I want to show in my code as Text the length of the document from a specific collection like this one.
I want to show in Flutter how many document inside "Agung"
this is the ss of my Firebase
I think this question has been answered here
to show how many documents you have inside Agung you can use :
int countDocuments() async {
QuerySnapshot _myDoc = await Firestore.instance.collection('Agung').getDocuments();
List<DocumentSnapshot> _myDocCount = _myDoc.documents;
return _myDocCount.length; // Count of Documents in Collection
Then you can just call the function and put the result on your Text Widget
I'm building a Self-learning app with differente questions types. Right now, one of the questions have a field containing a list of DocumentReferences:
In Flutter, I have the following code:
Query<Map<String, dynamic>> questionsRef = firestore
.where('lesson_id', isEqualTo: lessonId);
await questionsRef.get().then((snapshot) {
snapshot.docs.forEach((document) {
var questionTemp;
switch (document.data()['question_type']) {
case 'cards':
questionTemp = CardsQuestionModel.fromJson(document.data());
questionTemp.id = document.id;
Now, with "questionTemp" I can access all the fields (lesson_id,options,question_type, etc..), but when it comes to the "cards" field, how Can I access the data from that document reference?
Is there a way to tell firestore.instance to get the data from those references automatically? Or do I need to make a new call for each one? and, if so, how can I do that?
Thank you for your support in advance!
Is there a way to tell firestore.instance to get the data from those
references automatically? Or do I need to make a new call for each
No there isn't any way to get these documents automatically. You need to build, for each array element, the corresponding DocumentReference and fetch the document.
To build the reference, use the doc() method
DocumentReference docRef = FirebaseFirestore.instance.doc("cards/WzU...");
and then use the get() method on this DocumentReference.
.then((DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) {
if (documentSnapshot.exists) {
print('Document exists on the database');
Concretely, you can loop over the cards Array and pass all the Futures returned by the get() method to the wait() method which "waits for multiple futures to complete and collects their results". See this SO answer for more details and also note that "the value of the returned future will be a list of all the values that were produced in the order that the futures are provided by iterating futures."
I was following this tutorial on how to get realtime updates from flutter firestore, https://medium.com/firebase-tips-tricks/how-to-use-cloud-firestore-in-flutter-9ea80593ca40 and I scrolled down to Listen For Realtime Updates section and when I followed the tutorial, this is what I came up with,
String name = 'name here';
String children = 'children here';
String docId = '0';
void initState() {
getUsers() async {
final FirebaseAuth auth = FirebaseAuth.instance;
final User? user = auth.currentUser;
final uid = user!.uid;
.where("uid", isEqualTo: uid)
.listen((result) {
result.docs.forEach((result) {
name = result["firstName"];
children = result["children"].toString();
When I print the values to the console they update in realtime, but when I put them in variables and concatenate them into a Text widget like this:
Text('Children: $children'), //It does not update in realtime.
For instance, if in my document if I have children: 3 and I display in in my app, it shows 3, but when I manually change it, it does not update in realtime, I have to press hot reload. Another issue is that I have to initialize the variable before using them in the function, up ahead in the first 3 lines of code. When I hot restart, it shows the values of what I use to initialize them. For where it should show children, it says 'children here' and for where the name is, it puts 'name here', only when I hot reload the page, do the actual firestore values get inputed into them and show data from the firestore database. If there is a solution to any of these problems, I would much prefer an answer in code instead of a link or a brief explanation, I spend hours before I find a piece of code that utilizes the explanation. Thank you
I use snapshots().listen() to listen to change. Then I use ValueNotifier to notify the UI.
final itemsNotifier = ValueNotifier<List<Item>>([]);
.where("uid", isEqualTo: uid)
.listen((event) {
itemsNotifier.value = event.docs
.map((doc) => Item.fromSnapshot(
doc as DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>))
Since the data is loaded asynchronously, the data isn't available when Flutter first paints your Text widget. You'll need to tell Flutter that it has to repaint the UI when the data is available.
