Is there a way to read a .hyper file in R? - r

I've a lot of .hyper files to work with. Most of the time I work with them using Python (using tableauhyperio lib), but I need to read them in R and I could not find a way to do it. Does anyone know some way to read hyper files in R?
Right now I'm reading the data in python and exporting them as csv to read in R the csv files...


Is there a way to read a CSV file from Google Drive directly into R without downloading the file locally?

I have been trying to use the package "googledrive" to read a csv file into R without having it downloaded locally. Is there a way to do this? The only function that seems applicable is drive_download(), which is not doing what I'm looking for. Any suggestions?
If you're not tied to using googledrive, you can use googlesheets::gs_read() to read it straight into R as a data frame.

Opening Alteryx .yxdb files in R

Similar to the question below, I was wondering whether there is a way to open .yxdb files in R?
Open Alteryx .yxdb file in Python?
YXDB is Alteryx's own native format. I haven't seen or heard of anything else that can open it.
You could change your workflow to write to a CSV (or other compatible file) as well as writing to the YXDB file.
AFAIK there is no way yet for R to read yxdb files. I also export my Alteryx workflows to CSVs or use the R tool, read.Alteryx, and saveRDS to save it as a fast-loading binary file.

R and zipped files

I have about ~1000 tar.gz files (about 2 GB/file compressed) each containing bunch of large .tsv (tab separated) files e.g. 1.tsv, 2.tsv, 3.tsv, 4.tsv etc.
I want to work in R on a subset of the .tsv files (say 1.tsv, 2.tsv) without extracting the .tar.gz files, in order to save space/time.
I tried looking around but couldn't find a library or a routine to stream the tar.gz files through memory and extracting data from them on the fly. In other languages there are ways of doing this efficiently. I would be surprised if one couldn't do this in R
Does anyone know of a way to accomplish this in R? Any help is greatly appreciated! Note: Unzipping/untarring the file is not an option. I want to extract relevant fields and save them in a data.frame without extracting the file

Read .rdata without R

I have received an .rdata file with what I think should be a list of co-ordinates (x,y) and their corresponding gray value; however, I do not know exactly the data type/format within the .rdata file. Is there a way for me to read these data without R? I do not have access to R. I have Excel and Matlab on a Mac. Please help. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to pass on the data (my Googling tells me someone familiar with R can export the data into a text of csv file easily).
Thank you in advance.
I downloaded R, read the .rdata in using load() and saved it out again using write.csv().

Read and write a Netcdf file using R

How can I read and write the following file using R ?
In other words, I would like to read the "" file and write with the same structure that it is written.
Best regards
Package ncdf have functions to do this. You should also read other Q&A on this site tagged with netcdf and r.
Basically to read a netcdf file:
a <- open.ncdf('your/path/to/your/') #that opens a connection to the file
Then function get.var.ncdf helps you extract the data, variable by variable.
The process to write one is described in this Q&A.
The idea is to create dimensions first using dim.def.ncdf then the variables with var.def.ncdf and finally the file itself using create.ncdf.
