Optimal number of clusters TramineR - r

My problem may seem trivial to most of you. I'm working on hierarchical clustering using warde method with my data and would I like to identify the optimal number of clusters. This is the plot that shows hierarchical clustering from an optimal matching distance. But what is the optimal number of clusters in this case? How can I determine this?
Sample code:
costs <- seqcost(df_new.seq, method="TRATE")
df_new.seq.om<- seqdist(df_new.seq, method="OM", sm=costs$sm, indel=costs$indel)
######################### cluster ward ###########################
clusterward <- agnes(df_new.seq.om, diss = TRUE, method = "ward")
plot(clusterward, which.plots = 2)
cl1.4 <- cutree(clusterward, k = 10)
cl1.4fac <- factor(cl1.4, labels = paste("Cluster", 1:10))

While this question is over a year old at this point and the poster have hopefully decided on their clusters, for anyone finding this post and wondering the same thing: How do I best decide on the optimal number of clusters when doing sequence analysis, I highly recommend this paper on cluster validation. I've found it very useful! It comes with a step by step example.
Studer, M. (2021). Validating Sequence Analysis Typologies Using Parametric Bootstrap. Sociological Methodology, 51(2), 290–318. https://doi-org.proxy.ub.umu.se/10.1177/00811750211014232


Hierarchical clustering: Calcuating amountof clusters

I am working with R.
I am calculating a hierarchical cluster and plotting it. I then cut it into cluster-groups to plot again.
I have a for-loop, to do this on subsets of a database, which works fine.
The problem is, each subset of data might have a different optimal number of clusters...
The solutions ive found online, to find the optimal amount of clusters, is visual.
Is there code I can run to automiatically configure the optimal number of clusters? In the code example, im looking for "noOfClusters". Also, it should be a maximum of 10...
This is how my clustering looks like, in short:
clusterResult <- agnes(singleLinkMatrix,stand = FALSE, method = "ward", metric = "euclidean")
clusterMember <- cutree(clusterResult, k = noOfClusters)
Thanks a lot :)

optimize the model after modeling in r randomforste grid search

there i have two regression models ,rf1 and rf2 and i want o find value of variables that allow output of rf1 to be between 20 and 26 and output of rf2 should be inferior to 10 :
i tried grid search but i found nothing,please i you know how to do it with a heuristic (simulated annealing or genetic algorithm) please help me
you can find the code for this example in this repository here
model_rf_fines<- readRDS(file = paste0("rf1.rds"))
model_rf_gros<- readRDS(file = paste0("rf2.rds"))
grid_input_test = expand.grid(
"Poste" ="P1",
"Qualité" ="BTNBA",
"CPT_2500" =13.83,
"CPT400" = 46.04,
"CPT160" =15.12,
"CPT125" =5.9,
#levels correction ----
levels(grid_input_test$Qualité) = model_rf_fines$forest$xlevels$Qualité
levels(grid_input_test$Poste) = model_rf_fines$forest$xlevels$Poste
for(i in 1:nrow(grid_input_test)){
print(paste0('Fines :', predict(object = model_rf_fines,newdata = grid_input_test[i,]) ))
print(paste0('Gros :',predict(object = model_rf_gros,newdata = grid_input_test[i,]) ))
if(predict(object = model_rf_gros,newdata = grid_input_test[i,])<=10){break}
any suggestions will be greatly appreciated
It might be such variables/input does not exists. If rf1 and rf2 represent two Random Forest models, with say >50 trees, the number of trees will average out spikes/edges of the model.
Similar to the law of large numbers, the more trees in each forest, the more closer output of rf1 and rf2 will be. This is all if indeed rf_ represent random forests both trained on same data, indeed than the more trees the more impossible your input that satisfies the conditions.
Indeed try a naive grid search first, and keep track of minimum value of rf2 while rf1 satisfies your condition. Call this minimum M_grid
If you want to implement simulated annealing, I would start with a simple neighbour scheme, say take a random input variable and vary it a bit. Use python packages for the annealing scheme. If this simple scheme beats your M_grid by quite a bit and you feel you are close to the solution, you can play around with slower cooling schemes, or more complicated neighbour proposals.
Also, the objective for both SA and GA should not be chosen too fast. Probably you want a objective that steers rf1 close to its lowest edge of 20, and rf2 as minium as possible, with maybe a exp() or **3 to reward going down plenty.
I made some assumptions here, maybe wrong. But hope this helps anyway.

