Geeting ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pytz' in composer DAG run - airflow

I am doing Bigquery operation in composer DAG and getting the following error :
Event with job id 36cc0fe962103bf2bb7a9c Failed
[2021-08-19 15:13:07,807] {} INFO - Job 263145: Subtask sample [2021-08-19 15:13:07,806] {} INFO - b' from import RoutineReference\n'
[2021-08-19 15:13:07,807] {} INFO - Job 263145: Subtask sample [2021-08-19 15:13:07,807] {} INFO - b' File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/google/cloud/bigquery/routine/", line 18, in <module>\n'
[2021-08-19 15:13:07,810] {} INFO - Job 263145: Subtask sample [2021-08-19 15:13:07,808] {} INFO - b' from import DeterminismLevel\n'
[2021-08-19 15:13:07,810] {} INFO - Job 263145: Subtask sample [2021-08-19 15:13:07,808] {} INFO - b' File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/google/cloud/bigquery/", line 21, in <module>\n'
[2021-08-19 15:13:07,811] {} INFO - Job 263145: Subtask sample [2021-08-19 15:13:07,808] {} INFO - b' from import ScalarQueryParameterType\n'
[2021-08-19 15:13:07,812] {} INFO - Job 263145: Subtask sample [2021-08-19 15:13:07,809] {} INFO - b' File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/google/cloud/bigquery/", line 23, in <module>\n'
[2021-08-19 15:13:07,812] {} INFO - Job 263145: Subtask sample [2021-08-19 15:13:07,809] {} INFO - b' from import _parse_schema_resource\n'
[2021-08-19 15:13:07,812] {} INFO - Job 263145: Subtask sample [2021-08-19 15:13:07,809] {} INFO - b' File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/google/cloud/bigquery/", line 23, in <module>\n'
[2021-08-19 15:13:07,813] {} INFO - Job 263145: Subtask sample [2021-08-19 15:13:07,809] {} INFO - b' import pytz\n'
[2021-08-19 15:13:07,813] {} INFO - Job 263145: Subtask sample [2021-08-19 15:13:07,809] {} INFO - b"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pytz'\n"
I didn't use pytz in my airflow or BQ method . I have tried to add pytz in my composer environment but it didn't work.Please suggest.

This error is due to the breakage and a fix for this is released on Bigquery version 2.24.1.
You can update your bigquery dependency using the command gcloud composer environments update. See Installing a Python dependency from PyPI for more details.
For testing purposes, environment has Composer Version=1.16.14 and Airflow Version=1.10.15. Using the pre installed packages listed in Cloud Composer pre installed packages, I only copied the Google dependencies and updated the packages below. This is because they are dependencies of Bigquery as per Bigquery constraints.
Full requirements.txt:
gcloud composer environments update your-composer-environment-name --update-pypi-packages-from-file requirements.txt --location your-composer-location


Airflow log file Permission denied

I install Airflow 2.1.2 with python 3.6.5 in a linux server and trigger a DAG by run_as user but it is not worked as expected.
I've created a logs folder with chmod -R 777 but when the DAG get start and system create the log file under logs/ with
"drwx------ 3 root root"
and caused permission denied since only root can access the folder.
is there any solution I can fix it?
here is the error I got
[2021-07-16 07:00:14,334] {} INFO - Running: ['sudo', '-E', '-H', '-u', 'hdfsprod', 'airflow', 'tasks', 'run', 'hdfs_kinit', 'hdfs_kinit', '2021-07-16T07:00:04.092676+00:00', '--job-id', '19', '--pool', 'default_pool', '--raw', '--subdir', 'DAGS_FOLDER/', '--cfg-path', '/tmp/tmp8_t6s5o2', '--error-file', '/tmp/tmpmf3zruty']
[2021-07-16 07:00:15,841] {} INFO - Job 19: Subtask hdfs_kinit [[34m2021-07-16 07:00:15,839[0m] {[[0m487} INFO[0m - Filling up the DagBag from /opt/data/dags/[0m
[2021-07-16 07:00:15,992] {} INFO - Job 19: Subtask hdfs_kinit Traceback (most recent call last):
[2021-07-16 07:00:15,993] {} INFO - Job 19: Subtask hdfs_kinit File "/service/python3/lib/python3.6/", line 1246, in mkdir
[2021-07-16 07:00:15,993] {} INFO - Job 19: Subtask hdfs_kinit self._accessor.mkdir(self, mode)
[2021-07-16 07:00:15,993] {} INFO - Job 19: Subtask hdfs_kinit File "/service/python3/lib/python3.6/", line 387, in wrapped
[2021-07-16 07:00:15,993] {} INFO - Job 19: Subtask hdfs_kinit return strfunc(str(pathobj), *args)
[2021-07-16 07:00:15,993] {} INFO - Job 19: Subtask hdfs_kinit PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/opt/data/logs/hdfs_kinit/2021-07-16T07:00:04.092676+00:00'
[2021-07-16 07:00:15,994] {} INFO - Job 19: Subtask hdfs_kinit
The easiest way to fix it is to make your "run_as" user belong to "root" group and change umask to 002 in the scripts that start Airflow.

