Azure Object Anchors - support photogrammetry generated models? - azure-object-anchors

Is Azure Object Anchors intended to work with reality captured/photogrammetry sourced 3D models (textured meshes) or just CAD models?
If AOA is intended to work with reality captured models, are there any additional considerations for pre-processing the models to be aware of?

AOA depends on the geometry match of the object you are trying to detect. If the model is reality captured/ photogrammetry sourced, it will work as long as the outer shape matches that of the real world object.
There should no special considerations for pre-processing, make sure the dimensions of the model and real world are 1:1.


Performance drop when converting Mask RCNN to uff format

My goal is to deploy a Mask RCNN model trained with the well known Matterport's repo with Nvidia deepstream.
To do so, first I have to convert the generated .h5 model into a .uff. This operation is decribed here.
After the conversion, I have run the generated .uff model with TensoRT and deepstream and it has a very poor performance compared to the .h5model (almost never detects/masks the objects).
Before the conversion, I have done the corresponding changes to handle NCWH models and configured the number of classes and backbone (in this case resnet50).
I don't know how to continue. Any advice could really healp me. Thanks!
To solve the problem one must use the same configuration for the training and the conversion.
In particular, since most of models start from tranfering learning from the pretrained coco model, one has to use its very same config.
In adition, the input images sizes have to be coherent with the trainning configuration.

Is the information captured by Doc2Vec a subset of the information captured by BERT?

Both Doc2Vec and BERT are NLP models used to create vectors for text. The original BERT model maintained a vector of 768, while the original Doc2Vec model maintained a vector of size 300. Would it be reasonable to assume that all the information captured by D2V is a subset of information captured by BERT?
I ask, because I want to think about how to compare differences in representations for a set of sentences between models. I am thinking I could project the BERT vectors into a D2V subspace and compare those vectors to the D2V vectors for the same sentence, but this relies on the assumption that the subspace I'm projecting the BERT vectors into is actually comparable (i.e., the same type of information) to the D2V space.
The objective functions, while different, are quite similar. The Cloze task for BERT and the next word prediction for D2V are both trying to create associations between a word and its surrounding words. BERT can look bidirectionally, while D2V can only look at a window and moves from the left to the right of a sentence. The same objective function doesn't necessarily mean that they're capturing the same information, but it seems in which the way D2V does it (the covariates it uses) are a subset of the covariates used by BERT.
Interested to hear other people's thoughts.
I'll assume by Doc2Vec you mean the "Paragraph Vector" algorithm, which is often called Doc2Vec (including in libraries like Python Gensim).
That Doc2Vec is closely related to word2vec: it's essentially word2vec with a synthetic floating pseudoword vector over the entire text. It models texts via a shallow network that can't really consider word-order, or the composite-meaning of word runs, except in a very general 'nearness' sense.
So, a Doc2Vec model will not generate realistic/grammatical completions/summaries from vectors (except perhaps in very-limited single-word tests).
What info Doc2Vec most captures can be somewhat influenced by parameter choices, especially choice-of-mode and window (in modes where that matters, like when co-training word-vectors).
BERT is a far deeper model with more internal layers and a larger default dimensionality of text-representations. Its training mechanisms give it the potential to differentiate between significant word-orderings – and thus be sensitive to grammar and composite phrases beyond what Doc2Vec can learn. It can generate plausible multi-word completions/summarizations.
You could certainly train a 768-dimension Doc2Vec model on the same texts as a BERT model & compare the results. The resulting summary text-vectors, from the 2 models, would likely perform quite differently on key tasks. If you need to detect subtle shifts in meaning in short texts – things like the reversal of menaing from the insert of a single 'not' – I'd expect the BERT model to dominate (if sufficiently trained). On broader tasks less-sensitive to grammar like topic-classification, the Doc2Vec model might be competitive, or (given its simplicity) attractive in its ability to achieve certain targets with far less data or quicker training.
So, it'd be improper to assume that what Doc2Vec captures is a proper subset of what BERT does.
You could try learning a mapping from one model to the other (possibly including dimensionality-reduction), as there are surely many consistent correlations between the trained coordinate-spaces. But the act of creating such a mapping requires starting assumptions that certain vectors "should" line-up, or be in similar configurations.
If trying to understand what's unique/valuable across the two options, it's likely better to compare how the models rank a text's neighbors – do certain kinds of similarities dominate in one or the other? Or, try both as inputs to downstream classification/info-retrieval tasks, and see where they each shine.
(With sufficient data & training time, I'd expect BERT as the more-sophisticated model to usually provide better results – especially if it's also allotted a larger representation. But for some tasks, and limited data/compute/time resources, Doc2Vec might shine.

