Calling Mastodon API in R Studio - r

Please can someone help me figure out what is going on? I used the mastodon library in R Studio to extract some data from the fediverse successfully a while ago. Here is the code I used:
tokens <- login("",user = user,pass = password)
"user" is my email address.
It worked well initially, but trying it again, I am getting this annoying error message, which I do not understand:
Error in UseMethod("content", x) :
no applicable method for 'content' applied to an object of class "response"
Please can any good samaritan out there who has used this library in R Studio help me figure out what is going on? I need to prepare a report on this project. Thanks in advance of your help.

It is possible that some functions may have masked the function. By calling this on a fresh R session, it did work
tokens <- login("",user = user,pass = password)
[1] ""


object 'rlang_tilde_eval' not found after library updates

I have been using the combcoint library for quite some time. Today I installed some new packages in R for my work and since then I have been getting an error, when I try to run the function bayerhanck. The error itself:
Error in p_value_Fisher_bc ~ poly(stat_Fisher_all_bc, 12) * k_dummy :
object 'rlang_tilde_eval' not found
I assume this there is a technical solution to this, but I have not been able to find it.

when I use word2vec::word2vec function I repeatedly get out of session in R server

I have installed this package and tried to use word2vec on my R server.
model=word2vec(train_file = "text8",output_file = "vec.bin",binary=1)
But I repeatedly get
Error: 'session is aborted'.
Does anyone know how I can fix it?
Or what I could use instead of word2vec?
Also you can get 'text8' in <- here
I just find the reason that we have to have a real train_file to the model, i.e. the file has to be at the right directory and it cannot just be null or anything else.

R and RGoogleDocs - trouble with auth

here's the deal with RGoogleDocs: when I run:
auth = getGoogleAuth("", "my pass",service="wise")
I always have this (I try different login/passw):
Error in strsplit(ans, "\\\n") : non-character argument
I am trying different ways for it with no success. Please help, what's wrong? And
may be there're any other packages for connect R and Google sheets? Thanks
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 Day later:
I fix it with library(googlesheets), that works fine

RSocrata package with Chicago data neglects my token

I can not throttle-up my downloads by using the token issued to my app (on portal, where I had to register)
Error 1:
token <- "___my_app_token__";
fdf <- read.socrata("h___s://$where=station_name=\"Foster Weather Station\"", token)
2016-10-06 10:39:53.685 getResponse:
Error in httr GET: 403 h___s://
I have NO IDEA where did the first 'token' (2524 2524) come from, do you? Can somebody tell me? Maybe the author of the package is here?
fdf <- read.socrata("h___s://$where=station_name=\"Foster Weather Station\"")
WITHOUT A TOKEN (and not throttled-up) works perfectly well!
and this 'open source' h___s:// doesn't answer the question as well.
It looks like the syntax you're using to pass your app token is wrong. I'm no R expert, but I found this example in the documentation for the RSocrata library:
df <- read.socrata("",
app_token = "__my_app_token__")
Try passing your app token as a named parameter instead of an indexed parameter, and see if that helps.

GoogleVis, Geomap Plot error

When I want to create the map using the gvisGeoMap() from googleVis, I get error:
## Using the google visualization API with R
input<- read.csv("data.csv")
select<- input[which(input$Subgroup=="Total 5-14"),]
select<- input[which(input$Subgroup=="Total 5-14 yr"),]
Map<- data.frame(select$Country.or.Area, select$Value)
names(Map)<- c("Country", "Percentage")
Geo=gvisGeoMap(Map, locationvar="Country", numvar="Percentage",
options=list(height=350, dataMode='regions'))
#starting httpd help server ... done
#Error in ifelse(interactive(), getOption("browser"), "false") :
#replacement has length zero
The above is the error in the "RGui". The error message in "RStudio" is differet:
#object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
and the browser does not fire at all. The HTTP server works fine since I can simply call help pages.( for example ?googleVis will fire up the browser and give the help page). The "Geo" object in the code above is fine and contains the html code only that the plot() does not do what it is supposed to do (I can manually run the html file in the temp folder and see the results). The example above is available here.
I would appreciate your clues.
Thank you
This is the result of correspondance with the the Authors of the packages. It seems that there was a bug that prevented the plot to work properly. The released a new version. You can find the link below.
Yesterday evening I realised that with version 0.3.0 of googleVis I unfortunately introduced a bug in RStudio and R on Windows.
The bug has been fixed already and a new version (0.3.1) is available from our project site (here is the link), but not on CRAN yet.
I have put a note on my blog (here is the link) to inform others as well.
I hope this helps.
Best regards
