Jpackage check if mysql 8 is installed, if not install it - javafx

is there any possibility to implement MySQL 8 installation in my java project, which is packaged with jpackage, so when the user clicks on the .exe installation (made by jpackage), it simply checks if mysql8 has already been installed, if not it also installs it .


Upgrade sqlite3 to custom package

I have a server running centos7 with sqlite3 installed using Yum/rpm. By default the sqlite package is not compiled with the extension JSON1 which I need. The extension can be enabled when the package is compiled using the flag -DSQLITE_ENABLE_JSON1 After working at it for a full day I've managed to find the RPM source files, updated the spec so it compiles with the flag, and recompiled it into a new package. Now I can run rpm -U current-sqlite-package.rpm custom-sqlite-package.rpm and upgrade to my custom package. Both yum and rpm say that the package but when I run /user/bin/sqlite3 --version it is still the old version.
How do I upgrade to my custom package?
How does yum/rpm packages tie to the software in /user/bin?
Current versions of SQLite3 support runtime extension loading. So you can just download and compile the JSON1 extension as a separate .so file and load it via .load ~/path/to/
This will allow you to receive updates for SQLite via the default package manager and no need to rebuild it yourself.

How to update sqlite3 in CentOS 6.6

My CentOS 6.6 has sqlite3 3.6.20 installed, and I tried to update
yum update sqlite
but it shows 'No Package marked for update'
How can I install/update 3.7.7+ for using shared memory between instances?
Yum can only find newer versions of packages that are available in the yum repositories configured for the machine. If using the stock CentOS repository, SQLite 3.6.20 would be the latest.
You would need to either add a repository with a more recent version, find and download the new version of the software or download the source and compile/install.
From a quick Google search it does appear there are RPMs for CentOS 6 and SQLite 3.7.17.

Meteor installation/updation problems on Windows 7

I'm tried to install Meteor on Windows 7:
I downloaded the installer from the official download link. Upon trying to install it, I get the error Failed to contact install server.
Using this answer over here I successfully managed to install an older version of Meteor: but now neither meteor update nor any other command works. The response I get is:
This project uses Meteor 1.2.1, which isn't available on Windows. To work with this app on all supported platforms, use meteor update --release METEOR#1.2.1 to pin this app to the newest Windows-compatible release.
The suggested command generates the same response. Any workarounds?

Installing RIDE(Robot Framework)

For automated testing on RIDE(Robot framework), I had already installed PYTHON 2.6 and wxPython 3.0 version,PATH had already been updated in Environment variables, and when I jumped to the last phase i.e Installing RIDE(version -"robotframework-ride-1.3.win32.exe") through Windows Installer, application is been installed when I try to through "Run as Administrator", it was unable to open the IDE. How I can resolve this issue?
I installed RIDE a few days ago with no problem.
First you need to install python like you did (run the command: "python --version" to verify the installation).
After that, you will need to install Robot Framework (run the command: "pybot --version" to verify the installation)
If Robot Framework was sucessfully installed then it's time to install wxpython (choose the right installation, depending on the python version installed)
Finally you only need to install RIDE and it should work
You can follow the steps given below to install robotframework.
Install Python 2.7.1
RIDE runs only on the regular Python, not on Jython nor IronPython.
Download Python 2.7.1
Install Python 2.7.1.
Set the path in environment variable. (Look below for instructions )
Note: Python 2.6 is the minimum version. Robot Framework, RIDE does not yet support Python3 .
Set path on Windows 8 (Windows 7 users also can try the steps)
Open Start and
search Environment Variables
Click on Edit the system environment variables
Goto Advanced tab
Click on Environment Variables button
Scroll down under System variables and click on Path
Click on Edit button
Append ;<InterpreterInstallationDir>;<InterpreterInstallationDir>\Scripts\ in variable value Save the changes.
If command prompt is already open, then re-open command prompt to effectively take changes.
Install wxPython
It is necessary to install wxPython because RIDE’s GUI is implemented by using wxPython.
Download wxPython directly from
Run the installer and finish the setup. This will install wxPython 2.8-win32-unicode- on your system.
Install PIP 1.1
To install PIP follow the step by step instruction provided here
Install Robotframework 2.9rc1
Using Command Prompt
You can install RIDE by using the pip or easy_install commands.
Run either of the following command to install Robotframework:
pip install robotframework ride
easy_install robotframework ride
After the installation of RIDE, run the following command:
`` (this will launch RIDE )
Using Windows Installer
Download robotframework-RIDE 1.4:
You can download RIDE installer for windows version from
Open the installer and follow the onscreen instructions. After installation, launch RIDE by double clicking the shortcut icon.
This should resolve the issue.
Thank you :)
You probably have the different versions for wxPython and Python in your machine. Always make sure you should install the wxPython version same as the python version i.e. Python 2.7.

R install package globally

How do I install an R package globally, so it's available to all users? Currently I'm doing
R.exe CMD INSTALL *.zip
But it does
* installing to library 'C:/Users/Matt/Documents/R/win-library/2.15'
I would like to install the packages alongside R in Windows' 'program files'.
Your big problem here is installing to C:\Program Files\. This means on versions of windows with file permissions, you need admin permissions to write to that folder. As R does not commonly request admin permissions, it will on default install to an user subdirectory, unless you run R as administrator (by right clicking on the shortcut). In which case you can use the GUI to install packages and it will install them globally by default. For working on the command line, you can also run the cmd session as administrator.
In future, it's recommended that you install R to say, C:\R\ to avoid this.
What worked for me was running:
install.packages("MyPackage", lib="C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.0.1\\library")
Installing it to Program Files wasn't a problem for me - the problem was that the default installation directory was in C:\\Users\\Mike\\Documents\\R\\...
Ultimately you just want to install it to wherever .libPaths() looks by default, and in my environment that was most commonly C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.0.1\\library
Here is a way to specify where to find or install libraries. You can put the libraries in a common directory.
