What does ASPX Trace First(s) and Lasts(s) mean? - asp.net

I have been charged with improving the performance of an ASPX website. I'm enabling Tracing so I can look at performance times, but I don't understand what is meant by First(s) and Last(s). What do these mean?
Also, it appears I can add custom events, but I don't know what the times mean on those either.

When tracing is enabled, it will monitor each of the requests that are made by your application to allow you to go through and troubleshoot possible issues as well as gauge things like performance. When you are looking at a specific tracing record, the properties that you mentioned would have some type of value (e.g. the From First would indicate how long after your first trace message that the current trace was processed, and From Last would indicate how many seconds elapsed since the previous trace).
Does that make sense? I'll try to demonstrate what these mean in a very primitive diagram below :
First Trace -------------> Another Trace -------------> Current Trace
----------------(From First)-------------->
-(From Last)->
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System contains deadlock - how to find it? (UPPAAL)

I set up a model with UPPAAL and i used the verifier to check for a deadlock. The answer is: Property not satisfied. Thus there exists a deadlock.
Is there a way in UPPAAL to report more detailled information about the deadlock such as the state and the current values of all variables in the specific situation?
yes. we can trace deadlock in UPPAAL i-e we can find the states or path that is causing deadlock.
Go to option--> diagnostic trace --> fastest. you can select any one of these option some/fastest/shortest in diagnostic trace. After selecting fastest. Go to verifier and check deadlock lock property. Store new trace in simulation by selecting "yes" after this go to simulator, it will show you the new store trace that is making property unsatisfiable.
Hope it will be helpfull

MiniProfiler not logging all steps - only with active breakpoints

When using the MiniProfiler to hunt down a performance issue, I encountered a situation, where the MiniProfiler would log only a few of the calls to MiniProfiler.Step().
This is the code:
The breakpoints are set to only count the number of hits (313 per run), they are not interrupting the execution. Notice, that they are deactivated in the screenshot above. After running the application, I get a very incomplete log from MiniProfiler, which, from run to run, has a differing number of entries, usually 2 to 5.
However, when I activate the breakpoints, the log is complete. Remember, that the breakpoints still do not interrupt the execution.
Is this a bug in the MiniProfiler?
Click show trivial - I suspect the ones you're not seeing are "trivial". When you hit the breakpoints, you make them appear not-so-trivial by increasing their execution time.
... as I was poking around their code I stumbled on this
public bool IsTrivial...

How can I find the average number of concurrent users for IIS to simulate during a load/performance test?

I'm using JMeter for load testing. I'm going through and exercise of finding the max number of concurrent threads (users) that our webserver can handle by simply increasing the # of threads in my distributed JMeter test case, and firing off the test.
Then -- it struck me, that while the MAX number may be useful, the REAL number of users that my website actually handles on average is the number I need to make the test fruitful.
Here are a few pieces of information about our setup:
This is a mixed .NET/Classic ASP site. Upon login, a browser session (with timeout) is created in both for the users.
Each session times out after 60 minutes.
Is there a way using this information, IIS logs, performance counters, and/or some calculation that will help me determine the average # of concurrent users we handle on our production site?
You might use logparser with the QUANTIZE function to determine the peak number of requests over a suitable interval.
For a 10 second window, it would be something like:
logparser "select quantize(to_localtime(to_timestamp(date,time)), 10) as Qnt,
count(*) as Hits from yourLogFile.log group by Qnt order by Hits desc"
The reported counts won't be exactly the same as threads or users, but they should help get you pointed in the right direction.
The best way to do exact counts is probably with performance counters, but I'm not sure any of the standard ones works like you would want -- you'd probably need to create a custom counter.
I can see a couple options here.
Use Performance Monitor to get the current numbers or have it log all day and get an average. ASP.NET has a Requests Current counter. According to this page Classic ASP also has a Requests current, but I've never used it myself.
Run the IIS logs through Log Parser to get the total number of requests and how long each took. I'm thinking that if you know how many requests come in each hour and how long each took, you can get an average of how many were running concurrently.
Also, keep in mind that concurrent users isn't quite the same as concurrent threads on the server. For one, multiple threads will be active per user while content like images is being downloaded. And after that the user will be on the page for a few minutes while the server is idle.
My suggestion is that you define the stop conditions first, such as
Maximum CPU utilization
Maximum memory usage
Maximum response time for requests
Other key parameters you like
It is really subjective to choose the parameters and I personally cannot provide much experience on that.
Secondly you can see whether performance counters or IIS logs can map to the parameters. Then you set up proper mappings.
Thirdly you can start testing by simulating N users (threads) and see whether the stop conditions hit. If not hit, you can go to a higher number. If hit, you can use a smaller number. Recursively you will find a rough number.
However, that never means your web site in real world can take so many users. No simulation so far can cover all the edge cases.

How to properly write a SIGPROF handler that invokes AsyncGetCallTrace?

