track closest values in a table Shiny r - r

I am building a Shiny App that does random simulations of some stuff in three ways and saves the results in a table. I want the table to (1) fill the cell green for the closest value to the correct answer, and (2) include a line on bottom tracking total number of times each test group has been the closest.
what I have:
what I want:
Here's the code I'm using:
By the way, in this example there are ties, but that won't really be possible in the real thing, so probably not necessary to deal with.
# This is a Shiny web application. You can run the application by clicking
# the 'Run App' button above.
# Find out more about building applications with Shiny here:
# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
# Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins
"Generate Random Numbers",
width = 'auto')
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
counter <- reactiveValues(countervalue = 0)
counter$countervalue = counter$countervalue + 1
results <- reactiveValues(
table = list(trial = NA,
answer =NA,
test_1 = NA,
test_2 = NA,
test_3 = NA)
results$table$trial[counter$countervalue] <- as.integer(counter$countervalue)
results$table$answer[counter$countervalue] <- sample(1:10,1)
results$table$test_1[counter$countervalue] <- sample(1:10,1)
results$table$test_2[counter$countervalue] <- sample(1:10,1)
results$table$test_3[counter$countervalue] <- sample(1:10,1)
output$results_table_output <- renderTable({
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

I would also fall back to a more advanced table rendering engine like DT. However, in the following I show another solution which works with renderTable from "base" shiny.
renderTable + JS Solution
If you don't mind using some JavaScript you can use the following snippet:
js <- HTML("function mark_cells() {
$('.mark-cell').parent('td').css('background-color', 'steelblue');
function add_totals() {
const ncols = $('table th').length;
const $col_totals = Array(ncols).fill().map(function(el, idx) {
const $cell = $('<td></td>');
if (idx == 1) {
} else if (idx > 1) {
$cell.text($('table tr td:nth-child(' + (idx + 1) + ') .mark-cell').length);
return $cell;
$('table tfoot').remove();
$('table > tbody:last-child')
function mark_table() {
make_run <- function(i, answer, tests = integer(3)) {
cn <- c("trial", "answer", paste0("test_", seq_along(tests)))
if (is.null(i)) {
line <- matrix(integer(0), ncol = length(cn))
colnames(line) <- cn
} else {
line <- matrix(as.integer(c(i, answer, tests)), ncol = length(cn))
colnames(line) <- cn
mark_best <- function(row) {
truth <- row[2]
answers <- row[-(1:2)]
dist <- abs(answers - truth)
best <- dist == min(dist)
answers[best] <- paste0("<span class = \"mark-cell\">", answers[best], "</span>")
c(row[1:2], answers)
ui <- fluidPage(
"Generate Random Numbers")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
results <- reactiveVal(make_run(NULL))
observeEvent(input$random_select, {
res <- results()
results(rbind(res, make_run(nrow(res) + 1, sample(10, 1), sample(10, 3, TRUE))))
output$results_table_output <- renderTable({
res <- results()
if (nrow(res) > 0) {
res <-, 1, mark_best)))
session$onFlushed(function() runjs("mark_table()"))
}, sanitize.text.function = identity)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
In the renderTable function, we call mark_best where we surround the "winning" cells with <span class = "mark-cell">. This helps us on the JS side to identify which cells are the winners.
In order to not escape the HTML in it, we use the argument sanitize.text.function which is responsible for, well, sanitizing strings in the cell. Because we want to print them as is, we supply the identity function.
We include 3 JavaScript functions in the <head> of the document, which
color the parent <td> of our marked cells (mark_cells())
add column totals to the table. This is done by counting the .mark-cell marked cells in each column (add_totals)
a convenience wrapper to call both functions (mark_table())
In order to be able to actually call the JS function we rely on shinyjs. This is however, merely syntactic sugar and could be achieved otherwise as well (if you mind the additional library). To make shinyjs work, we need to include a call to useShinyjs in the UI.
All what is left to do is to call mark_table in the renderTable function. To make sure that the table is rendered properly, we do not call the JS function right away but use session$onFlushed to register the call to be run after the next flush happens.


How to add warnings to UI outputs generated dynamically in Shiny

I am working on a shiny app that can generate a determined number of UI outputs in form of inputs based on a value defined by the user. Thanks to the help of #YBS I was able to get the app working. But now I face a new issue. Although I could define min and max value for the inputs generated, I would like to add a warning in the inputs when a value is greater than 100, I found shinyfeedback package can do this but I do not where to put properly the code or what to do in the case of dynamic inputs like the ones generated here.
