I have multi-column data as follows. I want to remove rows having duplicate values in depth column.
Date Levels values depth
1 2005-12-31 1 182.80 0
2 2005-12-31 2 182.80 0
3 2005-12-31 5 182.80 2
4 2005-12-31 6 182.80 2
5 2005-12-31 7 182.80 2
6 2005-12-31 8 182.80 3
7 2005-12-31 9 182.80 4
8 2005-12-31 10 182.80 4
9 2005-12-31 11 182.80 5
10 2005-12-31 13 182.70 7
11 2005-12-31 14 182.70 8
12 2005-12-31 16 182.60 10
13 2005-12-31 17 182.50 12
14 2005-12-31 20 181.50 17
15 2005-12-31 23 177.50 23
16 2005-12-31 26 165.90 31
17 2005-12-31 28 155.00 36
18 2005-12-31 29 149.20 40
19 2005-12-31 31 136.90 46
20 2005-12-31 33 126.10 53
21 2005-12-31 35 112.70 60
22 2005-12-31 38 88.23 70
23 2005-12-31 41 67.99 79
24 2005-12-31 44 54.63 87
25 2005-12-31 49 45.40 98
26 2006-12-31 1 182.80 0
27 2006-12-31 2 182.80 0
28 2006-12-31 5 182.80 2
29 2006-12-31 6 182.80 2
30 2006-12-31 7 182.80 2
31 2006-12-31 8 182.80 3
32 2006-12-31 9 182.80 4
33 2006-12-31 10 182.80 4
34 2006-12-31 11 182.70 5
35 2006-12-31 13 182.70 7
36 2006-12-31 14 182.70 8
37 2006-12-31 16 182.60 10
38 2006-12-31 17 182.50 12
39 2006-12-31 20 181.50 17
40 2006-12-31 23 178.60 23
41 2006-12-31 26 168.70 31
42 2006-12-31 28 156.90 36
43 2006-12-31 29 150.40 40
44 2006-12-31 31 137.10 46
45 2006-12-31 33 126.00 53
46 2006-12-31 35 112.70 60
47 2006-12-31 38 91.80 70
48 2006-12-31 41 75.91 79
49 2006-12-31 44 65.17 87
50 2006-12-31 49 58.33 98
I know how to remove duplicates based on a column as follows;
nodup<- distinct(df, column, .keep_all = TRUE)
But how can I do this code for every 25 rows interval?
base R
do.call(rbind, by(dat, (seq_len(nrow(dat))-1) %/% 25,
function(z) z[!duplicated(z$depth),]))
# Date Levels values depth
# 0.1 2005-12-31 1 182.8 0
# 0.3 2005-12-31 5 182.8 2
# 0.6 2005-12-31 8 182.8 3
# 0.7 2005-12-31 9 182.8 4
# 0.9 2005-12-31 11 182.8 5
# 0.10 2005-12-31 13 182.7 7
# 0.11 2005-12-31 14 182.7 8
# 0.12 2005-12-31 16 182.6 10
# 0.13 2005-12-31 17 182.5 12
# 0.14 2005-12-31 20 181.5 17
# 0.15 2005-12-31 23 177.5 23
# 0.16 2005-12-31 26 165.9 31
# 0.17 2005-12-31 28 155.0 36
# 0.18 2005-12-31 29 149.2 40
# 0.19 2005-12-31 31 136.9 46
# 0.20 2005-12-31 33 126.1 53
# 0.21 2005-12-31 35 112.7 60
# 0.22 2005-12-31 38 88.2 70
# 0.23 2005-12-31 41 68.0 79
# 0.24 2005-12-31 44 54.6 87
# 0.25 2005-12-31 49 45.4 98
# 1.26 2006-12-31 1 182.8 0
# 1.28 2006-12-31 5 182.8 2
# 1.31 2006-12-31 8 182.8 3
# 1.32 2006-12-31 9 182.8 4
# 1.34 2006-12-31 11 182.7 5
# 1.35 2006-12-31 13 182.7 7
# 1.36 2006-12-31 14 182.7 8
# 1.37 2006-12-31 16 182.6 10
# 1.38 2006-12-31 17 182.5 12
# 1.39 2006-12-31 20 181.5 17
# 1.40 2006-12-31 23 178.6 23
# 1.41 2006-12-31 26 168.7 31
# 1.42 2006-12-31 28 156.9 36
# 1.43 2006-12-31 29 150.4 40
# 1.44 2006-12-31 31 137.1 46
# 1.45 2006-12-31 33 126.0 53
# 1.46 2006-12-31 35 112.7 60
# 1.47 2006-12-31 38 91.8 70
# 1.48 2006-12-31 41 75.9 79
# 1.49 2006-12-31 44 65.2 87
# 1.50 2006-12-31 49 58.3 98
dat[!ave(dat$depth, (seq_len(nrow(dat))-1) %/% 25, FUN = duplicated),]
dat %>%
group_by(grp = (seq_len(n())-1) %/% 25) %>%
distinct(depth, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# # A tibble: 42 x 4
# Date Levels values depth
# <chr> <int> <dbl> <int>
# 1 2005-12-31 1 183. 0
# 2 2005-12-31 5 183. 2
# 3 2005-12-31 8 183. 3
# 4 2005-12-31 9 183. 4
# 5 2005-12-31 11 183. 5
# 6 2005-12-31 13 183. 7
# 7 2005-12-31 14 183. 8
# 8 2005-12-31 16 183. 10
# 9 2005-12-31 17 182. 12
# 10 2005-12-31 20 182. 17
# # ... with 32 more rows
as.data.table(dat)[, .SD[!duplicated(depth),], by=.( (seq_len(nrow(dat))-1) %/% 25 ) ][,-1]
(The [,-1] on the end is because the by= grouping operation implicitly prepends the seq_len(.)... counter as its first column.)
