I am currently running my automation (UI & API) tests on azure devops release pipeline.
Whenever the test run finishes I get a notification to my slack:
Now theres only one way to view the test results after a run:
You can click on the Release hotlink and you will get redirected to the full release run info and test results too
Now my question is: is it possible to somehow customize the release notes?
For example Id love to attach Test Results to the slack message. Something along the lines:
Passed: 13
Failed: 2
Or somehow attach the .trx/.html file that gets generated after the test run. So I could easily view the results without clicking on the release hotlink.
Maybe its possible to extract test results using GET Runs List API method?
Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You can parse the result file(eg:trx) with a powershell script, get the testrun details, post to slack channel via rest api or PostSlackNotification task.
For example: check the trx file in log:
Add a new powershell script task to parse testrun details:
#get the path of the trx file from the output folder.
$path = Get-ChildItem -Path $(Agent.TempDirectory)\TestResults -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Filter *.trx | Where-Object { $_.Extension -eq '.trx' }
$appConfigFile = $path.FullName #path to test result trx file
$appConfig = New-Object XML
$testsummary = $appConfig.DocumentElement.ResultSummary.Counters | select total, passed, failed, aborted
echo $testsummary # check testsummary
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=testSummary]$($testsummary)" #set the testsummary to environment variable
Get the testrun result as below:
Posted to slack channel:
There is an npm package to publish test results back to either microsoft teams or slack.
You need to create an incoming-webhook and a simple config file to get started.
Add the below command in your pipeline yaml file.
- script: npx test-results-reporter publish -c config.json
I'm trying to run a daily taskscheduleR script that pulls data into R from an API. It works when I run it as a one time task but for some reason it won't work as a daily task. I keep getting the following error in the log file:
<HEAD><TITLE>Authorization Required</TITLE></HEAD>
<H1>Authorization Required</H1><HR>
<FONT FACE=Helvetica,Arial>
<B>Description: Authorization is required for access to this proxy</B>
<!-- default Authorization Required response (401) -->
Here's the code:
# Url to feed into GET function
url<-"https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://files.airnowtech.org/airnow/yesterday/daily_data_v2.dat__;!!J30X0ZrnC1oQtbA!Yh5wIss-mzbpMRXugALJoWEKLKcg1-7VmERQwcx2ESK0PZpM5NWNml5s9MVgwHr5LD1i5w$ "
# Sends request to AirNow API to get access to data
# Retrieve contents of a request
# Parse content into a dataframe
my_content_from_delim <- my_content %>% textConnection %>% readLines %>% read.delim(text = ., sep = "|",header = FALSE)
I have been using the Rstudio add-in to create the task.
If you are trying to access this on a work computer, you may need to allow downloads from the url link. Open a browser, paste that url, click 'allow downloads', run the script.
I am not sure whether the solution I will offer will work for you, but it won't harm to try. If the problem related to the task scheduler, the following solution might work. However, if the problem of authorization issues, you may need to get some IT help from your workplace.
For the task scheduler issue, you can directly send your script to the windows task scheduler with a batch file and create a schedule for it.
To make it easy, you can use the following code. First, open a new folder and copy-paste your R script there. To run the following code, you should call you R script as My Script.r.
Then, in the same folder, create a batch file with the following codes. To create a batch file, you should copy the following code into a Notepad and save it as Run R Script.bat in the same folder.
cd %~dp0
"C:\PROGRA~1\R\R-40~1.0\bin\R.exe" -e "setwd(%~dp0)" CMD BATCH --vanilla --slave "%~dp0My Script.r" Log.txt
Here, cd %~dp0 will set the directory for the windows batch to the folder you run this batch. "C:\PROGRA~1\R\R-40~1.0\bin\R.exe" will specify your R.exe. You may need to change the path based on your system files.
-e "setwd(%~dp0)" will set the directory of R to the same folder in which the batch and script will be run.
"%~dp0My Script.r" Log.txt will define R script pathname and the log file for the batch.