This is the working app:
compute <- function(firstitem,seconditem)
Sum <- firstitem+seconditem
Difference <- firstitem+seconditem
Product <- firstitem*seconditem
Ratio <- firstitem/seconditem
Res <- data.frame(C1=Sum,C2=Difference,C3=Product,C4=Ratio)
ui = shinyUI(fluidPage(
numericInput("numitems", label = "Number of items to compare?",
min = 1, max = 100, value = 1),
actionButton("submit", "Submit")
server = shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
lapply(1:(input$numitems), function(i) {
label=paste0("Enter the value of first item ", i, ":"),value = i)
lapply(1:(input$numitems), function(i) {
label=paste0("Enter the value of second item ", i, ":"),value = i+i)
seldates <- reactiveValues(x=NULL)
observeEvent(input$submit, {
seldates$x <- list()
lapply(1:(input$numitems), function(i) {
seldates$x[[i]] <- compute(firstitem = input[[paste0("firstitem", i)]],seconditem = input[[paste0("seconditem", i)]])
observeEvent(input$submit, {
lapply(1:(input$numitems), function(i) {
output[[paste0("table",i)]] <- renderDT(seldates$x[[i]])
output$t1 <- renderUI({
lapply(1:(input$numitems), function(i) {
shinyApp(ui = ui , server = server)
I tried to add some code inside the dynamic inputs in this way:
#Code demo
lapply(1:(input$numitems), function(i) {
label=paste0("Enter the value of first item ", i, ":"),value = i)
lapply(1:(input$numitems), function(i) {
observeEvent(input[[paste0('firstitem',i)]], {
inputId = paste0('firstitem',i),
show = input[[paste0('firstitem',i)]] > 100,
text = "Number less than 100 required.",
Unfortunately, this action broke down the app:
And the first input was not generated as you can see.
How can I solve this issue so that I can have warnings when the value is greater than 100? Moreover, this leads to an additional fact, in the action button if working with multiple inputs generated dynamically, how could I do something like this:
#How to extend the if condition so that it can consider the number of inputs defined by the user
if(input$firstitem1 < 0 && input$seconditem1 < 0 && input$firstitem2<0 && input$seconditem1<0)
showModal(modalDialog(title ="Warning!!!", "Check fields!!!",easyClose = T))
showModal(modalDialog(title ="Congratulations!!!", "Computing Done!!!",easyClose = T))
How could I change the if so that it considers all the inputs that can be generated.
Many thanks!
I think you have a couple of problems here.
First, you have forgotten to add useShinyFeedback() to your UI definition.
ui = shinyUI(
Second, you've put the observeEvents that monitor your first item values inside your renderUI. That's not going to work: R's standard scoping means that these observeEvents won't be available to monitor changes in the corresponding input widgets. The solution is to create a separate observeEvent to create your observers on the inputs:
observeEvent(input$numitems, {
lapply(1:(input$numitems), function(i) {
observeEvent(input[[paste0('firstitem',i)]], {
inputId = paste0('firstitem',i),
show = input[[paste0('firstitem',i)]] > 100,
text = "Number less than 100 required.",
Making these changes gives me, for example,
With regard to your final question about the Submit actionButton, and as a general observation, I think your life will be much easier if you use Shiny modules to solve this problem. This will allow you to delegate the error checking to the indivudual modules and remove the need to continually loop through the indices of the dynamic inputs. This will lead to shorter, simpler, and more understandable code.
One thing to bear in mind if you do this: make sure you put a call to useShinyFeedback in the definition of the module UI.

How can I speed up a reactable with nested graphs?

I am trying to insert additional information into a reactable in R - one which has about 3600 rows. I've tried nesting a plot under each row (similar to this, but with nested plots instead of sub-tables). The only way I could make this work was to use plotly within reactable, like so:
my_diamonds <- diamonds
my_diamonds$cats <- cut(my_diamonds$price, 850)
my_diamonds <- my_diamonds[ order(my_diamonds$cut, my_diamonds$cats), ]
data <- unique(my_diamonds[, c("cut", "cats")])
details = function(index) {
diam_data <- my_diamonds[my_diamonds$cut == data$cut[index] & my_diamonds$cats == data$cats[index], ]
x = ~1:nrow(diam_data),
y = ~y,
type = 'scatter',
mode = 'lines') # %>% toWebGL()
But sadly, for this amount of data, this takes forever to output the table, and anything I've tried to make it faster (such as toWebGL()) changes nothing. All I really care about is the speed, and having some sort of visualisation associated with each row - I don't particularly care if it's plotly or something else.