(Notice a theme? :-)
dat <- structure(list(Date = c("2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2005-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31", "2006-12-31"), Levels = c(1L, 2L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 13L, 14L, 16L, 17L, 20L, 23L, 26L, 28L, 29L, 31L, 33L, 35L, 38L, 41L, 44L, 49L, 1L, 2L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 13L, 14L, 16L, 17L, 20L, 23L, 26L, 28L, 29L, 31L, 33L, 35L, 38L, 41L, 44L, 49L), values = c(182.8, 182.8, 182.8, 182.8, 182.8, 182.8, 182.8, 182.8, 182.8, 182.7, 182.7, 182.6, 182.5, 181.5, 177.5, 165.9, 155, 149.2, 136.9, 126.1, 112.7, 88.23, 67.99, 54.63, 45.4, 182.8, 182.8, 182.8, 182.8, 182.8, 182.8, 182.8, 182.8, 182.7, 182.7, 182.7, 182.6, 182.5, 181.5, 178.6, 168.7, 156.9, 150.4, 137.1, 126, 112.7, 91.8, 75.91, 65.17, 58.33), depth = c(0L, 0L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 5L, 7L, 8L, 10L, 12L, 17L, 23L, 31L, 36L, 40L, 46L, 53L, 60L, 70L, 79L, 87L, 98L, 0L, 0L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 5L, 7L, 8L, 10L, 12L, 17L, 23L, 31L, 36L, 40L, 46L, 53L, 60L, 70L, 79L, 87L, 98L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50"))
We could use order and !duplicated:
df = df[order(df[,'depth']),]
df = df[!duplicated(df$depth),]
Date Levels values depth
<date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2005-12-31 1 183. 0
2 2005-12-31 5 183. 2
3 2005-12-31 8 183. 3
4 2005-12-31 9 183. 4
5 2005-12-31 11 183. 5
6 2005-12-31 13 183. 7
7 2005-12-31 14 183. 8
8 2006-12-31 49 58.3 9
9 2005-12-31 16 183. 10
10 2005-12-31 17 182. 12
# … with 12 more rows
So i need to merge 2 data frames:
The first data frame contains dates in YYYY-mm-dd format and event lengths:
datetime length
2003-06-03 1
2003-06-07 1
2003-06-13 1
2003-06-17 3
2003-06-28 5
2003-07-10 1
2003-07-23 1
The second data frame contains dates in the same format and discharge data:
datetime q
2003-05-29 36.2
2003-05-30 34.6
2003-05-31 33.1
2003-06-01 30.7
2003-06-02 30.0
2003-06-03 153.0
2003-06-04 69.0
The second data frame is much larger.
I want to merge/join only the following rows of the second data frame to the first:
all rows that have the same date as the first frame (I know this can be done with left_join(df1,df2, by = c("datetime"))
two rows before that row
n-1 rows after that row, where n = "length" value of row in first data frame.
I would like to identify the rows belonging to the same event as well.
Ideally i would have the following output: (Notice the event from 2003-06-17)
EventDatesNancy length q event#
2003-06-03 1 153.0 1
2003-06-07 1 120.0 2
2003-06-13 1 45.3 3
2003-06-15 na 110.0 4
2003-06-16 na 53.1 4
2003-06-17 3 78.0 4
2003-06-18 na 167.0 4
2003-06-19 na 145.0 4
I hope this makes clear what I am trying to do.
This might be one approach using tidyverse and fuzzyjoin.
First, indicate event numbers in your first data.frame. Add two columns to indicate the start and end dates (start date is 2 days before the date, and end date is length days - 1 after the date).
Then, you can use fuzzy_inner_join to get the selected rows from the second data.frame. Here, you will want to include where the datetime in the second data.frame falls after the start date and before the end date of the first data.frame.
df1$event <- seq_along(1:nrow(df1))
df1$start_date <- df1$datetime - 2
df1$end_date <- df1$datetime + df1$length - 1
by = c("start_date" = "datetime", "end_date" = "datetime"),
match_fun = c(`<=`, `>=`)
) %>%
select(datetime.y, length, q, event)
I tried this out with some made up data:
R> df1
datetime length
1 2003-06-03 1
2 2003-06-12 1
3 2003-06-21 1
4 2003-06-30 3
5 2003-07-09 5
6 2003-07-18 1
7 2003-07-27 1
8 2003-08-05 2
9 2003-08-14 1
10 2003-08-23 1
11 2003-09-01 3
R> df2
datetime q
1 2003-06-03 44
2 2003-06-04 52
3 2003-06-05 34
4 2003-06-06 20
5 2003-06-07 57
6 2003-06-08 67
7 2003-06-09 63
8 2003-06-10 51
9 2003-06-11 56
10 2003-06-12 37
11 2003-06-13 16
12 2003-06-14 54
13 2003-06-15 46
14 2003-06-16 6
15 2003-06-17 32
16 2003-06-18 91
17 2003-06-19 61
18 2003-06-20 42
19 2003-06-21 28
20 2003-06-22 98
21 2003-06-23 77
22 2003-06-24 81
23 2003-06-25 13
24 2003-06-26 15
25 2003-06-27 73
26 2003-06-28 38
27 2003-06-29 27
28 2003-06-30 49
29 2003-07-01 10
30 2003-07-02 89
31 2003-07-03 9
32 2003-07-04 80
33 2003-07-05 68
34 2003-07-06 26
35 2003-07-07 31
36 2003-07-08 29
37 2003-07-09 84
38 2003-07-10 60
39 2003-07-11 19
40 2003-07-12 97
41 2003-07-13 35
42 2003-07-14 47
43 2003-07-15 70
This will give the following output:
datetime.y length q event
1 2003-06-03 1 44 1
2 2003-06-10 1 51 2
3 2003-06-11 1 56 2
4 2003-06-12 1 37 2
5 2003-06-19 1 61 3
6 2003-06-20 1 42 3
7 2003-06-21 1 28 3
8 2003-06-28 3 38 4
9 2003-06-29 3 27 4
10 2003-06-30 3 49 4
11 2003-07-01 3 10 4
12 2003-07-02 3 89 4
13 2003-07-07 5 31 5
14 2003-07-08 5 29 5
15 2003-07-09 5 84 5
16 2003-07-10 5 60 5
17 2003-07-11 5 19 5
18 2003-07-12 5 97 5
19 2003-07-13 5 35 5
If the output desired is different than above, please let me know what should be different so that I can correct it.
