Exclamation mark doesn't work in UTM parameters - google-analytics

I have a quick question. Why exclamation mark doesn't work in UTM parameters.
I will give you an example - this url which is generated by external tool doesn't work and redirect to home page:
But when i manually delete ! mark from utm_id (last part) it starts working:
utm_id is generated automatically so I cannot change it other way then manually all the time.
How could I solve this problem and why this is happening?


Any possible fix for the alertmanager generatorURL breaking due to url-encoding issues

I have set-up alertmanager and configured it using the official documentation.
The set-up is made to send alerts to Slack, Email and Telegram via the alertmanager.
I have triggered some alerts to see if it is working fine. For Slack and Emails, the generatorURL (A backlink which identifies the causing entity of the alert.1) is clickable and when clicked takes back to the Grafana Explore section which is the expected behaviour. However for Telegram, the generatorURL link is broken (The link is half clickable). The alertmanager uses default template to send the alerts to Telegram.
After some research, I found out that it is because of the url-encoding (i.e. The quotes, square brackets, etc. are not encoded). I don't know how to encode it manually. However I have tried two possible solutions:
Used parseMode as HTML and using anchor tag for the generatorURL - Didn't work.
Used reReplaceAll to replace the quotes, square brackets, etc. into url encoded form from this GitHub Discussion - Didn't work.
I tried the solution provided here, but I didn't get the source URL i.e. It was blank.
What did I achieve: It didn't generate the URL. I mean the telegram message was blank.
What was expected: A fully clickable source URL.
Screenshots have been attached.
Implemented GitHub solution for GeneratorURL
Any suggestions on what can be done to resolve this issue?

QR code - automatically redirect to URL

its not a programming question but really need it. I am creating a QR code that should redirect user to specific URL - let's say "http://facebook.com". Scanning all QR codes created by different creators I have used behave in such a way that it shows the URL and ask me if I want to open it. Can i force to open it in a browser without showing an URL like on the picture?
Okey, maybe someone will need it - you can't do it. It's all matter of app and most do like in the example - they let user decide if he or she wants to open this URL

Google Adword not working /conversion.js not found

I'm currently working on a wordpress site. My task is just to add the conversion script in a thankyou page. I added the script here: http://www.livingedge.co.nz/thanks-for-getting-in-touch/ , unfortunately does not work. It says that a conversion.js was not found.
See the attached screenshot: http://screencast.com/t/52ixQUzHKNxZ
I added the conversion script on the footer put it in a conditional so that it will load only on the thakyoupage.
I'm new to this and can't figure out what would be the possible cause of such problem.
I tried adding the script in the header, on the page editor, on a form redirect.
Q: What could be the possible cause of this issue?
The URL you are using for the conversion script is incorrect — the correct one has "www" in the domain name.
The fact that you've got this link wrong makes me think you may be looking at incorrect directions.
Follow the instructions given in the Google documentation page "Setting up conversion tracking" precisely.


my UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore was working and backing up to Google drive.
But now the REDIRECT URI has changed on the Google Cloud Console Side.
it should end with
however it keeps truncating after the Ampersand and shows up like
any help on how to set the right URI?
I also faced the same problem yesterday. It looks like a bug of Google Cloud Console to me. I managed to solve this by using "percent-encoding" in the URL for the ampersand symbol. Ampersand symbol shall be encoded as %26. So you shall enter your url the following way:
Another option you could try (but I don't think it will be necessary) is to swith back to the old view. It looks like that in the old interface there is no problem with ampersand. The link to the old interface is at the left bottom corner (it is quite hard to find it).
By the way I've also described this solution here (but it is in Russian :)
In the latest UpdraftPlus release, we worked around this by only having one parameter in the URL!
Best wishes,

Facebook like button is liking wrong url

First off, I saw similar posts already, but they weren't exactly what I am asking.
I used the Facebook Dev to create a like button for my website, stuck the code in and the the button showed up. The only issue is that it likes the wrong url when I click the button.
I'm pretty sure the issue is that I have it set to redirect automatically from mydomain.com to the most recent post. I think this is gumming up the works with the like button and causing it to like mydomain.com/mostrecentpost instead of simply liking mydomain.com.
Is there a way to correct this issue without having to get rid of the redirect (because that isn't an option)?
Sorry if that was a little wordy, wanted to make sure I explained the issue fully.
Is there a way to correct this issue without having to get rid of the redirect (because that isn't an option)?
Either don’t redirect in those cases where the user agent header of the request points to it being Facebook’s scraper;
or set the canonical URL of http://example.com/mostrecentpost to just http://example.com/ using the appropriate Open Graph meta tag. (Although that would mean you would not be able to like a single post any more, because all of your posts would just point to your base domain as the “real” website; so the first is probably the better option.)