A second option would be to use an in-line HTML widget for each row (shown here). In my example, this could be done if adding:
data_parcels <- split(my_diamonds, list(my_diamonds$cats, my_diamonds$cut), drop = T)
data$nested_points <- sapply(data_parcels, '[[', 'y')
data$sparkline <- NA
columns = list(
sparkline = colDef(cell = function(value, index) {
This isn't quite as slow as the plotly option, but still very slow in the larger scheme of things. Any ideas on how to speed up either example, anyone?
PaulM and I have worked on a solution together, and managed to speed up one of the options: the one involving in-line sparklines. As it turned out based on some profiling work, what was making the process particularly slow wasn't drawing the sparklines in itself, rather the subsequent work of translating them from R so that they could be incorporated into the HTML reactable table.
So to bypass that slow translation process entirely, we wrote a code template that would get wrapped around the data points to be plotted. This is what we then served directly to reactable, alongside an html = TRUE argument, for the code to be interpreted as such, rather than as regular text.
The final hurdle after that was to ensure that the sparklines (one per row) were still on display even if a user sorted a column or navigated to a different page of results - normally the sparklines would disappear on interacting with the table in this way. For this, we ensured that that the reactable would be redrawn 10ms after any click.
Here is an example wrapped in shiny that shows all this in action, alongside the old (slow) version. For me, the sped up version renders in about 0.5s roughly, whereas the old one - about 13s.
if (interactive()) {
# Init objects
t0 <- NULL
t1 <- NULL
my_diamonds <- diamonds
my_diamonds$cats <- cut(my_diamonds$price, 850)
my_diamonds <- my_diamonds[ order(my_diamonds$cut, my_diamonds$cats), ]
data <- unique(my_diamonds[, c("cut", "cats")])
data_parcels <- split(my_diamonds, list(my_diamonds$cats, my_diamonds$cut), drop = T)
data$nested_points <- sapply(data_parcels, '[[', 'y')
data$sparkline <- NA
ui <- shinyUI(
inputId = "speedChoice",
label = "Speed",
choices = c("Fast", "Slow"),
status = "danger"
# Small JS script to re-render a reactable table so that the sparklines show
# after the user has modified the table (sorted a col or navigated to a given page of results)
tags$script('document.getElementById("diamonds_table").addEventListener("click", function(event){
}, 10);
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$diamonds_table <- renderReactable({
if (input$speedChoice == "Fast") {
t0 <<- Sys.time()
part1 <- '<span id="htmlwidget-spark-' # + ID
part2 <- '" class="sparkline html-widget"></span><script type="application/json" data-for="htmlwidget-spark-' # + ID
part3 <- '">{"x":{"values":[' # + values
part4 <- '],"options":{"height":20,"width":60},"width":60,"height":20},"evals":[],"jsHooks":[]}</script>'
out <- list(length = nrow(data))
for (i in 1:nrow(data)) {
vals <- paste0(data$nested_points[[i]], collapse = ',')
out[[i]] <- paste0(part1, i, part2, i, part3, vals, part4)
data$sparkline <- out
tab <- reactable(data,
columns = list(
sparkline = colDef(html = TRUE,
cell = function(value, index) {
) %>%
spk_add_deps() %>%
htmlwidgets::onRender(jsCode = "
function(el, x) {
console.log('render happening')
t1 <<- Sys.time()
} else {
# Classic, but slow version:
t0 <<- Sys.time()
tab <- reactable(data,
columns = list(
sparkline = colDef(cell = function(value, index) {
data$nested_points[[index]] %>%
t1 <<- Sys.time()
output$timeElapsed <- renderText({
input$speedChoice # Connect to reactable update cycle
return(t1 - t0)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Move rows from one DT to other DTs using action buttons in R Shiny

I am trying to make an app using shiny and DT, similar to the accepted answer from Shree here. I would like, thou, to have the following additions to it:
Extend the solution from Shree, so that items from the DT on the left (source) can be moved to more than one table on the right and back and be extensible, so that I can decide how many tables I want to put on the right. That is, different items from the table on the left can go in a different table on the right.