Second, to create a daily schedule, we are going to create another batch file. To do so, copy and paste the following codes into a notepad and save as Daily Schedule.bat.
When you click the Daily Schedule.bat, it will create a daily task and run for the first time in one minute, and every day it will repeat itself at the same time when you first run this batch.
#echo off
for /F "tokens=1*" %%A in ('
powershell -NoP -C "(Get-Date).AddMinutes(1).ToString('MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss')"
') do (
Set "MyDate=%%A"
set "MyTime=%%B"
::Execute path to bat path
cd %~dp0
::Create Task
SchTasks /Create /SC DAILY /TN "MY R TASK" /TR "%~dp0Run R Script.bat" /sd %MyDate% /st %MyTime%
This code will create a task called as "MY R TASK". To see whether it is scheduled, you can run the following codes on the windows prompt: taskschd.msc. This will open your task scheduler, and you can find your task there. If you want to modify or delete, you can use this task scheduler program; it has a nice GUI and easy to navigate.
For more details about the Task scheduler syntax, see the following link
If you have any questions, let me know.
I have schedule regression automation that is running everyday from TFS, I want to develop functionality to run only failed test case against latest build not whole regression automation again.
Is there a way, I can only call web api and pass only failed test case name and when I trigger deploy to any environment that will only run
Or is there any other way around this.
There is already a Rerun failed tests option in the v2.* of the VSTest task in the build definition, you could select this option to rerun the failed tests:
If you want to use api, you would need to follow the steps below:
Get test results for a test run and find out the failed test cases.
GET https://{accountName}.visualstudio.com/{project}/_apis/test/Runs/{runId}/results?api-version=5.0-preview.5
Create a new test suite by querying the failed test case IDs:
POST https://{accountName}.visualstudio.com/{project}/_apis/test/Plans/{planId}/suites/{suiteId}?api-version=5.0-preview.3
"suiteType": "DynamicTestSuite",
"name": "FailedTestCases",
"queryString": "SELECT [System.Id],[System.WorkItemType],[System.Title],[Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority],[System.AssignedTo],[System.AreaPath] FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject] = #project AND [System.WorkItemType] IN GROUP 'Microsoft.TestCaseCategory' AND ( [System.Id] = xxx OR [System.Id] = xxx )"
Select Test Plan and Test suite in your VSTest task:
I use robot framework at following environment.
Python 2.7.6
robotframework 2.8.7
Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
I make directory like followings,
and execute robot like this to get report in TestPTX units.
L TestPT1
L test_1.robot
L test_2.robot
L test_3.robot
L TestPT2
L test_a.robot
L test_b.robot
$ pybot -L TRACE -b debug.log --outputdir <LOG_DIR> TestPT1/
In this case, test_1,test_2,test_3 are executed and report and log file is included one file.
But when test_2 were failed , pybot continue to execute test_3, and until test_3 were done report were not outputed.
I wish that if test_2 were failed , output report.html and log.html of test_1 and test_2(Interim report), and pybot continue to execute test_3.
Is any idea of grant my wish?
You cannot get what you want. Robot keeps the report in memory and only writes it to disk when the entire test run is completed.
You can create a listener that will give you the same information that is in the report if you wish, and you can use that to write your own file. Or, you can create a custom script that runs each suite separately, and then combines all of the individual reports after all of the tests have run.
I am building a Qt GUI application via Jenkins. I added 3 build steps:
Building the test executable
Running the test executable
compiling a coverage report with gcovr
For some reason, the shell task for running the test executable stops after execution. Even a simple echo does not run after. The tests are written with Google Test and output xUnit XML files, which are analyzed after the build.
Some tests start the applications user interface, so I installed the jenkins xvnc plugin to get them to run.
The build tasks are as follows:
cd $WORKSPACE/projectfiles/QMake
sh createbin.sh
./Application --gtest_output=xml
Coverage Report
cd $WORKSPACE/projectfiles/QMake/out
gcovr -x -o coverage.xml
Now, an echo at the end of the first build task is correctly printed, but an echo at the end of the second is not. The third build task is therefore not even run, although the Google Test output is visible. I thought that maybe the problem is that some of the Google Tests fail, but why whould the script stop executing just because the tests fail?
