Remote execution with on a Single node with Multiple GPU - fb-hydra

I am looking into documentation for running hydra on a single node remotely. I am looking for methods where I can run a code present in my local machine and to run it on a GCP instance.
Any pointers?

It sounds like you are looking for a Hydra Launcher that supports GCP.
For now, Hydra does not support this. We do have a Ray Launcher that launches to AWS and could be further extended to launching on GCP. Feel free to subscribe this issue.


Arflow in ECS cluster

I have previously used Airflow running Ubuntu VM. I was able to login into VM via WinSCP and putty to run commands and edit Airflow related files as required.
But i first time came across Airflow running AWS ECS cluster. I am new to ECS So, i am trying to see what is the best possible way to :
run commands like "airflow dbinit", stop/start web-server and scheduler etc...
Install new python packages like "pip install "
View and edit Airflow files in ECS cluster
I was reading about AWS CLI and ECS cli could they be helpful ? or is there is any other best possible way that lets me do above mentioned actions.
Thanks in Advance.
Kind Regards
There are many articles that describe how to run Airflow on ECS:
many more
[ Note: Fargate allows you to run containers via ECS without a need to have EC2 instances. More here if you want additional background re what Fargate is]
Also, AWS CLI is a generic CLI that maps all AWS APIs (mostly 1:1). You may consider it for your deployment (but it should not be your starting point).
The ECS CLI is a more abstracted CLI that exposes higher level constructs and workflows that are specific to ECS. Note that the ECS CLI has been superseded by AWS Copilot which is an opinionated CLI to deploy workloads patterns on ECS. It's perhaps too opinionated to be able to deploy Airflow.
My suggestion is to go through the blogs above and get inspired.

Trigger mainframe job from AirFlow

May I know if AirFlow support Mainframe jobs ? Can we schedule Mainframe jobs using AirFlow ?
Thanks in advance.
I do not know airflow specifically, but we have used Ansible, Jenkins, and IBM Urban Code Deploy for orchestration that includes distributed and mainframe process parts.
You can SSH into z/OS and use Bash, Python, cURL, Node.js, or Groovy. You could submit JCL via REST APIs. There is a command line processor for Db2 to execute SQL and stored procedures via bash terminal. There is the new Zowe CLI that brings a modern command line interface to z/OS.
I would ask the question - what is the nature of what you want to be scheduled? What language is it written in, or what language do you want it written in? If something exists today, what is the process and how is it scheduled today?
While I haven't used airflow, you can use modern interfaces to do things on z/OS, and frequently that is what is actually needed to integrate with orchestration tools.
Elaborating on Patrick Bossman's good summary, Apache Airflow definitely supports SSH connections to run commands and/or transfer files:
z/OS includes OpenSSH as a standard, IBM supported feature in the base operating system at no additional charge, although it's possible it's not running in your particular z/OS installation. Dovetailed Technologies has published a helpful "Quick Install Guide" that explains how to configure and start OpenSSH on z/OS if it isn't configured already:
Their reference points to IBM's official z/OS documentation if you need more information.
You may decide to have other connections to z/OS from Apache Airflow, but SSH is certainly an available option.
FYI, it appears possible to run Apache Airflow directly on z/OS 2.4 itself. I haven't personally tried it, but it looks good to go. The recipe to do that would be as follows:
Configure and fire up the z/OS Container Extensions ("zCX"), a standard, included, IBM supported, no additional charge feature in z/OS 2.4 that's compatible with IBM z14 and higher model IBM Z machines.
Install and run a Python container (Docker/OCI format) on zCX, for example a Python container from DockerHub. You'll need a Python container image that includes "s390x" architecture support, either on its own or in a multi-architecture container. (No problem with DockerHub's image.)
Use pip to install Apache Airflow within your Python container, per normal.
Configure your SSH (and perhaps other) connection(s) from Airflow to the rest of z/OS, as described above.
You can also run Apache Airflow on Linux on Z/LinuxONE, either on the same IBM Z machine where z/OS runs or on a different machine. You can test Apache Airflow using the free (for up to 120 days) IBM LinuxONE Community Cloud, and you could even create your own custom Docker/OCI container on the LinuxONE Community Cloud for deployment to zCX.
It might even be possible to run Airflow on Python for z/OS, without zCX, although if so there'd be some more work involved. Python for z/OS is available from Rocket Software here:

Meteor application dies when I close my ssh session with server

Standard procedure to start with
meteor app -p 3000&
This works, except when I close the ssh connection, application is no more running? I have no clue why this is happening.
Awakening Edit:
I use PM2 for traditional node apps, but if I have to setup process monitors, logs, database all by myself. I could just go back to reactjs and socketio and rock it with node.
Consider use mup package from Arunoda to easily deploy and run your app in production.
You could launch meteor with nohup (no hang-up) which serves this purpose.
nohup meteor --production &
But it's not a good idea to run a site in production with meteor anyway.
What should I do to run meteor forever ?
You can use forever, a Node.js tool designed to run node apps as services.
I also want to point that forever is getting old and I've heard of better recent alternatives but it seems to still be a pretty common tool. You could also use systemd which integrates better with the UNIX service ecosystem but that's anoter story.
But first, you'll have to "demeteorize" your meteor application like this :
cd my-project-meteor
meteor bundle --directory ../my-project-node
this is going to take some time
cd ../my-project-node/programs/server
npm install
this is going to take some time too
So now you have a plain node app, that you can run with node main.js
Let me mention that it might be a good idea to use the node version used by meteor which is 0.10.29 as of meteor 0.9.1 You can install it traditionally or you could use the node version that is shipped with the meteor tool.
sudo ln -s ~/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/1.0.27/meteor-tool-os.linux.x86_64/dev_bundle/bin/node /usr/bin/node
sudo ln -s ~/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/1.0.27/meteor-tool-os.linux.x86_64/dev_bundle/bin/npm /usr/bin/npm
Note that this way of "installing" node + npm on your system is problematic because :
it assumes you're doing only meteor related stuff.
it is dependant on the release process of the meteor tool (you'll need to rerun these commends if the meteor tool is updated).
You can install the forever tool using npm :
-g means globally : give access to forever to all users on the system
sudo npm install -g forever
To launch your node app as a service, you can use the following command, which sets correctly some environment variables and run the app using forever :
sudo export PORT=80 MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost/my-project-mongodb ROOT_URL=http://localhost forever start my-project-node/main.js
You can monitor it using forever stop my-project-node/main.js
Also, what's the point of using 3rd party database service like
When using the meteor tool, it launches a mongod process automatically for you, and the underlying node process executed by meteor representing your app connects to this mongo instance.
When we want to launch our meteor app as a node app, we have to handle the mongo stuff ourself, which kinda answer the question : why not using another service to handle it for us, they know better, right ?
Doesn't it slow down the website, because now application has to connect to their database instead of local database ?
Of course, relying on a 3rd party database service has its inconvenients, and this is one of them. Network communications will always be slower than interprocess communications taking place on localhost (this is especially true on these SSD backed cheap VPS you can find nowadays).
And how exactly do I connect to mongolab for example ?
By setting an appropriate value to the environment variable MONGO_URL, the database service provider will give you an url that corresponds to your online mongodb, this is what you need to pass to the node process in command line if you want meteor to connect to your distant database and work as usual.
If you want to launch a dedicated local mongod instance to let your application connect to it, well this is another topic but you'll have to follow these steps :
first install mongodb correctly on your server, using the reference documentation for the OS version. By correctly I mean choose the same version as meteor is using currently (2.4.9) and let it run as a service so that it will actually restart when your server reboots.
test that mongod is running by launching a client with the mongo command.
pass the correct MONGO_URL when launching your app with forever (something like mongodb://localhost/my-project-mongodb)
Understand now why meteor deploy is amazing :D
Answer copy from here

Deploying an ASP.NET web site to a remote VPS with Jenkins

I am just starting to get my head wrapped around continuous deployment with Jenkins, but I am running into some roadblocks and I haven't really found very many good, definitive resources on the topic in regards to ASP.NET applications.
I have set up a local build server than successfully pulls down code from a SVN repo, and builds it OK with MSBuild. This works well so far, but now I'd like to automate pushing this compiled code to a development server.
My problem is this - from what I gather based on what I read (which may be an incorrect assumption...) is that the staging server is typically within the same network as the build server, meaning you can share network resources, servers, etc.
In my case, I want to run the Jenkins server on a remote VPS, then deploy to other remote VPSes (so, essentially individual isolated machines communicating with each other).
I have seen alot of terms, but I am very new in my Sys Admin / DevOps type skills.
So, my question is this:
Is it even possible to, using Jenkins on a VPS, to then deploy to any particular server I choose? (I have full access to all of them, so if its a security thing, I can fix that... but they are not within the same network/domain)
What is the method to achieve this? I've seen xcopy, Web Deployment Packages (msdeploy), batch scripts, etc. mentioned, but not really a guidance behind what to use in what situations. Are any of these methods useful to achieve my goal?
Thanks for any help or guidance!
How is your Powershell? ;) You should check out psake.
psake is a build automation tool written in PowerShell. It avoids the
angle-bracket tax associated with executable XML by leveraging the
PowerShell syntax in your build scripts. psake has a syntax inspired
by rake (aka make in Ruby) and bake (aka make in Boo), but is easier
to script because it leverages your existent command-line knowledge.
psake is pronounced sake – as in Japanese rice wine. It does NOT rhyme
with make, bake, or rake.
You can deploy your files to the target server through SSH. Jenkins do support transfers through SSH. All you need to do is setting up a SSH server ex : CopSSH and a user account with admin permissions. and configuring the Jenkins to transfer through SSH.
Create host configurations in the main Jenkins configuration
Add an SSH Server
Add the public key to the remote server (the build server)
Click "Test Configuration"
Configure a job to Publish Over SSH (Post Build Action)
Add Transfer Set.
Refer Publish Over SSH For More details

openstack first program

I have setup my openstack dev environment. Now i want to write hello world program (for example i want to write a hello world program in a file say test and when i run nova-manage test it should print Hello World). i looked into web for programming guide, all i found was installation and admin manual. I even went through question openstack Hello World , wasn't helpful. I could use some help...
thanks in advance..
So by openstack dev environment I assume you mean something like devstack ( ).
And by openstack I assume ( since you referenced nova-manage ) you are using the nova component of openstack.
nova is a cloud compute controller. it effectively acts as an API for managing virtual machines. Usually in linux this means kvm or xen hypervisor enabled virtual machines. But it is not constrained to this.
By default devstack uses kvm as it's hypervisor of choice.
Openstack will allow you to launch 'instances' once you have loaded images into the glance imagestore. These images function like templates for virtual machines. When you launch an instance based off an existing image you will receive a running virtual machine within your project in openstack. You can ssh to that instance and use it just like any other linux box if the image you are using is a linux image.
Ubuntu cloud services have a list of available images that are compatible with glance and can be freely downloaded.
So... at this point in the explanation I have to assume you think that openstack is something like cloud foundry. It is not. Nova provides IaaS solutions. Infrastructure as a Service. Not PaaS / SaaS as something like cloud foundry would.
Does this make sense?