In addition, to have double arrow buttons next to each table on the right, so that all items in a table can be added or removed by click on the double arrow buttons, not only the single arrow buttons for moving just selected variables, like here, but still be able to decide whether to display them or not.
Tables on the right to be visible even when empty.
Can someone help with these?
As already mentioned shiny modules are an elegant way to solve this issue. You have to pass in some reactives for receiving rows and you have to return some reactives to send rows / tell the main table that it should remove the rows it just sent.
A fully working example looks as follows:
receiver_ui <- function(id, class) {
ns <- NS(id)
column(width = 1,
label = NULL,
label = NULL,
label = NULL,
label = NULL,
column(width = 11,
class = class
receiver_server <- function(input, output, session, selected_rows, full_page, blueprint) {
## data_exch contains 2 data.frames:
## send: the data.frame which should be sent back to the source
## receive: the data which should be added to this display
data_exch <- reactiveValues(send = blueprint,
receive = blueprint)
## trigger_delete is used to signal the source to delete the rows whihc just were sent
trigger_delete <- reactiveValues(trigger = NULL, all = FALSE)
## render the table and remove .original_order, which is used to keep always the same order
output$sink_table <- renderDataTable({
dat <- data_exch$receive
dat$.original_order <- NULL
## helper function to move selected rows from this display back
## to the source via data_exch
shift_rows <- function(selector) {
data_exch$send <- data_exch$receive[selector, , drop = FALSE]
data_exch$receive <- data_exch$receive[-selector, , drop = FALSE]
## helper function to add the relevant rows
add_rows <- function(all) {
rel_rows <- if(all) req(full_page()) else req(selected_rows())
data_exch$receive <- rbind(data_exch$receive, rel_rows)
data_exch$receive <- data_exch$receive[order(data_exch$receive$.original_order), ]
## trigger delete, such that the rows are deleted from the source
old_value <- trigger_delete$trigger
trigger_delete$trigger <- ifelse(is.null(old_value), 0, old_value) + 1
trigger_delete$all <- all
observeEvent(input$add, {
observeEvent(input$add_all, {
observeEvent(input$remove, {
observeEvent(input$remove_all, {
## return the send reactive to signal the main app which rows to add back
## and the delete trigger to remove rows
list(send = reactive(data_exch$send),
delete = trigger_delete)
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$head(tags$style(HTML(".odd {background: #DDEBF7;}",
".even {background: #BDD7EE;}",
".btn-default {min-width:38.25px;}",
".row {padding-top: 15px;}"))),
actionButton("add", "Add Table")
column(width = 6, dataTableOutput("source_table")),
column(width = 6, div(id = "container")),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
orig_data <- mtcars
orig_data$.original_order <- seq(1, NROW(orig_data), 1)
my_data <- reactiveVal(orig_data)
handlers <- reactiveVal(list())
selected_rows <- reactive({
my_data()[req(input$source_table_rows_selected), , drop = FALSE]
all_rows <- reactive({
my_data()[req(input$source_table_rows_current), , drop = FALSE]
observeEvent(input$add, {
old_handles <- handlers()
n <- length(old_handles) + 1
uid <- paste0("row", n)
insertUI("#container", ui = receiver_ui(uid, ifelse(n %% 2, "odd", "even")))
new_handle <- callModule(
selected_rows = selected_rows,
full_page = all_rows,
## select 0 rows data.frame to get the structure
blueprint = orig_data[0, ])
observeEvent(new_handle$delete$trigger, {
if (new_handle$delete$all) {
selection <- req(input$source_table_rows_current)
} else {
selection <- req(input$source_table_rows_selected)
my_data(my_data()[-selection, , drop = FALSE])
req(NROW(new_handle$send()) > 0)
dat <- rbind(isolate(my_data()), new_handle$send())
my_data(dat[order(dat$.original_order), ])
handlers(c(old_handles, setNames(list(new_handle), uid)))
output$source_table <- renderDataTable({
dat <- my_data()
dat$.original_order <- NULL
shinyApp(ui, server)
A module contains the UI and the server and thanks to the namespacing techniques, names need only to be unique within one module (and each module must later have also a unique name). The module can communicate with the main app via reactives which are either passed to callModule (please note that I am still using the old functions as I have not yet updated my shiny library), or which are returned from the server function.
