Find minimum velocity needed to reach a given coordinate? - math

I am coding a simulation of ball movement. I have an updateBall function which runs every 100 miliseconds to update the location of the ball.
How could i find out the minimum velocity needed to reach a given target coordinate?
Below is the relevant code,
ball.x = 0;
ball.y = 0;
targetX = 100;
targetY = 200;
friction = 0.03;
dx = targetX - ball.x;
dy = targetY - ball.y;
distance = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
velocity = ?;
// runs every 100ms
ball.x += velocity;
ball.y += velocity;
velocity -= friction;

It seems wrong that you apply friction to both components separately - in this case ball can stop vertically but move horizontally - looks strange, doesn't it?
Is is worth to apply acceleration to velocity vector. Seems you have straight moving - so you can precalculate coeffients for both components.
Concerning needed velocity:
distance = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
v_final = v0 - a * t = 0 so t = v0 / a
distance = v0 * t - a * t^2 / 2 substitute t and get
distance = v0^2 / (2a)
and finally initial velocity to provide moving at distance
v0 = sqrt(2*distance*a)
where a is acceleration proportional to your friction accordingly to elementary interval dt (100 ms ).
friction = a * dt
a = friction / dt
v0.x = v0 * dx / distance = v0 * coefX
v0.y = v0 * dy / distance = v0 * coefY
at every stage you update v value and get components
v = v - friction
v.x = v * coefX
v.y = v * coefY


How can I extract the angle from a function that determines if a circle is colliding with a line?

So I have the following code that works fine
I've taken it from
I am now trying to figure out where along this function I can determine the angle in which the circle is hitting the line. Instead of returning true I'd like it to return the angle, since I didn't write the function myself going through it to try and figure this out myself has been a bit of a struggle. Wondering if someone excellent at math can help me figure this out at first glance. Thank you!
// Function to check intercept of line seg and circle
// A,B end points of line segment
// C center of circle
// radius of circle
// returns true if touching or crossing else false
function doesLineInterceptCircle(A, B, C, radius) {
var dist;
const v1x = B.x - A.x;
const v1y = B.y - A.y;
const v2x = C.x - A.x;
const v2y = C.y - A.y;
// get the unit distance along the line of the closest point to
// circle center
const u = (v2x * v1x + v2y * v1y) / (v1y * v1y + v1x * v1x);
// if the point is on the line segment get the distance squared
// from that point to the circle center
if(u >= 0 && u <= 1){
dist = (A.x + v1x * u - C.x) ** 2 + (A.y + v1y * u - C.y) ** 2;
} else {
// if closest point not on the line segment
// use the unit distance to determine which end is closest
// and get dist square to circle
dist = u < 0 ?
(A.x - C.x) ** 2 + (A.y - C.y) ** 2 :
(B.x - C.x) ** 2 + (B.y - C.y) ** 2;
return dist < radius * radius;

Calculate min distance between a "line" and one "point"

I have a "linestring" (with init and end points) and a single "point" (two coordinates).
And I have implemented the following ActionSctipt code to use "haversine formula" to calculate the distance between two points (each point has x & y coordinates); this function can return the "distance" in "kms", "meters", "feets" or "miles":
private function distanceBetweenCoordinates(lat1:Number, lon1:Number, lat2:Number, lon2:Number, units:String = "miles"):Number {
if (units == "km") {
if (units == "meters") {
if (units == "feet") {
var dLat:Number = (lat2 - lat1) * Math.PI / 180;
var dLon:Number = (lon2 - lon1) * Math.PI / 180;
var lat1inRadians:Number = lat1 * Math.PI / 180;
var lat2inRadians:Number = lat2 * Math.PI / 180;
var a:Number = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) + Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.cos(lat1inRadians) * Math.cos(lat2inRadians);
var c:Number = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
var d:Number = R * c;
return d;
This code is functioning well. But I need to improving this code to allow calculate the minimum distance between a "single point" and one "linestring" (with 2 points).
How can I do?
I thought this solution:
* Divide the "linesting" for each point (Init and end)... and for each of these calculate the distance to the "single point"... and after I getting both "distances" return the minimum distance.
This solution is not the better, this is explained in the following image:
"d1" and "d2" distances are invalid... because only "d0" is the valid distance.
Please! help me!!! How can I improve the haversine formula to calculate the distance between a line and a single point in kilometres?
In your case d0 distance is a height of triangle. It's Hb=2*A/b where A- Area & b-length of the base side (your linestring).
If given 3 points you can calculate the the distances between them (sides a, b, c of triangle). It will allow you to calculate triangle Area: A=sqrt(p*(p-a)*(p-b)*(p-c)) where p is half perimeter: p=(a+b+c)/2. So, now u have all variables u need to calculate the distance Hb (your "d0").