Maybe someone can give me a hint on why the second task stops.
The console output looks like this:
Updating svn://repo/ to revision '2012-11-15T06:43:15.228 -0800'
At revision 2053
no change for svn://repo/ since the previous build
Starting xvnc
[VG5] $ vncserver :10
New 'ubuntu:10 (jenkins)' desktop is ubuntu:10
Starting applications specified in /var/lib/jenkins/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /var/lib/jenkins/.vnc/ubuntu:10.log
[VG5] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/hudson7777833632767565513.sh
+ cd /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/projectfiles/QMake
+ sh createbin.sh
... Compiler output ...
+ echo Build Done
Build Done
[VG5] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/hudson4729703161621217344.sh
+ cd /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/VG5/bin
+ ./Application --gtest_output=xml
Xlib: extension "XInputExtension" missing on display ":10".
[==========] Running 29 tests from 8 test cases.
... Test output ...
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Terminating xvnc.
$ vncserver -kill :10
Killing Xvnc4 process ID 1953
Recording test results
Skipping Cobertura coverage report as build was not UNSTABLE or better ...
Finished: FAILURE
Generally, if one Build Step fails, the rest will not be executed.
Pay attention to this line from your log:
[VG5] $ /bin/sh -xe
The -x makes the shell print each command in console before execution.
The -e makes the shell exit with error if any of the commands failed.
A "fail" in this case, would be a return code of not 0 from any of the individual commands.
You can verify this by running this directly on the machine:
./Application --gtest_output=xml
echo $?
If the echo $? displays 0, it indicates successful completion of the previous command. If it displays anything else, it indicates an error code from the previous command (from ./Application), and Jenkins treats it as such.
Now, there are several things at play here. First is that your second Build Step (essentially a temporary shell script /tmp/hudson4729703161621217344.sh) is set to fail if one command fails (the default behaviour). When the Build Step fails, Jenkins will stop and fail the whole job.
You can fix this particular behaviour by adding set +e to the top of your second Build Step. This will not cause the script (Build Step) to fail due to individual command failure (it will display an error for the command, and continue).
However, the overall result of the script (Build Step) is the exit code of the last command. Since in your OP, you only have 2 commands in the script, and the last is failing, it will cause the whole script (Build Step) to be considered a failure, despite the +x that you've added. Note that if you add an echo as the 3rd command, this would actually work, since the last script command (echo) was successful, however this "workaround" is not what you need.
What you need is proper error handling added to your script. Consider this:
set +e
cd $WORKSPACE/bin && ./Application --gtest_output=xml
if ! [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Tests failed, however we are continuing"
echo "All tests passed"
Three things are happening in the script:
First, we are telling shell not to exit on failure of individual commands
Then i've added basic error handling in the second line. The && means "execute ./Application if-and-only-if the previous cd was successful. You never know, maybe the bin folder is missing, or whatever else can happen. BTW, the && internally works on the same error code equals 0 principle
Lastly, there is now proper error handling for the result of ./Application. If the result is not 0, then we show that it had failed, else we show that it had passed. Note, this since the last command is not a (potentially) failing ./Application, but an echo from either of if-else possibilities, the overall result of the script (Built Step) will be a success (i.e 0), and the next Build Step will be executed.
BTW, you can as well put all 3 of your build steps into a single build step with proper error handling.
Yes... this answer may be a little longer than what's required, but i wanted you to understand how Jenkins and shell treat exit codes.
I have written an R script that pulls some data from a database, performs several operations on it and post the output to a new database.
I would like this script to run every day at a specific time but I can not find any way to do this effectively.
Can anyone recommend a resource I could look at to solve this issue? I am running this script on a Windows machine.
Actually under Windows you do not even have to create a batch file first to use the Scheduler.