In the main app, we have a button, which dynamically inserts the UI and calls callModule to activate the logic. observers are also generated in the same call to make the server logic work.
To get double arrow buttons, you can use:
actionButton("add_all", label = NULL, icon("angle-double-right"),
lib = "font-awesome")
Note that ?icon links to the fontawesome page, which provides double arrow icons:
To remove all items you can just switch to the default state:
observeEvent(input$remove_all, {
mem$selected <- select_init
mem$pool <- pool_init
where the default state was defined as:
pool_init <- data.frame(data = LETTERS[1:10])
select_init <- data.frame(data = "")
To add all rows you can basically just switch the states:
mem$selected <- pool_init
mem$pool <- select_init
Note that i use an (almost) empty data.frame to ensure that a datatable is shown even if it is empty. That is not very elegant as it has an empty string in it. There might be better ways for that. E.g. if you add a row and deselect it again, so that the table is empty it shows No data available in table. That actually looks better.
Full reproducible example:
ui <- fluidPage(
splitLayout(cellWidths = c("40%", "10%", "40%", "10%"),
actionButton("add", label = NULL, icon("arrow-right")),
actionButton("remove", label = NULL, icon("arrow-left"))
actionButton("add_all", label = NULL, icon("angle-double-right"),
lib = "font-awesome"),
actionButton("remove_all", label = NULL, icon("angle-double-left"),
lib = "font-awesome")
pool_init <- data.frame(data = LETTERS[1:10])
select_init <- data.frame(data = "")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
mem <- reactiveValues(
pool = pool_init, selected = select_init
observeEvent(input$add, {
mem$selected <- rbind(isolate(mem$selected), mem$pool[input$pool_rows_selected, , drop = F])
mem$selected <- mem$selected[sapply(mem$selected, nchar) > 0, , drop = FALSE]
mem$pool <- isolate(mem$pool[-input$pool_rows_selected, , drop = F])
observeEvent(input$remove, {
mem$pool <- rbind(isolate(mem$pool), mem$selected[input$selected_rows_selected, , drop = F])
mem$pool <- mem$pool[sapply(mem$pool, nchar) > 0, , drop = FALSE]
mem$selected <- isolate(mem$selected[-input$selected_rows_selected, , drop = F])
observeEvent(input$add_all, {
mem$selected <- pool_init
mem$pool <- data.frame(data = "")
observeEvent(input$remove_all, {
mem$selected <- select_init
mem$pool <- pool_init
output$pool <- renderDT({
output$selected <- renderDT({
shinyApp(ui, server)
Concerning the requirements for multiple tables, please see my comment.
To generalise to an arbitrary number of tables, I'd use a module. The module would contain the GUI and logic for a single DT. It would have arguments for the "input DT" (the table from which rows are received) and the "output DT" (the table to which rows are sent). Either or both could be NULL. The GUI would display the DT and have a widgets to initiate the various "send rows" commands. See here for more details on modules.
As for your inability to remove rows from the source table: I'm not overly familiar with DT, but I believe you need to use a proxy: as this page says "After a table has been rendered in a Shiny app, you can use the proxy object returned from dataTableProxy() to manipulate it. Currently supported methods are selectRows(), selectColumns(), selectCells(), selectPage(), and addRow().".

How to ask R Shiny to create several "select boxes" - based on previous input

In my tiny Shiny app I am asking the user: how many time periods do you want to cut your time series into? For example, the user selects 3.
I want to use this input to take a fixed vector of dates and make it possible for the user the select from it the desired last date of Time Period 1 (in select box 1), and Time Period 2 (in select box 2). (The last date for time period 3 will be the very last date, so I don't need to ask).
I am not sure how to do it. I understand that because I don't know the desired number of time periods in advance, I have to create a list. But how do I then collect the input from those select boxes?
Thanks a lot!
