Where I can find a full list of excludeSwitches with descriptions ?
As for now I found only: 'enable-automation', 'load-extension', 'disable-popup-blocking' but without descriptions.
This option in the web driver instructs it to not pass particular command-line switches that are normally used when starting a new instance of Chrome, as such there are no specific switches which are applicable.
Your best bet is to use programs like Process Explorer to see what switches the Web Driver uses to launch chrome and study them. Here is a list of all switch that are accepted by Chrome, this is not an official source but it's the most comprehensive one I could find and the page is auto-generated from Chromium source code. There are also descriptions for most of the interesting switches.
Hello guess my title is bad enough to explain question but I am trying to understand is there any way to control and automate things just finding tasks from task manager? I have seen in Visual Studio "Spy++". Firstly, i didn't understand what it's aim and how far we can go with it. I just got it, it can provide us logs in a cool range.
I would like to give an example,
I want to log in Facebook/Twitter and do casual things with developed software by myself(I don't want to use selenium or any kind of that thing) or I want to get informations from a game which is about characters actual health, attack power, ability power... or giving command that game from my software like, press a,b or 1.
Can someone tell me, exact subject name of what i am talking about?
Terminology: Selenium / AutoIt: "UI automation". Reading and modifying in-game values: "memory editor" or "trainer".
There is no universal way to control programs if you want your tool to be transparent. A browser may listen to OS input events (Windows messages telling it which keys were pressed or where the mouse was clicked), games may use DirectInput and yet other apps may subscribe to low-level system events or hooks.
For example browser automation:
Using plugins/extensions gives you a JavaScript API that allows you to inspect pages, forms on those pages, modify browser behavior and whatnot.
Browsers can also have their own external API. This can be done by linking to their DLLs, or passing command line arguments, or passing messages in other ways. For Firefox, this API is named "Marionette".
Then there's Selenium, that provides a common API for various browsers. It controls them using "drivers".
Selenium "knows" how to drive a browser, as it's coded against the browser's APIs. Spy++ "knows" that it's inspecting a Win32 window and looks for known controls, their classes and their names so you could write another program to send specific messages to those specific controls of those specific applications.
As for "log in to Facebook", no, you cannot do that in a reasonable amount of time for the currently popular browsers if you want to code it from the ground on up.
You'll have to, in one way or the other, interface with the browser and ask for a handle to the username/password textboxes, enter data into them and then submit the form. Then you'll practically be rebuilding Selenium, so why not use that tool in the first place?
Or you'll have to scrape the pixels on the screen, recognize those textboxes, click the mouse there and send some keys. And then Facebook redesigns their login form and you'll have to start over.
tl;dr: use the right tool for the job. If you want to automate a site's UI, then use Selenium.
How can I programmatically interact with an existing web page in a web browser launched in a standard way? For example I navigate to a specific page and want to be able to run a Python script that fills some edits or clicks some elements.
This should be possible at least through IAccessible2 for main browsers, but I did not find any pointers. To put it in another way, how do screen readers do it? And bonus question, is there Python library for it?
EDIT: I am looking for something more than user input simulation. I would like to programmatically read the DOM at least, write if possible. So far I have looked at code in NVDA which is very low-level and complex. Is there anything easier?
How can I programmatically interact with an existing web page in a web browser launched in a standard way? For example I navigate to a specific page and want to be able to run a Python script that fills some edits or clicks some elements.
The answer is keyboard/mouse macros if you have to visually see the browser as it happens. You can google macro programs for your OS.
But you most likely are looking for a headless browser such as PhantomJS, HtmlUnit, TrifleJS, Splash, and SimpleBrowser
Check out - https://saucelabs.com/blog/headless-browser-testing-101
When you mention 'interact with an existing webpage in a web browser launched in the standard way' you are talking about the DOM (Document Object Model).
Many QA environments are running testing scripts on code that has not been rendered by the browser into a DOM (you see the DOM when you inspect a page using your browser tools). When you use a headless browser it creates the DOM and then runs all the tests as if a human were clicking without having to visually look at it happen.
see - https://css-tricks.com/dom/
To put it in another way, how do screen readers do it? And bonus question, is there Python library for it?
Screen readers are interacting with the DOM at a low level. I do not know if there is a Python library. Most likely this would be overkill though unless you are building a desktop app that interacts with browsers like a screen reader does.
I did some more digging and found this article that is a much more verbose explanation of how screen readers interact with the browser/dom.