df1 <- structure(list(datetime = structure(c(12206, 12215, 12224, 12233,
12242, 12251, 12260, 12269, 12278, 12287, 12296), class = "Date"),
length = c(1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3), event = 1:11,
start_date = structure(c(12204, 12213, 12222, 12231, 12240,
12249, 12258, 12267, 12276, 12285, 12294), class = "Date"),
end_date = structure(c(12206, 12215, 12224, 12235, 12246,
12251, 12260, 12270, 12278, 12287, 12298), class = "Date")), row.names = c(NA,
-11L), class = "data.frame")
df2 <- structure(list(datetime = structure(c(12206, 12207, 12208, 12209,
12210, 12211, 12212, 12213, 12214, 12215, 12216, 12217, 12218,
12219, 12220, 12221, 12222, 12223, 12224, 12225, 12226, 12227,
12228, 12229, 12230, 12231, 12232, 12233, 12234, 12235, 12236,
12237, 12238, 12239, 12240, 12241, 12242, 12243, 12244, 12245,
12246, 12247, 12248), class = "Date"), q = c(44L, 52L, 34L, 20L,
57L, 67L, 63L, 51L, 56L, 37L, 16L, 54L, 46L, 6L, 32L, 91L, 61L,
42L, 28L, 98L, 77L, 81L, 13L, 15L, 73L, 38L, 27L, 49L, 10L, 89L,
9L, 80L, 68L, 26L, 31L, 29L, 84L, 60L, 19L, 97L, 35L, 47L, 70L
)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -43L))
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions on this. Here is a shortened example of the dataframe I am working with.
boxscore_stats = structure(list(game_id = c(157046L, 157046L, 157046L, 157046L,
157046L, 157046L, 157046L, 157046L, 157046L, 157046L, 157046L,
157046L, 157046L, 157046L, 157046L, 157046L, 157046L, 157046L,
159151L, 159151L, 159151L, 159151L, 159151L, 159151L, 159151L,
159151L, 159151L, 159151L, 159151L, 159151L, 159151L, 159151L,
159151L, 159151L, 159151L, 159151L, 159151L, 159151L, 159151L,
159151L), team_id = c(116975, 116975, 116975, 116975, 116975,
116975, 116975, 116975, 116975, 120310, 120310, 120310, 120310,
120310, 120310, 120310, 120310, 120310, 121910, 121910, 121910,
121910, 121910, 121910, 121910, 121910, 121910, 121910, 122072,
122072, 122072, 122072, 122072, 122072, 122072, 122072, 122072,
122072, 122072, 122072), minutes_played = c(18.76, 14.63, 8,
16.69, 24.62, 32, 12.79, 5.28, 3.22, 24.35, 10.18, 20.65, 9.59,
25.08, 14.12, 17.46, 23.15, 15.43, 22.84, 19.27, 21.31, 6.41,
17.57, 17.4, 17.29, 7.22, 12.09, 17.25, 2.28, 16.87, 6.6, 19.73,
6.31, 13.25, 26.25, 6.08, 28.71, 11.2, 17.54, 5.17), fieldGoalsMade = c(1L,
1L, 4L, 1L, 2L, 7L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 4L, 0L, 3L, 1L, 3L, 0L, 6L, 7L,
1L, 7L, 4L, 5L, 1L, 2L, 6L, 2L, 0L, 1L, 3L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 3L, 0L,
1L, 11L, 2L, 5L, 1L, 2L, 1L), fieldGoalAttempts = c(8L, 6L, 7L,
2L, 9L, 16L, 3L, 1L, 2L, 12L, 4L, 12L, 3L, 11L, 4L, 9L, 13L,
6L, 12L, 10L, 14L, 2L, 6L, 11L, 6L, 2L, 2L, 6L, 0L, 5L, 3L, 10L,
2L, 3L, 21L, 3L, 17L, 4L, 9L, 2L)), .Names = c("game_id", "team_id",
"minutes_played", "fieldGoalsMade", "fieldGoalAttempts"), row.names = c(NA,
40L), class = "data.frame")
game_id team_id minutes_played fieldGoalsMade fieldGoalAttempts
1 157046 116975 18.76 1 8
2 157046 116975 14.63 1 6
3 157046 116975 8.00 4 7
4 157046 116975 16.69 1 2
5 157046 116975 24.62 2 9
6 157046 116975 32.00 7 16
7 157046 116975 12.79 1 3
8 157046 116975 5.28 1 1
9 157046 116975 3.22 1 2
10 157046 120310 24.35 4 12
11 157046 120310 10.18 0 4
12 157046 120310 20.65 3 12
13 157046 120310 9.59 1 3
14 157046 120310 25.08 3 11
15 157046 120310 14.12 0 4
16 157046 120310 17.46 6 9
17 157046 120310 23.15 7 13
18 157046 120310 15.43 1 6
19 159151 121910 22.84 7 12
20 159151 121910 19.27 4 10
21 159151 121910 21.31 5 14
22 159151 121910 6.41 1 2
23 159151 121910 17.57 2 6
24 159151 121910 17.40 6 11
25 159151 121910 17.29 2 6
26 159151 121910 7.22 0 2
27 159151 121910 12.09 1 2
28 159151 121910 17.25 3 6
29 159151 122072 2.28 0 0
30 159151 122072 16.87 1 5
31 159151 122072 6.60 1 3
32 159151 122072 19.73 3 10
33 159151 122072 6.31 0 2
34 159151 122072 13.25 1 3
35 159151 122072 26.25 11 21
36 159151 122072 6.08 2 3
37 159151 122072 28.71 5 17
38 159151 122072 11.20 1 4
39 159151 122072 17.54 2 9
40 159151 122072 5.17 1 2
The important things to note about this dataframe is that each game_id corresponds with two team_ids, for the two teams that played in the game. Each game_id is unique to one game of basketball. Each row corresponds with the stats for a player on the team_ids team in that game. The example above has only two games / 4 teams / 40 players, but my full dataframe has hundreds of games, which each team_id showing up many times.
