I would like to know if the HERE API results apply the recent speed limit in Paris (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/paris-limits-car-speed-to-30-kmhour-in-bid-to-boost-safety-air-quality/ar-AANUgux).
We have a response from the Map content team that, Paris: the speed limit of 30km/h has been implemented on the majority of Municipality attributes in the latest map release.
Useful speed limit demo
Link : https://tcs.ext.here.com/examples/v3/rme_speed_limits
I am currently live streaming tweets via the stream_tweets command based on a pre defined query, provided by the "rtweet" package. My only concern is whether I have some sort of limits from Twitter`s API?
Note that I am a beginner with regards to APIs, thus this question may be quite foolish.
Thank you
Update The stream_tweets section of the documentation references the link below, which states you have a rate limit of 10 requests per 60 seconds.
The rtweet documentation says the rate limit for the standard search API
is 18,000 tweets per fifteen minutes. This is on page 5 in the bearer_token function section.
I found this site which allow me to scrap the announcement title and date. However, the amount of announcement is limited to 20. See image below, anyone know where I can scrap the title and date for each announcement for the fiscal year 2021
The API is limited to 20, it is an undocumented API, other than spending time working with the API to figure out other ways around it, they don't provide any other method of getting results outside the bounds of the 20 results.
If you want more, you're going to have to find another service, which likely involves paying or writing more code.
Is there a way to get the average number of cars per time unit on each road in a bounding-box on a map using HERE traffic API ? or na indicator of this rate ?
The final goal would be to get the info regularly, and give the option to filter and average the data over time to display the results on a map.
This is not possible with any of the APIs currently available on our developer portal. I'm not sure this is available at all, but you can use the contact us form on the portal to enquire about our Enterprise offering around traffic.
I have latitude and longitude where my car is driving on highway. I want to know whether my car speed is greater than highway speed where I am driving
You can achieve this by using the simple Routing API(used for routing usecases) or Fleet Telematics API(used for complex routing problems like trucks).
Routing API: The below example provides the speed limits in a particular route. You can check this against your car speed limit to verify if you are driving within limits. Read more about the api in Here developer site - https://developer.here.com/documentation/routing/topics/resource-get-route.html
Fleet Telematics API: You can get the speedlimit information along a route using this api as well. Here provides numerous examples on how to do this in https://tcs.ext.here.com/examples site. Just login with your Here credentials and search for speed. You can take a look at the source code there. You can also read more about this api in Here website https://developer.here.com/documentation/fleet-telematics/dev_guide/index.html
Hope you find these useful!Happy Coding!
I made a app and I use goole maps API. I would like know, you know when you make a request for place, API return 5 last reviews and reviews.rating, and rating, for how many reviews this rating is calculate ? How I can have this information do you know?
I calculated for 5 last reviews and rating, the average does not correspond in 5 reviews.rating. Thus how to know this average is calculated on how much reviews? Thanks
Edit : in this question (4 years ago) : how to get total number of reviews from google reviews I have try this solution user_ratings_total but that don't work
Edit 2 : it's certainly possible nobody's know ?
it is possible now to get total number of reviews using Place Details Place APIs call: https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/details#fields
as of Jan 2019, it returns user_ratings_total field: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/releases#335
which contains the total number of reviews.
If this isn't a long term project, give my API a shot:
You can just swap the business name; I created it local to the US though by the looks of your images it seems you're looking to do it for CA; user_ratings_total was indeed removed from places but the GMB API still has access to this data, I just kind of tweaked it a little bit.
Here's a tip on how you can get the data, if you create a custom RSS feed with the URLs for the places and (not sure what language your using) you can parse through the URLs and get the metadata out; or if you use Google CSE (Custom Search Engine) the PageMap for the schemas 'review', 'aggregatedreviews' will be easy to parse through as well. These are just clevar workarounds; it sucks they omit this data from the natural official API it was very useful.