DTLS. 141A318A:SSL routines:tls_process_ske_dhe:dh key too small - qt

I have two Qt-based applications (client and server) which use DTLS and TLS connections. That works fine on Ubuntu and Windows 10. Now i have tried to build the server's part for a raspberry pi 4 (raspbian). TLS works fine but a DTLS handshake stops with error.
On server side (raspbian):
14102410:SSL routines:dtls1_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure
On client (Ubuntu 20):
141A318A:SSL routines:tls_process_ske_dhe:dh key too small
The client's error is quite popular and i have found many solutions fix that (add 2 string into the /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf) but that doesn't affect


What are the causes for os_error: message too long

We have a client and server communicating each other with grpc. Previously the server was running on Windows Server, and the client running on Linux or MacOS. Everything works perfectly until we migrate the server from Windows Server to a docker container.
Then we observed some weird tcp broken when we send a large amount of request from client to server.
Then we dig into the grpc arena and run our client and server with GRPC_VERBOSITY=info and GRPC_TRACE=tcp. Then we found that the disconnection was caused from the server side, with error message below:
tcp_custom.cc:218] write complete on 029FCC20: error={"created":"#1594210168.896000000","description":"TCP Write failed","file":"d:\a\grpc-node\grpc-node\packages\grpc-native-core\deps\grpc\src\core\lib\iomgr\tcp_uv.cc","file_line":72,"grpc_status":14,"os_error":"message too long"}
So my question is what does the os_error: message too long really means? What is the next step for me to investigate?
Linked issue
The string "message too long" is the error message for the error code UV_EMSGSIZE, which corresponds to the Linux error code EMSGSIZE. That appears to generally mean that gRPC is trying to write a buffer that is too large to the socket, but I'm not sure what exactly could trigger that.

asterisk error:chan_sip.c:4274 __sip_reliable_xmit: Serious Network Trouble; __sip_xmit returns error for pkt data

I got the above error when try to connect two soft phones which is successfully registered. I was trying to make a voice call in local not connecting and instead returns the error:
chan_sip.c:4274 __sip_reliable_xmit: Serious Network Trouble; __sip_xmit returns error for pkt data
I am using asterisk 13.5.0 and not using freepbx. Simply try to make a call between two peers
Make changes to sip.conf edit the line bind address like bindaddr=
Likly firewall or permissions(for socket) issues.
OK I've just solved this issue in my network.
First of all , about the situation : i had an "Issabel VoIP server" based on Asterisk 13 but when i wanted to make calls ,it just failed and i got the same error as yours on Asterisk CLI. I had successful ping requests from the server and extension had been registered without any errors.
Solution: I had doubt about network devices, so i installed 2 soft-phones (like 3cx or Zoiper) on my laptop and connected it straightly to the server using a LAN patch cord ( to see if there's an issue on server side or its related to my network infra.) and registered 2 extensions on my soft-phone and they called each other without problem.so i understood that its one of my network devices that was limiting the transition of VoIP packets between server and extensions . finally i got that it was my TDD-LTE Modem that intercept my connection.
So to make long story short :
1- First create a small network between your server and laptop
2- Register 2 extensions on your soft-phone
3- make call between them and if it goes fine , then look for an obstacle in your main network.
hope it could help you

Listening Application (winsock2) behavior towards Port scanning (Syn Scan)

Should a server application that listens on a port, able to detect and logs down any connection attempt done by Syn Scanning?
Test Scenario
I had written a windows program which i simply called it "simpleServer.exe".
This program is just a simulation of a very basic server application.
It listens on a port, and wait for incoming messages.
The listening Socket was defined to be a TCP Stream Socket.
that's all that this program is doing.
I had been deploying this exact same program on 2 different machines, both running on windows 7 professional 64bit.
This machine will act as a host.
and they are stationed in the same network area.
then, using the program "nmap",
i used another machine on the same network, to act as a client.
using the "-sS" parameter on "nmap", i do a Syn Scan, to the IP and Port of the listening simpleServer on both machine (one attempt at a time).
(note that the 2 hosts already had "wireshark" started, and is monitoring on tcp packets from the client's IP and to the listening port.)
In the "wireshark" entry, on both machine, i saw the expected tcp packet for Syn Scan:
client ----(SYN)----> host
client <--(SYN/ACK)-- host
client ----(RST)----> host
the above packet exchange suggests that the connection was not established.
But on the "simpleServer.exe", only one of it had "new incoming connection" printed in the logs, while the other instance was not alerted of any new incoming connection, hence no logs at all.
Code Snippets
// socket bind and listen was done above this loop
if(sClient == INVALID_SOCKET)
printf("Failed accept()");
dwSockOpt (sListen);
printf ("recv a connection: %s\n", inet_ntoa(remoteAddr.sin_addr));
side note:
yes, since it is just a simple program, the flow might be a little funny, such as no break in the while loop. so please don't mind this simple and flawed design.
Further Investigation
i had also put a getsockopt() in the "simpleServer" right after it went into listening state, to check the differences of both the listening socket's SOL_SOCKET option.
one notable difference i found between the two hosts, is the SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE.
the host that detects the incoming connection has a Hex value of 0x3FFFFFFF (1073741823), while the other one that has no logs is 0xFFFFFFFF (-1). not sure if this is related or not, but i just spammed whatever differences that i may found in my test environment. the other value of the SOL_SOCKET are more or less the same.
side note: i tested on some other machine, which covers another windows 7 professional, windows server 2008 r2, windows server 2003. i am not sure if it is coincidence or not, but machine that have SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE == -1, they all did not detect the connection of the Syn Scanning. but maybe it is just a coincidence. i have nothing to prove tho.
Help That I Needed
why is the different behavior from the 2 same of the same application on a different machine with the same OS?
what determines the value of the SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE? considering two same OS but having 2 different values.
If a connection is never established, accept() will never return. That disposes of 90% of your question.
The only explanation for the 'new incoming connection' (or 'recv a connection' or whatever it is) message is that something else connected.
SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE has no meaning for a TCP socket, let alone a listening TCP socket. So whatever variation you experienced is meaningless.