Calculate angle with 3 given 3d points

I am experiment kinect on winrt for metro app.
I am trying to obtain angle at the elbow.
normally i will do the following
Vector3D handLeftVector = new Vector3D(HandLeftX, HandLeftY, HandLeftZ);
Vector3D ElbowLeftEVector = new Vector3D(ElbowLeftX, ElbowLeftY, ElbowLeftZ);
Vector3D ShoulderLeftVector = new Vector3D(ShoulderLeftX, ShoulderLeftY, ShoulderLeftZ);
Vector3D leftElbowV1 = ShoulderLeftVector - ElbowLeftEVector;
Vector3D leftElbowV2 = handLeftVector - ElbowLeftEVector;
double leftElbowAngle = Vector3D.AngleBetween(leftElbowV1, leftElbowV2);
However Vector3D object isn't available in winrt.
I had decided to replicate the Vector3D method as below. However the result doesn't seem to be as expected. Did I make a mistake anywhere?
double leftElbowV1X = ShoulderLeftX - ElbowLeftX;
double leftElbowV1Y = ShoulderLeftY - ElbowLeftY;
double leftElbowV1Z = ShoulderLeftZ - ElbowLeftZ;
double leftElbowV2X = handLeftX - ElbowLeftX;
double leftElbowV2Y = handLeftY - ElbowLeftY;
double leftElbowV2Z = handLeftZ - ElbowLeftZ;
double product = leftElbowV1X * leftElbowV2X + leftElbowV1Y * leftElbowV2Y + leftElbowV1Z * leftElbowV2Z;
double magnitudeA = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(leftElbowV1X, 2) + Math.Pow(leftElbowV1Y, 2) + Math.Pow(leftElbowV1Z, 2));
double magnitudeB = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(leftElbowV2X, 2) + Math.Pow(leftElbowV2Y, 2) + Math.Pow(leftElbowV2Z, 2));
magnitudeA = Math.Abs(magnitudeA);
magnitudeB = Math.Abs(magnitudeB);
double cosDelta = product / (magnitudeA * magnitudeB);
double angle = Math.Acos(cosDelta) *180.0 / Math.P;
And is there a need to normalize it?
i had managed to resolve it, however i am thinking if there is a more efficient way of doing.
Not sure if this helps but this is some old angle code I use, return in degrees:
float AngleBetween(Vector3 from, Vector3 dest) {
float len = from.magnitude * dest.magnitude;
if(len < Mathf.Epsilon) len = Mathf.Epsilon;
float f = Vector3.Dot(from,dest) / len;
else if ( f < -1.0f) f = -1.0f;
return Mathf.Acos(f) * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI;
It's obviously using API specific syntax but I think the method is clear.

How can I generate a set of points evenly distributed along the perimeter of an ellipse?

