How to hide some Custom Fields from Woocommerce Admin order page - wordpress

When logged in as an admin and looking at an Order in Woocommerce, there's a section with all the Custom Fields. Out of the whole list I only want it to display two of them. How do I hide the rest from this view? I don't want to delete them, but just hide from this view.

For every custom field you want hidden, add the following 4 lines of code to functions.php or using Snippets plugin:
add_filter('is_protected_meta', 'my_is_protected_meta_filter1', 10, 2);
function my_is_protected_meta_filter1($protected, $meta_key) {
return $meta_key == 'automatewoo_cart_id' ? true : $protected;
If you want to hide more than one, add the lines above again and change 'my_is_protected_meta_filter1' to 'my_is_protected_meta_filter2', etc

if you’re using ACF pro, there is a hook you can use to remove the field on the back end, but it’s not something that’s documented..
You could use a hook to remove specific field if is_admin() returns true.
You may need to play with this a bit to get it to work, the ACF hook is
So, for example:
add_filter('acf/get_fields', 'your_function_name', 20, 2);
function your_function_name($fields, $parent) {
// remove the fields you don't want
return $fields;
$fields can be a nested array of fields => sub_fields.
You need to set the priority > 10 to run after the internal ACF filter

For orders in Woocommerce the post type is 'shop_order', so your code should be:
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'remove_shop_order_meta_boxe', 90 );
function remove_shop_order_meta_boxe() {
remove_meta_box( 'postcustom', 'shop_order', 'normal' );


Remove description meta box from custom taxonomy

I'm trying to remove these areas from one of my custom taxonomies.
I've built them using the two plugins: Custom Post Types UI (to add them) and Advanced Custom Fields (to add fields to the taxonomy).
I can't see anything in the plugin settings to remove these things, but I'm not sure if I'm missing something.
I'm assuming I might need to add a function to the functions.php file. I've seen that hiding things using jQuery is a possibility, but I hear that this might show it initially on load and then hide it, so id like to learn how to doit properly.
I managed to get there with the link above and help from another website.
This function removed the two instances of the 'description' box:
function hide_description_row() {
echo "<style> .term-description-wrap { display:none; } </style>";
add_action( "measure_sectors_edit_form", 'hide_description_row');
add_action( "measure_sectors_add_form", 'hide_description_row');
and this one removed the column from the right hand side:
add_filter('manage_edit-measure_sectors_columns', function ( $columns ) {
if( isset( $columns['description'] ) )
unset( $columns['description'] );
return $columns;
To use with other taxonomies, just replace 'measure_sectors' with your own taxonomy slug

Woocommerce - Remove fields from woocommerce_form_field including validation

I am trying to customise the Woocommerce myaccount page, in particular the edit address page.
I want to display both the shipping + billing address forms on a single page. Ideally, in a single form with a one save button. I also need to remove a lot of the fields, so that it's a much simpler form of just an address (no name, company, etc).
I have implemented the code found on This Answer. It works nicely in that it shows both forms. However, I cannot remove the fields from the forms. If I try code like this:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_billing_fields' , 'custom_override_billing_fields' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_shipping_fields' , 'custom_override_shipping_fields' );
function custom_override_billing_fields( $fields ) {
return $fields;
function custom_override_shipping_fields( $fields ) {
return $fields;
It doesn't work, the fields are no longer shown but the form does not save on click... it just redirects to /my-account/edit-address/billing/ - and doesn't save. (the same form shown on this page doesn't save either).
I've also tried:
foreach ( $billing_fields as $key => $field ) :
if($key != 'billing_first_name' && $key != 'billing_last_name') :
woocommerce_form_field( $key, $field, $userMeta[$key][0] );
This removes the field from displaying, BUT the validation still exists - and any filter code I add to functions using
woocommerce_checkout_fields to remove the validation doesn't seem to affect this form at all.
Is there a way to either:
Remove fields from this form generated by woocommerce_form_field including the validation?
Create a custom form that allows me to set the input fields manually in the code, and update any fields that are there, ignoring the validation from Woocommerce completely?
This should work 100%. You need to state whether the fields you are removing is from billing or shipping and this is done by adding the ['billing'] or ['shipping'], whichever it is.
After this, adding the function directly to woocommerce_checkout_fields will apply both for billing and shipping.
For phone and company fields you can disable it in admin panel itself, do it.
Edit: And yes, all validation that was involved with the fields in the past will be removed. You can then apply any validation you need.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields' , 'brandimagemarketer_remove_billing_fields_checkout' );
function brandimagemarketer_remove_billing_fields_checkout( $fields ) {
return $fields;

How do I add product attributes to the product page in WooCommerce?

