Best way to use multi dimensions arrays for voxels - multidimensional-array

Im currently making a voxel tool for godot with rust and to store the data of the voxels i think i need a multi dimension array to get easily the data of the voxels, but is so hard to get the voxels in the array and i really dont know if i just use ndarray lib or i use vec![vec![vec![etc.]]].
So how i should store the data of the voxels in an array that is easy to get voxels in a 3D environment?


Using two or more index buffers when creating custom geometry with Qt 3D? [duplicate]

I have some vertex data. Positions, normals, texture coordinates. I probably loaded it from a .obj file or some other format. Maybe I'm drawing a cube. But each piece of vertex data has its own index. Can I render this mesh data using OpenGL/Direct3D?
In the most general sense, no. OpenGL and Direct3D only allow one index per vertex; the index fetches from each stream of vertex data. Therefore, every unique combination of components must have its own separate index.
So if you have a cube, where each face has its own normal, you will need to replicate the position and normal data a lot. You will need 24 positions and 24 normals, even though the cube will only have 8 unique positions and 6 unique normals.
Your best bet is to simply accept that your data will be larger. A great many model formats will use multiple indices; you will need to fixup this vertex data before you can render with it. Many mesh loading tools, such as Open Asset Importer, will perform this fixup for you.
It should also be noted that most meshes are not cubes. Most meshes are smooth across the vast majority of vertices, only occasionally having different normals/texture coordinates/etc. So while this often comes up for simple geometric shapes, real models rarely have substantial amounts of vertex duplication.
GL 3.x and D3D10
For D3D10/OpenGL 3.x-class hardware, it is possible to avoid performing fixup and use multiple indexed attributes directly. However, be advised that this will likely decrease rendering performance.
The following discussion will use the OpenGL terminology, but Direct3D v10 and above has equivalent functionality.
The idea is to manually access the different vertex attributes from the vertex shader. Instead of sending the vertex attributes directly, the attributes that are passed are actually the indices for that particular vertex. The vertex shader then uses the indices to access the actual attribute through one or more buffer textures.
Attributes can be stored in multiple buffer textures or all within one. If the latter is used, then the shader will need an offset to add to each index in order to find the corresponding attribute's start index in the buffer.
Regular vertex attributes can be compressed in many ways. Buffer textures have fewer means of compression, allowing only a relatively limited number of vertex formats (via the image formats they support).
Please note again that any of these techniques may decrease overall vertex processing performance. Therefore, it should only be used in the most memory-limited of circumstances, after all other options for compression or optimization have been exhausted.
OpenGL ES 3.0 provides buffer textures as well. Higher OpenGL versions allow you to read buffer objects more directly via SSBOs rather than buffer textures, which might have better performance characteristics.
I found a way that allows you to reduce this sort of repetition that runs a bit contrary to some of the statements made in the other answer (but doesn't specifically fit the question asked here). It does however address my question which was thought to be a repeat of this question.
I just learned about Interpolation qualifiers. Specifically "flat". It's my understanding that putting the flat qualifier on your vertex shader output causes only the provoking vertex to pass it's values to the fragment shader.
This means for the situation described in this quote:
So if you have a cube, where each face has its own normal, you will need to replicate the position and normal data a lot. You will need 24 positions and 24 normals, even though the cube will only have 8 unique positions and 6 unique normals.
You can have 8 vertexes, 6 of which contain the unique normals and 2 of normal values are disregarded, so long as you carefully order your primitives indices such that the "provoking vertex" contains the normal data you want to apply to the entire face.
EDIT: My understanding of how it works:

Why would VkImageView format differ from the underlying VkImage format?

VkImageCreateInfo has the following member:
VkFormat format;
And VkImageViewCreateInfo has the same member.
What I don't understand why you would ever have a different format in the VkImageView from the VkImage needed to create it.
I understand some formats are compatible with one another, but I don't know why you would use one of the alternate formats
The canonical use case and primary original motivation (in D3D10, where this idea originated) is using a single image as either R8G8B8A8_UNORM or R8G8B8A8_SRGB -- either because it holds different content at different times, or because sometimes you want to operate in sRGB-space without linearization.
More generally, it's useful sometimes to have different "types" of content in an image object at different times -- this gives engines a limited form of memory aliasing, and was introduced to graphics APIs several years before full-featured memory aliasing was a thing.
Like a lot of Vulkan, the API is designed to expose what the hardware can do. Memory layout (image) and the interpretation of that memory as data (image view) are different concepts in the hardware, and so the API exposes that. The API exposes it simply because that's how the hardware works and Vulkan is designed to be a thin abstraction; just because the API can do it doesn't mean you need to use it ;)
As you say, in most cases it's not really that useful ...
I think there are some cases where it could be more efficient, for example getting a compute shader to generate integer data for some types of image processing can be more energy efficient than either float computation or manually normalizing integer data to create unorm data. Using aliasing you the compute shader can directly write e.g. uint8 integers and a fragment shader can read the same data as unorm8 data

