I have an API for storing data and I'm consuming it via my mvc application.
The authentication process, storing the data and everything else is working properly.
The thing is that I am trying to handle some errors or exceptions that may occur in the future.
One of them is handling if my application fails to connect to to my web api and throwing an error or leading the user somewhere else.
My web application controller which consumes the api:
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://localhost:44304");
HttpContent content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(
new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("username", lgv.username),
new KeyValuePair<string,string>("password", lgv.password),
new KeyValuePair<string,string>("grant_type","password"),
content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
content.Headers.ContentType.CharSet = "UTF-8";
/*this is the line where all the parameters get passed and validates everything*/
var resultDisplay = await client.PostAsync("token", content);
/* **************************************************************************** */
if (resultDisplay.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var loginData = await resultDisplay.Content.ReadAsAsync<LoginResponseViewModel>();
Session["access_token"] = loginData.Access_Token;
So what I have tried is:
HttpException hc = new HttpException();
case 200: return view("success"); /* since successful code is 200*/
case 400: return view("error");
But it doesn't seem to work because this code only checks the state of the application and not of the api...
So my question is, how can I handle it if my api is not running?
So instead of making the switch on the application make it over resultDisplay.StatusCode instead, this way you are checking the API state using the response status code.
Like this:
case 200: return view("success"); /* since successful code is 200*/
case 400: return view("error");
I have this scenario: Xamarin.Forms App connected with Web Api 2. I make all requests and get the data i want. Now when the session token expires, i need to refresh the token but don't logout the user. The user don't need to know when token is refreshed. How to organize this, add in every request if statement when i send it and check if token expires.
This is one of my requests:
public async Task<User> GetProfileSetup()
if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected)
string token = DependencyService.Get<ISharedFunctions>().GetAccessToken();
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/json");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
var response = await client.GetAsync(#"api/Profile/GetProfilSetup");
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string jsonMessage;
using (Stream responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
jsonMessage = new StreamReader(responseStream).ReadToEnd();
User user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User>(jsonMessage);
return user;
var m = response.Content.ToString();
return null;
return null;
catch (Exception ex)
string error = ex.Message;
return null;
P.S I have Methods for GetToken and RefreshToken in my Api and they are working, just how to organize Refreshing ?
It really depends on what libraries are you using on your project.
But let's say you're using plain c# to handled your HTTP calls.
[OPTION 1] Polly
I can recommend you looking at Polly
It's a great library with a lot of features. You can use the Retry policy to handled expired tokens:
var _unauthorizedPolicy = Policy
.Handle<Exception>(ex => ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) // check here for your exception to be the right one
.RetryAsync(3, async (exception, retryCount, context) =>
var token = await _authService.RefreshToken();
// save the new token or whatever you need to store it
catch (Exception ex)
// RefreshToken failed, you should probably sign out the user
What this does is that Polly will try to execute your normal HTTP call and in case it fails and the cause is specified in Handle, then a retry mechanism is fired that will try to refresh the token and then retry your request. In the end, in case the token cannot be refreshed, you sign out the user. Of course, all this can be customized, check Polly's documentation is pretty well written.
Please note that inside Handle<T> you must put the right exception. I just used Exception as a placeholder since I'm not sure what Exception is thrown in your case.
Then you would call your method with this policy:
var result = await _unauthorizedPolicy.ExecuteAsync(() => GetProfileSetup())
And you can reuse that policy for any call, no need to create it every time.
[OPTION 2] DelegatingHandler
I will like here another StackOverflow answer:
How to Refresh a token using IHttpClientFactory
Basically you can intercept every HTTP call made via a HttpClient and refresh/add a token to your requests.
Note that that answer does not obligate you to use IHttpClientFactory, it also works for a simple HttpClient.
Also a little bit off-topic. You might want to look up for libraries to handle htt calls such as Retrofit. It will really reduce the amount of boilerplate code.
I have been running into a very strange issue, and I am not even sure if this is an issue with my app or the web service I am calling.
