unable to find airflow.cfg file in windows 10 - airflow

I have installed apache airflow using docker desktop for windows and able to create DAGs and running webserver without issue. Here my question is, am unable to find airflow.cfg file in my local machine.
I am new to Airflow and docker please help me to find this one.


Jetbains Rider remote debugging ASP.NET Core 6.0 apps through SSH kept failing

I am trying to remote debug via ssh on an ubuntu host at Ali with no success. I'm using the the latest Rider, 2022.1 EAP 10.
The error is:
Debugger worker was not initialized within 100,000 ms
I’m running Ubuntu 20.04 64bit on Ali Cloud. And one side note: for the following steps from Jetbrains documents, I wasn’t able to succeed:
cd /[application path]/WebApplication to go to the application root folder.
chmod +x ./WebApplication to add the executable bit if needed.
ASPNETCORE_URLS= ./WebApplication to run the application
WebApplication is a directory, the OS kept complaining it's a directory even after chmod+x. I managed to run the self-contained executable.
It is always better to ask such questions in JetBrains public issue tracker.
This problem should already be fixed in the next Rider versions:

Airflow installation problems

So, I'm trying to install Airflow on my laptop and I was able to do that using WSL but I can't seem to open it.
My webserver is running but I cant open it on localhost:8080
The system is taking eons to run airflow scheduler

What is causing airflow webserver to fail and restart on docker for Mac?

I am trying to get Airflow running on a local Docker Desktop for Mac installation using the Quick Start instructions for a Docker installation at https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow/stable/start/docker.html. The install seems to go correctly, but when I start up the services using docker-compose up, all the services launch except for the webserver. That service starts, but then fails and restarts, over and over. The log shows this error:
EDIT: I found the issue in case someone else runs into it. The default configuration of Docker desktop for Mac doesn't allocate enough memory to run webserver. I bumped up the memory allocation in Docker, restarted everything, and all was good.
increasing the memory configuration of the docker worked for me
Docs for docker configurations on mac: https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/

docker cannot run in visual studio

error during connect: Get http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.26/containers/json: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified. In the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker client must be run elevated to connect. This error may also indicate that the docker ...
Try running Visual Studio as admin. Also check if your daemon is running and ready. If you are using docker for windows, and not only the binaries, then there should be a docker icon on the task bar. Also try to give more context in your question, exactly when did this happen?

Running meteor on linux server

I am trying to get my localhost working on my remote (mediatemple) server.
I have bundled it up and have a /myurl.com/bundle folder with the following files.
this folder contains
How do I get this to run?
You should take a look in the README inside the bundle folder. Normally everything ist described there to start your app.
Make sure that NODEJS and MONGO is installed on your remote server. This is NOT included in your bundle as well as NODEJS is not present.
If you are running a system like debian or ubuntu normally you can do the installation with
apt-get install nodejs mongo
Make sure, that the nodejs has release v0.10.36 or v0.10.38
node --version
At the README you see the necessary ENV-VARS like MONGO_URL and PORT you need to set to start your meteor app.
If you have running a apache server already the PORT 80 is already blocked, so try PORT=3000 to start your meteor app.
MONGO_URL='mongodb://localhost:27017/yourapp' ROOT_URL="http://yourhost" PORT=3000 node main.js
If using as above you do not need to export the ENV-VARS before start
Sometime when starting, there are missing NPM – you get fiber errors
In that case
cd programs/server
npm install
and the try start again.
Good luck
(I'm writing this response assuming that you are not worried about scalability issue, respond in comment if you want to scale your app)
The best option for running a node application, which Meteor application is, is by using forever.
npm install forever
forever start simple-server.js
If you want to figure out how to see the log files and how to stop/restart your service, you can run forever --help to see all the commands.
