Could not find member 'intellectualPropertyPublisher' on object of type 'JobProperties' in Azure Machine Learning Designer - azure-machine-learning-studio

From today (Aug 24th, 2021) I'm receiving the following error message when submit any operation in Azure Machine Learning Designer with a dataset:
Could not find member 'intellectualPropertyPublisher' on object of type 'JobProperties'
Complete error message:
UserError: Job submission to AzureML Compute encountered an Exception with status code , Could not find member 'intellectualPropertyPublisher' on object of type 'JobProperties'. Path 'properties.intellectualPropertyPublisher', line 309, position 36.
I'm seeing there's new items in user interface, maybe could be an updating error?
Someone is receiving something that?


how to implement pop up custom error message using throw new error inside workflow other than start event in alfresco version 7.0 and up

The problem here is that when using alfresco version 6 the use of throw new error is able to be used as a validation method inside of a workflow, the use of throw new error here is enabling us to pop up an error message for the user stating what is the error. But, when I tried to code it into alfresco version 7.0 and up I am unable to show the error message in the pop up, the pop up will only tell failure and stating the default message. I already tried encased it with if and try and catch statement but it still only showing failure and showing the default error message in alfresco. I expecting that the result of the validation is a pop up with my custom message about the error, but sadly this only work for the start event and wont work in the other activity task in the workflow.

POCO license expired

Im using POCO library in the context of
It worked correctly to me until one time i tried to use and an exception told me that the license has expired and the error is written below:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Poco::Licensing::ExpiredLicenseException'
what(): The license has expired for the following product
Please,Can someone give me some hints.

Case Create Workflow Fails with SLA : PopulateBusinessClosureRequests Failed

I have a workflow that creates cases from emails. I also have a simple SLA that is associated to the cases.
Recently I have noticed a large number of the case creation jobs failing with an error like this:
Plugin Trace:
[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Workflow: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Workflow.Activities.CreateEntity]
[Microsoft.Crm.Service.ObjectModel: Microsoft.Crm.Service.ObjectModel.CasePostCreatePlugin]
[ffde44b1-a685-4948-85b8-e4091bc2a98b: CasePostCreatePlugin]
[Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel: Microsoft.Crm.Extensibility.InternalOperationPlugin]
[46f6cf4c-14ae-4f1e-98a1-eae99a37e95c: ExecuteWorkflowWithInputArguments]
Starting sync workflow 'Case Follow Up', Id: b5983018-1027-e611-80bb-0050568f6e8c
Entering ConditionStep1_step: Case Follow Up
Entering ConditionStep5_step: Check condition step - Applicable When- KPI1
Entering ConditionStep7_step:
Entering ConditionStep9_step:
Sync workflow 'Case Follow Up' terminated with error 'PopulateBusinessClosureRequests Failed'
Error Message:
Unhandled Exception: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.InvalidPluginExecutionException: PopulateBusinessClosureRequests Failed
We do have working hours that is linked to a holiday schedule.
I cant seem to find a cause for the "PopulateBusinessClosureRequests" failure.
This is CRM 2016 U0.1 on-prem
We raised the issue with Microsoft, and it turns out that there is an issue in the product.
At the time of this answer they were working on a fix to be included in a service pack.

Using Standard WF activities to access a web service - how to set 'expected namespace'?

I am attempting to connect to a .Net 1.0 web service using standard activities in WF 4.0.
I am using the SendandReceiveReplyFactory - the send portion seems to be working - however the ReceiveReplyForSend is for some reason expecting a namespace response rather than the namespace.
Could anyone instruct me on how I can cause the activity to expect the correct NS.
Thanks in advance for your help.
All the best,
Error Message:
Workflow Console: Starting Workflow... Send Done Workflow
3fdc4d67-dcac-4092-b34b-9c347acdfe22 Terminated. Exception:
System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException Error in deserializing body
of reply message for operation 'Process'. OperationFormatter
encountered an invalid Message body. Expected to find node type
'Element' with name 'ProcessResponse' and namespace
''. Found node type 'Element' with name
'ProcessResponse' and namespace
'' Workflow
Console: Workflow Completed
The answer is to specify the namespace in the ServiceContractName Property of the 'Send' Activity using the following syntax '{}FileService ' in my case '{}LIMSSoap' . The syntax was sensitive to the trailing slash so a little trial and error was needed.
Many thanks to the contributors to WF4 - How to consume external web service? for the answer.

SDL Tridion 2009 - Unable to create an Event System Object

We are using SDL Tridion 2009.
Some time ago we start to get this error "Unable to create an Event System Object".
We start to get this error sporadic.
It might be something with our Events implementation, but that was functional more than 2 years, and we start to get this error just a some time ago.
Just in case someone got something similar, and it can help.
Thank you very much
This error is raised during the initialization of the event. The typical suspects here are errors in the constructor of the Event System, like trying to load a configuration file that doesn't exist (without proper error handling) or calling an operation that the current user is not allowed to do.
Tridion does the following actions when it triggers an event:
Check if Event is enabled (MMC SnapIn setting)
Create an object of type "TDSEvents.Events"
Set the Identity of the current user (using .Identity on the Events object)
Invoke the On[ItemName][Event][Phase] method and pass the required parameters.
If any of the first 3 steps cause an error you will get the infamous "Unable to create an Event System Object" error.
