How to include Style option on Text Dialog Editor of AEM Sites? - adobe

I'm starting to use Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) and I wants put CSS Style on my Text on Site editor, but I can't find the option to style the text. I've followed this tutorial but I can't find the path "/mnt/overlay/cq/gui/components/authoring/dialog/style/tab_design/styletab" specified on the tutorial. So, how I can enable the Style CSS option on Editor?
On CRX, there are no /mnt path:

The path at /mnt/overlay is just a mount point for resources that you'll actually find under /libs or /apps (if an overlay is present).
You should be able to resolve the resource, even though there's nothing physically present at the /mnt/overlay path in the repository. At this point, the Sling Resource Merger kicks in to find the relevant content under both /apps and /libs, combine it and return it.
In this case, the definition itself sits at /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/dialog/style/tab_design/styletab (which must not be changed) and there may be nodes under a matching path under /apps that overlay or override it.


How to provide an icon for a dexterity type with Plone 5

icon_expr is gone.
There is an related issue
concerning the problem but only for control-panel icons.
What is the appropriate way to add a icon to a dexterity content type in plone 5?
Any pointer welcome
Unluckily the Plone 5 way is only through CSS (with a background image for example) and register it in the new resource registry.
One way I tested is to re-use Fontello, like Barceloneta is doing but is not really simple because you must manually modify the generated CSS to prevent you new CSS to destroy other global rules.
An example is here: (it's not even Dexterity or Archetypes, but this is not important).
Note. I don't really understand this run to CSS and iconfont. It's a kind of over-optimization:
old school images can still be cached
background images are not really accessible as real images provided also an "alt" for blind people, that warn about the content type.
I don't like current situation too much... it's OK while you are developing a theme but is a nightmare for add-ons developers.
Beneath the update of an actual fontello font, you can limit yourself to enhance the icon configuration.
From the Products.CMFPlone package you can get the current icon font config file "config.json"
To review the content of the file visually, go to the website and visit the menu under the "wrench" icon.
Reset all icon selections and settings you may have done before.
Unselect glyphs
Reset all changes
Use Import to load the config.json file from CMFPlone.
Review the icons, names, codes and shapes
Look at the source code of config.json and locate icons not referencing a font but containing plain svg path information.
You will figure out that even glyphs can contain multiple path elements and holes as well.
Try to overload just the config.json file in your package by appending your custom icon as plain svg in the json and choose a non conflicting unicode char code. I am still working on documenting this in detail.
Source: I found a hint to this by Victor Fernandez de Alba mentioning this method in his talk [2] (see transscript [1]) during Plone Conf Bucharest: Slide 12

Determining the Problematic CSS File in Firebug

I have this displayed in my Firebug console
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://********.com/images/slider-img/ajax-loader.gif"
So it's telling me it can't find a background image. But can it pinpoint which CSS file this image has been declared as a background-image property?
I have about 4-5 CSS files being referenced in the document and the manual way of finding it out would to open each of the files and find for this image. So I was wondering if this could be avoided and have Firebug tell me which CSS file is the culprit...
Firebug currently (as of version 2.0.x) doesn't directly show you the initiator of a network request. This requires platform support, which is requested in bug 563623.
So, as a workaround you can do this:
Switch to the CSS panel.
Click into the search field at the right side of Firebug.
Ensure that the option Multiple Files is checked.
Enter ajax-loader.gif
=> The CSS panel will switch to the CSS source containing the rule containing the image value.
There may be several properties referring to different images named ajax-loader.gif. So you should also check whether the path to the image corresponds to the one shown in the error message. (Within the search field you can hit Enter to get to the next match.)
It's not sure that the request comes from CSS. It may also come from JavaScript, e.g. through an AJAX request or by appending an <img> tag dynamically.

Coding with Sublime Text - having trouble with filepath's in css

So I code in Sublime Text 2 combining HTML, CSS, and jQuery to make web designs.
For some reason, when I am trying to specify a location of a file, say Pic01.jpg in the folder images, you would suspect typing in /images/Pic01.jpg should be enough to tell the browser where the picture is located.
But this is not the case. I find myself needing to specify the exact location of the file before the browser will render it. Like; User/Desktop/siteOne/images/Pic01.jpg
This path system is very inconvenient, as I would like to say - export my sites to different computers, but now the code is bound to that specific location on that specific computer.
How can I set it up to make /images/Pic01.jpg sufficient coding for the browser (or Sublime?) to understand what needs to be rendered?
Prepending the path by / means that it will start it search at the root, which can change depending on your server configuration.
With WAMP/MAMP, I have to prepend my URLs by / and then the name of the folder they are in, if they are not at the absolute root of the server. It depends on your setup.
If you want paths that will work regardless of the server root, it's best to use a relative path or use a constant that can easily be changed depending on the configuration.
Example :
define("PATH", "/");
Link that always work
You will only have one line to change to make your paths work all the time with a different configuration - relative paths can be tricky to deal with when working in deep sub-folders.
Furthermore, if you want to see where it's actually looking for the file, open the Console in your web browser of choice, they should display the error (404 most likely) and the path it's looking at.