Compare vectors of a doc and just a word

So, I have to compare vector of article and vector of single word. And I don't have any idea how to do it. Looks like that BERT and Doc2wec good work with long text, Word2vec works with single words. But how to compare long text with just a word?
Some modes of the "Paragraph Vector" algorithm (aka Doc2Vec in libraries like Python gensim) will train both doc-vectors and word-vectors into the a shared coordinate space. (Specifically, any of the PV-DM dm=1 modes, or the PV-DBOW mode dm=0 if you enable the non-default interleaved word-vector training using dbow_words=1.)
In such a case, you can compare Doc2Vec doc-vectors with the co-trained word-vectors, with some utility. You can see some examples in the followup paper form the originators of the "Paragraph Vector" algorithm, "Document Embedding with Paragraph Vectors".
However, beware that vectors for single words, having been trained in contexts of use, may not have vectors that match what we'd expect of those same words when intended as overarching categories. For example, education as used in many sentences wouldn't necessarily assume all facets/breadth that you might expect from Education as a category-header.
Such single word-vectors might work better than nothing, and perhaps help serve as a bootstrapping tool. But, it'd be better if you had expert-labelled examples of documents belonging to categories of interest. Then you you could also use more advanced classification algorithms, sensitive to categories that wouldn't necessarily be summarized-by (and in a tight sphere around) any single vector point. In real domains-of-interest, that'd likely do better than using single-word-vectors as category-anchors.
For any other non-Doc2Vec method of vectorizing a text, you could conceivably get a comparable vector for a single word by supplying a single-word text to the method. (Even in a Doc2Vec mode that doesn't create word-vectors, like pure PV-DBOW, you could use that model's out-of-training-text inference capability to infer a doc-vector for a single-word doc, for known words.)
But again, such simplified/degenerate single-word outputs might not well match the more general/textured categories you're seeking. The models are more typically used for larger contexts, and narrowing their output to a single word might reflect the peculiarities of that unnatural input case moreso than the usual import of the word in real context.
You can use BERT as is for words too. a single word is just a really short sentence. so, in theory, you should be able to use any sentence embedding as you like.
But if you don't have any supervised data, BERT is not the best option for you and there are better options out there!
I think it's best to first try doc2vec and if it didn't work then switch to something else like SkipThoughts or USE.
Sorry that I can't help you much, it's completely task and data dependent and you should test different things.
Based on your further comments that explain your problem a bit more, it sounds like you're actually trying to do Topic Modelling (categorizing documents by a given word is equivalent to labeling them with that topic). If this is what you're doing, I would recommend looking into LDA and variants of it (eg guidedLDA as an example).

