Debugging gremlin problems with AWS Neptune - gremlin

I've sent a gremlin statement which fails with the following error:
{"code":"InternalFailureException","requestId":"d924c667-2c48-4a7e-a288-6f23bac6283a","detailedMessage":"null: .property(Cardinality, , String)"} (599)
I've enabled audit logs on the cluster side but there aren't any indications for any errors there although I see the request.
Are there any technics to debug such problems with AWS Neptune?
Since the gremlin is built dynamically and builds complicated graphs with thousands of operations, I'm looking for some way to understand better where the error is.
In one case it turned out the payload was too big and in another, the gremlin bytecode failed although it worked great on the local Tinkerpop Server.
But with the generic internal failure exception it is very hard to pinpoint the issues.
I'm using the Node.js gremlin package (3.5.0).

Thanks for the clarifications. As a side note, Neptune is not yet at the 3.5.0 TinkerPop level so there is always the possibility of mismatches between client and server. The audit log only shows the query received. It does not reflect the results of running the query. When I am debugging issues like this one, I often create a text version of the query (the node client has a translator that can do that for you) and use the Neptune REST API to first of all check the /explain plan - you can also generate that from the Neptune notebooks using %%gremlin explain. If nothing obvious shows up in the explain plan I usually try to run the text version of the query just to see if anything shows up - to rule out the client driver. I also sometimes run my query against a TinkerGraph just to see if the issue is as simple as Neptune not returning the best error message it could. If the text query should work, changing the Node.js Gremlin client driver to 3.4.11 is worth trying.
UPDATED to add a link to the documentation on Gremlin translators.


How to fetch data of a a vertex or an edge from JanusGraph using its Java driver?

I'm connecting to a remote JanusGraph server. There is no problem with the connection but I can't understand the Java API.
I'm running a Java Spring HTTP server. Inside the HTTP response method, I'm creating a graph traversal source like
GraphTraversalSource g = traversal().withRemote("conf/");
It seems fine. But When I want to get data about a Vertex I can not with the below code.
If I do the same with gremlin shell, I see it. See the below picture
If I do g.V(28712).valueMap(true).unfold().toList(); in Java, I see some results.
I just want to fetch data for a vertex or edge with Java. How should I do that?
By default, when you connect to a Gremlin Server using one of the Gremlin clients and you ask for a vertex, what you get back is a reference vertex. A reference vertex just contains the ID and the label. To get some properties you need to include them using valueMap, elementMap, project etc. Alternatively you can configure the Gremlin Server to return all properties. The default is set this way to reduce the amount of data that gets sent back to a client.
Please see the documentation for further details.
There is a link in that documentation to a post about why the decisions were made. For convenience, I am including that link here as well.

Why would the TrackedMessages_Copy_BizTalkMsgBoxDb start failing with "Query processor could not produce a query plan"?

Why would the TrackedMessages_Copy_BizTalkMsgBoxDb SQL Agent job start failing with "Query processor could not produce a query plan"?
Query processor could not produce a query plan because of the hints defined in this query. Resubmit the query without specifying any hints and without using SET FORCEPLAN. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 8622).
Our SQL guys are talking about amending the stored proc. but we've told them to treat BizTalk db's as a black box
It should go without saying, but before anything, make sure to backup your databases. In fact, if your regular backup jobs are running, you may be able to restore a backup and compare things to when it was working on this server. That said -
Check the SQL Agent Job to make sure no additional steps have been added/no plan has been forced/no hints are being used; it should just have one step called 'Purge' that calls the procedure below with the DB server and DTA database name as parameters.
Check the procedure (BizTalkMsgBoxDb.dbo.bts_CopyTrackedMessagesToDTA) to make sure it hasn't been altered.
If this is a production or otherwise sensitive box, back up the DBs and restore them to a local dev environment before proceeding!
If this is not production, see if you can run the procedure (perhaps in a transaction that you rollback) directly in SSMS. See if you get any better errors. Add print statements to see if you can find out exactly where it's getting conflicting hints.
If the procedure won't run, consider freeing the procedure cache (DBCC FREEPROCCACHE) and seeing if the procedure will run.
If it runs in your dev environment from a backup, you may have to start looking at server/database settings. I can't think of which ones off the top of my head that would cause this error though.
For what it's worth, well intentioned DBAs break BizTalk frequently. They decide that an index is missing or not properly covering, or that security could be improved, or that the database should be treated like other databases they administer are treated. I've seen DBAs do really silly things to the BizTalk databases that get very hard to diagnose.
Did you try updating the statistics on the database table referenced by the stored procedure (which is run by the SQL Server Agent job? The query planner uses those to decide how best to execute your SQL.