If I want to generate a bunch of points distributed uniformly around a circle, I can do this (python):
r = 5 #radius
n = 20 #points to generate
circlePoints = [
(r * math.cos(theta), r * math.sin(theta))
for theta in (math.pi*2 * i/n for i in range(n))
However, the same logic doesn't generate uniform points on an ellipse: points on the "ends" are more closely spaced than points on the "sides".
r1 = 5
r2 = 10
n = 20 #points to generate
ellipsePoints = [
(r1 * math.cos(theta), r2 * math.sin(theta))
for theta in (math.pi*2 * i/n for i in range(n))
Is there an easy way to generate equally spaced points around an ellipse?
This is an old thread, but since I am seeking the same task of creating evenly spaced points along and ellipse and was not able to find an implementation, I offer this Java code that implements the pseudo code of Howard:
package com.math;
public class CalculatePoints {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
dp(t) = sqrt( (r1*sin(t))^2 + (r2*cos(t))^2)
circ = sum(dp(t), t=0..2*Pi step 0.0001)
n = 20
nextPoint = 0
run = 0.0
for t=0..2*Pi step 0.0001
if n*run/circ >= nextPoint then
set point (r1*cos(t), r2*sin(t))
nextPoint = nextPoint + 1
run = run + dp(t)
double r1 = 20.0;
double r2 = 10.0;
double theta = 0.0;
double twoPi = Math.PI*2.0;
double deltaTheta = 0.0001;
double numIntegrals = Math.round(twoPi/deltaTheta);
double circ=0.0;
double dpt=0.0;
/* integrate over the elipse to get the circumference */
for( int i=0; i < numIntegrals; i++ ) {
theta += i*deltaTheta;
dpt = computeDpt( r1, r2, theta);
circ += dpt;
System.out.println( "circumference = " + circ );
int n=20;
int nextPoint = 0;
double run = 0.0;
theta = 0.0;
for( int i=0; i < numIntegrals; i++ ) {
theta += deltaTheta;
double subIntegral = n*run/circ;
if( (int) subIntegral >= nextPoint ) {
double x = r1 * Math.cos(theta);
double y = r2 * Math.sin(theta);
System.out.println( "x=" + Math.round(x) + ", y=" + Math.round(y));
run += computeDpt(r1, r2, theta);
static double computeDpt( double r1, double r2, double theta ) {
double dp=0.0;
double dpt_sin = Math.pow(r1*Math.sin(theta), 2.0);
double dpt_cos = Math.pow( r2*Math.cos(theta), 2.0);
dp = Math.sqrt(dpt_sin + dpt_cos);
return dp;
(UPDATED: to reflect new packaging).
An efficient solution of this problem for Python can be found in the numeric branch FlyingCircus-Numeric, derivated from the FlyingCircus Python package.
Disclaimer: I am the main author of them.
Briefly, the (simplified) code looks (where a is the minor axis, and b is the major axis):
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.optimize
def angles_in_ellipse(
assert(num > 0)
assert(a < b)
angles = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(num) / num
if a != b:
e2 = (1.0 - a ** 2.0 / b ** 2.0)
tot_size = sp.special.ellipeinc(2.0 * np.pi, e2)
arc_size = tot_size / num
arcs = np.arange(num) * arc_size
res = sp.optimize.root(
lambda x: (sp.special.ellipeinc(x, e2) - arcs), angles)
angles = res.x
return angles
It makes use of scipy.special.ellipeinc() which provides the numerical integral along the perimeter of the ellipse, and scipy.optimize.root()
for solving the equal-arcs length equation for the angles.
To test that it is actually working:
a = 10
b = 20
n = 16
phi = angles_in_ellipse(n, a, b)
print(np.round(np.rad2deg(phi), 2))
# [ 0. 17.55 36.47 59.13 90. 120.87 143.53 162.45 180. 197.55
# 216.47 239.13 270. 300.87 323.53 342.45]
e = (1.0 - a ** 2.0 / b ** 2.0) ** 0.5