Open the scheduler: START -> All Programs -> Accesories -> System Tools -> Scheduler
Create a new Task
under tab Action, create a new action
choose Start Program
browse to Rscript.exe which should be placed e.g. here:
"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.2\bin\x64\Rscript.exe"
input the name of your file in the parameters field
input the path where the script is to be found in the Start in field
go to the Triggers tab
create new trigger
choose that task should be done each day, month, ... repeated several times, or whatever you like
Supposing your R script is mytest.r, located in D:\mydocuments\, you can create a batch file including the following command:
C:\R\R-2.10.1\bin\Rcmd.exe BATCH D:\mydocuments\mytest.r
Then add it, as a new task, to windows task scheduler, setting there the triggering conditions.
You could also omit the batch file. Set C:\R\R-2.10.1\bin\Rcmd.exe in the program/script textbox in task scheduler, and give as Arguments the rest of the initial command: BATCH D:\mydocuments\mytest.r
Scheduling R Tasks via Windows Task Scheduler (Posted on February 11, 2015)
taskscheduleR: R package to schedule R scripts with the Windows task manager (Posted on March 17, 2016)
I recently adopted the use of batch files again, because I wanted the cmd window to be minimized (I couldn't find another way).
Specifically, I fill the windows task scheduler Actions tab as follows:
Add arguments (optional):
/c start /min D:\mydocuments\mytest.bat ^& exit
Contents of mytest.bat:
C:\R\R-3.5.2\bin\x64\Rscript.exe D:\mydocuments\mytest.r params
Now there is built in option in RStudio to do this, to run scheduler first install below packages
install.packages("taskscheduleR", repos = "http://www.datatailor.be/rcube", type =
After installing go to
**TOOLS -> ADDINS ->BROWSE ADDINS ->taskscheduleR -> Select it and execute it.**
Setting up the task scheduler
Step 1) Open the task scheduler (Start > search Task Scheduler)
Step 2) Click "Action" > "Create Task"
Step 3) Select "Run only when the user is logged on", uncheck "Run with highest priveledges", name your task,
configure for "Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008"
Step 4) Under the "Triggers" tab, set when you would like the script to run
Step 5) Under the "Actions" tab, put the full location of the Rscript.exe file, i.e.
"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.6.2\bin\Rscript.exe" (include the quotes)
Put the name of your script with with -e and source() in arguments wrapping it like this:
-e "source('C:/location_of_my_script/test.R')"
Troubleshooting a Rscript scheduled in the Task Scheduler
When you run a script using the Task Scheduler, it is difficult to troubleshoot any issues because you don't get any error messages.
This can be resolved by using the sink() function in R which will allow you to output all error messages to a file that you specify. Here is how you can do this:
# Set up error log ------------------------------------------------------------
error_log <- file("C:/location_of_my_script/error_log.Rout", open="wt")
sink(error_log, type="message")
# insert your code here
The other thing that you will have to change to make your Rscript work is to specify the full file path of any file paths in your script.
This will not work in task scheduler:
You will need to specify the full file path of any scripts you are sourcing within your Rscript:
Additionally, I would remove any special characters from any file paths that you are referencing in your R script. For example:
df <- fread("C:/location_of_my_data/file#2342.csv")
may not run. Instead, try:
df <- fread("C:/location_of_my_data/file_2342.csv")
Changing windows passwords
Beware: Changing windows passwords will pause your task scheduler script(s). You will need to log back into the task scheduler and enter your password to get them started again.
I set up my tasks via the SCHTASKS program. For running scripts on startup, you would write something along the lines of
SCHTASKS /Create /SC ONSTART /TN MyProgram /TR "R CMD BATCH --vanilla d:\path\to\script.R"
See this website for more details on SCHTASKS. More details at Microsoft's website.
You can use Windows Task Scheduler.
After following any combination of these steps and you receive the "Argument Batch Ignored" error after R.exe runs, try this, it worked for me.
In Windows Task Scheduler:
Replace BATCH "C:\Users\desktop\yourscript.R"in the arguments field
CMD BATCH --vanilla --slave "C:\Users\desktop\yourscript.R"