No convergence for hard competitive learning clustering (flexclust package)

I am applying the functions from the flexclust package for hard competitive learning clustering, and I am having trouble with the convergence.
I am using this algorithm because I was looking for a method to perform a weighed clustering, giving different weights to groups of variables. I chose hard competitive learning based on a response for a previous question (Weighted Kmeans R).
I am trying to find the optimal number of clusters, and to do so I am using the function stepFlexclust with the following code:
new("flexclustControl") ## check the default values
fc_control <- new("flexclustControl")
fc_control#iter.max <- 500 ### 500 iterations
fc_control#verbose <- 1 # this will set the verbose to TRUE
fc_control#tolerance <- 0.01
### I want to give more weight to the first 24 variables of the dataframe
my_weights <- rep(c(1, 0.064), c(24, 31))
hardcl <- stepFlexclust(x=df, k=c(7:20), nrep=100, verbose=TRUE,
FUN = cclust, dist = "euclidean", method = "hardcl", weights=my_weights, #Parameters for hard competitive learning
control = fc_control,
However, the algorithm does not converge, even with 500 iterations. I would appreciate any suggestion. Should I increase the number of iterations? Is this an indicator that something else is not going well, or did I a mistake with the R commands?
Thanks in advance.
Two things that answer my question (as well as a comment on weighted variables for kmeans, or better said, with hard competitive learning):
The weights are for observations (=rows of x), not variables (=columns of x). so using hardcl for weighting variables is wrong.
In hardcl or neural gas you need much more iterations compared to standard k-means: In k-means one iteration uses the complete data set to change the centroids, hard competitive learning and uses only a single observation. In comparison to k-means multiply the number of iterations by your sample size.

Clusplot of dissimilarity matrix, how to list components?

First off, I apologize if this is a stupid question. I am a medical doctor and never studied mathematics/statistics, so all I know is self-taught over the course of my PhD.
To analyze my data I'm using a daisy() produced dissimilarity matrix as source for kmeans() clustering and visualising the result with clusplot(). The clusplot provides information about how much point variability the two visualised components provide taken together, but not separately. Is there a way to show % of point variability for each component separately?
Do I undestand correctly, that the daisy output does not have principal components per se, but the clusplot pretty much runs PCA on it and uses the first two components? If so, can it list all the components with % of explained variability?
Thanks a lot!
Example code:
gower_dist <- daisy(data, metric = "gower")
fit <- kmeans(gower_dist, 3, nstart = 20)
clusplot(as.matrix(gower_dist), diss=TRUE, fit$cluster, color=TRUE, shade=FALSE, labels=3, lines=0, plotchar=FALSE, stand=TRUE, span=TRUE)

find number of clusters in hierarchical clustering dendrogram after cutree in r

Here I have some problem to find number of clusters after using cutree on a dendrogram. Here is my approach:
mat <- a huge matrix
hc <- (as.dist(mat), method = "average", members = NULL)
#to cut the tree just 1 level below the maximum height
tree <- cutree(hc, h = hc$height[[length(hc$height)-1]])
By printing the tree variable I can see that my dendrogram is cut into two clusters. I can also get the labels from each cluster using names(tree[tree==1]), but how can get the number of clusters without looking at the data? I want to automate this in a pipeline based on number of clusters it has in tree variable.
finally i made it to answer my question by running a loop over the tree object after cutting dendrogram, but this might not be an optimal solution. and feel free to suggest modifications to make it more elegant..
clust <- c()
for (i in 1:length(tree)){
clust[i] <- tree[[i]]
This should possibly give the answer as per my knowledge..
Thank you
