How do I randomize a signed multidimensional array? - multidimensional-array

I have declared a signed multidimensional array as follows:
typedef logic signed [3:0][31:0] hires_frame_t;
typedef hires_frame_t [3:0] hires_capture_t;
hires_capture_t rndpacket;
I want to randomize this array such that each element has a value between -32768 to 32767, in 32-bit two's-complement.
I've tried the following:
assert(std::randomize(rndpacket) with
{foreach (rndpacket[channel])
foreach (rndpacket[channel][subsample])
{rndpacket[channel][subsample] < signed'(32768);
rndpacket[channel][subsample] >= signed'(-32768);}});
This compiles well, but (mentor graphics) modelsim fails in simulation claiming
randomize() failed due to conflicts between the following constraints:
# (rndpacket[3][3] < 32768);
# (rndpacket[3][3] >= 32'hffff8000);
This is clearly something linked to usage of signed vectors. I had a feeling that everything should be fine as array is declared as signed as well as thresholds in the randomize call, but apparently not. If I replace the range by 0-65535, everything works as expected.
What is the correct way to randomize such a signed array?

Your problem is hires_frame_t is a signed 128-bit 2-dimensional packed array, and selecting a part of a packed array is unsigned. A way of keeping the part-select of a packed dimension signed is using a separate typedef for the dimension you want signed:
typedef bit signed [31:0] int32_t;
typedef int32_t [3:0] hires_frame_t;
typedef hires_frame_t [3:0] hires_capture_t;
Another option is putting the signed cast on the LHS of the comparisons. Your signed cast on the RHS is not doing anything because bare decimal numbers are already treated as signed. A comparison is unsigned if one or both sides are unsigned.
assert(std::randomize(rndpacket) with {
foreach (rndpacket[channel,subsample])
{signed'(rndpacket[channel][subsample]) < 32768;
signed'(rndpacket[channel][subsample]) >= -32768;}});
BTW, I'm showing the LRM compliant way of using a 2-d foreach loop.


MPI Scatter 2D Allocated Complex Double

Using MPI and C, I'm looking to distribute (scatter and gather) a 2D array of complex double values (ie. every element in the 2D array is of type complex double, so has a creal and cimag component). If I use regular declaration of a 2D array of size n-by-n:
double complex grid[n][n];
Everything works just fine, BUT my program will fail depending on the size of n, giving a "segmentation fault" error. Anything above, say, 256 will immediately spit out a "segmentation fault" error. This is the problem that I'm having and am failing miserably to figure out.
After browsing through numerous similar issues, I'm guessing my problem is that I'm overloading the stack memory (something I'm honestly not 100% in understanding), meaning that I need to dynamically allocate my 2D arrays using malloc or calloc.
However, in my understanding, allocating a 2D array that you can call like grid[n][n] won't work since the allocated memory is not necessarily aligned, meaning that MPI_Scatter fails.
double complex **alloc_2d_complex(int rows, int cols){
double complex *data = (complex double*) malloc(rows*cols*sizeof(complex double));
double complex **array = (complex double**) malloc(rows*sizeof(complex double*));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
array[i] = &(data[cols*i]);
return array;
int main(int argc, char*argv[]){
double complex **grid;
grid = alloc_2d_complex(n,n);
/* Continue to initialize MPI and attempt Scatter... */
I've tried initializing a 2D by this method and scatter does fail for me, giving errors "memcpy argument memory ranges overlap" since something in memory apparently doesn't line up right.
This means I must allocate everything in 1D arrays in row-major order, like:
grid[y][x] ==> grid[y*n + x]
I'm really, really trying to avoid this because I'm dealing with numerous transposed and untransposed matrices (which is hard enough to keep track of in [y][x] logic) and it's going to make things difficult to keep track of for my purpose, but fine, if it's what I have to do then let's get it over with. But this ALSO doesn't work with MPI_Scatter, giving me once again "memcpy" errors, which I am utterly dumbfounded by. Below is an example of how I'm trying to do everything using 1D arrays. Since I'm getting the same error for this and the 2D allocated array, maybe the 2D allocation will work and I'm just missing something here. I'm only using a number of processors, numProcs, that can evenly divide n.
int n = 128;
double complex *grid = malloc(n*n*sizeof(complex double));
/* ... Initialize MPI ... */
stepSize = (int) n/numProcs;
double complex *gridChunk = malloc(stepSize*n*sizeof(complex double));
/* ... Initialize grid[y*n+x] Values... */
MPI_Scatter(&grid, n*stepSize, MPI_C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,
&gridChunk, n*stepSize, MPI_C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,