Pod Launching failed: Pod took too long to start, Failed to run KubernetesPodOperator secret

I'm running the quickstart for KubernetesPodOperator secret using the link below :
Code used below :
from airflow import models
from airflow.contrib.kubernetes import secret
from airflow.contrib.operators import kubernetes_pod_operator
# A Secret is an object that contains a small amount of sensitive data such as
# a password, a token, or a key. Such information might otherwise be put in a
# Pod specification or in an image; putting it in a Secret object allows for
# more control over how it is used, and reduces the risk of accidental
# exposure.
secret_env = secret.Secret(
# Expose the secret as environment variable.
# The name of the environment variable, since deploy_type is `env` rather
# than `volume`.
# Name of the Kubernetes Secret
# Key of a secret stored in this Secret object
secret_volume = secret.Secret(
# Path where we mount the secret as volume
# Name of Kubernetes Secret
# Key in the form of service account file name
YESTERDAY = - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
# If a Pod fails to launch, or has an error occur in the container, Airflow
# will show the task as failed, as well as contain all of the task logs
# required to debug.
with models.DAG(
start_date=YESTERDAY) as dag:
# Only name, namespace, image, and task_id are required to create a
# KubernetesPodOperator. In Cloud Composer, currently the operator defaults
# to using the config file found at `/home/airflow/composer_kube_config if
# no `config_file` parameter is specified. By default it will contain the
# credentials for Cloud Composer's Google Kubernetes Engine cluster that is
# created upon environment creation.
kubernetes_secret_vars_ex = kubernetes_pod_operator.KubernetesPodOperator(
arguments=["print('hello world')"],
labels={"foo": "bar"},
# The secrets to pass to Pod, the Pod will fail to create if the
# secrets you specify in a Secret object do not exist in Kubernetes.
secrets=[secret_env, secret_volume],
# env_vars allows you to specify environment variables for your
# container to use. env_vars is templated.
'EXAMPLE_VAR': '/example/value',
'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS': '/var/secrets/google/service-account.json'})
I have created successfully the secret using :
kubectl create secret generic airflow-secrets \
--from-literal sql_alchemy_conn=test_value
I am receiving this error :
> Reading remote log from gs://europe-west1-test-environme-5ad38518-bucket/logs/composer_kubernetes_pod/pod-ex-minimum/2020-11-08T10:29:28.767187+00:00/3.log.
[2020-11-09 10:57:38,764] {} INFO - Dependencies all met for <TaskInstance: composer_kubernetes_pod.pod-ex-minimum 2020-11-08T10:29:28.767187+00:00 [queued]>
[2020-11-09 10:57:38,817] {} INFO - Dependencies all met for <TaskInstance: composer_kubernetes_pod.pod-ex-minimum 2020-11-08T10:29:28.767187+00:00 [queued]>
[2020-11-09 10:57:38,818] {} INFO -
[2020-11-09 10:57:38,818] {} INFO - Starting attempt 3 of 3
[2020-11-09 10:57:38,818] {} INFO -
[2020-11-09 10:57:38,894] {} INFO - Executing <Task(KubernetesPodOperator): pod-ex-minimum> on 2020-11-08T10:29:28.767187+00:00
[2020-11-09 10:57:38,895] {} INFO - Running on host: airflow-worker-765557479f-zbzkm
[2020-11-09 10:57:38,895] {} INFO - Running: ['airflow', 'run', 'composer_kubernetes_pod', 'pod-ex-minimum', '2020-11-08T10:29:28.767187+00:00', '--job_id', '54', '--pool', 'default_pool', '--raw', '-sd', 'DAGS_FOLDER/', '--cfg_path', '/tmp/tmp3qvpc1a6']
[2020-11-09 10:57:42,268] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:57:42,267] {} INFO - Reading the config from /etc/airflow/airflow.cfg
[2020-11-09 10:57:42,365] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:57:42,364] {} INFO - Reading the config from /etc/airflow/airflow.cfg
[2020-11-09 10:57:42,650] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:57:42,649] {} WARNING - You have configured a result_backend of redis://airflow-redis-service.default.svc.cluster.local:6379/0, it is highly recommended to use an alternative result_backend (i.e. a database).
[2020-11-09 10:57:42,651] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:57:42,651] {} INFO - Using executor CeleryExecutor
[2020-11-09 10:57:42,652] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:57:42,651] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /home/airflow/gcs/dags/
[2020-11-09 10:57:43,393] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum Running <TaskInstance: composer_kubernetes_pod.pod-ex-minimum 2020-11-08T10:29:28.767187+00:00 [running]> on host airflow-worker-765557479f-zbzkm
[2020-11-09 10:57:59,728] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:57:59,727] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:00,736] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:00,736] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:01,743] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:01,742] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:02,748] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:02,748] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:03,755] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:03,755] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:04,764] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:04,764] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:05,772] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:05,772] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:06,780] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:06,780] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:07,787] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:07,787] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:08,795] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:08,795] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:09,804] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:09,804] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:10,816] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:10,815] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:11,824] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:11,824] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:12,831] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:12,831] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:13,838] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:13,838] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:14,845] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:14,844] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:15,855] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:15,854] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:16,863] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:16,862] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:17,870] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:17,869] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:18,877] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:18,877] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:19,883] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:19,883] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:20,892] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:20,891] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:21,899] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:21,898] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:22,907] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:22,907] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:23,915] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:23,915] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:24,922] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:24,922] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:25,930] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:25,930] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:26,938] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:26,937] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:27,944] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:27,944] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:28,952] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:28,951] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:29,958] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:29,958] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:30,965] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:30,964] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:31,971] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:31,970] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:32,978] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:32,978] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:33,986] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:33,986] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:34,993] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:34,993] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:36,002] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:36,002] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:37,012] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:37,012] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:38,029] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:38,029] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:39,041] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:39,040] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:40,048] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:40,048] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:41,058] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:41,057] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:42,066] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:42,066] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:43,073] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:43,073] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:44,081] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:44,081] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:45,088] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:45,088] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:46,098] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:46,098] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:47,109] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:47,109] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:48,117] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:48,117] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:49,125] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:49,124] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:50,134] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:50,134] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:51,141] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:51,140] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:52