### UI #######################################################################
ui = shinyUI(fluidPage(
titlePanel("Defining time periods"),
# Sidebar:
# Slider input for the number of time periods:
numericInput("num_periodsnr", label = "Desired number of time periods?",
min = 1, max = 10, value = 2),
# Show just the number of periods so far.
### SERVER ##################################################################
server = shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
output$nr_of_periods <- renderPrint(input$num_periodsnr)
# Define our dates vector:
dates <- seq(ymd('2016-01-02'), ymd('2017-12-31'), by = '1 week')
# output$period_cutpoints<-renderUI({
# list.out <- list()
# for (i in 1:input$num_periodsnr) {
# list.out[[i]] <- renderPrint(paste0("Sometext", i), ,
# )
# }
# return(list.out)
# })
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
This is similar to a question I asked and subsequently worked out an answer to here. The big changes are (predictably) in the server.
Nothing needs to change in the UI, but as you'll see below I've included another textOutput so that you can see the dates you end up selecting, and I've also added an actionButton, which I'll explain later.
The server function has a couple additions, which I'll describe first and then put together at the end. You're right that you need to create a list of input objects inside the renderUI, which you can do through lapply. At this step, you're creating as many selectInputs as you'll have cutpoints, minus one because you say you don't need the last:
lapply(1:(input$num_periodsnr-1), function(i) {
label=paste0("Select cutpoint for Time Period ", i, ":"),
Next, you'll need to access the values selected in each, which you can do in the same way, using a reactiveValues object you create first, and assign the new values to it. In my version of this problem, I couldn't figure out how to get the list to update without using an actionButton to trigger it. Simple reactive() or observe() doesn't do the trick, but I don't really know why.
seldates <- reactiveValues(x=NULL)
observeEvent(input$submit, {
seldates$x <- list()
lapply(1:(input$num_periodsnr-1), function(i) {
seldates$x[[i]] <- input[[paste0("cutpoint", i)]]
Full working app code then looks like this:
ui = shinyUI(fluidPage(
titlePanel("Defining time periods"),
numericInput("num_periodsnr", label = "Desired number of time periods?",
min = 1, max = 10, value = 2),
actionButton("submit", "Submit")
server = shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
output$nr_of_periods <- renderPrint(input$num_periodsnr)
dates <- seq(ymd('2016-01-02'), ymd('2017-12-31'), by = '1 week')
lapply(1:(input$num_periodsnr-1), function(i) {
label=paste0("Select cutpoint for Time Period ", i, ":"),
seldates <- reactiveValues(x=NULL)
observeEvent(input$submit, {
seldates$x <- list()
lapply(1:(input$num_periodsnr-1), function(i) {
seldates$x[[i]] <- input[[paste0("cutpoint", i)]]
output$cutpoints <- renderText({as.character(seldates$x)})
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
you can make the boxes dynamically inside an lapply and send them as 1 output object to the ui
ui = shinyUI(fluidPage(
titlePanel("Defining time periods"),
# Sidebar:
# Slider input for the number of time periods:
numericInput("num_periodsnr", label = "Desired number of time periods?",
min = 1, max = 10, value = 2),
# Show just the number of periods so far.
# Define server logic ----
server <- function(session, input, output) {
output$period_cutpoints<- renderUI({
req(input$num_periodsnr > 0)
lapply(1:input$num_periodsnr, function(el) {
airDatepickerInput(inputId = paste('PeriodEnd', el, sep = ''), label = paste('Period End', el, sep = ' '), clearButton = TRUE, range = F, update_on = 'close')
# Run the app ----
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Since you did not provide a dataset to apply the inputs on, and I don't know what date ranges your data has, I did not add code to set min/max on the date pickers, and not sure what kind of code to provide for you to use the data. You would need to write something to put them in a list indeed
values <- reactiveValues(datesplits = list(),
previous_max = 0)
observeEvent(input$num_periodsnr, {
if(input$num_periodsnr > values$previous_max) {
lapply(values$previous_max:input$num_periodsnr, function(el) {
observeEvent(input[[paste(paste('PeriodEnd', el, sep = '')]], {
values$datesplits[el] <- input[[paste(paste('PeriodEnd', el, sep = '')]]
values$previous_max <- max(values$previous_max, input$num_periodsnr)
and then use the list of dates for whatever you need to do with them I think.
I use the trick with run lapenter code hereply from previous_max to input$num_periodsnr if(input$num_periodsnr > values$previous_max){} to avoid the problem you create when you repeatedly create observers for the same input element. Whereas ui elements are overwritten when created in a loop, observeEvents are made as copies, so every time your loop fires, you make another copy of observers 1:n. This results in all copies firing every time, until you have a million observers all firing, creating possible strange bugs, unwanted effects and loss of speed.

