Multisite blog post creation in Kentico CMS -

I need some guidance on how to achieve the following functionality on the Kentico Xperience 13.
The goal is to be able to create a blog post (article page) and have a dropdown to select the category of the post and more importantly to select the sites that this blog post will go into.
For example: I manage content on 20 sites via an admin portal and I want to post a blog post to 10 of the sites, I currently will have to go into the admin portion of each site and perform the same operation for each, it would be helpful to do it once and select multiple sites on the same page (via dropdown check-box widget for example) and publish in one go.
Any guidance on how to accomplish this is much appreciated!

Your blog post (article page) page type could have a multiple select dropdown/checkbox list of sites (if that is how you'd want to specify the sites to duplicate to). Then when the page is saved/inserted, you could have a global event set up which duplicates the blog post into the given sites.
Or, instead of having a global event/site selection field combination, you could make a custom module which is dedicated to duplicating pages to other sites. Maybe the module could allow you to select multiple pages you want to duplicate, and the sites you want to duplicate to.


Manage custom content blocks on a page

I'm putting together my own Wordpress theme for a very specific set of client requirements. I'm fine with front-end theme work, but I need some help with back end.
The task is kind of like a support site, with lots of Q and A's. I'm building a support site for a company, which means most Pages will be populated with many questions and associated answers.
The page Structure would be something like this:
Home Page (with links to Most recent Q+As added) and common sections
-How to use the app (10-20 Q+As on page)
-How to manage integrations (10-20 Q+As on page)
-Other page (10-20 Q+As on page)
-5-10x 'Other pages'
About Us
Contact Support
Requirements and my comments
-Each Q and A does not have it's own URL
This makes using Posts for Q and A's unattractive.
-Each Page is made up of a Table of Contents which allows quick scrolling to questions
An ideal solution would be some code on the page theme template which grabs each "Q and A" object within a certain category/section/identifier and load it to the page
-New questions and answers can quickly and easily be added
The ideal solution for support reps is that they can add a question and answer, and assign a category, rather than edit a huge page of questions.
-Order of Q and A's on page is important
Ideal solution should allow you to order the Q+As within their given category/section/other.
-On the home page, most recent Q+As added list exists
-Each Page of Q+As has a "last updated" date, which is the date the most recent Q+A was most recently modified.
Ideas I had
Posts or custom posts seemed like a good idea, but they create permalinks. But my "Pages" would actually be Category Archive pages. We don't want a Q+A to be be assigned two categories. Also, custom post ordering seems difficult. If we could suppress permalinks and ensure on category or section and find a way to order them - this could work.
FAQ Plugins
It seems like these all are a bit clunky and the amount of custom dev to re-skin on it might not be worth it, might be easier to do something totally custom.
does anyone have any ideas how this could be achieved?
The best thing is to use custom post types. Basically two custom post types, question and answer. Then each question can have categories tags and so on. Answers can have a custom field with question ID so you can easily get all the answers by question ID. If you need then not to have unique url, than create two files: single-question.php and single-answer.php and put 404 page code there so if user will get to the url of a single question or answer than he will see 404 error :)

Wordpress run Classifieds? a good idea?

I'm building an inventory/classified for all my products onto a wordpress site. Is this a good idea?
The question i have is how to seperate them all.
I have about 50 product categories (which wont fit the menu).
I need to find a way to query and show the items for each category out as they onto an independant page.
For example. I have engines, tires, rim, hoods. I need a page to show all engines together and not the others.
Thanks it advance, I hope the question is clear
Wordpress is fine, i am working for a company, in which i used wordpress to create an auction. It had a ton of categories and products. I created a custom post to allow users to create items for the auction. Added categories which i used to filter through the products, ie: All, Arts & Entertainment, Sports, Dining, Golf, etc. I created pagination so it shows the products on multiple pages
Learn more about Custom post types here Custom Post Types
Hope this helps