arcs = sp.special.ellipeinc(phi, e)
print(np.round(np.diff(arcs), 4))
# [0.3022 0.2982 0.2855 0.2455 0.2455 0.2855 0.2982 0.3022 0.3022 0.2982
# 0.2855 0.2455 0.2455 0.2855 0.2982]
# plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca()
ax.scatter(b * np.sin(phi), a * np.cos(phi))
You have to calculate the perimeter, then divide it into equal length arcs. The length of an arc of an ellipse is an elliptic integral and cannot be written in closed form so you need numerical computation.
The article on ellipses on wolfram gives you the formula needed to do this, but this is going to be ugly.
A possible (numerical) calculation can look as follows:
dp(t) = sqrt( (r1*sin(t))^2 + (r2*cos(t))^2)
circ = sum(dp(t), t=0..2*Pi step 0.0001)
n = 20
nextPoint = 0
run = 0.0
for t=0..2*Pi step 0.0001
if n*run/circ >= nextPoint then
set point (r1*cos(t), r2*sin(t))
nextPoint = nextPoint + 1
run = run + dp(t)
This is a simple numerical integration scheme. If you need better accuracy you might also use any other integration method.
I'm sure this thread is long dead by now, but I just came across this issue and this was the closest that came to a solution.
I started with Dave's answer here, but I noticed that it wasn't really answering the poster's question. It wasn't dividing the ellipse equally by arc lengths, but by angle.
Anyway, I made some adjustments to his (awesome) work to get the ellipse to divide equally by arc length instead (written in C# this time). If you look at the code, you'll see some of the same stuff -
void main()
List<Point> pointsInEllipse = new List<Point>();
// Distance in radians between angles measured on the ellipse
double deltaAngle = 0.001;
double circumference = GetLengthOfEllipse(deltaAngle);
double arcLength = 0.1;
double angle = 0;
// Loop until we get all the points out of the ellipse
for (int numPoints = 0; numPoints < circumference / arcLength; numPoints++)
angle = GetAngleForArcLengthRecursively(0, arcLength, angle, deltaAngle);
double x = r1 * Math.Cos(angle);
double y = r2 * Math.Sin(angle);
pointsInEllipse.Add(new Point(x, y));
private double GetLengthOfEllipse()
// Distance in radians between angles
double deltaAngle = 0.001;
double numIntegrals = Math.Round(Math.PI * 2.0 / deltaAngle);
double radiusX = (rectangleRight - rectangleLeft) / 2;
double radiusY = (rectangleBottom - rectangleTop) / 2;
// integrate over the elipse to get the circumference
for (int i = 0; i < numIntegrals; i++)
length += ComputeArcOverAngle(radiusX, radiusY, i * deltaAngle, deltaAngle);
return length;
private double GetAngleForArcLengthRecursively(double currentArcPos, double goalArcPos, double angle, double angleSeg)
// Calculate arc length at new angle
double nextSegLength = ComputeArcOverAngle(majorRadius, minorRadius, angle + angleSeg, angleSeg);
// If we've overshot, reduce the delta angle and try again
if (currentArcPos + nextSegLength > goalArcPos) {
return GetAngleForArcLengthRecursively(currentArcPos, goalArcPos, angle, angleSeg / 2);
// We're below the our goal value but not in range (
} else if (currentArcPos + nextSegLength < goalArcPos - ((goalArcPos - currentArcPos) * ARC_ACCURACY)) {
return GetAngleForArcLengthRecursively(currentArcPos + nextSegLength, goalArcPos, angle + angleSeg, angleSeg);
// current arc length is in range (within error), so return the angle
} else
return angle;
private double ComputeArcOverAngle(double r1, double r2, double angle, double angleSeg)
double distance = 0.0;