My first aggregation, which I was able to do, was to aggregate everything by team_id. This code got the job done for me for the first aggregation:
boxscore_stats_aggregated = aggregate(boxscore_stats, by = list(boxscore_stats[, 2]), FUN = sum)
which was fairly straightforward. For any team_id, I had aggregated all of their minutes played, all of their fieldGoalsMade, etc. For my next aggregation though, I need to aggregate by team_id again but instead of aggregating a team by their own rows / stats, instead I need to aggregate the rows / stats of their opponents. This answers the question "For any team, how many fieldsGoalsMade did they allow in total to opponents, etc." So in this case, for team_id = 116975, I would want to aggregate all the rows with team_id 120310. Of course next time team_id 116975 appears in my dataframe in a new game, it is likely that they are playing a different opponent, so this aggregation is not as simple as aggregating by team_id 120310.
I think I should be able to use the relationship between the two team_ids being unique to the unique game_ids to make this aggregation possible, but I am struggling with how it could be implemented.
Here is approach using data.table:
(1) Read in the data:
# Load package
# Load your data
boxscore_stats <- fread("row game_id team_id minutes_played fieldGoalsMade fieldGoalAttempts
1 157046 116975 18.76 1 8
2 157046 116975 14.63 1 6
3 157046 116975 8.00 4 7
4 157046 116975 16.69 1 2
5 157046 116975 24.62 2 9
6 157046 116975 32.00 7 16
7 157046 116975 12.79 1 3
8 157046 116975 5.28 1 1
9 157046 116975 3.22 1 2
10 157046 120310 24.35 4 12
11 157046 120310 10.18 0 4
12 157046 120310 20.65 3 12
13 157046 120310 9.59 1 3
14 157046 120310 25.08 3 11
15 157046 120310 14.12 0 4
16 157046 120310 17.46 6 9
17 157046 120310 23.15 7 13
18 157046 120310 15.43 1 6
19 159151 121910 22.84 7 12
20 159151 121910 19.27 4 10
21 159151 121910 21.31 5 14
22 159151 121910 6.41 1 2
23 159151 121910 17.57 2 6
24 159151 121910 17.40 6 11
25 159151 121910 17.29 2 6
26 159151 121910 7.22 0 2
27 159151 121910 12.09 1 2
28 159151 121910 17.25 3 6
29 159151 122072 2.28 0 0
30 159151 122072 16.87 1 5
31 159151 122072 6.60 1 3
32 159151 122072 19.73 3 10
33 159151 122072 6.31 0 2
34 159151 122072 13.25 1 3
35 159151 122072 26.25 11 21
36 159151 122072 6.08 2 3
37 159151 122072 28.71 5 17
38 159151 122072 11.20 1 4
39 159151 122072 17.54 2 9
40 159151 122072 5.17 1 2
(2) Proceed with the actual calculations:
# Aggregate on team-and game level (data.table style)
boxscore_stats_aggregated <- boxscore_stats[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = list(game_id, team_id)]
# Match EVERY team to each opponent, i.e. still two rows per game
# but columns for opponent's performance added.
# Some teams drops out in the dummy data as they opponent data was missing.
merge(boxscore_stats_aggregated, boxscore_stats_aggregated,
by="game_id", suffixes = c("", ".opponent"))[team_id!=team_id.opponent,]
output looks like that:
# > output
# game_id team_id row minutes_played fieldGoalsMade fieldGoalAttempts team_id.opponent row.opponent minutes_played.opponent fieldGoalsMade.opponent fieldGoalAttempts.opponent
# 1: 1413414 116975 45 135.99 19 54 120310 126 160.01 25 74
# 2: 1413414 120310 126 160.01 25 74 116975 45 135.99 19 54
And just in case, for OP to consider or future readers below is a base R version with merge() for side by side aggregates of team and opposition by game_id. A staging temp col, gamecount, is needed.
aggdf <- aggregate(.~game_id + team_id, boxscore_stats, FUN = sum)
aggdf$gamecount <- sapply(1:nrow(aggdf), function(i)
sum(aggdf[1:i, c("game_id")] == aggdf$game_id[i]))
mdf <- merge(aggdf, aggdf, by="game_id")
mdf <- mdf[mdf$team_id.x != mdf$team_id.y & mdf$gamecount.x == 1,]
mdf$gamecount.x <- mdf$gamecount.y <- NULL
names(mdf)[grepl("\\.x", names(mdf))] <- gsub("\\.x", "",
names(mdf)[grepl("\\.x", names(mdf))])
names(mdf)[grepl("\\.y", names(mdf))] <- gsub("\\.y", ".opp",
names(mdf)[grepl("\\.y", names(mdf))])
rownames(mdf) <- 1:nrow(mdf)
# game_id team_id minutes_played fieldGoalsMade fieldGoalAttempts team_id.opp
# 1 157046 116975 135.99 19 54 120310
# 2 159151 121910 158.65 31 71 122072
# minutes_played.opp fieldGoalsMade.opp fieldGoalAttempts.opp
# 1 160.01 25 74
# 2 159.99 28 79
If you want to isolate single team_ids, I would use the dplyr package.