I'm using WooCommerce and Elementor Pro. Is there any way to add specific product attributes (e.g. gross and net weight) below the Add to cart button?
It seems like an obvious thing but I haven't found options or snippets for it.
First you add attributes to product. Then you use this snippet in functions.php:
// maybe remove tab with attributes
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'remove_info', 100, 1 );
function remove_info( $tabs ) {
return $tabs;
// show attributes
add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'summary_attributes', 35 );
function summary_attributes() {
global $product;
if ( $product->has_attributes() ) {
wc_display_product_attributes( $product );
Setting Up WooCommerce Attributes
go to Products > Attributes
Add the attribute name
Slug will automatically be created, and we can leave the rest of these options untouched.
Click “Add attribute” button and your attribute will be added.
Configure The Attributes
After creating attribute, now we can add different variation on your product. Click on the Configure Terms option.
Enter the variation
Add some short description
Click on the add new tab
To understand it in a better way you can follow this tutorial

What is difference between these Wordpress filter hooks

I'm new to WordPress plugin development. I have a doubt about below 3
filter hooks.
Please tell me the what the difference between these hooks.
content_edit_pre filter hook
The content_edit_pre filter hook is used to hook into the content of a post just before it is loaded to be edited. For example, if you included the following at the end of your functions file:
function test_of_content_edit_pre( $content, $post_id ) {
return "Insert this before the content about to be edited ".$content;
add_filter( 'content_edit_pre', 'test_of_content_edit_pre', 10, 2 );
Then open a post to edit it, you would see that the text has been inserted before the post:
excerpt_edit_pre filter hook
The excerpt_edit_pre filter hook is very similar to content_edit_pre, except it is used to hook into excerpts (instead of posts) just before they are loaded to be edited. For example:
function test_of_excerpt_edit_pre( $content, $post_id ) {
return "Add this to excerpt".$content;
add_filter( 'excerpt_edit_pre', 'test_of_excerpt_edit_pre', 11, 2 );
Would result in this being shown in the excerpt:
content_filtered_edit_pre filter hook
This one I am not sure about. I tested it out and it didn't seem to do anything. I will update my answer if I can find more information on this.

How do you remove or change the functionality of the Publish button on a custom WordPress post?

I have a custom post type and need keep the post status from getting set to 'Published' when you click the Publish button. Instead, it should work like the Save Draft button. So I either need to figure out how to just remove the Publish button so the user's can only click Save Draft our preferably, update the Publish button functionality so it doesn't set the post to publish.
You can use wordpress action hooks to modify default behaviors.
In your case, you want to use the 'publish_post' hook.
So you can do
function dont_publish( $post_ID )
if(get_post_type($post_ID) == 'your_custom_type'){
//the dont_publish function will be called after the publish button is clicked
add_action( 'publish_post', 'dont_publish' );
The way it is above, nothing will happen at all if the publish button is clicked, but you can play around with the dont_publish function to get the results you want.
#PhoenixWing156 was close but one little change so the the other post types get updated as usual.
function dont_publish( $data , $postarr ) {
if($data['post_type'] == 'custom_post_type') {
$data['post_status'] = 'draft';
return $data;
add_filter('wp_insert_post_data' , 'dont_publish' , '99', 2);
The wp_insert_post_data hook is called before information about a post is saved to the database.
You can try:
function dont_publish( $data , $postarr )
if($data['post_type'] == 'custom_post_type'){
$data['post_status'] = 'draft';
return $data;
add_filter('wp_insert_post_data' , 'dont_publish' , '99', 2);
WordPress provides the remove_meta_box() function exactly for this purpose.Just add this below code:-
add_action( 'admin_menu', function () {
remove_meta_box( 'submitdiv', 'Your_custom_post_type', 'side' );
} );
You could also disable the default saving metabox and add you own.
This is not documented well in the developer docs of wordpress.
To do this you have to hook into the "add_meta_boxes"-hook and in the hooked function yo have to call remove_meta_box('submitdiv','your-cpt','side');
The code should be something like this:
function your_cpt_metaboxes(){
add_action('add_meta_boxes','function your_cpt_metaboxes');
your-cpt has to be changed to the name of your cpt of course.
I was also searching for this handy snippet and found it in the plugin Awesome Support.
The original saving metabox code can be found in /wp-admin/includes/metaboxes.php .
Just search for post_submit_meta_box (in WP 5.4 on line 22).
