Components/SkillsContent/index'
import AboutMyselfProgressCount from '../../../../Constant/AboutMyselfProgressCount'
const AboutMyself = () => {
return (
<div className='AboutMyselfBackground'>
<div className='AboutMyselfContent'>
<div className='content'>
I’m a Creative director based on New York, who loves clean, simple & unique design. I also enjoy crafting..
<a href=''>DOWNLOAD RESUME</a>
<div className='borderTop'></div>
{, ind) => {
return (
<div className='skillsPara'>
Proin laoreet elementum ligula, ac tincidunt lorem accumsan nec. Fusce eget urna ante. Donec massa velit, varius a accumsan ac, tempor iaculis massa. Sed placerat justo sed libero varius vulputate.
export default AboutMyself;
All I want to show a progress bar of skills under ProgressCountTitle which is being done using css. So is this possible to place that css of progress bar(s) in file No. 1 using array of objects, array of object(s) as a key value of an object, etc. etc.
I hope I'm clear to all of you with my question.
A CSS component for React is Styled-Component. You can specifically design out your element within the same JS file and assign them by unique element name.
This example was taken direct from their documentation
// Create a Title component that'll render an <h1> tag with some styles
const Title = styled.h1`
font-size: 1.5em;
text-align: center;
color: palevioletred;
// Create a Wrapper component that'll render a <section> tag with some styles
const Wrapper = styled.section`
padding: 4em;
background: papayawhip;
// Use Title and Wrapper like any other React component – except they're styled!
Hello World!
Yes ofcourse you can
just create any .css file and import in react component.
import './App.css'
and then you can simply add your classNames to your JSX as follows.
<div className='myclass'>
hello world
if you want mode advance feature like preventing the global styles and using component bases local styles you can also use css modules in reactjs.
you need to name the css file as anyfilename.module.css
then you need to import like:
import classes from './anyfilename.module.css'
then you can add your style classes to jsx as follows:
<div className='myclass'>
hello world
to learn more click here

Custom controls in StoryBook with Angular

I'm starting to use Storybook in an Angular component library.
It works fine for components with inputs like booleans or strings, it shows those inputs using controls.
But there are certain components where the input is an object.
For those components I'm able to provide an object, but users are able to edit a string with the JSON representation of the object instead of several inputs.
How do I do this in a user-friendly way so users can edit those properties in the control without using a JSON representation of the object?
If you're using Knobs, you can write them like this:
This sample here:
class sample{
title: string;
text: string;
settings: {
language: string;
disabled: boolean;
would turn into this:
template: `
<div style="max-width:80vw;margin:auto;">
props: {
titleKnob: text('Title',''),
textKnob: text('Text area', ''),
settingsKnob: {
language: text('Default Language', 'en'),
disabled: boolean('Disabled', false),