Wordpress: Using Custom Post Type for image list of Product

I have a Wordpress-blog with gift ideas where I write text based articles. I recently discovered Custom Post types which I believe is the solution to an feature I want to create.
What I want:
Be able to tag each custom post using the normal "Categories" and "Tags".
Create a 3x3 matrix with product images (custom posts) to be shown on top of each Category-view or Tag-view (followed by the typical article list in the category or tag).
Lets say I have a category "Gifts for mom" and tags "Pink", "Cheap"
In the category "Gifts for mom" I have 10 text articles (normal posts) discussing the difficulties of buying gifts for your mom
I create nine custom posts, each is a specific gift (e.g. A pink hairbrush). I want to place them in the Category "Gifts for mom" and tag them with "Pink".
When I view I want to be able to get a view:
Gifts for mom
Product Product Product
Product Product Product
Product Product Product
- This awesome article
- That awesome article
- Etc
I assume this is possible but don't really know where to begin. Could you point me in the right direction? Which Plugins do I need? Do I need to do any programming myself (or just plugin configuration)? Is this even possible?
The description is a bit broad, hence a bit broad answer.
Two things are needed:
1) A plugin to create the Custom Post Type.
It is considered best practice to let CPT's in Plugin territory. So you can swap designs and preserve your CPT functionality. In reality, you are asking for future problems letting this be handled by the theme.
Create your own plugin, which would contain a register_post_type and any extra configs.
Use an existent plugin, like Custom Content Type Manager.
Its Custom Fields features are quite handy as well.
Allows users to create custom content types (also known as post types) and standardized custom fields for each, including dropdowns, checkboxes, and images.
2) Learn how to use and customize WordPress Templates
Templates are the files which control how your WordPress site will be displayed on the Web. These files draw information from your WordPress MySQL database and generate the HTML code which is sent to the web browser. Through its powerful Theme system, WordPress allows you to define as few or as many Templates as you like all under one Theme. Each of these Template files can be configured for use under specific situations.
You can try the following:
Add a new Page for each category with the exact same name as the category.
In the Images menu attach to each of those pages the images you want.
In your script query for a page with a name identical to the current category, and pull all of its attachments

Wordpress - Best way to differentiate between Blog Posts and News Posts

I am implementing a clients website in wordpress that has both news and blog posts. The homepage is satic page but the nav bar has the links to two different types of posts - NEWS AND BLOGS. Though both are exactly same however they are to be made accessible entirely separate from each other through the navigation bar.
Now I would like to know what is the best possible way to differentiate between the two in the admin panel:
I mean i can create custom post types for either one or for both the types or on the other hand create no custom post type but just a taxonomy to divide the two into different parts as news posts and blog posts. Also I think I can use the custom field option to differentiate between the two...
Kindly keep in mind that the news and blog posts will be made by the client himself...
Going with this train of thought
Kindly keep in mind that the news and blog posts will be made by the client himself
I think that the best option would be to create a custom post type for "news" and leave the standard blog posts unchanged.
As you can see in the official documentation. Once you create a custom post type, a new top-level option will be created in the admin panel.
Which would allow for the following use scenarios:
Posts > Add New
Posts > All Posts
News > Add New
News > All News
Keeping the taxonomies out of this is also a good idea. Because that would allow you to keep them meaningful and share them among different post types.
e.g: clicking on "open source" category would show a list of "posts" and "news" related to that particular topic.
This yoast article covers a few more advanced scenarios and how to manage them.
Using custom-fields would probably confuse the end user. Especially because there will be times where they forget to add the field altogether, and wonder why the post is not showing on the page at all.
hope this helps

Drupal 6 custom career posting module

I'm attempting to build module that allows a user access to manage jobs/departments and post them to our website. It will also allow end users to apply for a given position.
The hierarchy is as follows:
About Us Page (standard drupal page)
-Careers (overview with list of all openings)
-Department Pages (if one or more jobs are available, they'll be displayed here)
-Individual Job posting with form to submit resume
I am currently using two custom tables for jobs and departments.
I have all the administration (CRUD) stuff working just fine -- my question lies in the 'drupal' way of integrating the department pages and individual career pages.
Should I create a custom content type that stores all the job/department data in the node? Or should I keep with my custom tables and integrate with the Path module to setup all the department pages and the application page? Also, what would be the best way to integrate the job application form into the module?
I appreciate any help!
You could create a custom node type for jobs and then create a taxonomy vocabulary for careers with terms for departments inside it so that you can then assign the taxonomy terms to a job. That would be very quick and easy to do.
This also means that you could output nice categorised breadcrumbs using the Custom Breadcrumbs module. Custom Breadcrumbs contains a submodule called Custom Breadcrumbs Taxonomy so you could output career/department information in the breadcrumbs.
You could also use Pathauto to output nicely structured SEO friendly URLS using this method.
Edited to say that with this method you could use Views to show taxonomy term specific lists simply by enabling the taxonomy term View, so you could show all openings at and all departmental openings at
