thymeleaf onclick parameter - onclick

I try to pass an object to th:onclick.
When I pass a string(afficherDetails() function), everything is ok
When I pass an object(afficherDetails2() function), in the called function the object seems ok but it is empty.
function afficherDetails(employee) {
console.log("afficher Details");
document.getElementById("detailledFirstNameDataLabelId").textContent = employee.firstName;
document.getElementById("detailledLastNameDataLabelId").textContent = employee.lastName;
document.getElementById("detailledAddressDataLabelId").textContent = employee.address;
document.getElementById("detailledTitleDataLabelId").textContent = employee.title;
document.getElementById("detailledManagerDataLabelId").textContent = employee.manager;
function afficherDetails2(name) {
console.log("afficher Details");
document.getElementById("detailledFirstNameDataLabelId").textContent = name;
<td><button th:data-parameter1="${employee}" th:onclick=" afficherDetails(this.getAttribute('data-parameter1')) ">details</button></label></td>
<!--td><button th:data-parameter1="${employee.firstName}" th:onclick=" afficherDetails2(this.getAttribute('data-parameter1')) ">details</button></label></td-->
Is it a correct behavior ? Can't we pass a complex object and we can only pass simple object?
thanks for your answer

Short answer:
You can pass a complex object to a HTML attribute - but it will be reduced to a string by the object's toString() method.
Therefore, in your case, an attempt to do the following in JavaScript...
var something = employee.firstName;
...will do nothing because the function is passed a string not an object - and therefore employee.firstName will be undefined in JavaScript.
Longer answer:
Bear in mind a couple of points:
A HTML attribute expects to contain a string:
<button th:data-parameter1="SOME VALUE IN HERE" ... >
So, the attribute data-parameter1 will be populated by Thymeleaf using a string.
All Thymeleaf processing happens on the server. Thymeleaf removes all its processing directives from the template and replaces them with valid HTML. Your JavaScript does not have access to the original Java object - just to whatever representation of that object was added to the HTML by Thymeleaf.
Let's assume you use something such as:
Assuming employee.firstName evaluates to a string (John) then that is what Thymeleaf will use to produce this:
But if you try this:
Assuming employee is your custom Java bean, then Thymeleaf will call its toString() method to use as the string.
If you have not defined a toString() method in your Employee class, then the underlying Object.toString() method will be used - and you will see something like the following - a string representation of the unique object, based on the object's name and hash code:
You can provide your own implementation of toString() in your Employee class to provide more useful information. But it has to be a string which can be placed in a HTML attribute.
For example, if you pass an ArrayList to the button:
List<String> names = Arrays.asList("John", "Mary");
then your HTML button will contain this:
data-parameter1="[John, Mary]"
because [John, Mary] is the result of how ArrayList has implemented its toString() method.
You can send a certain Java objects directly to JavaScript - see JavaScript serialization. But that is probably off-topic for this question.
One extra note: In the following:
You are using th:onclick - but there are no Thymeleaf expressions in the attribute, so there is nothing for Thymeleaf to process. You can just use:


Thymeleaf: th:value - if property exists

I want to create a hidden input field:
<input type="hidden" th:value="${map.version} name="version"/>
version maybe a non existing attribute yet (I am not talking about null!).
Right now I am getting an Exception Property or field 'version' cannot be found on object
What I need:
If it does not exist, th:value statement maybe ignored or tag removed
map comes from Spring Controller in a handler-method:
public String handleMapFormSubmit(
#ModelAttribute("map") #Valid AddMapCommand command, BindingResult result ) {
if ( result.hasErrors() ) {
return "map-form";
// do some stuff
return ".....";
Problem is that map (AddMapCommmand) in this handler-method does not contain the version attribute. In another handler-method (UpdateMapCommand) it does. The whole point is to reuse the map-form thymeleaf template in both scenarios which are almost similar.
You can try the instanceof operator to be used only for the object that contains the property:
<input type="hidden"
th:if="${map instanceof T(my.project.UpdateMapCommand)}"
th:value="${map.version} name="version">
For future reference, it is extremely confusing using a variable like map and not have the reader interpret it as a java.util.Map. You should change your map variable name to make it less confusing, or at least for the purpose of asking the question on StackOverflow.