vector<vector> as a quick-traversal 2d data structure

I'm currently considering the implementation of a 2D data structure to allow me to store and draw objects in correct Z-Order (GDI+, entities are drawn in call order). The requirements are loosely:
Ability to add new objects to the top of any depth index
Ability to remove arbitrary object
(Ability to move object to the top of new depth index, accomplished by 2 points above)
Fast in-order and reverse-order traversal
As the main requirement is speed of traversal across the full data, the first thing that came to mind was an array like structure, eg. vector. It also easily allows for pushing new objects (removing objects not so great..). This works perfectly fine for our requirements, as it just so happens that the bulk of drawable entities don't change, and the ones that do sit at the top end of the order.
However it got me thinking of the implications for more dynamic requirements:
A vector will resize itself as required -> as the 'depth' vectors would need to be maintained contiguously in memory (top-level vector enforces it), this could lead to some pretty expensive vector resizes. Worst case all vectors need to be moved to new memory location, average case requiring all vectors up the chain to be moved.
Vectors will often hold a buffer at the end for adding new objects -> traversal could still easily force a cache miss while jumping between 'depth' vectors, rendering the top-level vector's contiguous memory less beneficial
Could someone confirm that these observations are indeed correct, making a vector a mostly very expensive structure for storing larger dynamic data sets?
From my thoughts above, I end up deducing that while traversing the whole dataset, specifically jumping between different vectors in the top-level vector, you might as well use any other data structure with inferior traversal complexity, or similar random access complexity (linked_list; map). Traversal would effectively be the same, as we might as well assume the cache misses will happen anyway, and we save ourselves a lot of bother by not keeping the depth vectors contiguously in memory.
Would that indeed be a good solution? If I'm not mistaken, on a 1D problem space, this would come down to what's more important traversal or addition/removal, vector or linked-list. On a 2D space I'm not so sure it is so black and white.
I'm wondering what sort of application requires good traversal across a 2D space, without compromising data addition/removal, and what sort of data structures are used there.
P.S. I just noticed I'm completely ignoring space-complexity, so might as well keep on ignoring it (unless you feel like adding more insight :D)
Your first assumption is somewhat incorrect.
Instead of thinking of vectors as the blob of memory itself, think of it as a pointer to automatically managed blob of memory and some metadata to keep track of it. A vector itself is a fixed size, the memory it keeps track of isn't. (See this example, note that the size of the vector object is constant:
A vector of vectors can be thought of as an array of pointers. Resizing what the pointers point to doesn't mean you need to resize the array that contains them. The promise of items being contiguous still holds: the parent array has all of the pointers adjacent to each other and each pointer points to a contiguous chunk of memory. However, it's not guaranteed that the end of arr[0][N-1] is adjacent to the beginning of arr[1][0]. (To this end, your second point is correct.)
I guess that a Linked List would be more appropriate as you will always be traversing the whole list (vectors are good for random access). Linked lists inserts and removal are very cheap and the traversal isn't that different from a vector traversal. Maybe you should consider a Doubly Linked List as you want to traverse it in both ways.

Storing pixel based world data

I am making a 2d game with destructable terrain. It will be on iOS but I am looking for ideas or pseudocode, not actual code. I'm wondering how to store a large amount of data. (It will be a large world, approximately 64000 pixels wide and 9600 tall. Each pixel needs a way to store what type of object it is.) I was hoping to use a 2D array but a quick load test showed that this is not feasable (even using a 640x480 grid I dropped below 1 fps)
I also tried the method detailed here: (I used to use Game Maker and remembered this method) however is seems a bit cumbersome and recombining the objects again is nearly impossible.
So what other methods are there? Does anyone know how Worms worked? What about image editors, how do they store the colour of each pixel?
Run-length encoding can help with your memory issues
I am most likely going to use Polygon based storage.

Best solution for 2D occlusion culling

In my 2D game, I have static and dynamic objects. There can be multiple cameras. My problem: Determine objects that intersect with the current camera's view rectangle.
Currently, I simply iterate over all existing objects (not caring wheter dynamic or static) and do an AABB check with the cameras view rect on them. This seems acceptable for very dynamic objects, but not for static objects, where there can be tens of thousands of them (static level geometry scattered over the whole scene).
I have looked into multiple data structures which could solve my problem:
This was the first thing I considered, however the problem is that it would force my scenes to be of fixed size. (Acceptable for static, but not for dynamic objects)
Dynamic AABB tree
Seems good, but the overhead for rebalancing it seems just too great for many dynamic objects.
Spatial hash
The main problem here for me was that if you zoom out with the camera a lot, a huge number of mostly non-existing spatial hash buckets had to be queried, causing low performance.
In general, my criterias for a good solution of this problem are:
Dynamic size: The solution must not cause the scene size to be limited, or require heavy recomputation for resizing
Good query performance (for the camera)
Good support of very dynamic objects: The computations needed to handle objects with constantly changing position should be good:
The maximum sane number of dynamic objects in my game at one time probably is at 5000. Consider they all change their position every frame. Is there even a data structure which can be faster, considering the frequent insertions and deletions, than comparing the AABBs of the objects with the camera every frame?
Don't try to find the silver bullet. Just split your scene into dynamic and static parts and use different algorithms for them.
Quad trees are obviously suitable for static geometry with fixed
Spatial hashes are ideal for sets of objects with similar sizes
(particle systems, for example).
AFAIK dynamic AABB trees are rarely used for occlusion culling, their
main purpose is the broad phase of collision detection.
And as you noticed, bruteforce culling is normal for dynamic objects
if the number of them is not really big.
static level geometry scattered over the whole scene
If your scene is highly-sparse, you can divide it into islands, i.e. create a list of scene parts with "good density".
