How to close Microsoft Edge browser's new tab in c# code -

How to run same page in browser, when I stopping and re running a page its displaying in new tab and i don't want to display in new tab and I want to display in same page and I'm working on windows form application in c# .net.
Can u please suggest me any one.
The below code I have written like this way.
Process[] Edge = Process.GetProcessesByName("MicrosoftEdge");
foreach (Process Item in Edge)
catch (Exception)

Based on my research, I could not find a way to use Process to display the same page in the Edge.
However, I find a alternative method to do it.
First, please install nuget-package Selenium.WebDriver and Selenium.WebDriver.MSEdgeDriver.
Second, please copy the msedgedriver.exe from the packages (path:packages\Selenium.WebDriver.MSEdgeDriver.91.0.864.37\driver\win64)to the bin\debug folder and rename it to MicrosoftWebDriver.exe
Finally, you could try the following code to open the Google page to replace the Bing Page in the same tab:
var driver = new EdgeDriver();
// Navigate to Bing
driver.Url = "";
// Navigate to Google
driver.Url = "";


Using WebBrowser in ASP.Net Web Application

I am trying to use a WebBrowser in a .cs class in a Web Application - NOT A WINDOWS FORM app using (VS 2019).
I know it's a Windows Form app control, but it seems like I should be able to use it in a Web App.
Using WebBrowser in Web App does not have the .Url property, so I just use the .Navigate directly - this is where the code breaks.
I have tried many suggestions on the Net, but nothing seems to work - it looks like most of the examples uses a Web Page - I want to use the WebBrowser directly in code (.cs class).
private static void LoginViaUserAgentFlow()
Thread thread = new Thread(delegate ()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.Format("{0}/services/oauth2/authorize",
sb.Append(String.Format("&client_id={0}", RHOutlook.chosenInstance.clientId));
sb.Append(String.Format("&redirect_uri={0}", System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(RHOutlook.chosenInstance.redirectUri)));
WebBrowser webBrowserSFDCLogin = new WebBrowser();
//Here I can't use the .Url becaue it is not available - so I just use
//Navigate to get to the site
webBrowserSFDCLogin.Url = new Uri(sb.ToString());
//This is were it breaks, comes back with error when I navigate to the site.
//This code is never reached - failed at above code.
if (webBrowserSFDCLogin.LocationURL != null && webBrowserSFDCLogin.LocationURL.StartsWith(RHOutlook.chosenInstance.redirectUri))
//webBrowserSFDCLogin.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;
I expect to be able to navigate to the external website. If I can navigate to the site if I copy the url directly in a browser (say Chrome).
I tried using ; this gives me the Url property, but still get the error.
You really should stick to suggestions and examples.
What you are trying to do is to use class that is designed for Windows Application inside a Web Application.
Those two frameworks are similar like Earth and Mars. I am afraid you are not going to be able to grow a tree on Mars.

Selenium iframe selection issue

I'm testing our website login sequence with selenium. When I click login it loads an iframe, and the iframe id value changes each time it is loaded. So the test case fails in selenium.
What is the the command to read only the dynamic part of the iframe and locate it during the test run?
try this for capturing the popup,
String parentWindowHandle = browser.getWindowHandle(); // save the current window handle.
WebDriver popup = null;
Iterator<String> windowIterator = browser.getWindowHandles();
while(windowIterator.hasNext()) {
String windowHandle =;
popup = browser.switchTo().window(windowHandle);
Hope it will helpful to you
Use FrameIndex to switch iframes.
or use xpath
Or share Html Code so we can give a better solution.

Launching a webpage in browser from an Adobe Air app not working

I've got a webpage I want to hook in to my Adobe Air app. It's running JavaScript, so I can't open it in the app, but I'm trying to launch it in the default system browser.
Here's the code that's supposed to be launching the page:
public function beginModule():void {
var loader:HTMLLoader = new HTMLLoader();
var gameURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("file:///path/to/file.html");
loader.navigateInSystemBrowser = true;
I've also tried using;
but that had no effect.
Every time I hit the above method, that block executes but nothing happens other than a quick cursor change-- no browser opened, no change in the app. What am I missing here?
Before you start, check if the HTML page is properly running in the browser.
To open a HTML page in flex, use the HTML tag: <mx:HTML></mx:HTML>
Something like this:
Thank you.
Simply use :
to navigate to the url in the web-browser.

