I can't use IF in GEE, it's very strange - google-earth-engine

As you can see, the result is 'yes', but my flag is 0, how could this happen? What can I do?
var img=imageCollection.filterBounds(geometry).filterDate('2021-08-09','2021-08-10').median();
var flag=img.bandNames().size();


Fullcalendar : how to get static event and moved event one time on final drop, in case of overlap?

I am working on fullcalendar events and need to show a confirmation box based on some condition once on UI, when events overlap.
The action performed in this popup will decided whether to overlap an event or not.
Issue is, eventOverlap callback is called several times, even when the dragged event is hover over the other event, generating numerous calls.
Is there any way to get both static and moved event only once?
this.calenderOptions = {
contentHeight: 300,
plugins: [resourceTimelinePlugin, interaction],
editable: true,
header: {
left: "prev,next",
center: "title",
right: "prev"
resources: this.resources,
defaultView: "resourceTimelineDay",
timeZone: "local",
droppable: true,
eventReceive: info => {
const ref = this.dialogService.open(ConfirmationPopup, {
header: "Confirm Action",
width: "20%",
contentStyle: { "max-height": "600px", overflow: "auto" }
ref.onClose.subscribe(data => {
if (data === "no") {
} else if (data === "yes") {
this.row_id = info.draggedEl.getAttribute("row-id");
return true;
} else {
return false;
eventOverlap: (stillEvent, movingEvent) => {
// need to open a popover here only once.
return true
eventDrop : info => {
if(info['newResource'] && info['oldResource']){
if(info['newResource']['id'] != info['oldResource']['id']){
eventClick : info => {
drop:info => {
slotLabelFormat: {
hour: "2-digit",
minute: "2-digit",
meridiem: false,
hour12: false
new ThirdPartyDraggable(gridEL, {
itemSelector: ".ag-row",
eventData: eventEl => {
let rowId = eventEl.getAttribute("row-id");
let data = this.commonService.grid_service.getRowNode(rowId);
let color = null;
if(data.data["status"] == 1){
color = "#DEC181";
else if (data.data["status"] == 2){
color = "#A56124";
else {
color = "#000000";
return {
title: data.data["shipmentId"],
duration: data.data["est"],
color : color,
className: "test",
extendedProps: [
est: data.data["est"],
shipmentId: data.data["shipmentId"]
this.calendar = new Calendar(
I had a similar issue with one project at work.
In my case I have to check if an event (insert by the user with a datepicker component) overlap in the calendar or not.
So, my idea is to bypass the eventOverlap handler and use the eventDrop handler for call a function that check if the new event overlap or not others.
The function that I used in my case is the one below:
// dateStart and dateEnd have to be date strings in ISO format (ex. 1980-10-10)
function isOverlapping(dateStart, dateEnd) {
var calendarEvents = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('clientEvents');
dateStart.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
dateEnd.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
var eventStart;
var eventEnd;
for (i in calendarEvents) {
if (calendarEvents[i].id != 1 && calendarEvents[i].type == undefined) {
eventStart = new Date(calendarEvents[i].start._d);
eventStart.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
eventEnd = new Date(calendarEvents[i].end._d);
eventEnd.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (eventStart.getTime() < dateEnd.getTime() && eventEnd.getTime() > dateStart.getTime()) {
return true;
return false;
With the result of this function you can check if your event overlap others or not, so you can show your confirmation box only if the event overlap and only one time.
Sorry for my bad english, I hope my answer can be useful!

Vue.js - Update computed property after async computed property gets updated

I have a computed property (filteredSyms) that depends on the asynchronous computed property (allSynonyms). I am using async-computed plugin for this:
However, when the data gets updated the computed property doesn't wait until the result of the async property update. Therefore, I receive not up to date information. Then after the async property actually return new value computed property doesn't run update again.
How can I make it work the way that computer property waits until there is a result from the async computed property?
The code is below:
asyncComputed: {
async allSynonyms() {
let allSyns = await this.$axios.$post('/db/sym/synonyms', this.model.syms);
return allSyns;
computed: {
filteredSyms() {
let that = this;
let allSyn = this.allSynonyms;
let exactMatch = this.symsByRating.filter(
function (v) {
let isExactMatch = v.title.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(that.searchString.toLocaleLowerCase()) >= 0;
return !that.idsToFilter.includes(v.id) && isExactMatch
&& (!that.currentBodyPart || v.bodyParts.indexOf(that.currentBodyPart) >= 0)
&& that.hasMoreSubsyms(v)
&& (!allSyn || !that.containsObject(v, allSyn))
&& (v.sex == that.model.sex || v.sex == 'NA');
let partialList = [];
exactMatch.forEach(ex => partialList.push({n: 100, sym: ex}));
for (let sym of this.symsByRating ) {
let searchWords = this.searchString.toLocaleLowerCase().split(' ');
let symWords = sym.title.toLocaleLowerCase().split(' ');
let n = 0;
let isPartialMatch = false;
symLoop:for (let symWord of symWords) {
symWord = symWord.substring(0, symWord.length - 1);
for (let searchWord of searchWords) {
// don't count last letters of the words
searchWord = searchWord.substring(0, searchWord.length - 1);
if (searchWord.length > 2 && symWord.indexOf(searchWord) >= 0) {
isPartialMatch = true;
if (exactMatch.indexOf(sym) < 0 && isPartialMatch
&& (!this.currentBodyPart || sym.bodyParts.indexOf(this.currentBodyPart) >= 0)
&& this.hasMoreSubsyms(sym)
&& (!allSyn || !this.containsObject(sym, allSyn))
&& (sym.sex == that.model.sex || sym.sex == 'NA')) {
partialList.push({n: n, sym: sym});
partialList.sort(function(obj1, obj2) {
return obj2.n - obj1.n;
if (this.searchString && this.searchString != '') {
partialList = this.filterSynonyms(partialList);
let fs = partialList.map(ws => ws.sym);
return fs;
A lot of stuff is going on the filtered method, but I guess the main point here that it is using this.allSynonyms to do the check but it is not updated at the time filteredSyms is executed.
Thanks for your suggestions!
(I haven't really tested this out, but it should work.)
vue-async-computed does provide the status in this.$asyncComputed.allSynonyms.success.
try adding this.$asyncComputed.allSynonyms.success as a dependencies to filteredSyms and it should update when success state change.