For example if you wanted to know % of field goals per team I would write something like:
boxscore_stats %>%
group_by(team_id) %>%
summarize(perc_fg = sum(fieldGoalsMade)/sum(fieldGoalAttempts))
This would give you a new data.frame aggregated by team ID.
I am fitting a GLM using the DESeq2 package, and have the situation where individuals (RatIDs) are nested within the treatment (Diet). The author of the package suggests that the individuals be re-leveled from 1:N within each Diet (where N is the number of RatIDs within a specific Diet) rather than their original ID/factor level (DESeq2 vignette, page 35.)
The data looks something like this (there are actually more columns and rows, but omitted for simplicity):
Diet Extraction RatID
199 HAMSP 8 65
74 HAMS 9 108
308 HAMS 18 100
41 HAMSA 3 83
88 HAMSP 12 11
221 HAMSP 14 66
200 HAMSA 8 57
155 HAMSB 1 105
245 HAMSB 19 50
254 HAMS 21 90
182 HAMSB 4 4
283 HAMSA 23 59
180 HAMSP 4 22
71 HAMSP 9 112
212 HAMS 12 63
220 HAMSP 14 54
56 HAMS 7 81
274 HAMSP 1 11
114 HAMS 17 102
143 HAMSP 22 93
And here is a dput() output for the structure:
data = structure(list(Diet = structure(c(4L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 4L, 4L, 2L,
3L, 3L, 1L, 3L, 2L, 4L, 4L, 1L, 4L, 1L, 4L, 1L, 4L), .Label = c("HAMS",
"HAMSA", "HAMSB", "HAMSP", "LAMS"), class = "factor"), Extraction = c(8L,
9L, 18L, 3L, 12L, 14L, 8L, 1L, 19L, 21L, 4L, 23L, 4L, 9L, 12L,
14L, 7L, 1L, 17L, 22L), RatID = structure(c(61L, 7L, 3L, 76L,
9L, 62L, 52L, 6L, 46L, 81L, 37L, 54L, 20L, 12L, 59L, 50L, 74L,
9L, 4L, 84L), .Label = c("1", "10", "100", "102", "103", "105",
"108", "109", "11", "110", "111", "112", "113", "13", "14", "16",
"17", "18", "20", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29",
"3", "30", "31", "32", "34", "35", "36", "37", "39", "4", "40",
"42", "43", "45", "46", "48", "49", "5", "50", "51", "52", "53",
"54", "55", "57", "58", "59", "6", "60", "61", "62", "63", "64",
"65", "66", "67", "68", "69", "70", "71", "73", "77", "78", "79",
"8", "80", "81", "82", "83", "85", "86", "88", "89", "90", "91",
"92", "93", "94", "95", "96", "98", "99"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("Diet",
"Extraction", "RatID"), row.names = c(199L, 74L, 308L, 41L, 88L,
221L, 200L, 155L, 245L, 254L, 182L, 283L, 180L, 71L, 212L, 220L,
56L, 274L, 114L, 143L), class = "data.frame")
Can someone please specify an elegant way to generate the new factor levels for RatIDs within Diet as an additional column of the above data.frame.
Could this be done with the roll function of data.table?
Desired output (done manually):
Diet Extraction RatID newCol
1 HAMSP 8 65 1
2 HAMS 9 108 1
3 HAMS 18 100 2
4 HAMSA 3 83 1
5 HAMSP 12 11 2
6 HAMSP 14 66 3
7 HAMSA 8 57 2
8 HAMSB 1 105 1
9 HAMSB 19 50 2
10 HAMS 21 90 3
11 HAMSB 4 4 3
12 HAMSA 23 59 3
13 HAMSP 4 22 4
14 HAMSP 9 112 5
15 HAMS 12 63 4
16 HAMSP 14 54 6
17 HAMS 7 81 5
18 HAMSP 1 11 2
19 HAMS 17 102 6
20 HAMSP 22 93 7
NOTE: There are not an equal number of Rats in each treatment. I'd also like the solution to not re-order the rows in the data (if possible).
EDIT: There is no 'natural' order to the RatIDs, just as long as there is a 1:1 mapping within a diet, its fine.
