How to get Firestore data from documents of different collections - firebase

I'm trying to collect data from different documents of different collections, and doing it in a for loop increase the code processing time
for (var i = 0; i < productDataList.length; i++) {
// Get full data according to shared preferences
var firestore = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
DocumentSnapshot ds1 = await firestore
// Add product DocumentSnapshot to map
productFullDetails.add({'productDoc': ds1});
Does anyone know a better method to do this?
Thank you.

You can move the asynchronous operation out of the for-loop by creating a list of the async operations Futures and getting all the results at once by using Future.wait.
var firestore = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
final List<Future<DocumentSnapshot>> documentSnapshotFutureList =
.map((productData) => firestore
final List<DocumentSnapshot> documentSnapshotList = await Future.wait(documentSnapshotFutureList);
productFullDetails = documentSnapshotList
.map((DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) =>
{'productDoc': documentSnapshot})
Note the following with using Future.wait,
Returns a future which will complete once all the provided futures
have completed, either with their results, or with an error if any of
the provided futures fail.
The value of the returned future will be a list of all the values that
were produced in the order that the futures are provided by iterating

The problem is not caused by the for loop per se, look into what is happening in the for loop. If you making an asynchronous network request and awaiting for it. If you have a list of products that is 100 items long, you have to make 100 requests, and wait for each one to finish. If every request was 200 milliseconds[which is not slow], that's 20 seconds.
I would probably skip doing it in a for loop, and use a stream builder to get every single document in a stream by it's self, which is technically the same amount of reads.
Use your for loop to create a steam, pseudo code will look like this:
for (var product in productDataList)
stream: FirebaseFirestore.instance
builder: (context, snapshot){
if(snapshot.hasData) productFullDetails.add({'productDoc': as Map<String,dynamic>});
return Text('something');
This will get your data simultaneously, without having to await for them to finish after one another.


Flutter Firestore - How to get data from a Document Reference in a Document Field?

I'm building a Self-learning app with differente questions types. Right now, one of the questions have a field containing a list of DocumentReferences:
In Flutter, I have the following code:
Query<Map<String, dynamic>> questionsRef = firestore
.where('lesson_id', isEqualTo: lessonId);
await questionsRef.get().then((snapshot) { {
var questionTemp;
switch (['question_type']) {
case 'cards':
questionTemp = CardsQuestionModel.fromJson(;
} =;
Now, with "questionTemp" I can access all the fields (lesson_id,options,question_type, etc..), but when it comes to the "cards" field, how Can I access the data from that document reference?
Is there a way to tell firestore.instance to get the data from those references automatically? Or do I need to make a new call for each one? and, if so, how can I do that?
Thank you for your support in advance!
Is there a way to tell firestore.instance to get the data from those
references automatically? Or do I need to make a new call for each
No there isn't any way to get these documents automatically. You need to build, for each array element, the corresponding DocumentReference and fetch the document.
To build the reference, use the doc() method
DocumentReference docRef = FirebaseFirestore.instance.doc("cards/WzU...");
and then use the get() method on this DocumentReference.
.then((DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) {
if (documentSnapshot.exists) {
print('Document exists on the database');
Concretely, you can loop over the cards Array and pass all the Futures returned by the get() method to the wait() method which "waits for multiple futures to complete and collects their results". See this SO answer for more details and also note that "the value of the returned future will be a list of all the values that were produced in the order that the futures are provided by iterating futures."

Flutter Firebase Pagination - Nested Query

I am relatively new to the Flutter world and need some help in efficiently querying a nested Firebase query with pagination in Flutter.
I am building an app where I have a few thousand of user selected documents in collectionA (selected from >100k documents from collectionB) and need to loop through a chunk of 10 documents (whereIn limit of 10) queried via stream. My current implementation (snippet below) takes a list of document ID's "d" and chunks in a list of 10 via quiver/iterables. The drawback of the methodology is that it reads thousands of user documents upfront before displaying it in the app. I would like to use a pagination and control the reads.
Would you suggest a solution (with a code snippet) on how to use the pagination through thousands of user selected documents?
Future<List<Article>> fbWhereGT10Article(
String collection, String field, List<dynamic> d) async {
final chunks = partition(d, 10);
// print(chunks);
final querySnapshots = await Future.wait(
(chunk) {
Query itemsQuery = FirebaseFirestore.instance
.where(field, whereIn: chunk);
// .orderBy('timestamp', descending: true);
return itemsQuery.get();
return querySnapshots == null
? []
: await Stream.fromIterable(querySnapshots)
.flatMap((qs) =>
Stream.fromIterable( => Article.fromFirestore(e)))

How to filter Firebase Documents that are in a list of DocumentReferences?

