Datapower web service proxy - ibm-datapower

I have created a WSDL file using IBM APP Connect ,and uploaded it on datapower to create a wsp however I am failing to test the same wsdl file using SOAPUI even though I redirected the endpoint to my http://ip:port/uri and put in the provided AAA credentials.
Please help, my datapower is running on docker so I am not sure if there are more configurations I still need to do before testing.
I have already created the WSP and used as remote endpoint

find solution here on how to expose your docker ports to the local host.

Need more clarification on this issue. Please provide xsl code.


Can not log into alfresco community edition after power failure

I was out of town and when I returned my server was off due to a power failure. All systems are functional but I can no longer log into Alfresco Community Edition. I have looked at several forums, but no real solutions.
There are a number of things you need to check before we can help you. These include things like:
Is the server running?
Can you connect to it via SSH?
Do you have a web proxy (like Apache or Nginx) installed?
Can you grep for that process?
Can you hit the web proxy?
Can you grep for the tomcat process?
Do you see anything in the logs?
Can you hit the Alfresco webapp on 8080?
Can you hit the Share webapp on 8080?
Is the database running?
If your content store storage is on a mount point, is the volume mounted?
Can you browse the content store directory?

Access to WSDL file deployed in IIS Manager from a client distant machine

I have an application(virtual folder defining as an application)in IIS Manager from Windows Server 2012 R2. I want to have access to my application from a client distant machine.
when i type this URL for example on the server's browser it's working. But when i try it with my local machine. it's not working.
I ping the server's IP address from my machine in the cmd and the ping is successful.
Sorry for my english and thanks for your help.
I can offer you this steps just follow carefully.
It begins from creating a Webservice to Deployment and Calling it to another project.
Good Luck!

HTTP Error 400 - OWIN with Topshelf

I've created a windows service using Owin and topshelf.
the application is a WebAPI that listens on port 9000 and I have allowed this port in my firewall rules.
when I executed the .exe file on windows server 2008 I can use it locally(localhost:9000)
but when I try to access it from other machines, I get this error message:
HTTP Error 400. The request hostname is invalid
what am I missing?
please help.
this solved my problem, which might be super obvious to you, but not as much to me.
instead of using this code:
I had to use this:
of course one shouldn't forget to open the port in the firewall too.
Maybe a hosts entry on the remote machine? remember that "localhost" points to the current machine itself. You may need to set up a local IIS server, deploy your WebApi to that, so that other computers can see it.
Incidentelly, there is no way for your ASP.Net development server (Visual Studio's built-in server) to serve other pages than localhost, so you may need to trick it using something like Fiddler or Cassini to act as a route during debug.
There are some related answers to this here:
Can I access ASP.NET Development server in an intranet?
I hope it helps you

Putting Artifactory behind SSL

I manually installed Artifactory(V 2.6) on my centos and am using it with its own standalone jetty container. I use artifactoryctl start to start it and now I can access it using http://myhostname:8081/artifactory.
What is the best and easy way to put this behind https now?
Note: It will be nice if I can have both http and https access.
Any help is appreciated.
Please upgrade to the latest Artifactory version.
Starting Artifactory 3, it comes with embedded Tomcat, please refer to the official Tomcat documentation on how to configure SSL on Tomcat.
Another option might be configuring Artifactory behind Apache or Ngnix HTTP servers. In this case, Artifactory user guide provides documentation on how to configure ssl for the former and for the later.

IIS offers .svc file for download instead of executing it on the server!

My RESTful WCF Web service appears to break itself if I leave it alone for a while! I can leave my PC with everything working and when I return and test the service with a simple url request it'll offer me the .svc file for download instead of initiating the request on the server!
This WCF service sits in it's own IIS Application folder under the root. I can get the service going again by opening up the IIS sub-folder in Visual Studio, deleting the web.config file and then adding it in again.
My first thought was that HTTP handler mappings for .svc have been borked so I re-ran ServiceModelReg.exe -i, but that hasn't resolved the issue.
Looking at the Handler Mappings for this IIS Application they appear correct and are inherited from the the web root. It's worth mentioning that this site also has another Application folder running WCF services from a .svc fle and is still functioning fine!
Now that I've checked the obvious am a bit flumoxed about where to look next! Hoping someone has suggestions...
Are you running IIS6 or IIS7? And what .NET-version?
Test this:
"%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation\ServiceModelReg.exe" -r -y
Do you really need .svc-extension in the rest url?
This might solve the problem:
Go to programs and features, then turn windows features on or off. Framework 3.5.1.
Ensure both options are checked
Windows Communication Foundation HTTP Activation
Windows Communication Foundation Non HTTP Activation
Hope this helps.
Check out this article on getting your extension mapped correctly:
IIS Hosted Service Fails
EDIT: Are you hosting the service in your application? Maybe your app pool getting hung?
Well I did figure this out eventually. Just a weird quirk of IE/IIS. I was testing by putting my REST URI in IE's address bar and expecting to see a page of JSON if everything worked. This is what would happen the first time the service was used. On further attempts IE would offer to download a file called 'FooService.svc' that actually contained my JSON data - I was never being offered to download my server-side svc file.
Ho hum, computers eh. Can't live with 'em, ...
enable 32 bit run for connected app pool in IIS 7
It's resolved my problem.