I have a Web API Service with a Post method that accepts a complex parameter (it is my own custom object). In my Xamarin project I have some pretty straightforward code to call this service:
public async Task SubmitEReport(decimal amount, DateTime receivedDate,
byte[] image)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
var uri = new Uri("https://services.example.com/EPub/api/Expense/");
var eReport = new eReport()
UserName = "EMPLOYEE\" + Application.Current.Properties["username"].ToString(),
Cost = amount,
ReceivedDate= receivedDate,
ReceiptImageExtension = "jpg",
SubmittalDate = DateTime.Now,
Image = image
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(eReport );
var content = new System.Net.Http.StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
content.Headers.Add("authorize-token", Application.Current.Properties["auth-token"] as string);
HttpResponseMessage response = null;
response = await client.PostAsync(uri, content);
var eResult = new EResult()
Success = response.IsSuccessStatusCode,
ErrorMessage = response.ReasonPhrase
return eResult ;
catch (Exception ex)
var errorResult = new eResult () { Success = false, ErrorMessage = ex.Message };
return errorResult;
The issue that I am having is that, when I test this on an Android the code works as expected: the service is called, the object passed over is not null and has the data in it. In short, the parameter binding works as expected. The same is not so on iOS: when I call the service using the app on an iPhone, I can see that it is reaching the service and the Post method, but the parameter binding is not working correctly as the object I am passing over is always null.
The issue is resolved. The problem was actually the size of the request. I discovered this in my Web Api service after examining the contents of the request object, and received an exception that the request length was exceeded. My solution was to increase the value of the property maxrequestlength in the web.config. This still does not explain why the request is so much larger in iOS than Android. Will follow up on this.
try to debug your code without using any async methods. async methods should work in general without any problems, but it's sometimes hard to comprehend how implemented logic actually behaves.
I am developing a multi-tenant application registered on my Azure AD that consumes Office 365 apis, Graph API etc.
I followed this Microsoft sample to build my work which uses ADAL .NET library and OpenIdConnect: Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory, Version=
In ADAL.NET, we use an AuthenticationContext instance with a custom inherited class for the TokenCache (see code the sample code here).
For each request to the authorized resources, depending on the API, we invoke one of these methods (see code below) to get the auth_token that will be put in the request Bearer parameter. Is it the correct way to do it?
We never make use of the method AcquireTokenByRefreshTokenAsync, does it mean that our application never uses the refresh_token? Does it mean that our user will have to relog after one hour? Should we implement a kind of refreshing procedure with AcquireTokenByRefreshTokenAsync in the catch statement? Can it be made without prompting anything to the end-user?
REMARK: I posted a question regarding OpenIdConnect authentication ticket lifetime. To me these two questions are unrelated but they may be.
string signInUserId = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;
string userObjectId = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/objectidentifier").Value;
string tenantId = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/tenantid").Value;
public async Task<string> AcquireOutlook365TokenAsync()
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(string.Format("{0}/{1}", SettingsHelper.AuthorizationUri, tenantId), new ADALTokenCache(signInUserId));
var result = await authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(#"https://outlook.office365.com/",
new ClientCredential(SettingsHelper.ClientId, SettingsHelper.AppKey),
new UserIdentifier(userObjectId, UserIdentifierType.UniqueId));
return result.AccessToken;
catch (AdalException exception)
//handle token acquisition failure
if (exception.ErrorCode == AdalError.FailedToAcquireTokenSilently)
throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized));
public async Task<string> AcquireAzureGraphTokenAsync()
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(string.Format("{0}/{1}", SettingsHelper.AuthorizationUri, tenantId), new ADALTokenCache(signInUserId));
var result = await authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(#"https://graph.windows.net/",
new ClientCredential(SettingsHelper.ClientId, SettingsHelper.AppKey),
new UserIdentifier(userObjectId, UserIdentifierType.UniqueId));
return result.AccessToken;
catch (AdalException exception)
//Same as other method
ADAL uses the stored refresh tokens automatically and transparently, you aren't required to perform any explicit action. AcquireTOkenByRefreshToken is in the ADAL surface for legacy reasons, and has been removed from version 3.x. More background at http://www.cloudidentity.com/blog/2015/08/13/adal-3-didnt-return-refresh-tokens-for-5-months-and-nobody-noticed/
So far i have this.
public static async Task<OutlookServicesClient> CreateOutlookClientAsync(string capability)
string authority = CommonAuthority;
// Create an AuthenticationContext using this authority.
_authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority);
//See the Discovery Service Sample (https://github.com/OfficeDev/Office365-Discovery-Service-Sample)
//for an approach that improves performance by storing the discovery service information in a cache.
DiscoveryClient discoveryClient = new DiscoveryClient(
async () => await GetTokenHelperAsync(_authenticationContext, DiscoveryResourceId));
// Get the specified capability ("Contacts").
CapabilityDiscoveryResult result =
await discoveryClient.DiscoverCapabilityAsync(capability);
var client = new OutlookServicesClient(
async () =>
await GetTokenHelperAsync(_authenticationContext, result.ServiceResourceId));
return client;
catch (Exception e)
if (_authenticationContext != null && _authenticationContext.TokenCache != null)
return null;
private static async Task<string> GetTokenHelperAsync(AuthenticationContext context, string resourceId)
string accessToken = null;
AuthenticationResult result = null;
string myId = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:ClientID"];
string myKey = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Password"];
ClientCredential client = new ClientCredential(myId,myKey);
result = await context.AcquireTokenAsync(resourceId, client);
//result =context.AcquireToken(resourceId, ClientID,_returnUri);
accessToken = result.AccessToken;
return accessToken;
When i get to result one of two things happen if i user AcquireTokenAsync i get an error stating Application with identifier XXXX was not found in directory api.office.com otherwise if i run AcquireToken i get the login modal to pop but an error occurs indicating the request must contain client_secret .
I have no idea how to resolve this issue i suspect it may have something to do with the actual app configuration i have tried both creating my own app in Azure AD and using VS Connected Service, Has Anyone Else ran into a similar issues?
Based on the errors you're seeing, there seems to be an issue with how your app is registered. The first error usually happens when the app is not marked as multi-tenant, and you login to the app with a tenant other than the one where the app is registered.
The second error is odd. Client secret is what you're reading out of the ida:Password element and passing in the ClientCredential object.
I just put a .NET tutorial up yesterday that walks through setting this stuff up. Take a look and see if that helps get you unblocked.
I'm using Web API to stream large files to clients, but I'd like to log if the download was successful or not. That is, if the server sent the entire content of the file.
Is there some way to get a a callback or event when the HttpResponseMessage completes sending data?
Perhaps something like this:
var stream = GetMyStream();
var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
response.Content = new StreamContent(stream);
response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream");
// This doesn't exist, but it illustrates what I'm trying to do.
response.OnComplete(context =>
if (context.Success)
Log.Info("File downloaded successfully.");
Log.Warn("File download was terminated by client.");
EDIT: I've now tested this using a real connection (via fiddler).
I inherited StreamContent and added my own OnComplete action which checks for an exception:
public class StreamContentWithCompletion : StreamContent
public StreamContentWithCompletion(Stream stream) : base (stream) { }
public StreamContentWithCompletion(Stream stream, Action<Exception> onComplete) : base(stream)
this.OnComplete = onComplete;
public Action<Exception> OnComplete { get; set; }
protected override Task SerializeToStreamAsync(Stream stream, TransportContext context)
var t = base.SerializeToStreamAsync(stream, context);
t.ContinueWith(x =>
if (this.OnComplete != null)
// The task will be in a faulted state if something went wrong.
// I observed the following exception when I aborted the fiddler session:
// 'System.Web.HttpException (0x800704CD): The remote host closed the connection.'
if (x.IsFaulted)
}, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously);
return t;
Then I use it like so:
var stream = GetMyStream();
var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
response.Content = new StreamContentWithCompletion(stream, ex =>
if (ex == null)
Log.Info("File downloaded successfully.");
Log.Warn("File download was terminated by client.");
response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream");
return response;
I am not sure if there is direct signaling that all is ok, but you can use a trick to find out that the connection is exist just before you end it up, and right after you fully send the file.
For example the Response.IsClientConnected is return true if the client is still connected, so you can check something like:
// send the file, make a flush
// and now the file is fully sended check if the client is still connected
// log that all looks ok until the last byte.
// the client is not connected, so maybe have lost some data
// and now close the connection.
if the server sent the entire content of the file
Actually there is nothing to do :)
This might sound very simplistic but you will know if an exception is raised - if you care about server delivering and not client cancelling halfway. IsClientConnected is based on ASP.NET HttpResponse not the WebApi.