How can I make a inf-Matrix in Julia? - julia

I want to set up the lowest boundary of my Problem as a -inf also without a limit and here comes the codes
#time begin
using COSMO, SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra
using NPZ
Matrix10 = npzread("C:/Users/skqkr/Desktop/Semesterarbeit/Chiwan_Q1.npz")
q = Matrix10["p"];
P = sparse(Matrix10["Q"]);
A = sparse(Matrix10["G"]);
h = Matrix10["h"];
l = Matrix10["l"];
# First, we decide to solve the problem with two one-sided constraints using `COSMO.Nonnegatives` as the convex set:
Aa = [-A; A]
ba = [h; -l]
constraint1 = COSMO.Constraint(Aa, ba, COSMO.Nonnegatives);
# Next, we define the settings object, the model and then assemble everything:
settings = COSMO.Settings(verbose=true);
model = COSMO.Model();
assemble!(model, P, q, constraint1, settings = settings);
res = COSMO.optimize!(model);
# Alternatively, we can also use two-sided constraints with `COSMO.Box`:
constraint1 = COSMO.Constraint(A, zeros(3), COSMO.Box(-l, h));
model = COSMO.Model();
assemble!(model, P, q, constraint1, settings = settings);
res_box = COSMO.optimize!(model);
so I want
l = Matrix10["l"];
here ll as a Matrix without a limit so, the constraints of the qp would be this form.
How should I do in order to make the limits minus infinits.
thank you!!


Error when calculating RHS of ode "no method matching Float64(::Num)"

I have some code that uses a function to calculate some changes in concentration, but I get an error of:
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching Float64(::Num)
Closest candidates are:
(::Type{T})(::Real, ::RoundingMode) where T<:AbstractFloat at rounding.jl:200
(::Type{T})(::T) where T<:Number at boot.jl:760
(::Type{T})(::AbstractChar) where T<:Union{AbstractChar, Number} at char.jl:50
I have attached a MWE below.
The code initializes some parameters, and uses the initialized parameters to calculate additional parameters (Ke and kb), then inputs these parameters into my function oderhs(c,Ke,kb,aw,aw²,aw³,ρζ,ρζ²,ρζ³,γ,γ²) which should return dc which is my solution vector that I require.
using DifferentialEquations
#parameters t c0[1:4] Ke[1:2] kb[1:2] aw aw² aw³ ρ ζ ρζ ρζ² γ γ² T
# Calculate parameters
ρ = 0.592
ζ = 1.0
ρζ = ρ*ζ
ρζ² = ρζ*ρζ
ρζ³ = ρζ*ρζ²
aw = 0.995
aw² = aw*aw
aw³ = aw*aw²
γ = 1.08
γ² = γ*γ
T = 590.0
# calculate equilibrium constants
Ke[01] = (1.0E-06)*10.0^(-4.098 + (-3245.2/T) + (2.2362E+05/(T^2)) + (-3.9984E+07/(T^3)) + (log10(ρ) * (13.957 + (-1262.3/T) + (8.5641E+05/(T^2)))) )
Ke[02] = 10^(28.6059+0.012078*T+(1573.21/T)-13.2258*log10(T))
# calculate backward rate constants
kb[01] = Ke[01]*ρζ²/γ²
kb[02] = Ke[02]*γ/ρζ
# set initial concentrations
c0 = [0.09897, 0.01186, 2.94e-5, 4.17e-8]
function oderhs(c,Ke,kb,aw,aw²,aw³,ρζ,ρζ²,ρζ³,γ,γ²)
# rename c to their corresponding species
H₃BO₃ = c[1]; H₄BO₄⁻ = c[2]; OH⁻ = c[3]; H⁺ = c[4];
# rename Ke to their corresponding reactions
Ke_iw1 = Ke[1]; Ke_ba1 = Ke[2];
# rename kb to their corresponding reactions
kb_iw1 = kb[1]; kb_ba1 = kb[2];
# determine the rate of reaction for each reaction
r_iw1 = kb_iw1*(H⁺*OH⁻ - Ke_iw1*ρζ²*aw/γ²)
r_ba1 = kb_ba1*(H₄BO₄⁻ - H₃BO₃*OH⁻*Ke_ba1*γ/ρζ)
dc = zeros(eltype(c),4)
# calculate the change in species concentration
dc[1] = r_ba1
dc[2] = r_ba1
dc[3] = r_iw1 + r_ba1
dc[4] = r_iw1
return dc
dc = oderhs(c0,Ke,kb,aw,aw²,aw³,ρζ,ρζ²,ρζ³,γ,γ²)
zeros(eltype(c),4) creates an Array of Float64, which isn't what you want because you're trying to create a symbolic version of the ODE equations (right? otherwise this doesn't make sense). Thus you want to this be like zeros(Num,4), so that the return is the symbolic equations, and then you'd generate the actual code for DifferentialEquations.jl from the ModelingToolkit.jl ODESystem.

