Transformation of goals by "rule" - isabelle

I'm trying to use rule dec_induct to do an induction proof with a base case that is not 0, but I don't understand how the rule is being applied by Isabelle. If I state the following lemma:
lemma test:
shows "P a"
proof (rule dec_induct)
Isabelle transforms it into three subgoals, which I assume are supposed to be the premises of dec_induct unified with my goal. dec_induct is
⟦?i ≤ ?j; ?P ?i; ⋀n. ⟦?i ≤ n; n < ?j; ?P n⟧ ⟹ ?P (Suc n)⟧ ⟹ ?P ?j
, so I would think that the ?j in its conclusion would unify with the "a" of my goal. That is, I would expect the following three subgoals:
?i ≤ a
?P ?i
⋀n. ⟦?i ≤ n; n < a; ?P n⟧ ⟹ ?P (Suc n)
But the subgoals Isabelle actually transforms it to are
?i ≤ ?j
P a
⋀n. ⟦?i ≤ n; n < ?j; P a⟧ ⟹ P a
How is Isabelle getting that, and how can I get it to perform the induction as I expect? I realize I should be using the induct method, but I'm just trying to understand how rule works.

Higher order unification can produce very unintuitive results, especially when you have patterns like ?f ?x, i.e. a schematic variable of function type, applied to another schematic variable. I don't know much about higher order unification, but it seems that if you unify ?f ?x with something like f x, you tend to get the unifier [?f ↦ λy. f x] instead of [?f ↦ f, ?x ↦ x], which is probably what you wanted.
You can experiment with it like this to see precisely what the possible inferred unifiers are:
fixes P :: "int ⇒ bool" and j :: int
ML ‹
val ctxt = Context.Proof #{context}
val env = Envir.init
val ctxt' = #{context} |> Proof_Context.set_mode Proof_Context.mode_schematic
val s1 = "?P ?j"
val s2 = "P j"
val (t1, t2) = apply2 (Syntax.read_term ctxt') (s1, s2)
val prt = Syntax.pretty_term #{context}
fun pretty_schem s = prt (Var ((s, 0), \<^typ>‹unit›))
fun pretty_unifier (Envir.Envir {tenv, ...}, _) =
|> Vartab.dest
|> map (fn ((s,_),(_,t)) => Pretty.block
(Pretty.breaks [pretty_schem s, Pretty.str "↦", prt t]))
|> (fn x => Pretty.block (Pretty.str "[" :: Pretty.commas x # [Pretty.str "]"]))
val _ =
Pretty.breaks [Pretty.str "Unifiers for", prt t1, Pretty.str "and", prt t2, Pretty.str ":"]
|> Pretty.block
|> Pretty.writeln
val _ =
Unify.unifiers (ctxt, env, [(t1, t2)])
|> Seq.list_of
|> map pretty_unifier
|> map (fn x => Pretty.block [Pretty.str "∙ ", x])
|> map (Pretty.indent 2)
|> Pretty.fbreaks
|> Pretty.block
|> Pretty.writeln
Unifiers for ?P ?j and P j :
∙ [?P ↦ λa. P j]
(Disclaimer: This is only experimental code to illustrate what is going on, this is not clean Isabelle/ML coding style.)
To summarise: don't rely on higher-order unification to figure out instantiations of function variables, especially when you have patterns like ?f ?x.


Why do I get this exception on an induction rule for a lemma?