You can convert the 'RatID' to 'factor' and coerce it back to 'numeric'
setDT(data)[, newCol:=as.numeric(factor(RatID,
levels=unique(RatID))), Diet]
# Diet Extraction RatID newCol
# 1: HAMSP 8 65 1
# 2: HAMS 9 108 1
# 3: HAMS 18 100 2
# 4: HAMSA 3 83 1
# 5: HAMSP 12 11 2
# 6: HAMSP 14 66 3
# 7: HAMSA 8 57 2
# 8: HAMSB 1 105 1
# 9: HAMSB 19 50 2
#10: HAMS 21 90 3
#11: HAMSB 4 4 3
#12: HAMSA 23 59 3
#13: HAMSP 4 22 4
#14: HAMSP 9 112 5
#15: HAMS 12 63 4
#16: HAMSP 14 54 6
#17: HAMS 7 81 5
#18: HAMSP 1 11 2
#19: HAMS 17 102 6
#20: HAMSP 22 93 7
Or use match
setDT(data)[, newCol:=match(RatID, unique(RatID)), Diet]
Or similar option with base R
data$newCol <- with(data, ave(as.numeric(levels(RatID))[RatID],
Diet, FUN=function(x) match(x, unique(x))))
Here is the as.numeric(factor(.)) trick implemented in dplyr:
data %>% group_by(Diet) %>% mutate(RatIDByDiet=as.numeric(factor(RatID)))
## Source: local data frame [20 x 4]
## Groups: Diet
## Diet Extraction RatID RatIDByDiet
## 1 HAMSP 8 65 5
## 2 HAMS 9 108 3
## 3 HAMS 18 100 1
## 4 HAMSA 3 83 3
## 5 HAMSP 12 11 1
## 6 HAMSP 14 66 6
## 7 HAMSA 8 57 1
## 8 HAMSB 1 105 1
## 9 HAMSB 19 50 3
## 10 HAMS 21 90 6
## 11 HAMSB 4 4 2
## 12 HAMSA 23 59 2
## 13 HAMSP 4 22 3
## 14 HAMSP 9 112 2
## 15 HAMS 12 63 4
## 16 HAMSP 14 54 4
## 17 HAMS 7 81 5
## 18 HAMSP 1 11 1
## 19 HAMS 17 102 2
## 20 HAMSP 22 93 7
And here is a solution that avoids going through factor(), if you want more control over how the numbering happens:
data %>% group_by(Diet) %>% mutate(RatIDByDiet=match(RatID, unique(RatID)))
## Source: local data frame [20 x 4]
## Groups: Diet
## Diet Extraction RatID RatIDByDiet
## 1 HAMSP 8 65 1
## 2 HAMS 9 108 1
## 3 HAMS 18 100 2
## 4 HAMSA 3 83 1
## 5 HAMSP 12 11 2
## 6 HAMSP 14 66 3
## 7 HAMSA 8 57 2
## 8 HAMSB 1 105 1
## 9 HAMSB 19 50 2
## 10 HAMS 21 90 3
## 11 HAMSB 4 4 3
## 12 HAMSA 23 59 3
## 13 HAMSP 4 22 4
## 14 HAMSP 9 112 5
## 15 HAMS 12 63 4
## 16 HAMSP 14 54 6
## 17 HAMS 7 81 5
## 18 HAMSP 1 11 2
## 19 HAMS 17 102 6
## 20 HAMSP 22 93 7
Suppose I have the following dataframe:
dc tmin tmax cint wcmin wcmax wsmin wsmax gsmin gsmax wd rmin rmax cir lr
1: 24 -1 4 5 -5 -2 20 25 35 40 90 11.8 26.6 14.8 3
2: 41 -3 5 8 -8 -3 15 20 35 40 90 10.0 23.5 13.5 3
3: 48 0 5 5 -4 0 30 35 45 50 45 7.3 19.0 11.7 6
4: 50 0 5 5 -4 0 30 35 45 50 45 7.3 19.0 11.7 6
5: 52 3 5 2 -3 1 20 25 35 40 45 6.7 17.4 10.7 6
6: 57 -2 5 7 -6 -1 25 30 35 40 315 4.4 13.8 9.4 7
lc wc li yd yr nF factdcx
1: 1 3 TRUE 1 2010 2 24
2: 1 3 TRUE 1 2010 8 41
3: 2 3 TRUE 1 2010 0 48
4: 2 3 TRUE 1 2010 0 50
5: 2 3 TRUE 1 2010 0 52
6: 3 3 FALSE 1 2010 0 57
I'd like to turn it into a new dataframe like the following:
dc tmin tmax cint wcmin wcmax wsmin wsmax gsmin gsmax wd rmin rmax cir lr
1: 24 -1 4 5 -5 -2 20 25 35 40 90 11.8 26.6 14.8 3
2: 41 -3 5 8 -8 -3 15 20 35 40 90 10.0 23.5 13.5 3
3: 48 0 5 5 -4 0 30 35 45 50 45 7.3 19.0 11.7 6
4: 52 3 5 2 -3 1 20 25 35 40 45 6.7 17.4 10.7 6
5: 57 -2 5 7 -6 -1 25 30 35 40 315 4.4 13.8 9.4 7
lc wc li yd yr nF factdcx
1: 1 3 TRUE 1 2010 2 24
2: 1 3 TRUE 1 2010 8 41
3: 2 3 TRUE 1 2010 0 (sum of nF for 48 and 50, factdcx) 48
4: 2 3 TRUE 1 2010 0 52
5: 3 3 FALSE 1 2010 0 57
How can I do it? (Surely, the dataframe, abc, is much larger, but I want the sum of all categories of 48 and 50 and group it into a new category, say '48').
Many thanks!
> dput(head(abc1))
structure(list(dc = c(24L, 41L, 48L, 50L, 52L, 57L), tmin = c(-1L,
-3L, 0L, 0L, 3L, -2L), tmax = c(4L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L), cint = c(5L,
8L, 5L, 5L, 2L, 7L), wcmin = c(-5L, -8L, -4L, -4L, -3L, -6L),
wcmax = c(-2L, -3L, 0L, 0L, 1L, -1L), wsmin = c(20L, 15L,
30L, 30L, 20L, 25L), wsmax = c(25L, 20L, 35L, 35L, 25L, 30L
), gsmin = c(35L, 35L, 45L, 45L, 35L, 35L), gsmax = c(40L,
40L, 50L, 50L, 40L, 40L), wd = c(90L, 90L, 45L, 45L, 45L,
315L), rmin = c(11.8, 10, 7.3, 7.3, 6.7, 4.4), rmax = c(26.6,
23.5, 19, 19, 17.4, 13.8), cir = c(14.8, 13.5, 11.7, 11.7,
10.7, 9.4), lr = c(3L, 3L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 7L), lc = c(1L, 1L,
2L, 2L, 2L, 3L), wc = c(3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), li = c(TRUE,
TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), yd = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
1L), yr = c(2010L, 2010L, 2010L, 2010L, 2010L, 2010L), nF = c(2L,
8L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), factdcx = structure(1:6, .Label = c("24",
"41", "48", "50", "52", "57", "70"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("dc",
"tmin", "tmax", "cint", "wcmin", "wcmax", "wsmin", "wsmax", "gsmin",
"gsmax", "wd", "rmin", "rmax", "cir", "lr", "lc", "wc", "li",
"yd", "yr", "nF", "factdcx"), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"
), row.names = c(NA, -6L), .internal.selfref = <pointer: 0x054b24a0>)
Still got a problem, sir/madam:
> head(abc1 (updated))
dc tmin tmax cint wcmin wcmax wsmin wsmax gsmin gsmax wd rmin rmax cir lr
1: 24 -1 4 5 -5 -2 20 25 35 40 90 11.8 26.6 14.8 3
2: 41 -3 5 8 -8 -3 15 20 35 40 90 10.0 23.5 13.5 3
3: 48 0 5 5 -4 0 30 35 45 50 45 7.3 19.0 11.7 6
4: 52 3 5 2 -3 1 20 25 35 40 45 6.7 17.4 10.7 6
5: 57 -2 5 7 -6 -1 25 30 35 40 315 4.4 13.8 9.4 7
6: 70 -2 3 5 -4 -1 20 25 30 35 360 3.6 10.2 6.6 7
lc wc li yd yr nF factdcx
1: 1 3 TRUE 1 2010 2 24
2: 1 3 TRUE 1 2010 8 41
3: 2 3 TRUE 1 2010 57 48
4: 2 3 TRUE 1 2010 0 52
5: 3 3 FALSE 1 2010 0 57
6: 3 2 TRUE 1 2010 1 70
The sum of nF was incorrect, it should be zero.