I am writing a short and simple profiler (in C), which is intended to print out stack traces for threads in various Java clients at regular intervals. I have to use the undocumented function AsyncGetCallTrace instead of GetStackTrace to minimize intrusion and allow for stack traces regardless of thread state. The source code for the function can be found here: http://download.java.net/openjdk/jdk6/promoted/b20/openjdk-6-src-b20-21_jun_2010.tar.gz
in hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/forte.cpp. I found some man pages documenting JVMTI, signal handling, and timing, as well as a blog with details on how to set up the AsyncGetCallTrace call: http://jeremymanson.blogspot.com/2007/05/profiling-with-jvmtijvmpi-sigprof-and.html
What this blog is missing is the code to actually invoke the function within the signal handler (the author assumes the reader can do this on his/her own). I am asking for help in doing exactly this. I am not sure how and where to create the struct ASGCT_CallTrace (and the internal struct ASGCT_CallFrame), as defined in the aforementioned file forte.cpp. The struct ASGCT_CallTrace is one of the parameters passed to AsyncGetCallTrace, so I do need to create it, but I don't know how to obtain the correct values for its fields: JNIEnv *env_id, jint num_frames, and JVMPI_CallFrame *frames. Furthermore, I do not know what the third parameter passed to AsyncGetCallTrace (void* ucontext) is supposed to be?
The above problem is the main one I am having. However, other issues I am faced with include:
SIGPROF doesn't seem to be raised by the timer exactly at the specified intervals, but rather a bit less frequently. That is, if I set the timer to send a SIGPROF every second (1 sec, 0 usec), then in a 5 second run, I am getting fewer than 5 SIGPROF handler outputs (usually 1-3)
SIGPROF handler outputs do not appear at all during a Thread.sleep in the Java code. So, if a SIGPROF is to be sent every second, and I have Thread.sleep(5000);, I will not get any handler outputs during the execution of that code.
Any help would be appreciated. Additional details (as well as parts of code and sample outputs) will be posted upon request.
I finally got a positive result, but since little discussion was spawned here, my own answer will be brief.
The ASGCT_CallTrace structure (and the underlying ASGCT_CallFrame array) can simply be declared in the signal handler, thus existing only the stack:
ASGCT_CallTrace trace;
JNIEnv *env;
global_VM_pointer->AttachCurrentThread((void **) &env, NULL);
trace.env_id = env;
trace.num_frames = 0;
ASGCT_CallFrame storage[25];
trace.frames = storage;
The following gets the uContext:
ucontext_t uContext;
And then the call is just:
AsyncGetCallTrace(&trace, 25, &uContext);
I am sure there are some other nuances that I had to take care of in the process, but I did not really document them. I am not sure I can disclose the full current code I have, which successfully asynchronously requests for and obtains stack traces of any java program at fixed intervals. But if someone is interested in or stuck on the same problem, I am now able to help (I think).
On the other two issues:
[1] If a thread is sleeping and a SIGPROF is generated, the thread handles that signal only after waking up. This is normal, since it is the thread's job to handle the signal.
[2] The timer imperfections do not seem to appear anymore. Perhaps I mis-measured.

Practical value for concurrent-request-timeout parameter or options for avoiding concurrent access to conversation exception

In the Seam Reference Guide, one can find this paragraph:
We can set a sensible default for the concurrent request timeout (in ms) in components.xml:
<core:manager concurrent-request-timeout="500" />
However, we found that 500 ms is not nearly enough time for most of the cases we had to deal with, especially with the severe restriction seam places on conversation access.
In our application we have a combination of page scoped ajax requests (triggered by various user actions), some global scoped polling notification logic (part of the header, so included in every page) and regular links that invoke actions and/or navigate to other pages.
Therefore, we get the dreaded concurrent access to conversation exception way too often, even without any significant load on the site.
After researching the options for quite a bit, we ended up bumping this value to several seconds (we're debating whether to bump it up to 10s), as none of the recommended solutions seemed able to solve our issue completely (even forcing a global queue for all the ajax requests would still leave us exposed to a user deciding to click a link right when one of our polling calls was in progress). And we'd much rather have the users wait for a second or two instead of getting an error page just because they clicked a link at the wrong moment.
And now to the question: is there something obvious we're missing (like a way to allow concurrent access to conversations and taking care of the needed locking ourselves, for instance :)? How do people solve this problem (ajax requests mixed with user driven interaction) in seam? Disabling all the links on the page while ajax requests are in progress (as suggested by one blog page) is really not a viable option.
Any other suggestions?
We use 60000 or 120000 (1-2 minutes). Concurrent-request-timeout is designed to avoid deadlocks. Historically we have far more problems with timeouts than deadlocks. A better approach is to use a client-side queue (<a4j:ajaxQueue> if using RichFaces) to serialize and remove duplicate requests as much as possible, then set the timeout high enough to avoid any remaining problems.
There are many serious issues resulting from Seam's concurrent request timeouts:
The issue is the last request gets the ConcurrentRequestTimeoutException. If the user double-clicks or reloads the page, only the last request matters -- why should he get an error?
Usually the ConcurrentRequestTimeoutException is suppressed, and only secondary NullPointerExceptions and #In injection failures are shown, making debugging difficult.
Seam 2.2.1 has a severe problem where transactions, ThreadLocals, and locks may leak after a timeout occurs, especially when used with <spring:spring-transaction/>. Look at SeamPhaseListener.afterRestoreView: there's no finally block to clean up after restoreConversation fails!
In my opinion there are many poor aspects to this design, so it's best to use a much higher timeout and try to avoid the issues.
This is what we have and it works fine for us:
<core:manager concurrent-request-timeout="5000"
conversation-timeout="120000" conversation-id-parameter="cid"
parent-conversation-id-parameter="pid" />
We also use a much higher value for the concurrent-request-timeout.
At least for duplicate events you can use settings in the a4j components to filter and delay them with eventsQueue, requestDelay and ignoreDupResponses=”true”.
(Last point http://docs.jboss.org/seam/2.0.1.GA/reference/en/html/conversations.html )
Can you analyse which types of request are taking a long time? Is there a particular type which you could reduce the request time by doing the "work" asynchronously and getting the update back in your poll?
In my opinion, ajax requests should always complete fairly quickly, then you can calculate a max concurrent request time by (request time * max number of requests likely to be initiated)