Error:1411809D:SSL routines - When trying to make https call from inside R module in AzureML

I have an experiment in AzureML which has a R module at its core. Additionally, I have some .RData files stored in Azure blob storage. The blob container is set as private (no anonymous access).
Now, I am trying to make a https call from inside the R script to the azure blob storage container in order to download some files. I am using the httr package's GET() function and properly set up the url, authentication etc...The code works in R on my local machine but the same code gives me the following error when called from inside the R module in the experiment
error:1411809D:SSL routines:SSL_CHECK_SERVERHELLO_TLSEXT:tls invalid ecpointformat list
Apparently this is an error from the underlying OpenSSL library (which got fixed a while ago). Some suggested workarounds I found here were to set sslversion = 3 and ssl_verifypeer = 1, or turn off verification ssl_verifypeer = 0. Both of these approaches returned the same error.
I am guessing that this has something to do with the internal Azure certificate / validation...? Or maybe I am missing or overseeing something?
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
After a while, an answer came back from the support team, so I am going to post the relevant part as an answer here for anyone who lands here with the same problem.
"This is a known issue. The container (a sandbox technology known as "drawbridge" running on top of Azure PaaS VM) executing the Execute R module doesn't support outbound HTTPS traffic. Please try to switch to HTTP and that should work."
As well as that a solution is on the way :
"We are actively looking at how to fix this bug. "
Here is the original link as a reference.

Is there any way to input the result got from the curl via fluentd?

We are seeking the most simple way for sending alfresco's audit log to elasticsearch.
I think using the alfresco supplying query and getting audit log would be most simple way.(since audit log data is hardly watchable on db)
And this query processes the effect measure as json type then I'd like to download the query direct using fluentd and send to elasticsearch.
I roughly understood that it would ouput at elasticsearc but I wonder whether I can download 'curl commend' using query direct at fluentd.
Otherwise, if you have other simple idea to get alfresco's audit log then kindly let me know.
I am not sure weather I understood it fully or not but based on your last statement I am giving this answer.
To retrieve audit entries from alfresco repository you could directly use REST APIs of Alfresco which allows you to access them.

Pool Multiple Messages with BizTalk 2006 SQL Adapter

I have a StoredProcedure that returns a simple table containing several records:
DECLARE #STEPS_TABLE AS TABLE (OrchestrationID uniqueidentifier, [Message] nvarchar(1000));
I used the SQL Transport Schema Generation Wizard to create my schema and could configure the port correctly. If I use this schema on my orchestration, it works perfectly. BizTalk starts one instance of the orchestration everytime the #STEPS_TABLE has more than 1 record.
Reading Microsoft technical documentation, they recommend to get several messages in one call and then use the XML pipeline to disassemble the multi-row BizTalk message into a single-row BizTalk message.
I haven't used the XML pipeline before, so I tried the provided steps but couldn't get it to work.
Could somebody provide me a link to a "how to" (didn't find anything until now, after several hours of searching) or give me some hints to succeed.
Thanks in advance.
... some hours later I could figure it out myself. So if anybody comes across the same issue as me, here you have some guidelines to make it work on your environment.
At the end I followed a different walkthrough from Microsoft and avoided the pipeline recommendation altogether. The documentation I found is called "Disassembling Result Sets Using the SQL Adapter" and does exactly what i was looking for. You can just follow the whole walkthrough from Microsoft but avoid the creation of the send port and make some little adjustment on the receive port.
After following the technical document you will end up with two schemas, I will call them message and envelope (contains several messages) for the sake of this excercise. In your orchestration you can create a receiving port that maps to the message and then when you configure it as a SQL Port and you link it to your stored procedure (or select statement), you only have to change the Document Root Element Name to the envelope root name; the XML Receive pipeline (provided by default in BizTalk 2006) will do the magic of disassembling the messages contained in the envelope and instantiating an orchestration for each message.
The Microsoft "Disassembling Result Sets Using the SQL Adapter" walkthrough can be found under:
Mission accomplished :)