Also, there is a python API for manipulating the DOM and this library seemed popular.
Is there a way or tool that could let me step through the painting of CSS rules, one by one?
Similar as one would do in an IDE with program code, but with CSS. (But I wouldn't preferably want to do it by taking the browser's source code and stepping through its underlying functions - I just mean stepping throug "updates" by CSS rules, in a form similar to a Web Developer Toolbar.)
I expect this is usually more tedious than useful, but in some cases it would really help, in web development, like debugging cats and owls or finding out how a particular effect is achieved.
edit to clarify, by "stepping through" I mean sg. like: potentially stopping the browser from painting another rule, after each end every rule I choose, before the next one is applied (each before the "final paint" of the page is finished), for inspection of what happens.
edit 2 after BoltClock's comment, I replaced the word 'render' with 'paint', to be more clear. Removed original to be uncluttered.
Beside already mentioned webtools i guess this is only possible if the complete source code of the browser is available so its possible to either locally debug or remote debug the browser application itself with breakpoints set to the interesting "toplevel" functions.
It is for example no problem to download the source of the Java based open source browser Lobo which can then be debugged like any other application directly from your IDE like eclipse, intellij etc.
I however dont think the complete source of products like the MS Internet Explorer will ever be fully available to allow you to debug its deepest magic (which in case of MS Internet Explorer probably also takes a livetime...).
So coming back to a browser that has source code available you can either:
Have the browser beeing compiled/ run inside a IDE and directly debug your local code
Have the browser running as application allowing remote debugging and the according source code as source for a remote debugger (mostly as well from within your IDE).
This way you can analyse the deep magic of such a browser where you see how the different resources like images, css etc. etc. are collected, validated, parsed, processed and in the end displayed.
Once the interesting functions are located and a good set of (conditional) breaktpoints is set this could be very useful when it comes to the behaviour of a specific browser.
If that however is too detailed for your context i guess there is no other possibility but to rely on the already given functionality regarding analysing the browsers behaviour like with chromes devTools or the Mozilla plugin Firebug. No doubt this will more and more be integrated in such plugins/ tools like the comment of user BoltClock suggests and it is always worthy to study the functionality of such plugins/ tools to take the biggest possible advance of them.
I'm trying to create scripts that test if some GUI components exist inside a window (combo boxes, check boxes, the state of check boxes, etc.) The app I want to tests is written in QT and running on Windows 7. Its content is created dynamically.
I've tried with swapy/pywinauto, AutoHotkey and AutoIt. But as they rely on standard Windows API calls they are useless for this (need a solution that involves QT).
Any recommendation will be appreciated.
You can try QtTestLib for integrated solution, or, if you want (and can afford) commercial solutions, I am aware of squish and kdexecutor.
Are you aware that AutoHotKey Windows Spy allows you to see if certain GUI objects exist inside a window. In the example image you see that I held the mouse over a combo box named ComboBox5. Are you trying to test at this level?
The rest can be found here already:Check if a certain button is existing or not using autohotkey
Has anyone successfully gotten swfaddress to work with IE8 and above?
It seems that when using standards mode, swfaddress will appear to work fine in IE8 and IE9, however, once the user modifies the hashtag in the address bar, the history list becomes corrupted.
In cases where the user starts the application via the hash tag (http://myapp.com/#/test), and then visits another hash (http://myapp.com/#/test1), the history is never saved.
I have tried playing around with swfaddress 2.5 in the svn repository. Interestingly,
the code is similiar to JQuery Address (by the same author). I also note that JQuery Address suffers from the same problem.
If I turn on compatibility mode in IE, the swfaddress and JQuery Address works perfectly. I have been looking into how compatiblilty mode works, and it does not seem like it would modify or affect javascript execution.
Was anyone able to successfully solve this issue? If not are there any other deep linking libraries for flex or flash that contains all the feature sets of swfaddress?
After looking at libraries such JQuery Address, other JQuery state management plugins and even the BrowserManager that ships with Flash and Flex builder, I discovered that they all ran into the same issue as SwfAddress.
At the moment, SwfAddress offers that best features and comes with a .swc and .as files to easily interface with Flash and Flex applications.
Since the other javascript libraries ended up with the same problems, I have decided to stick with SwfAddress.
On a related note, the author has stated that he is no longer working on SwfAddress, so it would be cool if someone in the community can pick up on where it was left off.