Can I currently purchase a perpetual game maker studio 2 mobile development license on steam and then transfer it to my yoyogames account? - game-maker

I am considering purchasing a license to create mobile games with game maker studio 2. They have recently updated from a perpetual license model to a subscription model. However, it appears that it is still possible to buy a perpetual license if it is purchased through steam. I know that it is possible to link a steam account to a yoyo games account. But, is it possible to get a perpetual license for mobile development on steam, and then transfer it to my yoyo games account so that I can develop for mobile without using the steam version of gms2?

You can link a Steam account to YoYo Games account on the dashboard to have access to those licences without having to run GameMaker via Steam;
As per FAQ, if you buy a permanent licence, you keep it, including the current Steam licences (which have not been updated to subscription model yet).


How does Gluon mobile paid license work?

I understand that Gluon shows nag screen for free users as per the documentation on the websiteand removes the nag for paid. "Licenses are validated online once per application install."
Say, a developer purchases a paid subscription, builds and releases the app in 6 months. After the app is released there wont be development for a long time.
So, the developer cancels the paid account and goes back to free. The app is already released and in stores and on many users devices. Now, after the six month, will the nag screen start showing again for new installs and current users?
I have asked technical support about this problem and their answer was:
Hi Ahmed,
Thank you for contacting us.
Any apps deployed to App Store or Play Store with the license will continue to work without nag screen even after the license expires. Only, if you want to make any changes(development) to the existing app after the expiry of the license, the nag screen will be shown again.
Hope it answers your question.

Is TideSDK defunct?

I am interested in creating a desktop application using HTML5+webkit, and I'd like to be able to build a stand-alone executables for various target platforms like a .exe file for Windows and a .dmg image for Mac OS. I have played around with node-webkit, which seems nice except for the packaging / distribution portion. I also stumbled on TideSDK, but that project seems to be inactive. For example, the latest release I saw was a beta from November of 2012. Yet, it seems the core developers have switched to developing TideKit instead.
Does anyone here know if TideKit is intended as a replacement for TideSDK? Is TideSDK going away? etc.
Well, TIDE is now officially a dead project. I just got this email about 15 minutes ago. and TideKit have been discontinued.
TideKit was software for developing apps for all platforms
simultaneously with a single base of code written in JavaScript.
The scope and complexity of the product made it difficult to
assemble the platform all at once. This stemmed from a holistic
approach to app development for all platforms. While creating a
platform for JavaScript developers, much of the core engineering is in
a variety of lower level languages that affect the speed of
development. We considered delivering parts of our platform as we
reached milestones, but this was not suitable for the start of trials.
We were widely criticized for not revealing our technical innovation
in advance of our release. In a competitive environment, revealing
advantages as you go can also mean assimilation as you go. We had
already witnessed how quickly our technical advantages could be
assimilated by competitors to our open source TideSDK product.
Therefore, we held back with a view of delaying the duplication of
features by competitors, increasing our technical barriers and working
to protect our IP and business case until we felt we were ready.
In a startup, we talk about a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). In our
case, our minimum viable product was much larger and more difficult to
achieve. In total, approximately three years of research and
development was committed with multiple developers working greater
than full time hours. A factor that extended the development was an
expansion of scope that aimed to lower friction in the app development
In Feb 2014, we created a system to queue developers with
reservation system for the earliest possible access to TideKit. Our
goal was to provide an early trial when it became available. Since the
development itself was complex, we could not provide a date when
ticket holders could start the trial process – but it would be
following our betas, then moving forward as we scaled the platform.
We were clear with our language on the site concerning reservations.
As a result, we expected little confusion about what was being
purchased, our expectations of timing to market, or the terms of
purchase for a reservation ticket. Purchasers were not paying for our
product at this point, but for their position in a queue for a trial
of our new technology. We also included a refund policy to ensure the
terms of purchase for your ticket were available. The wait has been
long, but not nearly as long as other difficult engineering challenges
including Myo that pre-sold their product and were also delayed before
successfully rolling out.
Throughout the development cycle we provided updates of our status
via posts roadmap page, email to our ticket holders and communications
on our social channels. We did our best as a team to open ourselves to
questions and maintain a social presence.
At the end of May 2015, we communicated our strategy to execute a
series of focused betas that would have seen the platform revealed
publicly and incrementally. We were at a stage that parts of the
platform needed developer feedback as we rolled these out
In the days preparing for our first public beta, we recognized the
extent to which our brand had been poisoned by our timing to market. A
campaign of negativity that had begun several months earlier with
followers and ticket holders had taken its toll on our team, brand,
and business.
We believed the beta releases would soon bring an end to the
negative talk. On July 8 and 9 we faced further eruptions on social
media that reached the tipping point. With the discussion no longer
about the product nor its future, this was far more serious.
We failed to bring the product quickly enough for you. As a result,
we came to the serious decision to discontinue TideKit and dissolve
our company.
We wish to thank everyone involved that worked on the product and with
our team. This includes businesses, entrepreneurs and supporters of
our vision for app development.
Your TideKit Team
you are right, TideSDK is aging and pretty inactive today. And you're also right, we as a core team completely focus on TideKit now. TideKit is the future!
If you want to know the full story about why we stopped working on TideSDK and started TideKit, I recommend you to read our first Q&A. There you'll also find an answer about how we compete with node-webkit:
We've just reached the highest HTML5 score any app development platform ever achieved. If you want to know more about builds, like the ones you mentioned for Windows and OS X, you should read this
Desktop Builds
There is a new kid on the block for this sort of projects: atom-shell Based in nodejs and used to create the great Atom editor
Technical differences with node-webkit:
Presentation at JSLA about "Native NodeJS Apps":
If you look at this blog post, they talk about how unsustainable the economical situation is
and I can't find the tweet that was stating the reasons behind the transition from one project to another. But I guess that the blogpost speaks for itself.
Anyway, I'm delivering a project written in node-webkit ( because I starded on Tide but for the obvious reasons I had to switch ) and I'm using grunt for packaging and in the end is not that bad.
Electron ( is the new way to go.
I also had an app running on TideSDK ( and I'll have to migrate it to Electron.

