Migration:load list of migrations everytime I try to run migration - symfony

I just started orocommerce. I was creating a migration to add a field to the customer table. But whenever I try to dry run the migration I get a long list of migrations to run alongside the migration I created. And even after running the oro:migration:load many times these still show up.
List of migrations:
how do I fix this problem?

These migrations run every time intentionally to warm up some caches and do additional changes that may be needed before and after schema changes. You don’t need to fix anything here.


Flyway migrations changed by mistake

I changed a flyway script for error, and this brought my migrations to an error state (I have 5 script versions, but when I run my app it starts from the 4th, and get an error on 'reaction already exists').
I tried to use clean from flyway cli, but it didn't completely solve the problem... also, when I try pushing my branch to git, CI/CD pipeline will fail for the migration.
Since I'm in development environment, would it be a terrible idea to all delete migration scripts?
Would deleting all scripts allow me to 'start from scratch' in my development environment, or do I need to push the whole project again to avoid issues? (Project is not in production yet, I don't really need flyway migrations)
Depending on which flyway version you are using, one option is to go to the flyway_schema_history or schema_version table and just locate the row (corresponding to the failed script) and change the success column to true or 1. Then manually run the script (the correct one) against DB.

EF Core Model Snapshot out of sync between add-migration and update

I'm using EF Core and code migrations. It's my understanding that the snapshot file is supposed to be the "target database" to build future migration files off of.
1) I did an add-migration to create a migration after some changes. This updated the modelsnapshot which I guess is the expected behavior.
2) I then realized I realized I mis-typed one of my fields. Instead of a string it was supposed to be a byte[]
3) I made the changes to the classes
4) I did add-migration again.
Now the DataSnapshot seems to be out of sync because the new add-migration does not include this type file change.
It doesn't seem like I can do a remove-migration because no migration was actually applied to any database.
I know in EF6, this was a fine way to do it because it always targeted an actual database for the changes and not this snapshot file. So just deleting the change file and remaking the change file was good enough.
This is the second time I've had to make some change to a migration file after realizing there was an issue (without actually running the update against anything) and both times were just incredible pains to try to fix the issue without wiping out all my previous migrations and starting over.
My question is how do I handle this now? Should I be deleting both the change file and the snapshot file every time I do backtrack on an add migration?
I'm really concerned that I'm missing something here because now I have to make sure that not only is the change file correct but also the current snapshot is correct as well and if that snapshot ever goes out of sync, then I have to go and manually update it to
Probably have solved this by now, but I just ran into this.
Not sure if this is exactly the same issue, but this is how I understand it.
update-database is a DB action and updates your DB to current version or target migration.
remove-migration is an EF action and updates your migration stack and updates your snapshot.
To downversion I had to update database then remove migration down to the intended target.
At this point adding a new migration gave me the expected set of changes, where as before it was giving me none.
This appeared to do what I expected from EF doing update-database and update-database -target
The only thing I think you can actually do wrong in this case is delete your migration files before doing the update, because the down steps are indicated in the migration files, so it wont be able to complete this step if you remove the files. If you have the files, you can freely target migrations to set your current DB state.
I believe the confusing part is that the snapshot was previously used on every migration, where as now there's one snapshot for "last migration"

Doctrine migrations start in the middle of the project

I am working with Symfony and Doctrine. In the middle of the project I need to implement the Doctrine migrations, because the DB changes were too much and I need a better way to handle it.
How is the best way to start with the migrations, when there is already data on prod and it need to stay there and not to be touched?
My plan will be:
On my test system
drop all tables
run php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
The new automatic migration file, which I become holds all the table structures of my current state
go live to the table "migration_versions" and add the ID of this migration, so it will be skipped by the first run of the
run the migration php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
In this way, I have all the structures from my entities, but I will not destroy my live data.
What do you thing?
If there is already some data on production, then your best take is to do a make:migration or doc:mig:diff from the current schema state. That will generate only the necessary sql that will update the new changes, but nothing else. Your first migration version will countain only the sql to update from the current state, and not from the beginning of times.
And also, once you have adopted this, you have to do every database modification under migrations. For example, if you need to add a non-nullable field, you usually add the new field with not null, then fill all the rows of that field with a default or calculated one, and then alter the table to make the field not nullable. Migrations will generate some boilerplate code to make your life easier, but it also requires a lot of care from the development team. Always test them first in a database that you can get rid of. And you will run into FK constraints and lots of other issues, but basically you have to solve them doing SQL.
Old thread here, but what I do in cases like this:
Backup dev database (structure and data, but with table create statements protected with checking so they are only created if they don’t already exist)
Drop all tables so the database is empty
Generate migration (since database is empty, the generated migration will constitute all commands necessary to generate your entire schema)
Run migration you just generated to build schema
Import test data from your dump
That puts you right back where you started but with an initial migration that can build your schema from nothing.