There are two common ways to do this:
Put the children variable in the state of your widget by calling setState(). This will tell Flutter to repaint the widget, and your text will then show the value.
You can also use a StreamBuilder widget, which does the above too - but it also handles all kinds of error states automatically.
I recommend reading about stateful widgets and setState and about the StreamBuilder class to learn more.
I am relatively new to the Flutter world and need some help in efficiently querying a nested Firebase query with pagination in Flutter.
I am building an app where I have a few thousand of user selected documents in collectionA (selected from >100k documents from collectionB) and need to loop through a chunk of 10 documents (whereIn limit of 10) queried via stream. My current implementation (snippet below) takes a list of document ID's "d" and chunks in a list of 10 via quiver/iterables. The drawback of the methodology is that it reads thousands of user documents upfront before displaying it in the app. I would like to use a pagination and control the reads.
Would you suggest a solution (with a code snippet) on how to use the pagination through thousands of user selected documents?
Future<List<Article>> fbWhereGT10Article(
String collection, String field, List<dynamic> d) async {
final chunks = partition(d, 10);
// print(chunks);
final querySnapshots = await Future.wait(chunks.map(
(chunk) {
Query itemsQuery = FirebaseFirestore.instance
.where(field, whereIn: chunk);
// .orderBy('timestamp', descending: true);
return itemsQuery.get();
return querySnapshots == null
? []
: await Stream.fromIterable(querySnapshots)
.flatMap((qs) =>
Stream.fromIterable(qs.docs).map((e) => Article.fromFirestore(e)))
I've been trying to put document snapshots of a sub-collection in a list. The code for it is something like this:-
getcoffeebuyerlist() async {
DocumentSnapshot coffeebuyers;
List<DocumentSnapshot> finalCoffeBuyerList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < profiles.length; i++) {
coffeebuyers = await Firestore.instance
return finalCoffeBuyerList;
There are two profile and only one of which has a sub-collection 'coffeeprices'.
My doubt here is by trying get snapshot of sub-collections, will I automatically be creating an empty document for the second profile for which sub-collection doesn't exist and put in finalCoffeBuyerList list?
Or only those(one in my case) sub-collection which already exist are added to this list?
Your code here will never create any documents. get() doesn't create a document if the document doesn't already exist. You should check the returned DocumentSnapshot to see if the document actually exists. Something like this:
if (coffeebuyers.exists) {
The only way to create a document is with add() or set().
please how can I get all the value of my IndividualTaxData subcollection in Flutter.
First, you must get the reference to the parent document:
DocumentReference parentRef = Firestore.intances.collection('TaxData').document(taxDataId);
You can do the previous part with a direct reference to the document (like the code above) or with a query. Later, you must get the reference of the subcollection and the document that you get the information:
DocumentReference subRef = parentRef.collection('IndividualTaxData').document(individualTaxId);
And finally, get the data:
DocumentSnapshot docSnap = await subRef.get();
For you to return a simple document, you can use the following code for it.
var document = await Firestore.instance.collection('IndividualTaxData').document('<document_name>');
document.get() => then(function(document) {
// you can print other fields from your document
With the above code, you will reference your collection IndividualTaxData and then load it's data to a variable that you can print the values.
In case you want to retrieve all the documents from your collection, you can start using the below code.
final QuerySnapshot result = await Firestore.instance.collection('IndividualTaxData').getDocuments();
final List<DocumentSnapshot> documents = result.documents;
documents.forEach((data) => print(data));
// This print is just an example of it.
With this, you will load all your documents into a list that you iterate and print after - or that you can use with another method.
In addition to that, as future references, I would recommend you to check the following links as well.
Query a single document from Firestore in Flutter (cloud_firestore Plugin)
How to use Cloud Firestore with Flutter
Le me know if the information helped you!