Nested as_type Casting

When I nest OpenCL's as_type operators, I get some strange errors. For example, this line works:
a = as_uint(NAN)&4290772991;
But these lines do not work:
a = as_float(as_uint(NAN)&4290772991);
a = as_uint(as_float(as_uint(NAN)&4290772991));
The error reads:
invalid reinterpretation: sizes of 'float' and 'long' must match
This error message is confusing, because it seems like no long is created by this code. All values here appear to be 32-bits, so it should be possible to reinterpret cast anything.
So why is this error happening?
In C99, undecorated decimal constants are assumed to be signed integers and the compiler will automagically define the constant as the smallest signed integer type which can hold the value using the progression int, then long int, then finally unsigned long int.
The smallest signed integer type which can hold 4290772991 is a 64 bit signed type (because of the sign bit requirement). Thus, the as_type calls you have where the reinterpret type is a 32 bit type fail because of the size mismatch between the 64 bit long int the compiler selects for your constant and the target float type.
You should be able to get around the problem by changing 4290772991 to 4290772991u. The suffix will explicitly denote the value as unsigned, and the compiler should select a 32 bit unsigned integer. Alternatively, you could also use 0xFFBFFFFF - there are different rules for hexadecimal constants and it should be assigned a type from the progression int, then unsigned int, then long int, then finally unsigned long int.

Armadillo C++ linear algebra library : How to create vector of boolean

Recently I started using Armadillo C++ library. Given my C++ coding skills are not that great, I found this very friendly for linear algebra. I am also using that along with my matlab to speed things up for many of reconstruction algorithm.
I do need to create a vector of boolean and I would prefer using this library rather than . However, I could not figure out how to do it. I tried using uvec; but, documentation seems to indicate that it can not be used with boolean.
Any help would be appreciated.
Consider using a matrix uchar_mat which is a typdef for Mat<unsigned char>, it should consume the same amount of memory as a matrix of boolean values.
The Armadillo documentation of version 7.8 states that a matrix Mat<type>, can be of the following types:
float, double, std::complex<float>, std::complex<double>, short, int, long, and unsigned versions of short, int, and long. The code on GitHub however contains typedef Mat <unsigned char> uchar_mat; in the file include/armadillo_bits/typedef_mat.hpp so you should also be able to use uchar_mat.
You will not save any memory by creating a matrix of bool values compared to a matrix of unsigned char values (a bool type consumes 8 bits). This is because in C++ every data type must be addressable; it must be at least 1 byte long so that it is possible to create a pointer pointing to it.