I am trying to prove the following lemma (which is the meaning formula for the addition of two Binary numerals).
It goes like this :
lemma (in th2) addMeaningF_2: "∀m. m ≤ n ⟹ (m = (len x + len y) ⟹ (evalBinNum_1 (addBinNum x y) = plus (evalBinNum_1 x) (evalBinNum_1 y)))"
I am trying to perform strong induction. When I apply(induction n rule: less_induct) on the lemma, it throws an error.
exception THM 0 raised (line 755 of "drule.ML"):
infer_instantiate_types: type ?'a of variable ?a
cannot be unified with type 'b of term n
(⋀x. (⋀y. y < x ⟹ ?P y) ⟹ ?P x) ⟹ ?P ?a
Can anyone explain this?
For more context
locale th2 = th1 +
plus :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a"
arith_1: "plus n zero = n"
and plus_suc: "plus n (suc m) = suc ( plus n m)"
len and evalBinNum_1 are both recursive functions
len gives us the length of a given binary numeral, while evalBinNum_1 evaluates binary numerals.
fun (in th2) evalBinNum_1 :: "BinNum ⇒ 'a"
"evalBinNum_1 Zero = zero"|
"evalBinNum_1 One = suc(zero)"|
"evalBinNum_1 (JoinZero x) = plus (evalBinNum_1 x) (evalBinNum_1 x)"|
"evalBinNum_1 (JoinOne x) = plus (plus (evalBinNum_1 x) (evalBinNum_1 x)) (suc zero)"
The problem is that Isabelle cannot infer the type of n (or the bound occurrence of m) when trying to use the induction rule less_induct. You might want to add a type annotation such as (n::nat) in your lemma. For the sake of generality, you might want to state that the type of n is an instance of the class wellorder, that is, (n::'a::wellorder). On another subject, I think there is a logical issue with your lemma statement: I guess you actually mean ∀m. m ≤ (n::nat) ⟶ ... ⟶ ... or, equivalently, ⋀m. m ≤ (n::nat) ⟹ ... ⟹ .... Finally, it would be good to know the context of your problem (e.g., there seems to be a locale th2 involved) for a more precise answer.

Simplifying if-then-else in summations or products

While doing some basic algebra, I frequently arrive at a subgoal of the following type (sometimes with a finite sum, sometimes with a finite product).
lemma foo:
fixes N :: nat
fixes a :: "nat ⇒ nat"
shows "(a 0) = (∑x = 0..N. (if x = 0 then 1 else 0) * (a x))"
This seems pretty obvious to me, but neither auto nor auto cong: sum.cong split: if_splits can handle this. What's more, sledgehammer also surrenders when called on this lemma. How can one efficiently work with finite sums and products containing if-then-else in general, and how to approach this case in particular?
My favourite way to do these things (because it is very general) is to use the rules sum.mono_neutral_left and sum.mono_neutral_cong_left and the corresponding right versions (and analogously for products). The rule sum.mono_neutral_right lets you drop arbitrarily many summands if they are all zero:
finite T ⟹ S ⊆ T ⟹ ∀i∈T - S. g i = 0
⟹ sum g T = sum g S
The cong rule additionally allows you to modify the summation function on the now smaller set:
finite T ⟹ S ⊆ T ⟹ ∀i∈T - S. g i = 0 ⟹ (⋀x. x ∈ S ⟹ g x = h x)
⟹ sum g T = sum h S
With those, it looks like this:
lemma foo:
fixes N :: nat and a :: "nat ⇒ nat"
shows "a 0 = (∑x = 0..N. (if x = 0 then 1 else 0) * a x)"
proof -
have "(∑x = 0..N. (if x = 0 then 1 else 0) * a x) = (∑x ∈ {0}. a x)"
by (intro sum.mono_neutral_cong_right) auto
also have "… = a 0"
by simp
finally show ?thesis ..
Assuming the left-hand side could use an arbitrary value between 0 and N, what about adding a more general lemma
lemma bar:
fixes N :: nat
fixes a :: "nat ⇒ nat"
"M ≤ N"
shows "a M = (∑x = 0..N. (if x = M then 1 else 0) * (a x))"
using assms by (induction N) force+
and solving the original one with using bar by blast?