I'm currently building a social network app using Firebase and Flutter, and I've stumbled onto a bit of a problem. My homepage has two tabs, one that contains all posts on the app in chronological order, and the other that contains the posts of the people you follow. The DocReferences of the people the user follows is inside a list. Currently, the code looks like this:
if (myFollows.isNotEmpty)
for (int j = 0; j < myFollows.length; j++) {
await FirebaseFirestore.instance
.orderBy('date', descending: true)
.where('user', isEqualTo: myFollows[j])
.then((value) {
But, as you can see, I create seperate queries for each of the followed users, so the resulted list of posts isn't in chronological order.
So, my question is, if there is a way I could query the post documents where the user variable is contained inside the list myFollows, instead of comparing it to each of its values one by one?
Remove the loop and use whereIn. This should work
if (myFollows.isNotEmpty)
await FirebaseFirestore.instance
.orderBy('date', descending: true)
.where('user', whereIn: myFollows) //this line changed
.then((value) {
In your 1st execution, you may need to add a new index... just follow the web link (in error message) that will help create this required index.
May not work if following more than 10 users as this is a built-in limit in Firestore (maximum 10 comparisons).
In that case, there is no built-in solution... you need to keep your loop and append every single query separately... then sort your final list.

Cloud firestore read count in StreamBuilder

Firebase structure:
I'm using a StreamBuilder for document uid like this:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StreamBuilder<User>(
stream: _stream(),
builder: (BuildContext _, AsyncSnapshot<User> snapshot) {
// this block may get called several times because of `build` function
if (snapshot.hasData) {
final user =;
return SomeWidget(user: user);
return CircularProgressIndicator();
Since StreamBuilder's builder may get called several times because of the build() method, will that cost me a read every time builder gets called?
Is there any difference in terms of read-count when reading complete uid vs reading uid/education?
If I update age and name value, will that count as one-write or two-writes in terms of firebase write-count?
Firestore charges on every document read, write and delete therefore:
Since StreamBuilder's builder may get called several times because of the build() method, will that cost me a read every time builder gets called?
Yes, if you are reading(retrieving) one document each time, then you will be charged as one read.
Is there any difference in terms of read-count when reading complete uid vs reading uid/education
No difference. The read is done in the document, when you retrieve one document then you are doing one read.
If I update age and name value, will that count as one-write or two-writes in terms of firebase write-count?
If you update one document once (even if all the fields are updated), it will cost you one write operation.

How to retrieve 1 document from firebase/firestore collection based on date in dart/flutter?

Ofc, I know the basic way we retrieve a whole bunch of documents from a collection like so:
stream: Firestore.instance
.orderBy("date", descending: true) // new entries first
builder: (context, snapshot) { ....
This is fine when I'm displaying a whole bunch of data.
But I have situation where I need to do some calculations with the last added numbers, meaning I just need to get 1 document, so I what I do is sort data by date and limit by 1, then make the query for this one document like this
List<DocumentSnapshot> list;
QuerySnapshot querySnapshots;
if (await AuthHelper.checkIfUserIsLoggedIn()) {
String userId = await AuthHelper.getUserID();
querySnapshots = await Firestore.instance
.orderBy("date", descending: true) // new entries first, date is one the entries btw
.getDocuments(); // Get Documents not as a stream
list = querySnapshots.documents; // Make snapshots into a list
return (list ?? null);
} else {
return null;
But is this the best way to do it ? When making this query aren't I getting the whole set of documents and discarding the rest ? Which means when this collections grows this is going get slower and slower ?
Is there a better way to retrieve the last added document ? So I can use it as list/array/map and not as stream ?
When you limit the query, you are only ever going to read that number of documents maximum. It's not going to read the entire collection and discard the extras.