Dynamic Tabs with R-Shiny app using the same output function

Goal: I'm working on a bioinformatics project. I'm currently trying to implement R code that dynamically creates tabPanels (they are essentially carbon copies except for the data output).
Implementation: After doing some research I implemented this solution. It works in a way (the panels that I'm "carbon copying" are created), but the data that I need cannot be displayed.
Problem: I'm sure that the way I'm displaying my data is fine. The problem is that I can't use the same output function to display the data as seen here. So let me get to the code...
...# Irrelevant functions removed #...
geneinfo <- read.table(file = "~/App/final_gene_info.csv",
header = TRUE,
sep = ",",
na.strings = "N/A", = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7))
ui <- navbarPage(inverse = TRUE, "GENE PROJECT",
theme = shinytheme("cerulean"),
tabPanel("Gene Info",
h2('Detailed Gene Information'),
tabPanel("File Viewer",
selectizeInput(inputId = "gene", label = "Choose a Gene", choice = genes, multiple = TRUE),
selectInput(inputId = "organism", label = "Choose an Organism", choice = orgs),
selectInput(inputId = "attribute", label = "Choose an Other", choice = attributes),
width = 2),
width = 10))),
I'm using uiOutput to generate tabs dynamically on the server side....
server <- function (input, output, session) {
# Generate proper files from user input
fetch_files <- function(){
python <- p('LIB', '', python=TRUE)
system(sprintf('%s %s %s', python, toString(genie), input$organism), wait = TRUE)
print('Done with Python file generation.')
# Fetch a temporary file for data output
fetch_temp <- function(){
if(input$attribute != 'Features'){
if(input$attribute != 'Annotations'){
chosen <- toString(attribute_dict[[input$attribute]])
chosen <- toString(input$sel)
extension <<- '.anno'
chosen <- toString(input$sel)
extension <<- '.feat'
count = 0
oneline = ''
f <- paste(toString(genie), toString(input$organism), sep = '_')
f <- paste(f, extension, sep = '')
# Writes a temporary file to display output to the UI
target <- p('_DATA', f)
d <- dict_fetch(target)
temp_file <- tempfile("temp_file", p('_DATA', ''), fileext = '.txt')
write('', file=temp_file)
vectorofchar <- strsplit(toString(d[[chosen]]), '')[[1]]
for (item in vectorofchar){
count = count + 1
oneline = paste(oneline, item, sep = '')
# Only 60 characters per line (Find a better solution)
if (count == 60){
write(toString(oneline), file=temp_file, append=TRUE)
oneline = ''
count = 0
write(toString(oneline), file=temp_file, append=TRUE)
# Get the tabs based on the number of genes selected in the UI
fetch_tabs <- function(Tabs, OId, s = NULL){
count = 0
# Add a select input or nothing at all based on user input
selection <- select(s)
x <- selectInput(inputId = 'sel', label = "Choose an Annotation:", choices = selection$keys())
x <- ''
for(gene in input$gene){
if(count==0){myTabs = character()}
count = count + 1
genie <<- gene
file_tab <- lapply(sprintf('File for %s', gene), tabPanel
titlePanel(sprintf("File for %s:", gene)),
pre(textOutput(outputId = "file")),offset = 0))
addTabs <- c(file_tab, lapply(sprintf('%s for %s',paste('Specific', Tabs), gene), tabPanel,
titlePanel(sprintf("Attribute for %s:", gene)),
pre(textOutput(outputId = OId), offset = 0)))
# Append additional tabs every iteration
myTabs <- c(myTabs, addTabs)
# Select the proper file and return a dictionary for selectInput
select <- function(ext, fil=FALSE){
f <- paste(toString(genie), toString(input$organism), sep = '_')
f <- paste(f, ext, sep = '')
f <- p('_DATA', f)
else if(fil==TRUE){
# Output gene info table
output$table <- DT::renderDataTable(
filter = 'top',
escape = FALSE,
options = list(autoWidth = TRUE,
options = list(pageLength = 10),
columnDefs = list(list(width = '600px', targets = c(6))))
x <- geneinfo[input$table_rows_all, 2]
if (is.null(x))
x <- genes
updateSelectizeInput(session, 'gene', choices = x)
# Output for the File tab
output$file <- renderText({
extension <<- '.gbk'
f <- select(extension, f=TRUE)
# Output for attributes with ony one property
output$attributes <- renderText({
extension <<- '.kv'
f <- fetch_temp()
# Output for attributes with multiple properties (features, annotations)
output$sub <- renderText({
f <- fetch_temp()
# Input that creates tabs and selectors for more input
output$change_tabs <- renderUI({
# Fetch all the appropriate files for output
Tabs = input$attribute
if(input$attribute == 'Annotations'){
extension <<- '.anno'
OId = 'sub'
s <- extension
else if(input$attribute == 'Features'){
extension <<- '.feat'
OId = 'sub'
s <- extension
OId = 'attributes'
s <- NULL
myTabs <- fetch_tabs(Tabs, OId, s = s), myTabs)
Explanation: Now I'm aware that there's a lot to look at here.. But my problem exists within output$change_tabs (it's the last function), which calls fetch_tabs(). Fetch tabs uses the input$gene (a list of genes via selectizeInput(multiple=TRUE)) to dynamically create a set of 2 tabs per gene selected by the user.