TCP > COM1 for receiving messages and displaying on POS display pole

I currently have a Java Applet running on my web page that communicates to a display pole via COM1. However since the Java update I can no longer run self-signed Java Applets and I figure it would just be easier to send an AJAX request back to the server and have the server send a response to a TCP port on the computer...the computer would need a TCP > COM virtual adapter. How do I install a virtual adapter to go from a TCP port to COM1?
I've looked into com0com and that is just confusing as hell to me, and I don't see how to connect any ports to COM1. I've tried tcp2com but it doesn't seem to install the service in Windows 7 x64. I've tried com2tcp and the interface seems like it WOULD work (I haven't tested), but I don't want an app running on the desktop...it needs to be a service that runs in the background.
So to summarize how it would work:
Web page on comp1 sends AJAX request to server
Server sends text response to comp1 on port 999
comp1 has virtual COM port listening on port 999, sends data to COM1
pole displays data
EDIT: I'm using Win 7 x64 and tcp2com doesn't work as a service. I tried using srvany but I get an error stating that the application started then stopped. If I use powershell and pass the tcp2com as an argument, it doesn't quit but it also doesn't run. So I nixed the whole 'service' deal and put the command: powershell -windowstyle hidden "tcp2com --test tcp/999 com1" and it works...sort of. The characters that get sent are all effed. I can write "echo WTF > COM1" on another computer which has COM2TCP (different vendor) and it'll come up as a single block on the POS display pole. However if I use COM2TCP on both the server and client machines, everything works fine...but that's only a trial version and it costs several hundred dollars! On another note, is there a way to send the raw text over IP without having to use another Virtual COM > IP adapter on another computer? Sort of like how curl works but different...?
After somewhat of an exhaustive search, I came across a program called 'piracom'. It's a very simple app that lets you specify port settings for the express purpose of connecting a serial port to an listening port over the network. So this is IP > Serial. For Serial > IP I used HW-VSP3-Single as even on the piracom website it said it's compatible! I've tested and it works!
I just put a shortcut to piracom in the startup folder of my user account; the app runs off of a .ini that it updates every time you make a change...so if you run the server and hide it, on the next reboot of the pc it'll start up running and hidden with all prior settings. Easy.
Now it's a matter of installing HW-VSP3 on the server and making a method on the Rails app which will write to the virtual COM port. The only issue I can see right now is that writing echo \14Test This! > COM3 actually prints the \14...if I do that in my Java applet, it sends the "go to beginning" signal.
Addendum 1: The \14 problem was fixed by using the serialport gem for RoR. I created a method in a controller that returned head :no_content and then send data to the COM port. Calls to this method were made via jQuery's $.Ajax, using "HEAD" HTTP method. Apparently though I had to add the GET verb in Rails routes because the HEAD option isn't supported for some gimpy reason.
Addendum 2: Some garbage data was being sent to the display pole at the end of the string...turns out I needed to turn off the "NVT" option in HW-VSP3. Also keep in mind that firewalls need to be modified to allow communication.

Explanation for CONNECT observations using Fiddler for url https://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2/version.asp

I'm using IE9 beta and Fiddler to understand the https session negotiation taking place for the above url (chosen for no paritcular reason other than it's secured).
Some observations made me curious.. does anyone understand what's happening here?
1. When I connect with Fiddler setting: HTTPS decrypt OFF, I see this sequence
5 CONNECTs to fiddler2.com with nothing but headers showing
a) Curious, why more than one?
1 CONNECT to beta.urs.microsoft.com
b) Does this have something to do with asking MS which cert it recognises? I thought this data is supposed to be kept locally? Maybe that only happened because I'm using a beta of IE9?
4 CONNECTs to fiddler2.com with the same SessionID but different Random and the list of ciphers available on the client.
1 CONNECT to beta.urs.microsoft.com with similar content to above 4
c) Why the multiple CONNECTs here with different Random?
2. When I connect with Fiddler setting: HTTPS decrypt ON, I see this sequence
5 CONNECTs to fiddler2.com with nothing but headers in the request only and the response shows a certificate and the chosen cipher. Same in all 5.
a) same question
1 GET with the page contents
d) what happened to the extra CONNECTs this time?
I'm trying to relate what I see here to the negotiation between client and server as it's documented here.
Transport Layer Security
You didn't mention what browser you're using and what ciphers you have enabled in that browser.
Sometimes, you'll see multiple CONNECT handshakes because the server immediately closes the connection (ungracefully stating that they don't support the requested protocol version) and the client will retry (fallback) to an older protocol version. You definitely see this happen a lot if you enable TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 in IE, for instance.
You also may see multiple CONNECTs if the client aborts a connection and then attempts to open a new one.
urs.microsoft.com and beta.urs.microsoft.com are used for the SmartScreen site-reputation feature.