ST-HOSVD in Julia

I am trying to implement ST-HOSVD algorithm in Julia because I could not found library which contains ST-HOSVD.
See this paper in Algorithm 1 in page7.
I cannot reproduce input (4,4,4,4) tensor by approximated tensor whose tucker rank is (2,2,2,2).
I think I have some mistake in indexes of matrix or tensor elements, but I could not locate it.
How to fix it?
If you know library of ST-HOSVD, let me know.
ST-HOSVD is really common way to reduce information. I hope the question helps many Julia user.
using TensorToolbox
function STHOSVD(A, reqrank)
N = ndims(A)
S = copy(A)
Sk = undef
Uk = []
for k = 1:N
if k == 1
Sk = tenmat(S, k)
Sk_svd = svd(Sk)
U1 = Sk_svd.U[ :, 1:reqrank[k] ]
V1t = Sk_svd.V[1:reqrank[k], : ]
Sigma1 = diagm( Sk_svd.S[1:reqrank[k]] )
Sk = Sigma1 * V1t
push!(Uk, U1)
X = ttm(Sk, Uk[1], 1)
for k=2:N
X = ttm(X, Uk[k], k)
return X
A = rand(4,4,4,4)
X = X_STHOSVD(A, [2,2,2,2])
Here, Sk = tenmat(S, k) is mode n matricization of tensor S.
S∈R^{I_1×I_2×…×I_N}, S_k∈R^{I_k×(Π_{m≠k}^{N} I_m)}
The function is contained in TensorToolbox.jl. See "Basis" in Readme.
The definition of mode-k Matricization can be seen the paper in page 460.
It works.
I have seen 26 page in this slide
using TensorToolbox
using LinearAlgebra
using Arpack
function STHOSVD(T, reqrank)
N = ndims(T)
tensor_shape = size(T)
for i = 1 : N
T_i = tenmat(T, i)
if reqrank[i] == tensor_shape[i]
USV = svd(T_i)
USV = svds(T_i; nsv=reqrank[i] )[1]
T = ttm( T, USV.U * USV.U', i)
return T

How to train a Neural ODE to predict Lotka Voltera Time Series in Julia?

I want to decouple the ODE from which a time series data is generated and a Neural Network embedded in an ODE which is trying to learn the structure of this data. In other terms, I want to replicate the example on time-series extrapolation provided in, but with a different underlying function, i.e. I am using Lotka-Voltera to generate the data.
My workflow in Julia is the following (Note that I am rather new to Julia, but I hope it's clear.):
train_size = 32
tspan_train = (0.0f0,4.00f0)
u0 = [1.0,1.0]
p = [1.5,1.0,3.0,1.0]
function lotka_volterra(du,u,p,t)
x, y = u
α, β, δ, γ = p
du[1] = dx = α*x - β*x*y
du[2] = dy = -δ*y + γ*x*y
t_train = range(tspan_train[1],tspan_train[2],length = train_size)
prob = ODEProblem(lotka_volterra, u0, tspan_train,p)
ode_data_train = Array(solve(prob, Tsit5(),saveat=t_train))
function create_neural_ode(solver, tspan, t_saveat)
dudt = Chain(
ps = Flux.params(dudt)
n_ode = NeuralODE(dudt, tspan, solver, saveat = t_saveat, reltol=1e-7, abstol=1e-9)
function predict_n_ode(ps)
function loss_n_ode(ps)
pred = predict_n_ode(ps)
loss = sum(abs2, ode_data_train .- pred)
n_ode = create_neural_ode(Tsit5(), tspan_train, t_train)
final_p = Any[]
losses = []
cb = function(p,loss,pred)
push!(final_p, copy(p))
pl = scatter(t_train, ode_data_train[1,:],label="data")
sol = DiffEqFlux.sciml_train!(loss_n_ode, n_ode.p, ADAM(0.05), cb = cb, maxiters = 100)
# Plot and save training results
x = 1:100
plot_to_save = plot(x,losses,title=solver_name,label="loss")
plot(x,losses,title=solver_name, label="loss")
However I can observe that my NN is not learning much, it stagnates and the loss stays at around 155 with Euler and Tsit5, and behaves a bit better with RK4 (loss 142).
I would be very thankful if someone points out if I'm doing an error in my implementation or if this behaviour is expected.
Increasing the number for maxiters = to 300 helped achieving better fits, but the training is extremely unstable.