,147] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:52,147] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:53,156] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:53,155] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:54,167] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:54,167] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:55,176] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:55,176] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:56,183] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:56,183] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:57,196] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:57,195] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:58,202] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:58,201] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:58:59,209] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:58:59,208] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:00,215] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:00,215] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:01,226] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:01,226] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:10,317] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:10,317] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:11,324] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:11,323] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:12,331] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:12,330] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:13,337] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:13,337] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:14,344] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:14,344] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:15,351] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:15,350] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:16,357] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:16,357] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:17,363] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:17,363] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:18,376] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:18,375] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:40,566] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:40,565] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:41,572] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:41,572] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:42,582] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:42,582] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:43,589] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:43,589] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,596] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:44,595] {} INFO - Event: pod-ex-minimum-02a096e7 had an event of type Pending
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,645] {} ERROR - Pod Launching failed: Pod took too long to start
Traceback (most recent call last)
File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/contrib/operators/", line 253, in execut
File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/contrib/kubernetes/", line 113, in run_po
raise AirflowException("Pod took too long to start"
airflow.exceptions.AirflowException: Pod took too long to star
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred
Traceback (most recent call last)
File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/models/", line 985, in _run_raw_tas
result = task_copy.execute(context=context
File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/contrib/operators/", line 265, in execut
raise AirflowException('Pod Launching failed: {error}'.format(error=ex)
airflow.exceptions.AirflowException: Pod Launching failed: Pod took too long to star
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,646] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:44,645] {} ERROR - Pod Launching failed: Pod took too long to start
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,646] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum Traceback (most recent call last):
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,647] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/contrib/operators/", line 253, in execute
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,647] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum get_logs=self.get_logs)
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,647] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/contrib/kubernetes/", line 113, in run_pod
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,647] {} INFO - Marking task as FAILED.dag_id=composer_kubernetes_pod, task_id=pod-ex-minimum, execution_date=20201108T102928, start_date=20201109T105738, end_date=20201109T105944
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,647] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum raise AirflowException("Pod took too long to start")
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,647] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum airflow.exceptions.AirflowException: Pod took too long to start
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,647] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,648] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,648] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,648] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum Traceback (most recent call last):
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,648] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/models/", line 985, in _run_raw_task
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,649] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum result = task_copy.execute(context=context)
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,649] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/contrib/operators/", line 265, in execute
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,650] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum raise AirflowException('Pod Launching failed: {error}'.format(error=ex))
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,650] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum airflow.exceptions.AirflowException: Pod Launching failed: Pod took too long to start
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,650] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum [2020-11-09 10:59:44,647] {} INFO - Marking task as FAILED.dag_id=composer_kubernetes_pod, task_id=pod-ex-minimum, execution_date=20201108T102928, start_date=20201109T105738, end_date=20201109T105944
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,703] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum Traceback (most recent call last):
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,704] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/contrib/operators/", line 253, in execute
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,705] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum get_logs=self.get_logs)
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,705] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/contrib/kubernetes/", line 113, in run_pod
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,705] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum raise AirflowException("Pod took too long to start")
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,706] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum airflow.exceptions.AirflowException: Pod took too long to start
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,706] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,707] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,707] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,708] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum Traceback (most recent call last):
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,708] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum File "/usr/local/bin/airflow", line 7, in <module>
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,708] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum exec(compile(, __file__, 'exec'))
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,708] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/bin/airflow", line 37, in <module>
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,708] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum args.func(args)
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,709] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/utils/", line 75, in wrapper
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,709] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum return f(*args, **kwargs)
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,709] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/bin/", line 546, in run
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,709] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum _run(args, dag, ti)
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,709] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/bin/", line 466, in _run
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,709] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum pool=args.pool,
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,710] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/utils/", line 74, in wrapper
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,710] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum return func(*args, **kwargs)
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,710] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/models/", line 985, in _run_raw_task
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,710] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum result = task_copy.execute(context=context)
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,710] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum File "/usr/local/lib/airflow/airflow/contrib/operators/", line 265, in execute
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,710] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum raise AirflowException('Pod Launching failed: {error}'.format(error=ex))
[2020-11-09 10:59:44,711] {} INFO - Job 54: Subtask pod-ex-minimum airflow.exceptions.AirflowException: Pod Launching failed: Pod took too long to start
Do you have any insight ? Thank you in advance and sorry for my english.
It was an issue regarding the volume_secret. I hadn't created it and it wasn't working cause it could not find it.
The above error will be generic and can't used for debug root cause. When you start your dag check the worker pod.Do kubectl describe pod on worker pod .this will tell is any error in launching the worker pod of the task. Then you can check logs of same worker pod also.