What is the best way to remove repeatable scripts from Flyway Migrations

I am currently using the Flyway Command Line tool to manage our scripts which will be invoked via our release process triggered from our CI Build server.
The issue is I have 274 repeatable migrations covering package specs, package bodies, functions, procedures, views and materialised views.
When I run migrate everything works as expected with migrations executing followed by any changed repeatable migrations but lets say in the next release we want to delete a object which one of the repeatable migrations maintains. For example, we want to remove the repeatable script that defined ProcedureOne (ie R__ProcedureOne.sql).
To do this I would have a new migration script (V3. but I would also remove the repeatable migration script so the object isn't created again and maintained.
However, executing flyway info shows the R__ProcedureOne.sql script with the status of MISSING.
While I agree it is missing it is a deliberate action to have it deleted as it is no longer required opposed to being misplaced.
I am aware of the migrate option ignoreMissingMigrations but i think using this introduces risk and could mask genuine missing files.
What is the general guidance on how best to remove a repeatable scripts?
I suggest that you simply keep the file but make it empty (ie zero bytes). Alternatively have a comment in the file that explains that the object it represents has been removed.
As for actually removing it, another option from what you suggested could be to update the repeatable migration to remove itself then update again to zero length. This has the advantage of being able to be replayed into an empty database; since repeatable migrations are applied after versioned the procedure in your example won't exist to be dropped. The disadvantage is running two migrations.

How to get flyway to re-run migration?

We are trying to put migrations as .sql files under version control. Developers would write a VN__*.sql file, commit to version control and a job that runs every 5 minutes would automatically migrate to a Dev and Test database. Once the change proved to not cause problems, someone else would run a manual job to run the migration on Production.
I had a demo migration that created a few tables. I checked V4__DemoTables.sql into version control on my PC.
On our Linux box a job that runs every 5 minutes extracted the new file from version control, then ran the flyway.sh file. It detected the file and executed it.
But the .sql file had a typo. And we are using Neteeza which has problems with flyway automatically wrapping a migration in a BEGIN TRAN ... END TRAN. So the migration created 2 tables, then aborted before the third.
No problem I thought. I dropped the 2 tables that the .sql file did create. Checked V4__ out of version control, fixed the typo and re-submitted it.
Five minutes later the update was extracted but flyway complains that the checksum does not match. So it will NOT run the updated V4__DemoTables.sql file.
How do I get flyway to accept the updated file and update the checksum in the SCHEMA_VERSION file in case of a typo?
Reading the docs it seems like the developers suggest I should have created a new V4_1_DemoTables.sql file with the fix's. But this would have collided with the commands in the V4__ file so this seemed wrong.
So here is what the docs imply I need to do:
Leave V4__ as a 'successful' migration according to the
Create V4_1_ to delete the tables that were created before the typo
line in V4__.
Create V4_2_ which has the typo fix from the original file to do all
the real work.
Is this correct?
If the migration completes successfully, but some of the db objects are not quite right yet (typo in column name, ...), do as you said and push a follow-up script that fixes it (rename column, ...).
If the migration fails, and it didn't run on a DB with DDL transaction, the DB must be cleaned manually. This means:
Reverting the effects of the migration on the DB
Removing the version from the SCHEMA_VERSION table and marking the previous one as current
This second step will be automated in the future with the introduction of the flyway.repair() command.