slow execution of string comparision

my problem why my program takes much large time to execute, this program is supposed to check the user password, the approach used is
take password form console in to array and
compare it with previously saved password
comparision is done by function str_cmp()-returns zero if strings are equal,non zero if not equal
char str_cmp(char *,char *);
int main(void)
int i=0;
char c,cmp[10],org[10]="0123456789";
printf("\nEnter your account password\ntype 0123456789\n");
printf("\nLogin Sucessful");
printf("\nIncorrect Password");
return 0;
char str_cmp(char *porg,char *pcmp)
int i=0,l=0;
return l;
There are libraries available to do this much more simply but I will assume that this is an assignment and either way it is a good learning experience. I think the problem is in your for loop in the str_cmp function. The condition you are using is "*porg+i". This is not really doing a comparison. What the compiler is going to do is go until the expression is equal to 0. That will happen once i is so large that *porg+i is larger than what an "int" can store and it gets reset to 0 (this is called overflowing the variable).
Instead, you should pass a size into the str_cmp function corresponding to the length of the strings. In the for loop condition you should make sure that i < str_size.
However, there is a build in strncmp function ( that does this exact thing.
You also have a different problem. You are doing pointer addition like so:
This is going to take the value of the first element of the array and add i to it. Instead you want to do:
That will add to the pointer and then dereference it to get the value.
To clarify more fully with the comparison because this is a very important concept for pointers. porg is defined as a char*. This means that you have a variable that has the memory address of a 'char'. When you use the dereference operator (*, for example *porg) on the variable, it returns the value at stored in that piece of memory. However, you can add a number to the memory location to move to a different memory location. porg + 1 is going to return the memory location after porg. Therefore, when you do *porg + 1 you are getting the value at the memory address and adding 1 to it. On the other hand, when you do *(porg + 1) you are getting the value at the memory address one after where porg is pointing to. This is useful for arrays because arrays are store their values one after another. However, a more understandable notation for doing this is: porg[1]. This says "get the value 1 after the beginning of the array" or in other words "get the second element of the array".
All conditions in C are checking if the value is zero or non-zero. Zero means false, and every other value means true. When you use this expression (*porg + 1) for a condition it is going to do the calculation (value at porg + 1) and check if it is zero or not.
This leads me to the other very important concept for programming in C. An int can only hold values up to a certain size. If the variable is added to enough where it is larger than that maximum value, it will cycle around to 0. So lets say the maximum value of an int is 256 (it is in fact much larger). If you have an int that has the value of 256 and add 1 to it, it will become zero instead of 257. In reality the maximum number is 65,536 for most compilers so this is why it is taking so long. It is waiting until *porg + i is greater than 65,536 so that it becomes zero again.
Try including string.h:
#include <string.h>
Then use the built-in strcmp() function. The existing string functions have already been written to be as fast as possible in most situations.
Also, I think your for statement is messed up:
That's going to dereference the pointer, then add i to it. I'm surprised the for loop ever exits.
If you change it to this, it should work:
Your original string is also one longer than you think it is. You allocate 10 bytes, but it's actually 11 bytes long. A string (in quotes) is always ended with a null character. You need to declare 11 bytes for your char array.
Another issue:
should be changed to
For the same reasons listed above.

Strange conversion from NSUInteger to floats

I have the following code:
NSUInteger one = 1;
CGPoint p = CGPointMake(-one, -one);
NSLog(#"%#", NSStringFromCGPoint(p));
Its output:
{4.29497e+09, 4.29497e+09}
On the other hand:
NSUInteger one = 1;
NSLog(#"%i", -one); // prints -1
I know there’s probably some kind of overflow going on, but why do the two cases differ and why doesn’t it work the way I want? Should I always remind myself of the particular numeric type of my variables and expressions even when doing trivial arithmetics?
P.S. Of course I could use unsigned int instead of NSUInteger, makes no difference.
When you apply the unary - to an unsigned value, the unsigned value is negated and then forced back into unsigned garb by having Utype_MAX + 1 repeatedly added to that value. When you pass that to CGPointMake(), that (very large) unsigned value is then assigned to a CGFloat.
You don't see this in your NSLog() statement because you are logging it as a signed integer. Convert that back to a signed integer and you indeed get -1. Try using NSLog("%u", -one) and you'll find you're right back at 4294967295.
unsigned int versus NSUInteger DOES make a difference: unsigned int is half the size of NSUInteger under an LP64 architecture (x86_64, ppc64) or when you compile with NS_BUILD_32_LIKE_64 defined. NSUInteger happens to always be pointer-sized (but use uintptr_t if you really need an integer that's the size of a pointer!); unsigned is not when you're using the LP64 model.
OK without actually knowing, but reading around on the net about all of these datatypes, I'd say the issue was with the conversion from a NUSInteger (which resolves to either an int (x32) or a long (x64)) to a CGFloat (which resolves to either a float(x32) or double(x64)).
In your second example that same conversion is not happening. The other thing that may be effecting it is that from my reading, NSUinteger is not designed contain negative numbers, only positive ones. So that is likely to be where things start to go wrong.