Airlfow Execution Timeout not working well

I've set 'execution_timeout': timedelta(seconds=300) parameter on many tasks. When the execution timeout is set on task downloading data from Google Analytics it works properly - after ~300 seconds is the task set to failed. The task downloads some data from API (python), then it does some transformations (python) and loads data into PostgreSQL.
Then I've a task which executes only one PostgreSQL function - execution sometimes takes more than 300 seconds but I get this (task is marked as finished successfully).
*** Reading local file: /home/airflow/airflow/logs/bulk_replication_p2p_realtime/t1/2020-07-20T00:05:00+00:00/1.log
[2020-07-20 05:05:35,040] {} INFO - Dependencies all met for <TaskInstance: bulk_replication_p2p_realtime.t1 2020-07-20T00:05:00+00:00 [queued]>
[2020-07-20 05:05:35,051] {} INFO - Dependencies all met for <TaskInstance: bulk_replication_p2p_realtime.t1 2020-07-20T00:05:00+00:00 [queued]>
[2020-07-20 05:05:35,051] {} INFO -
[2020-07-20 05:05:35,051] {} INFO - Starting attempt 1 of 1
[2020-07-20 05:05:35,051] {} INFO -
[2020-07-20 05:05:35,098] {} INFO - Executing <Task(PostgresOperator): t1> on 2020-07-20T00:05:00+00:00
[2020-07-20 05:05:35,099] {} INFO - Running: ['airflow', 'run', 'bulk_replication_p2p_realtime', 't1', '2020-07-20T00:05:00+00:00', '--job_id', '958216', '--raw', '-sd', 'DAGS_FOLDER/', '--cfg_path', '/tmp/tmph11tn6fe']
[2020-07-20 05:05:37,348] {} INFO - Job 958216: Subtask t1 [2020-07-20 05:05:37,347] {} INFO - settings.configure_orm(): Using pool settings. pool_size=10, pool_recycle=1800, pid=26244
[2020-07-20 05:05:39,503] {} INFO - Job 958216: Subtask t1 [2020-07-20 05:05:39,501] {} INFO - Using executor LocalExecutor
[2020-07-20 05:05:39,857] {} INFO - Job 958216: Subtask t1 [2020-07-20 05:05:39,856] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /home/airflow/airflow/dags/
[2020-07-20 05:05:39,894] {} INFO - Job 958216: Subtask t1 [2020-07-20 05:05:39,894] {} INFO - Running <TaskInstance: bulk_replication_p2p_realtime.t1 2020-07-20T00:05:00+00:00 [running]> on host dwh2-airflow-dev
[2020-07-20 05:05:39,938] {} INFO - Executing: CALL dw_system.bulk_replicate(p_graph_name=>'replication_p2p_realtime',p_group_size=>4 , p_group=>1, p_dag_id=>'bulk_replication_p2p_realtime', p_task_id=>'t1')
[2020-07-20 05:05:39,960] {} INFO - [2020-07-20 05:05:39,953] {} INFO - Using connection to: id: postgres_warehouse. Host: XXX Port: 5432, Schema: XXXX Login: XXX Password: XXXXXXXX, extra: {}
[2020-07-20 05:05:39,973] {} INFO - [2020-07-20 05:05:39,972] {} INFO - CALL dw_system.bulk_replicate(p_graph_name=>'replication_p2p_realtime',p_group_size=>4 , p_group=>1, p_dag_id=>'bulk_replication_p2p_realtime', p_task_id=>'t1')
[2020-07-20 05:23:21,450] {} INFO - [2020-07-20 05:23:21,449] {} ERROR - Process timed out, PID: 26244