unique(setDT(df1)[, factdcx:= as.character(factdcx)][factdcx %chin%
c('48','50'), c('dc', 'factdcx', 'nF') := list('48', '48', sum(nF))])
# dc tmin tmax cint wcmin wcmax wsmin wsmax gsmin gsmax wd rmin rmax cir lr
#1: 24 -1 4 5 -5 -2 20 25 35 40 90 11.8 26.6 14.8 3
#2: 41 -3 5 8 -8 -3 15 20 35 40 90 10.0 23.5 13.5 3
#3: 48 0 5 5 -4 0 30 35 45 50 45 7.3 19.0 11.7 6
#4: 52 3 5 2 -3 1 20 25 35 40 45 6.7 17.4 10.7 6
#5: 57 -2 5 7 -6 -1 25 30 35 40 315 4.4 13.8 9.4 7
# lc wc li yd yr nF factdcx
#1: 1 3 TRUE 1 2010 2 24
#2: 1 3 TRUE 1 2010 8 41
#3: 2 3 TRUE 1 2010 0 48
#4: 2 3 TRUE 1 2010 0 52
#5: 3 3 FALSE 1 2010 0 57
For abc1,
res1 <- unique(setDT(abc1)[, factdcx:= as.character(factdcx)][factdcx %chin%
c('48','50'), c('dc', 'factdcx', 'nF') := list(48, '48', sum(nF))])
# dc tmin tmax cint wcmin wcmax wsmin wsmax gsmin gsmax wd rmin rmax cir lr
#1: 24 -1 4 5 -5 -2 20 25 35 40 90 11.8 26.6 14.8 3
#2: 41 -3 5 8 -8 -3 15 20 35 40 90 10.0 23.5 13.5 3
#3: 48 0 5 5 -4 0 30 35 45 50 45 7.3 19.0 11.7 6
#4: 52 3 5 2 -3 1 20 25 35 40 45 6.7 17.4 10.7 6
#5: 57 -2 5 7 -6 -1 25 30 35 40 315 4.4 13.8 9.4 7
# lc wc li yd yr nF factdcx
#1: 1 3 TRUE 1 2010 2 24
#2: 1 3 TRUE 1 2010 8 41
#3: 2 3 TRUE 1 2010 0 48
#4: 2 3 TRUE 1 2010 0 52
#5: 3 3 FALSE 1 2010 0 57
df1 <- structure(list(dc = structure(1:6, .Label = c("24", "41",
"50", "52", "57"), class = "factor"), tmin = c(-1L, -3L, 0L,
0L, 3L, -2L), tmax = c(4L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L), cint = c(5L,
8L, 5L, 5L, 2L, 7L), wcmin = c(-5L, -8L, -4L, -4L, -3L, -6L),
wcmax = c(-2L, -3L, 0L, 0L, 1L, -1L), wsmin = c(20L, 15L,
30L, 30L, 20L, 25L), wsmax = c(25L, 20L, 35L, 35L, 25L, 30L
), gsmin = c(35L, 35L, 45L, 45L, 35L, 35L), gsmax = c(40L,
40L, 50L, 50L, 40L, 40L), wd = c(90L, 90L, 45L, 45L, 45L,
315L), rmin = c(11.8, 10, 7.3, 7.3, 6.7, 4.4), rmax = c(26.6,
23.5, 19, 19, 17.4, 13.8), cir = c(14.8, 13.5, 11.7, 11.7,
10.7, 9.4), lr = c(3L, 3L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 7L), lc = c(1L, 1L,
2L, 2L, 2L, 3L), wc = c(3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), li = c(TRUE,
TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), yd = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
1L), yr = c(2010L, 2010L, 2010L, 2010L, 2010L, 2010L), nF = c(2L,
8L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), factdcx = structure(1:6, .Label = c("24",
"41", "48", "50", "52", "57"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("dc",
"tmin", "tmax", "cint", "wcmin", "wcmax", "wsmin", "wsmax", "gsmin",
"gsmax", "wd", "rmin", "rmax", "cir", "lr", "lc", "wc", "li",
"yd", "yr", "nF", "factdcx"), row.names = c("1:", "2:", "3:",
"4:", "5:", "6:"), class = "data.frame")
max=aggregate(cbind(a$VALUE,Date=a$DATE) ~ format(a$DATE, "%m") + cut(a$CLASS, breaks=c(0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14)) , data = a, max)[-1]
max$DATE=as.Date(max$DATE, origin = "1970-01-01")
Sample Data :
2008-09-01 1 20
2008-09-02 2 30
2008-09-03 3 50
2008-09-30 2 75
2008-10-01 1 95
2008-11-01 4 90
2008-12-01 1 70
2008-12-02 2 40
2008-12-28 4 30
2008-12-29 1 40
2008-12-31 3 50
My Expected output according to above table for only first month is :
2008-09-30 (0,2] 75
2008-09-02 (2,4] 50
Output in my real data :
format(DATE, "%m")
1 09
2 10
3 11
4 12
5 09
6 10
7 11
cut(a$GRADE, breaks = c(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14)) value
1 (0,2] 0.30844444
2 (0,2] 1.00000000
3 (0,2] 1.00000000
4 (0,2] 0.73333333
5 (2,4] 0.16983488
6 (2,4] 0.09368000
7 (2,4] 0.10589335
1 2008-09-30
2 2008-10-31
3 2008-11-28
4 2008-12-31
5 2008-09-30
6 2008-10-31
7 2008-11-28
The output is not according to the sample data , as the data is too big . A simple logic is that there are grades from 1 to 10 , so I want to find the highest value for a month in the corresponding grade groups . Eg : I need a highest value for each group (0,2],(0,4] etc
I used an aggregate condition with function max and two grouping it by two columns Date and Grade . Now when I run the code and display the value of max , I get 3 tables as output one after the other. Now I want to plot this output but i am not able to do that because of this .So how can i merge all these output ?
