I'm using Firebase analytics and I want to set a user property from the server side (Firebase functions).
Is that possible? How?
I want to send Firebase project analytics to both GA4 and UA (GA-Universal) properties. Is that possible?
Does Firebase support integration with UA properties at all?
I have Firebase analytics data and enabled BigQuery. But I have a requirement to validate the number of events and screens at app side under automated UI testing. Anyway to access and validate the Firebase analytics data at ios app side programmatically either in swift or objective c?
There is no API to retrieve Google Analytics data through Firebase. See Can I get firebase analytics data using query?
There is also no API for BigQuery to allow secure access directly from your client-side app. That would be a significant security risk, as you'd be exposing data about all of your users to all of your users.
The usual way to implement functionality is to create a custom endpoint (either using a server you already have, or Cloud Functions for Firebase) that exposes just the information your clients need access
We have implemented google analytics for firebase on our ios app. We are tracking some custom events and user properties in addition to the firebase defaults.
We need to send these events and user properties to google analytics for reporting purpose.
Below is how we are trying to set up the tags and variable for user properties.
Custom User Properties on Firebase
Tag in GTM for user property Primary internal source
Variable in GTM for user property Primary internal source
Need advice on where we are going wrong as this setup is not pushing the data to GA.
I know it is possible to set the userID in Firebase Analytics with the FirebaseAnalytics.setUserId(String id) public method.
But is it possible to do so using an GTM Firebase container by adding the value to an Firebase event? And if so, how?
we are planning to move from the GA SDK to the Firebase SDK. Within the GA SDK there were options to retrieve the google analytics client ID (https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/parameters#cid). This was fundamental since we transferred this value to the WebView (within the app), so that the customers tracking across native/webview was possible.
Does anybody know how to retrieve this client ID within firebase analytics SDK (iOS & Android)?
The short answer is no - the client ID equivalent (app instance ID) is not currently accessible through an SDK API.
The longer answer :
Firebase Analytics currently only supports logging events from native code. And so, the js code in your webview would call native code to log events and you don't need access to the app instance ID.