How to use Antdesign with tailwindcss together in a React Project - css

I'm going to set up a new project and would like to have these two packages together, but not sure, so the question is that using Tailwindcss with antdesign Is a good practice?
Does anyone have any experiences?
Each package has its own theme manager for instance for colors, typography, dark mode and so on. How do you manage theme, with tailwinds or antd or both? And why?
Both packages have Grid support, which one would you prefer?
Let's have your insights?
After some research, I found these results
Some examples that uses both libs:
It recommended trying to commit to only one framework

Tailwind is pretty much a design system using utility classes to make writing css easier therefore it can be pretty much used with any other ui library just make sure to disable the default styling that Tailwind inject into your default styling by disabling the preflight option in config :
module.exports = {
corePlugins: {
preflight: false,

One slight issue with using both ant-design and tailwind-css is tailwind's some of default styles will break ant-design components...
I recently came a cross an issue where ant-design image preview was not functioning correctly and the image was not centered.
expected result
image one
vs what I got when using tailwind with ant-design
image two
turns out tailwind will change default image display property from "inline-block" to "block" and breaks tailwind image preview component
I resolved my issue by reseting display property on images
img {
display: unset !important;
apart from this little tweaks you will be good to go using both of them

There's no problem to use Tailwind CSS and Ant Design together.
Tailwind CSS could be used to custom styling on Ant Design components.
Check this link to see an example with Next, Ant Design and Tailwind CSS:

You can use Bootstrap with ant design right? Think Tailwind same as Bootstrap. Tailwind is a CSS library you can use it with any setup and framework there no extra configurations needed. Just pass the Tailwind class names.
When it comes to theming. It's a context. Ant design will grab it's context and tailwind grab it's. We don't need to think or worry about it

Well for me I needed to use tailwind to override the default ant design css styling so what I ended up doing was adding important:true to the tailwind config object (as per tailwind docs tailwind config docs for important config)
module.exports = {
I know some people frown at using important (as do I) but I think this is one of the uses it was created for.


Avoid conflicts of multiple CSS frameworks and style classes

I am currently implementing a plugin that gets dynamically incrusted into a DIV (not an iframe) and am currently using Bulma as my CSS framework. The issue I am having is that since this plugin is going to be integrated into many sites, it will also inherit the styles applied to the parent website.
Due to many of the classes being a standard name in many frameworks, such as column, button, form, and others, this is creating a conflict.
I have been reviewing a couple of packages that either add a prefix to these classes as well as use a namespace.
The namespace route does not work since this does avoid our plugin from not interfering with any of the other sites' styles, the site's styles still affect ours.
Prefix Packages:
The other route I was researching ways to add a prefix to all the classes from our plugin, such as -column, but I understand that this will output a CSS library with all the classes with the prefix but not my HTML files which have the class="column".
I am hoping to find a solution for this, as I would think this is, although not common, a recurring issue/question and I just haven't found the proper solution for this.
Any advice would be appreciated.
You can use the #layer css rule:
The #layer at-rule allows authors to explicitly layer their styles in the cascade, before specificity and order of appearance are considered.
/* styles.css */
#layer bootstrapFramework, myPluginStyles;
#import url("")
#import url("https://yourPluginStyles.css")
Doing this will override bootstrap classes with your plugin CSS classes. Due to the order of the layers.
Check out the browsers support for the rule.
You can read more about #layer CSS rule here:
You can also checkout Web Dev Simplified Channel by Kyle on youtube. Here is the link to the video:
Hope this answers your question!
Yeah. That's fine. Just add a prefix to the HTML classes too. It should work.
Or you can choose to ditch CSS frameworks for the plugin and write the CSS for the necessary components. You just do a little reset for your component's HTML elements and you can expect a fairly consistent design across multiple different implementations.
I feel this may be just helpful too. custom HTML elements too.
Best of luck.
just use div-to-select * { all:revert }
then add the code for the div & bulma
all: revert gets every thing to normal so it makes all other frameworks class's styles to default
please take a look on CSS framework and UI kit, it provides some unique features not available in other frameworks, for example all the common used UI elements without JavaScript.

How to avoid a specific css file to apply on my Component in Angular

I'm currently using bootstrap for my modal component but our current project has a css file that is using the same class with bootstrap (.Modal,.Modal-header).
The css styling of both files was messing the modal design.
Any solution for this?
I use ::ng-deep to my css so I can specifically target without conflicting other css file.
I think you should not use Bootstrap components in your class. If this was not helpful, please check ask from or They helped me too.

Minify CSS class names with Angular CLI

I'm looking for a way to improve performance by minifying my app's CSS class names. This approach is used by large websites and is also described in this article.
Does anybody have an idea on how to do this with Angular CLI v10+ ? Ideally I'd want to add a webpack plugin while keeping the CLI for compilation, or a similar approach with minimal footprint, obviously for production builds only.
You can achieve something using the ViewEncapsulation API. By default it uses Emulated which generate large CSS class names. If you change that in your components to ShadowDom. This will encapsulate the styles and will shift everything to use Shadow DOM. With Shadow DOM the styles won't be leaked outside the components. You have to test it though and check for browsers support because it's not supported everywhere. Also, global styles might not work as you expect.
Edit: I also found this interesting article that explain something similar using Angular.

How does one modify a twitter bootstrap component?

I know I can just have a custom stylesheet that overrides the bootstrap component I wish to customize (for example the jumbotron), but is the right way to go about this "problem"? I don't think this can be done with a bootstrap theme, although I haven't read a whole lot on this subject.
You can use your browsers DevTools to inspect an element that you want to change, and in the Rules/Styles section you can see which CSS elements is it using and then you can create your own css file and paste the CSS there and change it so it overrides bootstraps element. Here is how to get the devtools from Chrome and from Firefox Don't forget to import your CSS customised script under bootstraps so it overrides the CSS that you wish to change.
Use twitter-bootstrap customize on their website to customize it and download the customized files. Or just create a custom CSS file and edit classes like .jumbotron and other stuff
There are a few ways to modify the default bootstrap css and no one way is inherently more or less "right" than any other. It all depends on the coding style of you and/or your team. Here is a list of a few ways that I came up with off the top of my head:
Modify the css file you downloaded from Bootstrap
(My Choice) Override Bootstrap styles with your own CSS. Just be sure to follow the rules of CSS Specificity (External < Internal < Inline) and if you have trouble getting a certain rule to apply try reading this answer or force it with !important
NOTE: This is likely NOT a comprehensive list, just a starting point.

Can I add Twitter-Bootstrap styles only to original GWT components

I need to add Twitter's Bootstrap styles to existing GWT component...
I found more than one project but all of them creates new custom components for that purpose...
I need to stick with GWT standard components and have my app L&F looks like TBootstrap.
You will have a great job to do overriding GWT's default css. Your starting point may be the Developer's Guide - Client Bundle.
Some widget does not accept Bundles, so you may have too to override GWT css in the bootstrap html file.
I believe that you can hack the basic styles with jQuery or overriding CSS styles, but the responsiveness, topbar and other things, I believe thats is pretty impossible...
You can take a look at GWT-Bootstrap.
Hope it helps..