handle form post with a array of items in spring MVC

I'm trying to send some data from the client side to the server, and have it processed into a file download.
I'm using a simple HTML form because I want to initialize a file download (and not AJAX).
one of the form fields is an array of items. (the other two are name and description strings).
I'm serializing this field to a string (JSON.stringify) before submitting the form.
on the server side I tried a million techniques (#ModelAttribute vs. #RequestBody, different jackson mapping bean configurations) to either convert this to a single type or to three separate types (String + String + List/Array).
the examples I found were only for AJAX...
can anyone supply a working example or a description of one?
I've implemented a workaround by JSON.stringify-ing the collection and passing it in one of the inputs,
and on the server side I have:
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "exportSectionsToExcel")
public HttpEntity<byte[]> createExcelWorkBook(#ModelAttribute ExportSectionsListForm exportSectionsListForm) {
Section[] sectionObjects = gson.fromJson(exportSectionsListForm.getSections(), Section[].class);
with ExportSectionsListForm object containing strings only:
public class ExportSectionsListForm {
private String name;
private String url;
private String rssUrl;
private String sections;
(omitting ctor, getters and setters)
additionally, I found this promising link:
but didn't try it - seems like I'll need to dynamically generate input elements for this to work, but it might actually be the right solution. has anyone tried this?
The #ModelAttribute tag will try to build the object based on form postings. Since you are serializing your form values to JSON, this wont work. #RequestBody simply gives you a String representing the request body. So, you could get the String representing the JSON being passed in, then demarshal the JSON using Jackson of FlexJSON (or whatever JSON library you use). I am not sure this is the best approach, though.
I would question why you need to serialize the form to JSON to begin with. Spring handles forms with Lists/Maps just fine. Simply submit the form using the #ModelAttribute, making your "array" and List, or whatever you are expecting, on the Controller. So, if I am interpreting your example correctly, my ModelAttribute would look like:
public class ExportSectionsFormBean {
private String name;
private String url;
private String rssUrl;
private List<String> sections;
/* getters/setters */
Then my Controller method would look like:
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "exportSectionsToExcel")
public HttpEntity<byte[]> createExcelWorkBook(#ModelAttribute ExportSectionsFormBean exportSectionsFormBean ) {
/* Do whatever with your */
On the form side, using the Spring JSTL tags, simply make your "sections" fields look like:
<form:input path="sections[0]" />
<form:input path="sections[1]" />
Or, if you'd rather use HTML, then
<input type="text" name="sections[0]" id="sections0" />
<input type="text" name="sections[1]" id="sections1" />
Which is what gets generated by the above JSTL tags. As long as the values for "sections" is put in the HTTP request as 'section[#]=value', you are all set.
I have been working on the same issue. And if i have several inputs witht eh same name such as:
<input name="somename"/>
<input name="somename"/>
<input name="somename"/>
and i have a form mapped to my method like this:
#ModelAttribute("ReturnsAndExchangesForm") ReturnsAndExchangesForm returnsAndExchangesForm
and in that form i have getters and setters for a property named:
String[] somename , spring is passing those values into that array nicely!

Can I cast a string object passed on command line argument to the actual object?

Is it possible to cast a command-line passed string object back to actual object?
I want to do the following, but throwing error can't cast.
Button objPro = (Button) sender;
cProduct cp = (cProduct) objPro.CommandArgument;
If no, then why?
This is what the string holds.
cProduct cpObj = (cProduct)e.Row.DataItem;
Button btnAddProduct = (Button)e.Row.FindControl("btnAddProduct");
if (btnAddProduct != null)
btnAddProduct.CommandArgument = cpObj.ToString();
You probably can't, because it's a string. It's not a cProduct (whatever that is - consider following .NET naming conventions and naming it Product instead).
Now you could do this if you had a explicit conversion operator in cProduct to create an instance from a string.
You haven't really explained what's in the string, or what's in the type - but if your cProduct type provides a ToString method which contains all the data in a reversible form, then you could easily write a method or a constructor to create the product again:
Product product = new Product(objPro.CommandArgument);
or maybe:
Product product = Product.Parse(objPro.CommandArgument);
You'll have to write that constructor/method, of course.
I would strongly recommend using a constructor or method instead of an operator, just to keep your code clearer - it's very rarely a good idea to write your own conversion operators.
Take a look at CommandArgument on MSDN. The property is a string, when you assign the a value to the property, you aren't casting some complex type to string, you are setting a string value on the property. Can you cast a string back to your object type anyway, regardless of it being a CommandArgument. I doubt it. If the argument is an int you could try int.Parse or similar for other types which have a parse method.

I need help doing a Regex.Replace with multiple results

I'm building a custom page caching utility that uses a syntax like {Substitution:GetNonCachedData} to get data that's not supposed to be cached. The solution is very similar to the built-in <# OutputCache %> stuff but not as flexible (I don't need it to be) and, most importantly, allows the session state to be available when retrieving non-cached data.
Anyway, I have a method that replaces the tokens in the html with the result of the static method named in the {Substitution} tag.
For example my page:
<p>This is cached</p>
<p>This is not: {Substitution:GetCurrentTime}</p>
will fill in the {Substitution:GetCurrentTime} with results of a static method. Here's where the processing happens:
private static Regex SubstitutionRegex = new Regex(#"{substitution:(?<method>\w+)}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
public static string WriteTemplates(string template)
foreach (Match match in SubstitutionRegex.Matches(template))
var group = match.Groups["method"];
var method = group.Value;
var substitution = (string) typeof (Substitution).GetMethod(method).Invoke(null, null);
template = SubstitutionRegex.Replace()
return template;
the variable template is the html with custom tokens in it that need to be replaced. The problem with this method is that everytime I update the template variable with the updated html the match.Index variable no longer points to the right character start because of the template now has more characters added to it.
I can come up with a solution that works by either counting characters etc or some other screwball way of doing it, but I first want to make sure there's not some easier way to achieve this with the Regex object. Anyone know how to this?
You should call the overload of Regex.Replace that takes a MatchEvaluator delegate.
For example:
return SubstitutionRegex.Replace(template, delegate(Match match) {
var group = match.Groups["method"];
var method = group.Value;
return (string) typeof (Substitution).GetMethod(method).Invoke(null, null);
Instead of using Matches and looping on the results, set the regex to compiled and use a single Match in a while loop until it stops matching.

Spring Binding issue

I have some objects like the two below
public class SavedSearch {
String title;
ArrayList<SearchParameters> params;
public class SearchParameter {
String field;
int operator;
String match;
On the JSP page in the input form, I use
<input type="text" name="title">
and when I breakpoint inside the FormController, the SavedSearch object has title filled in.
But the ArrayList is always empty. It's not Spring's fault that it can't read my mind, but how do I indicate that field, operator and match are part of params? I tried naming them paramsField, paramsOperator, paramsMatch but no luck.
I know this is not a hard question, but I'm a bit stumped.
for binding a List you must use special wrapper instead of ArrayList: AutoPopulatingList from Spring or LazyList from Apache Commons Collections.
some examples:
using LazyList
using AutoPopulatingList