Proving two bindings equal in Nominal Isabelle

Consider the following datatypes with bindings in Nominal Isabelle:
theory Example
imports "Nominal2.Nominal2"
atom_decl vrs
nominal_datatype ty =
Tvar "vrs"
| Arrow x::vrs T::"ty" binds x in T
nominal_datatype trm =
Var "vrs"
| Abs x::"vrs" t::"trm" binds x in t
typing :: "trm ⇒ ty ⇒ bool" ("_ , _" [60,60] 60)
T_Abs[intro]: "(Abs x t) , (Arrow x T)"
equivariance typing
nominal_inductive typing done
assumes "(Abs x t), (Arrow y T)"
shows "x = y"
using assms
I want to prove that the two bindings appearing in the relation are equal. I see two ways an Isabelle user could help:
If you know Nominal Isabelle is it possible to do this?
Otherwise, are the two occurrences of x in the rule T_Abs equal for the assistant or are they sort of bound variable with different identity?
If you know Nominal Isabelle is it possible to do this?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to prove the theorem that you are trying to prove. Here is a counterexample (the proofs were Sledgehammered):
theory Scratch
imports "Nominal2.Nominal2"
atom_decl vrs
nominal_datatype ty =
Tvar "vrs"
| Arrow x::vrs T::"ty" binds x in T
nominal_datatype trm =
Var "vrs"
| Abs x::"vrs" t::"trm" binds x in t
typing :: "trm ⇒ ty ⇒ bool" ("_ , _" [60,60] 60)
T_Abs[intro]: "(Abs x t) , (Arrow x T)"
equivariance typing
nominal_inductive typing .
abbreviation s where "s ≡ Sort ''Scratch.vrs'' []"
abbreviation v where "v n ≡ Abs_vrs (Atom s n)"
lemma neq: "Abs (v 1) (Var (v 0)), Arrow (v (Suc (Suc 0))) (Tvar (v 0))"
(is "?a, ?b")
have a_def: "Abs (v 1) (Var (v 0)) = Abs (v (Suc (Suc 0))) (Var (v 0))"
by simp (smt Abs_vrs_inverse atom.inject flip_at_base_simps(3) fresh_PairD(2)
fresh_at_base(2) mem_Collect_eq nat.distinct(1) sort_of.simps trm.fresh(1))
from typing.simps[of ?a ?b, unfolded this, THEN iffD2] have
"Abs (v (Suc (Suc 0))) (Var (v 0)) , Arrow (v (Suc (Suc 0))) (Tvar (v 0))"
by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding a_def by clarsimp
lemma "∃x y t T. x ≠ y ∧ (Abs x t), (Arrow y T)"
proof(intro exI conjI)
show "v 1 ≠ v (Suc (Suc 0))"
by (smt Abs_vrs_inverse One_nat_def atom.inject mem_Collect_eq n_not_Suc_n
show "Abs (v 1) (Var (v 0)) , Arrow (v (Suc (Suc 0))) (Tvar (v 0))"
by (rule neq)
Otherwise, are the two occurrences of x in the rule T_Abs equal for
the assistant or are they sort of bound variable with different
I believe that you are thinking along the right lines and, hopefully, the example above will clarify any confusion that you might have. Generally, you could interpret the meaning of Abs x t1 = Abs y t2 as the alpha-equivalence of (λx. t1) and (λy. t2). Of course, (λx. t1) and (λy. t2) may be alpha equivalent without x and y being equal.

Is there an Isabelle equivalent to Haskell newtype?

I want to make a new datatype shaped like an old one, but (unlike using type_synonym) it should be recognized as distinct in other theories.
My motivating example: I'm making a stack datatype out of lists. I don't want my other theories to see my stacks as lists so I can enforce my own simplification rules on it, but the only solution I've found is the following:
datatype 'a stk = S "'a list"
primrec index_of' :: "'a list => 'a => nat option"
where "index_of' [] b = None"
| "index_of' (a # as) b = (
if b = a then Some 0
else case index_of' as b of Some n => Some (Suc n) | None => None)"
primrec index_of :: "'a stk => 'a => nat option"
where "index_of (S as) x = index_of' as x"
lemma [simp]: "index_of' del v = Some m ==> m <= n ==>
index_of' (insert_at' del n v) v = Some m"
lemma [simp]: "index_of del v = Some m ==> m <= n ==>
index_of (insert_at del n v) v = Some m"
by (induction del, simp)
It works, but it means my stack theory is bloated and filled with way too much redundancy: every function has a second version stripping the constructor off, and every theorem has a second version (for which the proof is always by (induction del, simp), which strikes me as a sign I'm doing too much work somewhere).
Is there anything that would help here?
You want to use typedef.
The declaration
typedef 'a stack = "{xs :: 'a list. True}"
morphisms list_of_stack as_stack
by auto
introduces a new type, containing all lists, as well as functions between 'a stack and 'a list and a bunch of theorems. Here is selection of them (you can view all using show_theorems after the typedef command):
as_stack_cases: (⋀y. ?x = as_stack y ⟹ y ∈ {xs. True} ⟹ ?P) ⟹ ?P
as_stack_inject: ?x ∈ {xs. True} ⟹ ?y ∈ {xs. True} ⟹ (as_stack ?x = as_stack ?y) = (?x = ?y)
as_stack_inverse: ?y ∈ {xs. True} ⟹ list_of_stack (as_stack ?y) = ?y
list_of_stack: list_of_stack ?x ∈ {xs. True}
list_of_stack_inject: (list_of_stack ?x = list_of_stack ?y) = (?x = ?y)
list_of_stack_inverse: as_stack (list_of_stack ?x) = ?x
type_definition_stack: type_definition list_of_stack as_stack {xs. True}
The ?x ∈ {xs. True} assumptions are quite boring here, but you can specify a subset of all lists there, e.g. if your stacks are never empty, and ensure on the type level that the property holds for all types.
The type_definition_stack theorem is useful in conjunction with the lifting package. After the declaration
setup_lifting type_definition_stack
you can define functions on stacks by giving their definition in terms of lists, and also prove theorems involving stacks by proving their equivalent proposition in terms of lists; much easier than manually juggling with the conversion functions.