solve system of ODEs with read in external forcing

In Julia, I want to solve a system of ODEs with external forcings g1(t), g2(t) like
dx1(t) / dt = f1(x1, t) + g1(t)
dx2(t) / dt = f2(x1, x2, t) + g2(t)
with the forcings read in from a file.
I am using this study to learn Julia and the package DifferentialEquations, but I am having difficulties finding the correct approach.
I could imagine that using a callback could work, but that seems pretty cumbersome.
Do you have an idea of how to implement such an external forcing?
You can use functions inside of the integration function. So you can use something like Interpolations.jl to build an interpolating polynomial from the data in your file, and then do something like:
g1 = interpolate(data1, options...)
g2 = interpolate(data2, options...)
p = (g1,g2) # Localize these as parameters to the model
function f(du,u,p,t)
g1,g2 = p
du[1] = ... + g1[t] # Interpolations.jl interpolates via []
du[2] = ... + g2[t]
# Define u0 and tspan
Thanks for a nice question and nice answer by #Chris Rackauckas.
Below a complete reproducible example of such a problem. Note that Interpolations.jl has changed the indexing to g1(t).
using Interpolations
using DifferentialEquations
using Plots
time_forcing = -1.:9.
data_forcing = [1,0,0,1,1,0,2,0,1, 0, 1]
g1_cst = interpolate((time_forcing, ), data_forcing, Gridded(Constant()))
g1_lin = scale(interpolate(data_forcing, BSpline(Linear())), time_forcing)
p_cst = (g1_cst) # Localize these as parameters to the model
p_lin = (g1_lin) # Localize these as parameters to the model
function f(du,u,p,t)
g1 = p
du[1] = -0.5 + g1(t) # Interpolations.jl interpolates via ()
# Define u0 and tspan
u0 = [0.]
tspan = (-1.,9.) # Note, that we would need to extrapolate beyond
ode_cst = ODEProblem(f,u0,tspan,p_cst)
ode_lin = ODEProblem(f,u0,tspan,p_lin)
# Solve and plot
sol_cst = solve(ode_cst)
sol_lin = solve(ode_lin)
# Plot
time_dense = -1.:0.1:9.
scatter(time_forcing, data_forcing, label = "discrete forcing")
plot!(time_dense, g1_cst(time_dense), label = "forcing1", line = (:dot, :red))
plot!(sol_cst, label = "solution1", line = (:solid, :red))
plot!(time_dense, g1_lin(time_dense), label = "forcing2", line = (:dot, :blue))
plot!(sol_lin, label = "solution2", line = (:solid, :blue))

Storing information during optim()

I have a general function I have provided an example below if simple linear regression:
x = 1:30
y = 0.7 * x + 32
Data = rnorm(30, mean = y, sd = 2.5);
lin = function(pars = c(grad,cons)) {
expec = pars[1] * x + pars[2];
SSE = sum((Data - expec)^2)
start_vals = c(0.2,10)
estimates = optim(par = start_vals, fn = lin);
## plot the data
Fit = estimates$par[1] * x + estimates$par[2]
lines(x, Fit, col = "red")
So that's straight forward. What I want is to store the expectation for the last set of parameters, so that once I have finished optimizing I can view them. I have tried using a global container and trying to populating it if the function is executed but it doesn't work, e.g
Expectation = c();
lin = function(pars = c(grad,cons)) {
expec = pars[1] * x + pars[2];
Expectation = expec;
SSE = sum((Data - expec)^2)
start_vals = c(0.2,10)
estimates = optim(par = start_vals, fn = lin);
Expectation ## print the expectation that would relate to estimates$par
I know that this is trivial to do outside of the function, but my actual problem (which is analogous to this) is much more complex. Basically I need to return internal information that can't be retrospectively calculated. Any help is much appreciated.
you should use <<- instead of = in your lin function, Expectation <<- expec,The operators <<- and ->> are normally only used in functions, and cause a search to be made through parent environments for an existing definition of the variable being assigned.
