Why Am I Seeing Output as Octet-Stream in Logic Apps? - http

In my Logic App, I call an XML REST API using an HTTP connector. The output of the HTTP connector is displayed as Octet-Stream. But I know from my Postman call that the API returns XML.
I know how to handle this issue. I put a Set Variable component after HTTP and set the variable to the output value which is an XML this time - I don't apply any explicit transformation.
I just want to know what would cause the HTTP connector to output Octet-Stream and if there is a smarter way to handle the issue. Even I added the same headers in the Postman call to the Logic Apps HTTP, but this didn't work.
Thank you.

Logic Apps always preserves the Content-Type in a received HTTP request or response. So if your logic app receives content with Content-Type set to application/octet-stream, and you include that content in a later action without casting, the outgoing request also has Content-Type set to application/octet-stream. That way, Logic Apps can guarantee that data doesn't get lost while moving through the workflow. However, the action state, or inputs and outputs, is stored in a JSON object while the state moves through the workflow.
In a response connector you can add a header as Content-Type as application/xml
To preserve some data types, Logic Apps converts content to a binary base64-encoded string with appropriate metadata that preserves both the $content payload and the $content-type, which are automatically converted.
xml() Casts data to application/xml
Refer for converter-functions


Is there a way to set the http Header values for an esp_https_ota call?

I'm trying to download a firmware.bin file that is produced in a private Github repository. I have the code that is finding the right asset url to download the file and per Github instructions the accept header needs to be set to accept: application/octet-stream in order to get the binary file. I'm only getting JSON in response. If I run the same request through postman I'm getting a binary file as the body. I've tried downloading it using HTTPClient and I get the same JSON request. It seems the headers aren't being set as requested to tell Github to send the binary content as I'm just getting JSON. As for the ArduinoOTA abstraction, I can't see how to even try to set headers and in digging into the esp_https_ota functions and http_client functions there doesn't appear to be a way to set headers for any of these higher level abstractions because the http_config object has no place for headers as far as I can tell. I might file a feature request to allow for this, but am new to this programming area and want to check to see if I'm missing something first.
Code returns JSON, not binary. URL is github rest api url to the asset (works in postman)
HTTPClient http2;
http2.addHeader("Authorization","token MYTOKEN");
http2.begin( firmwareURL, GHAPI_CERT); //Specify the URL and certificate
With the ESP IDF HTTP client you can add headers to an initialized HTTP client using function esp_http_client_set_header().
esp_http_client_handle_t client = esp_http_client_init(&config);
esp_http_client_set_header(client, "HeaderKey", "HeaderValue");
err = esp_http_client_perform(client);
If using the HTTPS OTA API, you can register for a callback which gives you a handle to the underlying HTTP client. You can then do the exact same as in above example.

How can I handle arbitrary incoming `application/json` HTTP requests in Odoo?

I'd like to accept and respond to JSON requests in Odoo from sources that may be out of my control. The reason this is not straightforward is because Odoo is forcing me to use JSON-RPC, which is not suitable for the source I'm interacting with.
For example, if I set the route type to http in the #http.route decorator, Odoo rejects the request if the mimetype is application/json but the body has no content. This isn't going to work in my case because I may not be able to choose what the other source sends to me. Additionally, I am unable to send back a custom JSON response unless the incoming request doesn't have the application/json mimetype, which again is not in my control.
I have done a lot of searching on the internet and read much of Odoo's HTTP source code. The "solution" I keep seeing everywhere is to monkey patch the JsonRequest class one way or another. This allows me to indeed respond with whatever I want, however it doesn't allow me to accept whatever the service may send me.
One specific case I need to be able to handle is incoming application/json GET requests with no body. How can I achieve this despite Odoo's heavy handed JSON-RPC handing?
There is no correct way to accomplish this, I'd call the described method acceptable. It applies to versions of Odoo 10 through 15.
In my opinion, it would be better to leave JsonRequest class alone and let it do its JSON-RPC related job. There is odoo.http.Root.get_request method which constructs the json-rpc or http request object, depending on the content type:
class Root(object):
"""Root WSGI application for the OpenERP Web Client.
# ...
def get_request(self, httprequest):
# deduce type of request
if httprequest.mimetype in ("application/json", "application/json-rpc"):
return JsonRequest(httprequest)
return HttpRequest(httprequest)
This point seems to be the most relevant one to be patched, with returning the custom request class object from this method. There is an issue, though - this method is called prior to any route detection. You have to invent a suitable method to tell, which request class object to return.
To have an idea about a possible implementation, please, see OCA base_rest module.