How to use Google Apps Script into my Website on button click?

I have an Google apps script and I want to call this Google apps script on my web page?How can I achieve this?This is my Google apps Script code for creating a google doc on my drive.
function createAndSendDocument() {
var doc = DocumentApp.create('Hello World');
doc.appendParagraph('This document was created by my first Google Apps Script.');
var url = doc.getUrl();
var emailAddress = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
'Hello '+ url);
and I want to call this function when I click on a button on my web page.But I don't know how to call this function on my button click.And one more thing I also save this script and change this version number and deploy as a web app and get the URL of this Google apps Script.
UPDATE: (added incorrectly in an answer)
Actually i am using this line like this.
btnClick.addEventListener("click", function () {
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "GoogleFunction", "createAndSendDocument()", true);
So please now tell me what's wrong in that?When i run my application then it's show me an error like "The Page is not defined".
Look also at this documentation and also this one, everything is clearly explained .
you can add the div and the code in your page as you needed. also you need to add the javascript codes inside your head if it exists.
hi you can use this code on button click after adding a script manager in the form

How to disable Google Chrome's "Chrome PDF Viewer" using

due to some unavoidable reasons I need to disable Google Chrome's "Chrome PDF Viewer" and enable the adob PDF viewer. I want to do this from and Code. I know it is not possible directly as it is related to change setting's on a client machine but I am ready to ask permission from user if s/he wants to disable the default viewer.
The reason behind this work is that all my PDFs created in iTextSharp are not functioning properly in Google Chrome due to Chrome's default reader. Not all user's can find and disable the plugin manually, hence I want it to be done by code. I need to know that how we can disable the default PDF viewer. AFter this my problem will be solved automatically. pls give me any suggestion about code
Aslong as your embedding the pdf in a html file the following might work for you....
Try changing the type of the embed to type="application/vnd.adobe.pdfxml", I know this isnt what your serving but when I tried it on a normal pdf the plugin didnt choke and showed the pdf using Adobes plugin without having to disable the default (Chromes) reader.
I had to test this on a version of the Adobe plugin that is a bit old as Im on dialup and couldnt be bothered downloading a 50 something meg file just for testing ;). So you should test it on the newest plugin.
Hope it works out for you.
Heres an example page of how to make the pdf take up the full screen like if you just pointed straight to the file...
...its also the page I did my test on.
Google chrome plugins doesnot change the programming way so just inform to the client like a pop up message
<script type="text/javascript">
function CheckPlugin()
var is_chrome = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1;
function findPlugin(ext) {
var thisExt, findExt;
for (var n = 0; n < navigator.plugins.length; n++) {
//alert("n value"+ navigator.plugins.length);
for (var m = 0; m < navigator.plugins[n].length; m++) {
//alert("m length:"+navigator.plugins[n].length);
thisExt = navigator.plugins[n][m].description.toLowerCase();
// alert("this exten"+thisExt);
findExt = thisExt.substring(0, thisExt.indexOf(" "));
if (findExt == ext)
return (true);
return (false);
if (is_chrome ==true) {
//alert("chrome browser");
if (findPlugin("acrobat")) {
//alert("Adobe Acrobat pdf viewer");
return true;
else {
alert("please disable the chrome pdf viewer and enable the Adobe Acrobat PDF viewer \n Please follow the steps:\n 1.Open the new tab 'chrome://plugins/' type the Address. \n 2. Click the Enable link in 'Adobe Acrobat' field. \n 3. click the Disable link in 'Chrome PDF Viewer'. \n 4. Close the tab and you can open the PDf files in chrome browser.");
return false;
else {
//alert("not chrome");
In hyperlink write like this
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server"
NavigateUrl="~/PDFFiles/AGENCY PROFILE APP.pdf" onclick="return CheckPlugin();">Agency profile app</asp:HyperLink>
I think it is more help full.
I use iTextSharp, and Chrome was causing issues when both the Chrome PDF and Adobe were enabled. The submit button would send FDF data back to the server even though the form specified sending the data as XFDF. Setting ContentType to "application/vnd.adobe.pdfxml" solved the problem.
Kudos to PAEz.