What's Happening: So if the user selects 2 genes then 4 tabs are created. With 5 genes 10 tabs are created... And so on and so forth... Each tab is EXACTLY THE SAME, except for the data.
Roadblocks: BUT... for each tab I'm trying to use the same output Id (since they are EXACTLY THE SAME) for the data that I want to display (textOutput(outputId = "file")). As explained above in the second link, this simply does not work because HTML.
Questions: I've tried researching several solutions, but I would rather not have to implement this solution. I don't want to have to rewrite so much code. Is there any way I can add a reactive or observer function that can wrap or fix my output$file function? Or is there a way for me to add information to my tabs after the, myTabs)? Am I thinking about this the right way?
I'm aware that my code isn't commented very well so I apologize in advance. Please feel free to critique my coding style in the comments, even if you don't have a solution. Please and thank you!
I've come up with a very VERY crude answer that will work for now...
Here is the answer from #BigDataScientist
My Issue with BigDataScientist's Answer:
I can't dynamically pass data to the outputs. The output functions are not interpreted until they are needed... So if I wanted to pass the for loop iterator that you created (iter) into the dynamically created outputs, then I wouldn't be able to do that. It can only take static data
My Solution:
I end up taking advantage of sys.calls() solution I found here in order to get the name of the function as a string. The name of the function has the info I need (in this case a number).
myTabs <<- list()
conv <- function(v1) {
ui <- navbarPage(inverse = TRUE, "GENE PROJECT",
theme = shinytheme("cerulean"),
tabPanel("Gene Info",
"Number of bins:",
min = 1,
max = 5,
value = 3)
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
server <- function(input, output) {
b <<- input$bins
myTabs <<- list()
# Dynamically Create output functions
# Dynamically Create formatted tabs
# Dynamically Render the tabs with renderUI
for(iter in 1:b){
x <<- iter
output[[sprintf("tab%s", iter)]] <- renderText({
temp <- deparse(sys.calls()[[sys.nframe()-3]])
x <- gsub('\\D','',temp)
x <- as.numeric(x)
f <- sprintf('file%s.txt', x)
addTabs <<- lapply(sprintf('Tab %s', iter), tabPanel,
titlePanel(sprintf("Tabble %s:", iter)),
pre(textOutput(outputId = sprintf('%s%s','tab', iter))))))
myTabs <<- c(myTabs, addTabs)
myTabs <<- c(myTabs, selected = sprintf('Tab %s', x))
output$changeTab <- renderUI({, myTabs)
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I think your being a victim of this behavior. Try:
for (el in whatever) {
thisEl <- el
like Joe suggests in the first reply to the Github issue I linked to. This is only necessary if you're using a for loop. lapply already takes el as an argument, so you get this "dynamic evaluation" benefit (for lack of a better name) for free.
For readability, I'm going to quote most of Joe's answer here:
You're the second person at useR that I talked to that was bitten by this behavior in R. It's because all the iterations of the for loop share the same reference to el. So when any of the created reactive expressions execute, they're using whatever the final value of el was.
You can fix this either by 1) using lapply instead of a for loop; since each iteration executes as its own function call, it gets its own reference to el; or 2) using a for loop but introducing a local({...}) inside of there, and creating a local variable in there whose value is assigned to el outside of the reactive.