double dpt_sin = Math.Pow(r1 * Math.Sin(angle), 2.0);
double dpt_cos = Math.Pow(r2 * Math.Cos(angle), 2.0);
distance = Math.Sqrt(dpt_sin + dpt_cos);
// Scale the value of distance
return distance * angleSeg;
From my answer in BSE here .
I add it in stackoverflow as it is a different approach which does not rely on a fixed iteration steps but rely on a convergence of the distances between the points, to the mean distance.
So the calculation is shorter as it depends only on the wanted vertices amount and on the precision to reach (about 6 iterations for less than 0.01%).
The principle is :
0/ First step : calculate the points normally using a * cos(t) and b * sin(t)
1/ Calculate the lengths between vertices
2/ Adjust the angles variations depending on the gap between each distance to the mean distance
3/ Reposition the points
4/ Exit when the wanted precision is reached or return to 1/
import bpy, bmesh
from math import radians, sqrt, cos, sin
rad90 = radians( 90.0 )
rad180 = radians( 180.0 )
def createVertex( bm, x, y ): #uses bmesh to create a vertex
return [x, y, 0] )
def listSum( list, index ): #helper to sum on a list
sum = 0
for i in list:
sum = sum + i[index]
return sum
def calcLength( points ): #calculate the lenghts for consecutives points
prevPoint = points[0]
for point in points :
dx = point[0] - prevPoint[0]
dy = point[1] - prevPoint[1]
dist = sqrt( dx * dx + dy *dy )
point[3] = dist
prevPoint = point
def calcPos( points, a, b ): #calculate the positions following the angles
angle = 0
for i in range( 1, len(points) - 1 ):
point = points[i]
angle += point[2]
point[0] = a * cos( angle )
point[1] = b * sin( angle )
def adjust( points ): #adjust the angle by comparing each length to the mean length
totalLength = listSum( points, 3 )
averageLength = totalLength / (len(points) - 1)
maxRatio = 0
for i in range( 1, len(points) ):
point = points[i]
ratio = (averageLength - point[3]) / averageLength
point[2] = (1.0 + ratio) * point[2]
absRatio = abs( ratio )
if absRatio > maxRatio:
maxRatio = absRatio
return maxRatio
def ellipse( bm, a, b, steps, limit ):
delta = rad90 / steps
angle = 0.0
points = [] #will be a list of [ [x, y, angle, length], ...]
for step in range( steps + 1 ) :
x = a * cos( angle )
y = b * sin( angle )
points.append( [x, y, delta, 0.0] )
angle += delta
print( 'start' )
doContinue = True
while doContinue:
calcLength( points )
maxRatio = adjust( points )
calcPos( points, a, b )
doContinue = maxRatio > limit
print( maxRatio )
verts = []
for point in points:
verts.append( createVertex( bm, point[0], point[1] ) )
for i in range( 1, len(verts) ): [verts[i - 1], verts[i]] )
A = 4
B = 6
bm =
ellipse( bm, A, B, 32, 0.00001 )
mesh =
Do take into consideration the formula for ellipse perimeter as under if the ellipse is squashed. (If the minor axis is three times as small as the major axis)
tot_size = np.pi*(3*(a+b) -np.sqrt((3*a+b)*a+3*b))
Ellipse Perimeter
There is working MATLAB code available here. I replicate that below in case that link ever goes dead. Credits are due to the original author.
This code assumes that the major axis is a line segment from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) and e is the eccentricity of the ellipse.
a = 1/2*sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2);
b = a*sqrt(1-e^2);
t = linspace(0,2*pi, 20);
X = a*cos(t);
Y = b*sin(t);
w = atan2(y2-y1,x2-x1);
x = (x1+x2)/2 + X*cos(w) - Y*sin(w);
y = (y1+y2)/2 + X*sin(w) + Y*cos(w);
axis equal

