In kibana, how to delete all the documents in an Index without deleting the index from Dev tools - kibana

I want to delete all the documents in the index without deleting the index . How to achieve this ?

You could use
POST /index-name-000001/_delete_by_query
"query": {
"match_all": {}
Further information is provided in
If it's a very large index add,?conflicts=proceed, so it's run on the background.
POST my-index-000001/_delete_by_query?conflicts=proceed
"query": {
"match_all": {}


How Haetoas conform add Links

I want to add links to some related entities and collection, without all property data in one response, only the Link.
For unterstanding I structure the Question in some parts
Simple example of data Model
Order->AddressFrom (Entity)
Order->PackageItems (Collection)
Which is the wright HAETOAS way to generate links or how to name entities in response.
First question: How to link address, double in entity name and links part and how to nam?
Second: How to link collection to specific and not all entities
Third: How is the right format for (update, post), which I have to parse, like the address, where I'm sending the ID or like the packageItems, where I sending the link.
For your information, as frontend Client I'm using lagoshny /
when someone has their extra information beside the HAETOAS standard, how is the best way, please tell me.
Thanks for your help.I want to add links to some related entities and collection, without all data in one response.

WPGraphQL with WP GraphQL Gutenberg - How to get

I have a reusable block and I am trying to return it's dynamicContent using the following query. I am using the blocks id
reusableBlock(id: "10061756", idType: DATABASE_ID) {
blocks {
I am just getting null back no matter what I try
"data": {
"reusableBlock": null
"extensions": {
"debug": []
If I query a page where the block is, it works fine.
Is my query wrong or what am I missing?

Struggling with filtering Drupal data in Gatsby GraphQL query

I am using Drupal 8 JSON:API to expose data to my Gatsby site. I have built a GraphQL query to expose a list of "officers" which contains a field with a relationship to a set of "service periods". The data returned by the API is correct, but I would like to filter for only one specific child record (service period) and can not figure out how to do that. My query is:
officerList: allGroupContentLodgeGroupNodeOfficer(filter: {relationships: {entity_id: {relationships: {field_position: {elemMatch: {relationships: {field_service_period: {drupal_internal__tid: {eq: 203}}}}}}}}}) {
edges {
node {
r: relationships {
entity_id {
r: relationships {
field_position {
r: relationships {
field_position {
field_service_period {
The resulting JSON set is:
"data": {
"officerList": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"r": {
"entity_id": {
"r": {
"field_position": [
"r": {
"field_position": {
"name": "Governor"
"field_service_period": {
"name": "2018 - 2019",
"drupal_internal__tid": 203
"r": {
"field_position": {
"name": "Junior Past Governor"
"field_service_period": {
"name": "2019 - 2020",
"drupal_internal__tid": 204
"title": "Tom Jones"
I understand the resulting set is correct because the child is within the root. However, I can not see how to filter the full query to include only certain child records. Is this even possible? I have seen some implementations of GraphQL that seem to allow filters to be placed on children, but I don't think this is possible in Gatsby.
I have searched everywhere for possible solutions and have been banging my head against the wall for a few days. Any insight is GREATLY appreciated!

ElasticSearch - difference between two date fields

I have an index in ElasticSearch with two fields of date type (metricsTime & arrivalTime). A sample document is quoted below. In Kibana, I created a scripted field delay for the difference between those two fields. My painless script is:
doc['arrivalTime'].value - doc['metricsTime'].value
However, I got the following error message when navigating to Kibana's Discover tab: class_cast_exception: Cannot apply [-] operation to types [org.joda.time.MutableDateTime] and [org.joda.time.MutableDateTime].
This looks same as the error mentioned in But the answer in that page suggests that my script is correct. Could you please help?
"_index": "events",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "HLV274_1537682400000",
"_version": 1,
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"metricsTime": 1537682400000,
"box": "HLV274",
"arrivalTime": 1539930920347
"fields": {
"metricsTime": [
"arrivalTime": [
"sort": [
Check the list of Lucene Expressions to check what expressions are available for date field and how you could use them
Just for sake of simplicity, check the below query. I have created two fields metricsTime and arrivalTime in a sample index I've created.
Sample Document
POST mydateindex/mydocs/1
"metricsTime": "2018-09-23T06:00:00.000Z",
"arrivalTime": "2018-10-19T06:35:20.347Z"
Query using painless script
POST mydateindex/_search
{ "query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"match_all": {
"filter": {
"bool" : {
"must" : {
"script" : {
"script" : {
"inline" : "doc['arrivalTime'].date.dayOfYear - doc['metricsTime'].date.dayOfYear > params.difference",
"lang" : "painless",
"params": {
"difference": 2
Note the below line in the query
"inline" : "doc['arrivalTime'].date.dayOfYear - doc['metricsTime'].date.dayOfYear > params.difference"
Now if you change the value of difference from 2 to 26 (which is one more than the difference in the dates) then you see that the above query would not return the document.
But nevertheless, I have mentioned the query as an example as how using scripting you can compare two different and please do refer to the link I've shared.

Elasticsearch - Count distinct

I have a basic index with logs
Some logs are visit of user1 to user2
I managed to count the total of visits a user has received, but I don't know how count the total of distinct users a user has received
This is giving me all the logs for a user
Actually, I'm using FoSElasticaBundle for Symfony2
$filter->addMust((new Term())->setTerm('message', 'visit'));
$filter->addMust((new Term())->setTerm('ctxt_user2', $this->search->getVisit()));
I read some pages in the ES doc with aggregator, but I never managed to get what I want
Convert to SQL, I just need
FROM logs
WHERE ctxt_user2 = 733264
Cardinality seams to be what I need.
Now just need to find how use it with FosElasticaBundle
"aggs": {
"yourdistinctcount": {
"cardinality": {
"field": "ctxt_user1"
Try this query ( not tested...):
"query" : {
"aggs": {
"yourdistinctcount": {
"terms": {
"field": "ctxt_user1"
The post_filter query cannot be used in your case. As it write on website: The post_filter is applied to the search hits at the very end of a search request, after aggregations have already been calculated.`
