I want to write something in an R Sweave document so that the following appears in the compiled PDF:
When you write "\beta" and compile the document, you see "β".
However, when I escape the backslash for beta, I'm getting a line break, which is not desired.
How do I get "\beta" rather than a line break?
Example from file test.rnw:
When you write ``\\beta'' and compile the document, you see ``$\beta$''.
Macbook Pro, R 4.1.0, RStudio 1.4.1717, rmarkdown 2.9, and some version of MacTex installed. RStudio is set to compile using knitr and pdflatex.
The double blackslash in text mode induces a linebreak (see here for a simple explanation).
You may use also verb"\beta" to better distinguish the Latex command from normal text.
When you write \verb"\beta" and compile the document, you see $\beta$.
Use \textbackslash
When you write ``\textbackslash beta'' and compile the document, you see ``$\beta$''.
I am writing an .Rmd file in VSCode using the VSCode R extension. The extension does a great job of highlighting and code completing r code inside code chunks. However, it does not highlight, or code complete, inline Latex code.
For example, this is how my inline Latex code looks like:
Now, if I change the language mode from R Markdown to Markdown as indicated in this question VS Code Latex Syntax in Markdown, then I get great Latex code highlighting and completion, as shown below:
However, when I do this I loose all highlights and completion for the r code inside the code chunks.
How do I set things up so that I have highlights and code completion for code chunks and inline Latex code?
Hi knitr experts: I cannot for the life of me figure out how to compile the knitr Miminal Demo .Rnw document correctly. When I download and run Yihui's Minimal Demo of knitr .Rnw file (link), the document compiles but incorrectly handles the R chunks:
I changed nothing, just opened and compiled. Help welcome. As an aside, would very much appreciate tips on whether this is how I should be going about adding R code into a latex template that UT-Austin requires for dissertation publication. Thanks.
I can reproduce your PDF file when using Sweave instead of knitr for translating the .Rnw file. When switching to knitr via the RStudio options (c.f. https://support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/200532247), I get an error message and no PDF, which probably reproduces #r2evans' results in the comments. I also get a warning message that line 19 is Sweave specific (\SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE}). Removing that line, the file processes with knitr correctly producing
When Chinese string inside R code chunk, the compiled PDF will get a redundancy space before the string, how to avoid this extra space? Please refer the minimum case in github - bookdown-chinese .
This issue was caused by the LaTeX package xeCJK. By default, it adds spaces between Chinese and non-Chinese characters, except in verbatim environments. In your case, the code was not actually in a verbatim environment, so you have to let xeCJK know that it should not add spaces automatically.
The solution is to add this line to your LaTeX preamble (the Highlighting environment was defined by Pandoc when converting Markdown to LaTeX to syntax highlight code, and it is based on the fancyvrb package):
For R Markdown documents, this line can be save in a .tex file, e.g., preamble.tex, and included via the includes option, e.g.,
in_header: preamble.tex
See this Github issue for the full technical background.
Once again I am in the situation that I want to replicate what is happening when I press the Compile PDF button on an .Rnw file in RStudio with my own R script.
For example I create a new .Rnw file in RStudio with File > New File > R Sweave. It looks like this:
<<echo=F, results=tex>>=
I inserted a chunk with alt+cmd+i and used the autocompletion to set the chunk options. Hence I assume I did everything with the default settings as RStudio assumes it to be. When I press Compile PDF everything works without problems. But when I execute:
I get an Error "It seems you are using the Sweave-specific syntax". Hence there are additional steps needed.
What I came up with so far is the following:
tempfile1 <- tempfile(fileext=".Rnw")
Sweave2knitr(file = "input.Rnw", output = tempfile1)
tempfile2 <- tempfile(fileext=".tex")
knit(tempfile1, output=tempfile2)
tools::texi2pdf(tempfile2, clean=T)
system(paste("open", sub(".tex", ".pdf", basename(tempfile2))))
(The last line is OSX specific I think).
But I am curious to know what RStudio is doing exactly. I looked into the RStudio github page but am not sure where to find the command. Other Stackoverlow questions show that there are slight differences between what the button does and knit2pdf. It seems the question has been asked over and over again, also in relation to the Knit Html button. It might use functions from the knitr package, the markdown, the rmarkdown package, texi2pdf from the tools package, Sweave from the utils package or pandoc. I have no Idea...
Related question (that all got some rather vague answers):
Difference: "Compile PDF" button in RStudio vs. knit() and knit2pdf()
Difference between "Compile PDF" and knit2pdf
How to convert R Markdown to HTML? I.e., What does "Knit HTML" do in Rstudio 0.96?
What does “Knit HTML” do in Rstudio 0.98?
Compile .Rnw file with command
How to build Knitr document from the command line
Currently I am using RStudio 1.0.136.
I suspect it is just Sweave to turn a Rnw file into tex file and then calling pdflatex.exe to turn it from a tex file into a pdf file.
system("pdflatex.exe Sweave-test.tex")
And if you encountered a File Sweave.sty not found, you will need to add a path this file in your MiKTeX Options, please see here.
I'd like to use a Knitr/Sweave in-line call (\Sexpr{}) in the title of a LaTeX document, after the \begin{document} command but before the \maketitle command. The in-line R code would extract one or two pieces of information from an R data-frame created early in the R script I'm embedding in LaTeX.
I have a couple of Knitr chunks that create a data.frame from which I derive the information I want to put in the Title. I've tried placing these chunks between LaTeX's \begin{document} call and the \title code, like this:
[LaTex Preamble]
[%% Knitr chunks that initialize an R data-frame]
\title \Sexpr{--a snippet of R code that extracts an element from the data-frame --}
... (rest of the LaTeX document)
and I've also tried putting the Knitr chunks in the preamble to the LaTeX code before \begin{document} statement.
But in Knitr seems to ignore code (other than initialization) that is placed ahead of the \maketitle call in LaTeX, so the in-line snippets included the title look like errors to Latex and it halts output.
I can't find any information in the Knitr documentation on including in-line code in the Title of a LaTeX document.
Any ideas?
OK: Found the solution thanks to the hint from #ben-bolker below. Ben uses the formatting of R chunks before output to an RNW file (in a 2-step Knitr process: latex -> rnw -> pdf) . But I'm compiling the LaTeX file to PDF in one-step without going to an RNW file from inside TeXShop (on Mac OSX). I found that I could get Ben's example to work using the RNW delimiters (<<>>=) and one-step compiling. But I couldn't mix the usual LaTeX chunk-delimiters (%%begin.rcode and %% end.rcode) and the RNW in-line statement hook (\Sexpr{}). The latter didn't work no matter how I fiddled with it. Eventually I found that the correct in-line hook for LaTeX is \\rinline{}.
It's not very clear in the Knitr documentation that this is the required format for LaTeX and I found it eventually mainly thanks to Ben's example. Best, Peter
Update 2 ... and then there's RTFM (or the 'cheat sheet' in this case): http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/knitr/vignettes/knitr-refcard.pdf
Hmm. The following file works for me:
x <- 5
\title{The number is \Sexpr{x^2}}
Some stuff
with knitr version 0.8 on Ubuntu 10.04, via knit2pdf("knitr_title.Rnw") ...