Circle collision response

I'm working on an Android game and I need to bounce 2 circles of each other (like 2 pool balls bouncing off each other). The collision is an elastic collision, and I need to calculate only 1 circles (called a Particle in my code) new velocity after the collision (the other circle, called a Barrier in my code will remain stationary and will not move because of a collision).
I am using a formula that I found on Wikipedia (, but my end result for the new velocity of the particle after the collision is exactly the same as the velocity before the collision?
This is def wrong but I cant see where I am going wrong. Can anyone spot where I am going wrong?
I have just used a Java program to simulate my velocities and locations for the 2 circles as I dont wanna try it in my main Android game at the moment for fear of "breaking something"
Here is what I have so far (like I mentioned, this is just a simulation in NetBeans for the moment and I will use a menthod in my Android game to keep things a bit tidier):
double randomNextDouble = (new Random()).nextDouble();
System.out.println("Random.nextDouble: " + randomNextDouble);
double mathPI = Math.PI * 2;
System.out.println("Math PI: " + mathPI);
// get a random direction for the Particle to move towards
double direction = (new Random()).nextDouble() * Math.PI * 2;
System.out.println("Direction: " + direction);
// Then set the Particle's velocity - Increase to make Particles move faster
int velocity = 10;
System.out.println("Velocity: " + velocity);
// Then calculate the xv and the yv
// Velocity value on the x and y axis
double xv = (velocity * Math.cos(direction));
double yv = (velocity * Math.sin(direction));
System.out.println("\nXV: " + xv + "\nYV: " + yv);
// Genareting a random number for the Particle and Barrier's positions on screen
double Xmin = 0;
double Xmax = 300;
double Ymin = 0;
double Ymax = 300;
double randomNumber1 = Xmin + (int)(Math.random() * ((Xmax - Xmin) + 1));
double randomNumber2 = Ymin + (int)(Math.random() * ((Ymax - Ymin) + 1));
double randomNumber3 = Xmin + (int)(Math.random() * ((Xmax - Xmin) + 1));
double randomNumber4 = Ymin + (int)(Math.random() * ((Ymax - Ymin) + 1));
// Setting the Particle and Barrier's radius
double particleRadius = 8;
double barrierRadius = 16;
// Setting up the Particle and Barrier's mass
double particleMass = 100;
double barrierMass = 200;
// Assigning a random number to the Particle to simulate its position on screen
double particleX = randomNumber1;
double particleY = randomNumber2;
System.out.println("\nParticle X: " + particleX + " Particle Y: " + particleY);
// Assigning a random number to the Barrier to simulate its position on screen
double barrierX = randomNumber3;
double barrierY = randomNumber4;
System.out.println("Barrier X: " + barrierX + " Barrier Y: " + barrierY);
double distanceXToBarrier = barrierX - particleX;
System.out.println("\nBarrier X - Particle X: " + distanceXToBarrier);
double distanceYToBarrier = barrierY - particleY;
System.out.println("Barrier Y - Particle Y: " + distanceYToBarrier);
// Get the distance between the Particle and the Barrier
// Used for collision detection
double distance = Math.sqrt((distanceXToBarrier * distanceXToBarrier) + (distanceYToBarrier * distanceYToBarrier));
System.out.println("\nDistance: " + distance);
// Check to see if the Particle and Barrier has collided
if (distance <= particleRadius + barrierRadius)
System.out.println("Distance is less than 2 Radii");
System.out.println("Distance is NOT less than 2 Radii");
// Velx = (v1.u) * u + (v1 - (v1.u) * u)
// Vely = (v1.u) * u + (v1 - (v1.u) * u)
// Where v1 = xv and yv respectively
// Break it into 2 equations
// (v1.u) * u AND
// (v1 - (v1.u) * u)
// u = normalised Vector
// To normalize you just devide the x, y, z coords by the length of the vector.
// This then gives you the Unit Vector.
//Normalize the vector
double particleXNormalized = particleX * (1.0 / distance);
double particleYNormalized = particleY * (1.0 / distance);
System.out.println("\nParticle X Normalised: " + particleXNormalized +
"\nParticle Y Normalised: " + particleYNormalized);
// Calculating the first part of the eqaution
// (v1.u)
double v1DotUForX = xv * particleXNormalized;
double v1DotUForY = yv * particleYNormalized;
System.out.println("\nv1.u for X: " + v1DotUForX +
"\nv1.u for Y: " + v1DotUForY);
// The first part of the equation
// (v1.u) * u
double part1X = v1DotUForX * particleXNormalized;
double part1Y = v1DotUForY * particleYNormalized;
System.out.println("\nPart 1 for X: " + part1X +
"\nPart 1 for Y: " + part1Y);
// The second part of the equation
// (v1 - (v1.u) * u)
double part2X = (xv - (v1DotUForX) * particleXNormalized);
double part2Y = (yv - (v1DotUForY) * particleYNormalized);
System.out.println("\nPart 2 for X: " + part2X +
"\nPart 2 for Y: " + part2Y);
// Solving for:
// (((mass 1 - mass2) / (mass1 + mass2) * (v1.u) * u + ((2mass2) / (mass1 + mass2) * ((v1.u) * u))) +
// (v1 - (v1.u) * u))
double newXV = ((((particleMass - barrierMass) / (particleMass + barrierMass)) * part1X) + (((2 * barrierMass) / (particleMass + barrierMass)) * part1X) + part2X);
double newYV = ((((particleMass - barrierMass) / (particleMass + barrierMass)) * part1Y) + (((2 * barrierMass) / (particleMass + barrierMass)) * part1Y) + part2Y);
System.out.println("\nNew XV: " + newXV + "\nNew YV: " + newYV);
Looking at your algorithm, you appear to have made errors in the implementation. Why are you normalizing the coordinates of the particle? Shouldn't you be doing that to the velocity? In the usual equations, u is velocity, not position.
And why do you give the particle a random velocity (xv, yv) that has nothing to do with the two random coordinates you set up for the particle and barrier? (Surely the velocity should be some multiple of (barrier - particle) vector?)