Neo4j replication alternative to Neo4j Enterprise edition?

It seems Neo4J High Availability is only available for the Enterprise edition which is paid- is there another alternative to achieve replication without that module? (i.e. without cost). Thanks for any help!
This answer has changed. Neo4j is now open core, so the Enterprise code is no longer dual-licensed - only the commercial license option remains.
You can find more details here:
Original Answer:
Enterprise is available as quid-pro-quo - if you put your code out under an open source license, then you get access to the open source Neo4j Enterprise free of charge. However, if you are closed source, Neo Tech charges a license fee. This fee is determined by your needs and your ability to pay - if you are a small outfit with no venture capital, it's still free, and then the licensing cost increases as your ability to pay back to the development of Neo4j increases.
If your application is open-source as you mention, then you are free to use Neo4j Enterprise without paying for it, simply download it at
Actually Neo4j Enterprise is free under the open source AGPLv3 license.
Neo4j Inc can't modify the terms and still call it AGPL.
If you use Neo4j Enterprise as a server (like most people do) and communicate with it via its REST API or any of the official BOLT drivers then you never trigger AGPL's copyleft requirements.
In other words - the software that connects to it does not have to be open sourced.
You can download Neo4j Enterprise open source licensed binaries up to version 3.2.x from The links for the windows and unix packages are below. (Replace the version number for specific versions)
If you want Neo4j Enterprise 3.3.0 and on under it's free open source license, then you can build them from source like we do for our US government clients, or just grab them from our free distribution site.
Check out the blog post if you want to understand why this has happened.

write a skype plugin for this requirements

I'm starting some research on skype programming. Is there one technologie for skype plugins or are there multiple frameworks or apis?
I'd like to make a plugin where user from my database can communicate with each other (video, audio, chat) over skype without seeing each others' real skype id's - is it possible? (I guess yes, I tried skycandy a couple years ago and it was actually the same)
any hints for realization?
primary platform would be windows, but maybe android/ios as well (are mobile versions plugin enabled?)
Is skype a good choice for the requirements or is there a better solution for a small project without budget?
Skype offers an API for its Desktop clients, Desktop API and an SDK for you build your own client.
The Desktop API is in maintenance mode and doesn't support newer features in the client and has a number of known bugs.
SkypeKit is fully supported but doesn't currently support Multi Part Video, at the time of writing.
Neither of these technologies can be used on mobile devices, in the case of SkypeKit its specifically prohibited in the licence terms, and you may never obscure the sending or receiving parties Skype name as this is prohibited.
For additional info please see
Allen Smith
Community Manager
Skype Developer

Additional voices to a ASP.NET web app

I have a web application that uses SAPI to do TTS. I run it on Windows Server 2003 that has MS Sam installed by default.
I understand that there are a number of 3rd party companies that sell voices. For a commercial application, which of these companies offer licenses that don't charge a lot of money? Do they have API to easily integrate with a ASP.NET app?
I really would like to add more voices to the application.
EDIT: Anymore answers? Thanks
Judging by the question and comments it sounds like you have the rendering of the audio file and the delivery to the client down already.
Here's some aditional voices:
Basically resells the AT&T Natural Voices. Which is very expensive to use in a server setting. reading they're page seems to indicate that a license to play the rendered files over the phone can cost as little as 100 dollars for 2 concurrent ports. Their internet licensing model seems to be based on the SOAP service they offer via but the fact that the pricing page is not done yet seems to indicate this service is still being built.
Which leaves the L&H voices found on the site or the additional 5 SAPI voices offered in the SDK (setup pack for just the voices linked on
The AT&T and Cepstral voices sound the best though you pay alot for them.
Changing the rendered voice should be as easy as setting the Sapi.SpVoice.Voice property.
