Difference between tracking_uri and the backend store uri in MLFLOW - uri

I am using Mlflow for my project hosting it in an EC2 instance. I was wondering in MlFlow what is the difference between the backend_store_uri we set when we launch the server and the trarcking_uri ?

tracking_uri is the URL of the MLflow server (remote, or built-in in Databricks) that will be used to log metadata & model (see doc). In your case, this will be the URL pointing to your EC2 instance that should be configured in programs that will log parameters into your server.
backend_store_uri - is used by MLflow server to configure where to store this data - on filesystem, in SQL-compatible database, etc. (see doc). If you use SQL database, then you also need to provide the --default-artifact-root option to point where to store generated artifacts (images, model files, etc.)


While configuring BPS DB in wso2 is 5.9.0 , which scripts do i have to import in MySQL?

I am following this document-https://is.docs.wso2.com/en/5.9.0/setup/changing-datasource-bpsds/
deployment.toml Configurations.
url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/IAMtest?useSSL=false"
username = "root"
password = "root"
driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
Executing database scripts.
Navigate to <IS-HOME>/dbscripts. Execute the scripts in the following files, against the database created.
Now create/mysql.sql creates table and the rest two file are responsible for deleting and trucating the same table..............what do i do?????????
Can anyone also tell the use case of BPS datasource??????
Please Help...........
You should only change your bps database if you have a requirement of using the workflow feature[1] in the wso2 identity server. It is mentioned in this documentation https://is.docs.wso2.com/en/5.9.0/setup/changing-to-mysql/
The document supposed to menstion the related db script. But it seems like mis leading. As it has requested to execute all three scripts. if you are using the workflow feature just use the
script to create tables in you mysql database.
[1]. https://is.docs.wso2.com/en/5.9.0/learn/workflow-management/

Is it supported to create an integrated notebookVM when the workspace is configured to be in a VNET?

Trying to follow doc at secure your experiments but after configuring default workspace storage for VNET access, attempts to create integrated notebook VM fails with what looks like a storage access error.
Create Failed:
Failed to clone samples. Error details: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage This request is not authorized to perform this operation.
We are working on adding virtual network support to NotebookVM.

Multiple Config File for Flyway

Let say we have 10-15 micro services running and they have separate DB's. So how to maintain all these 15 config files at a single deployment server. As every db server has different creds, ip address and urls. So how will we manage all these in a single file or we'll have to create separate DB file per micro service ?
Each configuration refers to a single database, so you need to create one file per DB for properties such as URL and credentials. Probably the best way to handle this is to have a repository of configurations named after their DBs, and your deployment mechanism uses the appropriate one. However, you can have a base configuration for common settings and just have connection details per database using the configFiles parameter, eg:
flyway migrate -configFiles=/usr/configurations/base.conf,/usr/configurations/db1.conf
will start from the base configuration and override any settings that also appear in the db1-specific configuration.

Approach to securing test data for public repositories

We have setup nightly testing for an open source project (MERN stack). The Selenium tests require test data which we do not want to not make public. Initially we tried to keep test data as environment variables in the build server (CircleCI) but this approach is not scalable. We do not own any infrastructure - so any database or storage bucket based solutions will need additional cost which will not be feasible based on the org's current budget.Is there a smart solution to keep the test data files secure at no additional cost?
As you know, the challenge is that you need somewhere to put that data. If you're trying to do this without paying any providers, the best I can suggest is Amazon's free tier for either S3 storage or a database. https://aws.amazon.com/free/
Those could be securely accessed from CircleCI by just storing the API keys as project variables.
CircleCI's AWS S3 orb encapsulates the install and setup of AWS CLI to simplify this.
version: 2.1
aws-s3: circleci/aws-s3#1.0.2
- image: 'circleci/node:10'
- checkout
- aws-s3/copy:
from: 's3://your-s3-bucket-name/test_data/somefile.ext'
to: test_data.ext
- run: # your test code here

Execute R Script on AWS via API

I have an R package that I would like to host through Amazon Web Services that will be accessible via an API. The script should take a couple of input values and return the R output in json format. Also, the API should be able to handle multiple requests simultaneously.
So for example, call http://sampleapi.com/?location=USA?state=Florida. That would then run the R package and return the output data to the calling application.
Has anyone done this before or know of resources you can point me to that would explain how to do so? Thanks!
Thanks for all the suggestions. I decided to use Ruby for the API with the rinruby and rails-api gems and will host that through AWS Elastic Beanstalk. See this question for how I am setting it up - Ruby API - Accept parameters and execute script