[2020-07-20 05:23:36,453] {} INFO - [2020-07-20 05:23:36,452] {} INFO - Task exited with return code 0
Does anyone know how to enforce execution timeout out for such long running functions? It seems that the execution timeout is evaluated once the PG function finish.
Airflow uses the signal module from the standard library to affect a timeout. In Airflow it's used to hook into these system signals and request that the calling process be notified in N seconds and, should the process still be inside the context (see the __enter__ and __exit__ methods on the class) it will raise an AirflowTaskTimeout exception.
Unfortunately for this situation, there are certain classes of system operations that cannot be interrupted. This is actually called out in the signal documentation:
A long-running calculation implemented purely in C (such as regular expression matching on a large body of text) may run uninterrupted for an arbitrary amount of time, regardless of any signals received. The Python signal handlers will be called when the calculation finishes.
To which we say "But I'm not doing a long-running calculation in C!" -- yeah for Airflow this is almost always due to uninterruptable I/O operations.
The highlighted sentence above (emphasis mine) nicely explains why the handler is still triggered even after the task is allowed to (frustratingly!) finish, well beyond your requested timeout.

Why the apache-airflow logs does not show values

I am running a simple code to check the logging in from the airflow task. Why can't I see the parameters variable value? I see only the copy of the executed code without the values of the variables
this is the out:
[2020-05-21 21:25:34,766] {} INFO - Job 40: Subtask rna-step1-gsm-srr-task-id [2020-05-21 21:25:34,765] {} INFO - import json
[2020-05-21 21:25:34,767] {} INFO - Job 40: Subtask rna-step1-gsm-srr-task-id [2020-05-21 21:25:34,765] {} INFO -"!!!in test - nb")
[2020-05-21 21:25:34,767] {} INFO - Job 40: Subtask rna-step1-gsm-srr-task-id [2020-05-21 21:25:34,765] {} INFO -"after json import")
[2020-05-21 21:25:34,767] {} INFO - Job 40: Subtask rna-step1-gsm-srr-task-id [2020-05-21 21:25:34,765] {} INFO - parameters = {}
[2020-05-21 21:25:34,767] {} INFO - Job 40: Subtask rna-step1-gsm-srr-task-id [2020-05-21 21:25:34,765] {} INFO - #/home/airflow/gcs/dags/dependencies/
[2020-05-21 21:25:34,767] {} INFO - Job 40: Subtask rna-step1-gsm-srr-task-id [2020-05-21 21:25:34,765] {} INFO - with open('parameters.json') as json_file:
[2020-05-21 21:25:34,768] {} INFO - Job 40: Subtask rna-step1-gsm-srr-task-id [2020-05-21 21:25:34,765] {} INFO - parameters = json.load(json_file)
[2020-05-21 21:25:34,768] {} INFO - Job 40: Subtask rna-step1-gsm-srr-task-id [2020-05-21 21:25:34,765] {} INFO -"parameters is {}".format(parameters))
are there any settings that need to be done? is it possible to have the logs in stackdriver?

why password connection are lost?