How to use single-valued relations to rewrite a goal automatically?

Single valued relations (as defined by single_valued in the Relation theory) allow to deduce equalities from membership relations. I was wondering if there was a way to take advantage of this to rewrite terms in the goal (and then merge these membership relations).
As an example, here is a goal that cannot be solved by auto or force without auxiliary theorems:
assumes "single_valued A"
assumes "(a,b) ∈ A" and "(a,b') ∈ A"
shows "b = b'"
using assms
by (metis single_valued_def)
Here the equality is directly in the goal, but it would be great to also rewrite in the assumptions.
Also, I talk here about sets of pairs but I have a more complex application with another kind of relation with a similar property, where such kind of assumptions are common, and I am then looking for a way to simplify them.
It seems to me that automatic methods could greatly benefit from such a feature.
I have already written some simprocs before and it seems to me we could use them here if we could access the set of assumptions once the simproc has been triggered on, which I don't know if this is possible. For example, once "(a,b) ∈ A" has triggered the simproc, could we check if any assumption contains "(a,_) ∈ A" ? But it would perhaps be too costly...
Any idea ?
Here is a simproc that does what you want:
lemma single_valuedD_eq:
"⟦ single_valued A; (x, a) ∈ A ⟧ ⟹ (x, b) ∈ A ⟷ b = a"
by(auto dest: single_valuedD)
simproc_setup single_valued ("(x, y) ∈ A") = {*
(fn phi => fn ctxt => fn redex => case term_of redex of
Const (#{const_name "Set.member"},
Type (#{type_name fun},
[Txy as Type (#{type_name prod}, [Tx, Ty]),
Type (#{type_name fun}, [TA, _])])) $
(Const (#{const_name "Pair"}, _) $ tx $ ty) $
tA =>
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val prems = Simplifier.prems_of ctxt;
fun mk_stmt t = t |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop |> Thm.cterm_of thy |> Goal.init
fun mk_thm tac t =
case SINGLE (tac 1) (mk_stmt t) of
SOME thm => SOME (Goal.finish (Syntax.init_pretty_global (Thm.theory_of_thm thm)) thm)
val svA = Const (#{const_name single_valued}, TA --> #{typ bool}) $ tA
val [z] = Name.invent (Variable.names_of ctxt) "z" 1
val xzA =
Const (#{const_name Set.member}, Txy --> TA --> #{typ bool})
$ (Const (#{const_name Pair}, Tx --> Ty --> Txy)
$ tx $ Var ((z, 0), Ty))
$ tA
case mk_thm (resolve_tac prems) svA of NONE => NONE
| SOME thm_svA => case mk_thm (resolve_tac prems) xzA of NONE => NONE
| SOME thm_xzA =>
SOME (#{thm single_valuedD_eq[THEN eq_reflection]} OF [thm_svA, thm_xzA])
| _ => NONE)
When it triggers on a term of the pattern (_, _) ∈ _, say (x, y) ∈ A, it checks whether there are assumptions single_valued A and (x, ?z) ∈ A in the current goal. If so, it instantiates the theorem single_valuedD_eq with them and rewrites (x, y) ∈ A to y = ?z with ?z being appropriate instantiated.
Here is an example:
"⟦ single_valued A; (x, b) ∈ A; (x, c) ∈ A ⟧
⟹ map (λy. (x, y) ∈ A) xs = foo"
apply simp
1. ⟦single_valued A; b = c; (x, c) ∈ A⟧ ⟹ map (λy. y = c) xs = foo
Note that single_valued A has to be an assumption of the goal. It does not suffice to have single_valued A as a [simp] rule somewhere. This is because the assumptions are looked up with resolve_tac prems rather than a full simplifier invocation.