Different content type for the same request

I use an extra call to the 3rd party server, and its response content type changes from time to time.
For one connection I get application/json (that is what I expect) but another time I get the application/octet-stream with the same request. The url is always same and expected response size isn't big.
Let's say I call https://sideapp.co.uk/symbolname/1/hour/date1/date2
How can it be explained? I don't know which language they use on there backend side. I've only found the one possible explanation for Java here: Why is my controller sending the content type "application/octet-stream"?
From my side I use Flux WebClient for connection but I get the same behavior with pure browser call as well.

REST: HTTP headers or request parameters

I've been putting in some research around REST. I noticed that the Amazon S3 API uses mainly http headers for their REST interface. This was a surprise to me, since I assumed that the interface would work mainly off request parameters.
My question is this: Should I develop my REST interface using mainly http headers, or should I be using request parameters?
The question mainly is whether the parameters defined are part of the resource identifier (URI) or not. if so, then you would use the request parameters otherwise HTTP custom headers. For example, passing the id of the album in a music gallery must be part of the URI.
Remember, for example /employee/id/45 (Or /employee?id=45, REST does not have a prejudice against query string parameters or for clean slash separated URIs) identifies one resource. Now you could use content-negotiation by sending request header content-type: text/plain or content-type: image/jpg to get the info or the image. In this respect, resource is deemed to be the same and header only used to define format of the resource.
Generally, I am not a big fan of HTTP custom headers. This usually assumes the client to have a prior knowledge of the server implementation (not discoverable through natural HTTP means, i.e. hypermedia) which always is considered a REST anti-pattern
HTTP headers usually define aspects of HTTP orthogonal to what is to be achieved in the process of request/response. Authorization header (really a misnomer, should have been authentication) is a classic example.

HTTP Get content type

I have a program that is supposed to interact with a web server and retrieve a file containing structured data using http and cgi. I have a couple questions:
The cgi script on the server needs to specify a body right? What should the content-type be?
Should I be using POST or GET?
Could anyone tell me a good resource for reading about HTTP?
If you just want to retrieve the resource, I’d use GET. And with GET you don’t need a Content-Type since a GET request has no body. And as of HTTP, I’d suggest you to read the HTTP 1.1 specification.
The content-type specified by the server will depend on what type of data you plan to return. As Jim said if it's JSON you can use 'application/json'. The obvious payload for the request would be whatever data you're sending to the client.
From the servers prospective it shouldn't matter that much. In general if you're not expecting a lot of information from the client I'd set up the server to respond to GET requests as opposed to POST requests. An advantage I like is simply being able to specify what I want in the url (this can't be done if it's expecting a POST request).
I would point you to the rfc for HTTP...probably the best source for information..maybe not the most user friendly way to get your answers but it should have all the answers you need. link text
For (1) the Content-Type depends on the structured data. If it's XML you can use application/xml, JSON can be application/json, etc. Content-Type is set by the server. Your client would ask for that type of content using the Accept header. (Try to use existing data format standards and content types if you can.)
For (2) GET is best (you aren't sending up any data to the server).
I found RESTful Web Services by Richardson and Ruby a very interesting introduction to HTTP. It takes a very strict, but very helpful, view of HTTP.