how to train Word2Vec model properly for a special purpose

My question concerns the proper training of the model for unique and really specific use of the Word2Vec model. See Word2Vec details here
I am working on identifying noun-adjective (or ) relationships within the word embeddings.
(E.g. we have 'nice car' in a sentence of the data-set. Given the word embeddings of the corpus and the nouns and adjectives all labeled, I am trying to design a technique to find the proper vector that connects 'nice' with 'car'.)
Of course I am not trying to connect only that pair of words, but the technique should would for all relationships. A supervised approach is taken at this moment, then try to work towards designing an unsupervised method.
Now that you understand what I am trying to do, I will explain the problem. I obviously know that word2vec needs to be trained on large amounts of data, to learn the proper embeddings as accurately as possible, but I am afraid to give it more data than the data-set with labelled sentences (500-700).
I am afraid that if I give it more data to train on (e.g. Latest Wikipedia dump data-set), it will learn better vectors, but the extra data will influence the positioning of my words, then this word relationship is biased by the extra training data. (e.g. what if there is also 'nice Apple' in the extra training data, then the positioning of the word 'nice' could be compromised).
Hopefully this makes sense and I am not making bad assumptions, but I am just in the dilemma of having bad vectors because of not enough training data, or having good vectors, but compromised vector positioning in the word embeddings.
What would be the proper way to train on ? As much training data as possible (billions of words) or just the labelled data-set (500-700 sentences) ?
Thank you kindly for your time, and let me know if anything that I explained does not make sense.
As always in similar situations it is best to check...
I wonder if you tested the difference in training on the labelled dataset results vs. the wikipedia dataset. Are there really the issues you are afraid of seeing?
I would just run an experiment and check if the vectors in both cases are indeed different (statistically speaking).
I suspect that you may introduce some noise with larger corpus but more data may be beneficial wrt. to vocabulary coverage (larger corpus - more universal). It all depends on your expected use case. It is likely to be a trade off between high precision with very low recall vs. so-so precision with relatively good recall.

Can DOE driver results feed Metamodel component?

I am interested in exploring surrogate based optimization. I am not yet writing opendao code, just trying to figure out to what extent OpenMDAO will support this work.
I see that it has a DOE driver to generate training data (, I see that it has several surrogate models that can be added to a meta model ( Yet, I haven't found an example where the results of the DOE are passed as training data to the Meta-model.
In many of the examples/tutorials/forum-posts it seems that the training data is created directly on or within the meta model. So it is not clear how these things work together.
Could the developers explain how training data is passed from a DOE to a meta model? Thanks!
In openmdao 1.x, this kind of process isn't directly supported (yet) via a DOE, but it is definitely possible. There are two paths that you can take, which offer different benefits depending on your eventual goal.
I will separate the different scenarios based on a single high level classification:
1) You want to do gradient based optimization around the whole DOE/Metamodel combination. This would be the case if, for example, you wanted to use CFD to predict drag at a few key points, then use a meta-model to generate a drag polar for mission analysis. A great example of this kind of modeling can be found in this paper on simultaneous aircraft-mission design optimization..
2) You don't want to do gradient based optimization around the whole model. You might want to do gradient free optimization (like a Genetic algorithm). You might want to do gradient based optimization just around the surrogate itself, with fixed training data. Or you might not want to do optimization at all...
If you're use case falls under scenario 1 (or will eventually fall under this use case in the future), then you want to use a multi-point approach. You create one instance of your model for each training case, then you can mux the results into an array you pass into meta-model. This is necessary so that derivatives can
be propagated through the full model. The multi-point approach will work well, and is very parallelizable. Depending on the structure of the model you will use for generating the training data itself, you might also consider a slightly different multi-point approach with a distributed component or a series of distributed components chained together. If your model will support it, the distributed component approach is the most efficient model structure to use in this case.
If you're use case falls into scenario 2, you can still employ the multi-point approach if you like. It will work out of the box. However, you could also consider using a regular DOE to generate the training data. In order to do this, you'll need to use a nested-problem approach, where you put the DOE training data generation in a sub-problem. This will also work, though it will take a bit of extra coding on your part to get the array of results out of the DOE because thats not currently implemented.
If you wanted to use the DOE to generate the data, then pass it downstream to a surrogate that would get optimized on, you could use a pair of problem instances. This would not necessarily require that you make nested problems at all. Instead you just build a run-script that has one problem instance that uses a DOE, when its done you collect the data into an array. Then you could manually assign that to the training inputs of a meta-model in a second problem instance. Something like the following pseudo-code:
prob1 = Problem()
prob1.driver = DOE()
#set up the DOE variables and model ...
training_data = prob1.driver.results
prob2 = Problem()
prob2.driver = Optimizer()
#set up the meta-model and optimization problem
prob2['meta_model.train:x'] = training_data