Meteor call scope variable won't be set

I'm having quite a bit of trouble with the scope of the Meteor.call procedure. It won't set my scope variable to the result.length
'takeaways': function (userId) {
var len = 0;
Meteor.call('userTakeaways', userId, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
console.log('there was an error finding the number of messages that were takeaways')
} else {
len = result.length; // result.length is 2
console.log(len); // still 0
return len;
Please help!
Thank you :)
len is not a reactive variable. So if the len value changes, it won't update the spacebar value.
So here two approach to solving this problem:
1. using reactive var/session.
//Make sure you have install reactive var package
var len = new ReactiveVar(0);
'takeaways': function (userId) {
Meteor.call('userTakeaways', userId, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
console.log('there was an error finding the number of messages that were takeaways')
} else {
len.set(result.length); // result.length is 2
console.log(len.get()); // You will get 2 when response come from you method call.
return len.get();
2. Using 'simple:reactive-method' package
takeaways : function(userId){
return ReactiveMethod.call('userTakeaways', userId).length;
try adding in the else statement
return len = result.length;
as you can see bellow.
'takeaways': function (userId) {
var len = 0;
Meteor.call('userTakeaways', userId, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
console.log('there was an error finding the number of messages that were takeaways')
} else {
return len = result.length; // result.length is 2
console.log(len); // still 0
return len;

jQuery date picker reset css classes

I have a collection of dates that I will use to instanciate my jquery datepicker widget. I have used beforeShowDay method to add a highlight css class to show on what days events are. The issue I encounter is that the css class is reset when I click on a date. Am I doing something wrong ?
inline: true,
showOtherMonths: true,
showButtonPanel: false,
beforeShowDay: function(date) {
var result = [true, '', null];
var matching = $.grep(events, function(event) {
return event.date.valueOf() === date.valueOf();
if (matching.length) {
result = [true, 'highlight', null];
return result;
onSelect: function(dateText) {
Try this way, maybe you are not returning "true".
beforeShowDay: function(dates) {
for (i = 0, vetorLen = freedays.length; i < vetorLen; i++) {
if ($.inArray(dates,freedays) != -1) {
return [true, 'css-class-to-highlight', ''];
} else {
return [false, '', ''];
return [true];
hope this help you.

Calling jquery function from ascx not working

I'm having a problem with the following situation.
I have an ascx which contains a submit button for a search criteria and I am trying to call a validation function in a js file I've used throughout the site (this is the first time I'm using it in an ascx).
Now I've just tried this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jsAdmin_Generic_SystemValidation.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".submitBtn").click(function (e) {
alert("test 2");
The file is being referenced correctly as I am already seeing posts in Firebug that are done by it.
This is the function:
Validate: function () {
var requiredElements = $('.required').length; // Get the number of elements with class required
$('.required').each(function () {
// If value of textbox is empty and have not
// yet been validated then validate all required
// elements. i.e.
if (($(this).val() == "") || ($(this).hasClass("validationError")) || ($(this).hasClass("validationAlert")) || ($(this).hasClass("validationOk") == false)) {
if ($('.validationOk').length == requiredElements) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Another extended function, this function
// is used for pages with the edit-in-place
// feature implemented.
validateElement: function (obj) {
var elementId = obj.attr("id"); // id of the button clicked.
var flag = 0;
if (elementId.toLowerCase() == "paymentmethodid") {
// Case elementId = paymentMethodId then check all the
// elements with css class starting with openStorage
var requiredElements = $(document).find("input[class*='openStorage']").length; // Get the number of elements with css class starting with openStorage
// Loop through all the elements with css class containing
// openStorage abd validate each element.
$(document).find("input[class*='openStorage']").each(function () {
if (($(this).val() == "") || ($(this).hasClass("validationError")) || ($(this).hasClass("validationAlert"))) {
if ($(this).hasClass("validationOk")) {
} else if (($(this).hasClass("validationError")) || ($(this).hasClass("validationAlert"))) {
// If all elements are valid return true else return false
if (flag == requiredElements) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else if (elementId.toLowerCase() == "registeredfortax") {
if (($('.TaxRegistrationNumber').val() == "") || ($('.TaxRegistrationNumber').hasClass("validationError")) || ($('.TaxRegistrationNumber').hasClass("validationAlert"))) {
if ($('.TaxRegistrationNumber').hasClass("validationOk")) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
var elementClass = "." + elementId;
if (($(elementClass).val() == "") || ($(elementClass).hasClass("validationError")) || ($(elementClass).hasClass("validationAlert")) || ($(elementClass).hasClass("validationOk") == false)) {
if ($(elementClass).hasClass("validationOk") && ($(elementClass).hasClass("required"))) {
return true;
} else if ($(elementClass).hasClass("required") == false) {
return true;
}else {
return false;
Now at first I was getting "Validate() is not a function" in firebug. Since I did that alert testing, I am getting the first alert, then nothing with no errors.
Can anyone shed some light?
Are you using the extend method properly? ...