a %>%
group_by(MONTH=format(DATE, "%m"), GRADE=cut(GRADE, breaks=seq(0,14,by=2))) %>%
#1 09 (0,2] 2008-09-30 75
#2 09 (2,4] 2008-09-03 50
#3 10 (0,2] 2008-10-01 95
#4 11 (2,4] 2008-11-01 90
#5 12 (0,2] 2008-12-29 70
#6 12 (2,4] 2008-12-31 50
Or using data.table
setDT(a)[, list(DATE=max(DATE), VALUE=max(VALUE)),
by= list(MONTH=format(DATE, "%m"),
GRADE=cut(GRADE, breaks=seq(0,14, by=2)))]
#1: 09 (0,2] 2008-09-30 75
#2: 09 (2,4] 2008-09-03 50
#3: 10 (0,2] 2008-10-01 95
#4: 11 (2,4] 2008-11-01 90
#5: 12 (0,2] 2008-12-29 70
#6: 12 (2,4] 2008-12-31 50
Or using aggregate
res <- transform(with(a,
aggregate(cbind(VALUE, DATE),
list(MONTH=format(DATE, "%m") ,GRADE=cut(GRADE, breaks=seq(0,14, by=2))), max)),
DATE=as.Date(DATE, origin="1970-01-01"))
#1 09 (0,2] 75 2008-09-30
#4 09 (2,4] 50 2008-09-03
#2 10 (0,2] 95 2008-10-01
#5 11 (2,4] 90 2008-11-01
#3 12 (0,2] 70 2008-12-29
#6 12 (2,4] 50 2008-12-31
a <- structure(list(DATE = structure(c(14123, 14124, 14125, 14152,
14153, 14184, 14214, 14215, 14241, 14242, 14244), class = "Date"),
GRADE = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 2L, 1L, 4L, 1L, 2L, 4L, 1L, 3L), VALUE = c(20L,
30L, 50L, 75L, 95L, 90L, 70L, 40L, 30L, 40L, 50L)), .Names = c("DATE",
"GRADE", "VALUE"), row.names = c(NA, -11L), class = "data.frame")
If you want to include YEAR also in the grouping
a %>%
group_by(MONTH=format(DATE, "%m"), YEAR=format(DATE, "%Y"), GRADE=cut(GRADE, breaks=seq(0,14, by=2)))%>%
#1 09 2008 (0,2] 2008-09-30 75
#2 09 2008 (2,4] 2008-09-03 50
#3 09 2009 (0,2] 2009-09-30 75
#4 09 2009 (2,4] 2009-09-03 50
#5 10 2008 (0,2] 2008-10-01 95
#6 10 2009 (0,2] 2009-10-01 95
#7 11 2008 (2,4] 2008-11-01 90
#8 11 2009 (2,4] 2009-11-01 90
#9 12 2008 (0,2] 2008-12-29 70
#10 12 2008 (2,4] 2008-12-31 50
#11 12 2009 (0,2] 2009-12-29 70
#12 12 2009 (2,4] 2009-12-31 50
a <- structure(list(DATE = structure(c(14123, 14124, 14125, 14152,
14153, 14184, 14214, 14215, 14241, 14242, 14244, 14488, 14489,
14490, 14517, 14518, 14549, 14579, 14580, 14606, 14607, 14609
), class = "Date"), GRADE = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 2L, 1L, 4L, 1L, 2L,
4L, 1L, 3L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 2L, 1L, 4L, 1L, 2L, 4L, 1L, 3L), VALUE = c(20L,
30L, 50L, 75L, 95L, 90L, 70L, 40L, 30L, 40L, 50L, 20L, 30L, 50L,
75L, 95L, 90L, 70L, 40L, 30L, 40L, 50L)), .Names = c("DATE",
"GRADE", "VALUE"), row.names = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6",
"7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "21", "31", "41", "51", "61",
"71", "81", "91", "101", "111"), class = "data.frame")
Following code using base R may be helpful (using 'a' dataframe from akrun's answer):
xx = strsplit(as.character(a$DATE), '-')
a$month = sapply(strsplit(as.character(a$DATE), '-'),'[',2)
gradeCats = cut(a$GRADE, breaks = c(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14))
aggregate(VALUE~month+gradeCats, data= a, max)
month gradeCats VALUE
1 09 (0,2] 75
2 10 (0,2] 95
3 12 (0,2] 70
4 09 (2,4] 50
5 11 (2,4] 90
6 12 (2,4] 50