I have to update (re-type and save) my ssh connection password every time I restart airflow. Why is that?
I'm running airflow 1.10.3 in a docker container and I can see that all passwords are stored properly in the postgres database.
*** Reading local file: /root/airflow/logs/archive/check_source/2019-07-07T00:00:00+00:00/4.log
[2019-07-08 01:30:27,253] {} INFO - Dependencies all met for <TaskInstance: archive.check_source 2019-07-07T00:00:00+00:00 [queued]>
[2019-07-08 01:30:27,267] {} INFO - Dependencies all met for <TaskInstance: archive.check_source 2019-07-07T00:00:00+00:00 [queued]>
[2019-07-08 01:30:27,267] {} INFO -
[2019-07-08 01:30:27,267] {} INFO - Starting attempt 4 of 4
[2019-07-08 01:30:27,268] {} INFO -
[2019-07-08 01:30:27,295] {} INFO - Executing <Task(SSHOperator): check_source> on 2019-07-07T00:00:00+00:00
[2019-07-08 01:30:27,296] {} INFO - Running: [u'airflow', u'run', 'archive', 'check_source', '2019-07-07T00:00:00+00:00', u'--job_id', '1321', u'--raw', u'-sd', u'DAGS_FOLDER/', u'--cfg_path', '/tmp/tmpQwBRud']
[2019-07-08 01:30:28,392] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source [2019-07-08 01:30:28,392] {} INFO - settings.configure_orm(): Using pool settings. pool_size=5, pool_recycle=1800, pid=656
[2019-07-08 01:30:28,741] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source [2019-07-08 01:30:28,740] {} INFO - Using executor LocalExecutor
[2019-07-08 01:30:28,975] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source [2019-07-08 01:30:28,974] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /root/airflow/dags/
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,073] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source [2019-07-08 01:30:29,073] {} INFO - Running <TaskInstance: archive_to_glacier.check_source 2019-07-07T00:00:00+00:00 [running]> on host airflow-webserver-66d5747dc7-99mhr
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,158] {} INFO - ssh_hook is not provided or invalid. Trying ssh_conn_id to create SSHHook.
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,204] {} ERROR - SSH operator error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/models/", line 1441, in _run_raw_task
result = task_copy.execute(context=context)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/contrib/operators/", line 167, in execute
raise AirflowException("SSH operator error: {0}".format(str(e)))
AirflowException: SSH operator error:
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,206] {} INFO - All retries failed; marking task as FAILED
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,232] {} INFO - [2019-07-08 01:30:29,232] {} WARNING - section/key [smtp/smtp_user] not found in config
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,314] {} INFO - [2019-07-08 01:30:29,313] {} INFO - Sent an alert email to [u'']
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,605] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source Traceback (most recent call last):
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,606] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source File "/usr/bin/airflow", line 32, in <module>
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,606] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source args.func(args)
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,606] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/utils/", line 74, in wrapper
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,606] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source return f(*args, **kwargs)
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,606] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/bin/", line 523, in run
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,606] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source _run(args, dag, ti)
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,606] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/bin/", line 442, in _run
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,606] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source pool=args.pool,
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,606] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/utils/", line 73, in wrapper
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,608] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source return func(*args, **kwargs)
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,608] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/models/", line 1441, in _run_raw_task
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,608] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source result = task_copy.execute(context=context)
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,608] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/airflow/contrib/operators/", line 167, in execute
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,608] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source raise AirflowException("SSH operator error: {0}".format(str(e)))
[2019-07-08 01:30:29,608] {} INFO - Job 1321: Subtask check_source airflow.exceptions.AirflowException: SSH operator error:
[2019-07-08 01:30:32,260] {} INFO - [2019-07-08 01:30:32,259] {} INFO - Task exited with return code 1
try to add new ssh_conn_id in Admin -> Connections.
Because of:
INFO - ssh_hook is not provided or invalid. Trying ssh_conn_id to create SSHHook.