ASP.NET: question regarding reference paths

These are the three ways in which the same image has been referenced to in my project in 2-3 different files:
url(<% =QDAAB.Constants.SiteURL %>images/Docs/Plan/myImage.jpg)
I am a bit confused about this relative, absolute path thingy. How do I refer to this image in such a way that no matter in what folder the image is located it is always displayed and never lost. Which of the above three references ways is right to achieve what I want? Or is there another way too to refer to an image?
Hope the question is clear.
I am beginner to .NET and have just begun trying out stuff.
Also what exactly do the above code lines mean? Like, what's this Constants.URL? What are "~" and ".." doing?
Here's where the image is being used in one of the pages. When I changed it to "../.." the image got displayed, earlier it wasn't.
<td align="center" style="background-image: url(../../images/Docs/Plans/myImage.jpg);
None of these will 'magically' find your image no matter in what folder the image is located. You will always have to give it some part of the path to the image in your links to have that image rendered.
However, out of these three, I would recommend the second line url(~/images/Docs/Plan/myImage.jpg); as the best way to accomplish what you need to do.
The '~' in .NET is a special character for the framework that starts your path at the root of your site. It essentially says, no matter what directory the request came from within the site, go to the root and start your path from there.
The '../' is standard HTML syntax meaning go up one directory and then start looking for your path.
So for instance, let's say your site is located at And here is your folder structure
Default.aspx (your default document when you get to your site)
If you are in default.aspx, then the hand-coded URL to your images would be (/Images/Docs/Plan/myImage.jpg) as you are at the root of your site at this point.
If you are in SomeFolder, then the hand-coded URL to your images would be (../Images/Docs/Plan/myImage.jpg) since you have to go up 1 directory to get to the root of your site where the Images directory is located.
If you are in SomeFolderSubFolder, then the hand-coded URL to your images would be (../../Images/Docs/Plan/myImage.jpg) - as you would need to go up 2 directories to get to root of your site where your images folder is.
Now, by using the url(~/images/Docs/Plan/myImage.jpg); method, you do not have to worry about knowing how many directories deep you are in your site, it will always start looking from the site root. Each one of those examples above replaced with this line of code will always render out the image correctly.
Ok, so you are trying this with in-line styles. You might/should be able to do this:
<td align="center" style="background-image: url(<%= Server.MapPath("~/images/Docs/Plans/myImage.jpg") %>);></td>
Or, there is nothing wrong with using the ../ method, you just need to keep in mind where you are at in your folder structure. Lastly, if you were to declare this style in your stylesheet instead of inline, it doesn't matter where the images are at in relation to the page, just where they are at in relation to the stylesheet FYI.
<td align="center" class="tdWithImages"></td>
#tdWithImages{background-image: url(../Images/Docs/Plan/myImage.jpg);}

Loading Flex resources relative to server root as opposed to .swf location

I have a large (700kb) Flex .swf file representing the main file of a site.
For performance testing I wanted to try and move it off to Amazon S3 hosting (which i have already done with certain videos and large files).
I went ahead and did that, and updated the html page to reference the remote .swf.
It turns out that Flash will load any resources relative to the .swf file accessing the resource - no matter what the root of the html page is. So my resources are now being loaded from the remote site (where they don't exist).
There are two obvious things I could do :
* copy all my resources remotely (not ready for this since i'm just testing now)
* add in some layer of abstraction to every URL that the .swf accesses to derive a new path.
I really want to flick a switch and say 'load everything relative to [original server]'.
Does such a thing exist or am I stuck loading everythin from the remote machine unless I fully qualify every path?
i want to avoid anything 'hacky' like : subclass Image and hack the path there
Append a slash before your urls, this should load relative to the domain instead of the current folder:
This is a bit quick and dirty, feeding a "relative" url via a querystring (or the base parameter) would be way more flexible.
You could try specifying the base parameter of your SWF's embed/object tags. In theory it defines the base path that will be used to resolve relative paths for loading, but I don't know if it will work if the base value points to a different server from where the SWF is.
See the docs on embed/object params here. Scroll down to "base" at the middle.
If that doesn't work, another thing I've seen people do is to pass in a custom base path via flashvars. Then inside your SWF, you check if that base path is defined, and if so prepend it to relative URLs before loading.
