Here's what I have right now:
func (client Client) PressButton(i int, k int, msg Message) error {
if client.Token == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("no token")
url := ""
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
data := map[string]interface{}{"component_type": msg.Components[i].Buttons[k].Type, "custom_id": msg.Components[i].Buttons[k].CustomID, "hash": msg.Components[i].Buttons[k].Hash}
values := map[string]interface{}{"application_id": "270904126974590976", "channel_id": msg.ChannelID, "type": "3", "data": data, "guild_id": msg.GuildID, "message_flags": 0, "message_id": msg.ID,}
json_data, err := json.Marshal(values)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error while encoding button click as json: %v", err)
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, strings.NewReader(string(json_data)))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error while creating http request: %v", err)
req.Header.Set("authorization", client.Token)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
httpClient := &http.Client{}
resp, err := httpClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error while sending http request: %v", err)
if resp.StatusCode != 204 {
switch resp.StatusCode {
case http.StatusUnauthorized:
return ErrUnauthorized
case http.StatusForbidden:
return ErrForbidden
case http.StatusNotFound:
return ErrNotFound
case http.StatusTooManyRequests:
return ErrTooManyRequests
case http.StatusInternalServerError:
return ErrIntervalServer
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code while clicking button: %v", resp.StatusCode)
return nil
This works perfectly 90% of the times. But sometimes I get an error 400. I looked it up, I tried every recommended solution, I have confirmed that the payload and the URL are absolutely right moreover it wouldn't work most of the times if they weren't. I've also tried changing the headers among other things.
Here's an example payload that was sent (Before Marshaling) :
map[application_id:12345 channel_id:872747211551801384 data:map[component_type:2 custom_id:c34117ee-a332-4d7c-888f-47081e40092f:0 hash:]
(Changed the application id)
Response status is 400, here's the response body:
{"code": 50035, "errors": {"data": {"_errors": [{"code": "COMPONENT_VALIDATION_FAILED", "message": "Component validation failed"}]}}, "message": "Invalid Form Body"}
I've absolutely scavanged the internet and coding servers on discord to understand why this is happening.
The hash is always an empty field now, earlier it used to have a value for my use-case. I just left it in so it's more generalized.
I'm trying to get the http status code in goland.
I'm passing the authorization token as well.
This is what I tried so far:
func StatusCode(PAGE string, AUTH string) (r string){
resp, err := http.NewRequest("GET", PAGE, nil)
if err != nil {
resp.Header.Set("Authorization", AUTH)
fmt.Println("HTTP Response Status:", resp.StatusCode, http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode))
r := resp.StatusCode + http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode)
Basically I want to get this:
r = "200 OK"
r= "400 Bad request"
The previous code it´s complaining from resp.StatusCode and http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode)
There are two problems. The first is that the application uses the request as the response. Execute the request to get the response.
The second problem is that resp.StatusCode + http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode) does not compile because operand types are mismatched. The value resp.StatusCode is an int. The value of http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode) is a string. Go does not have the implicit conversion of numbers to strings that would make this work the way you expect.
Use r := resp.Status if you want the status string as sent from the server.
Use r := fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", resp.StatusCode, http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode)) to construct a status string from the server's status code and the Go's status strings.
Here's the code:
func StatusCode(PAGE string, AUTH string) (r string) {
// Setup the request.
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", PAGE, nil)
if err != nil {
req.Header.Set("Authorization", AUTH)
// Execute the request.
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
// Close response body as required.
defer resp.Body.Close()
fmt.Println("HTTP Response Status:", resp.StatusCode, http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode))
return resp.Status
// or fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", resp.StatusCode, http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode))
What I try to achieve:
I want to recieve Http request from client then hijack the connection to monitor it on server side (Checking health of connection). Also I want to send Http response on that hijacked connection. In that order: recieve Http request, get request body, hijack connection, return response to client, monitor connection health on server side.
What I've already achieved:
Here is the code of http request handler:
func (c *HandlerCtx) HijackHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){
// Fetching request body skipped
// Hijacking the connection
h, _ := w.(http.Hijacker)
conn, br, err := h.Hijack()
if err != nil {
responseBody := "Http response from hijacked connection"
hr := http.Response{
Status: "200 OK",
StatusCode: 200,
Proto: "HTTP/1.1",
ProtoMajor: 1,
ProtoMinor: 1,
Header: make(http.Header, 0),
Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBufferString(responseBody)),
ContentLength: int64(len(responseBody)),
TransferEncoding: nil,
Close: false,
Uncompressed: false,
Trailer: nil,
Request: req,
TLS: nil,
// Writing response
err = hr.Write(br)
if err != nil{
// Sending EOF to allow io.ReadAll(resp.Body) without blocking
if v, ok := conn.(interface{ CloseWrite() error }); ok {
err = v.CloseWrite()
if err != nil {
// Monitor connection health
This is the client code:
func main(){
// Body skipped for testing purposes
resp, err := http.Post("", "application/json", nil)
if err != nil{
b, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil{
Now I recieve unexpected EOF from client after calling err = v.CloseWrite() but when I don't CloseWrite the client code stuck on io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
Is there any way to force client to read that http response? Please help me find solution.
I'm trying to make a straightforward request to an API, which works just fine in Postman, and weirdly occasionally works in my app, but usually fails when trying to parse the JSON because only about half the response is being read into the body variable. When the entire response is read everything works fine. I'm not really sure what if anything I'm doing wrong here, or if there's anything else I can do differently to make sure that the entire response is parsed.
var reqBody = []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{
"methodName": "GetPropertyList",
"params": {
"token_key": "%v",
"token_secret": "%v"
}`, token, secret))
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", proxy_url, bytes.NewBuffer(reqBody))
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
client := http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't get property field list: %v")
} else {
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
bodyStr := string(body)
log.Printf("BODY: %v", len(bodyStr))
var respModel ResponseModel
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &respModel) //Error happens here
you can do it by using json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&respModel)
The full code would then look like:
var token, secret, proxy_url string
var reqBody = []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{
"methodName": "GetPropertyList",
"params": {
"token_key": "%v",
"token_secret": "%v"
}`, token, secret))
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", proxy_url, bytes.NewBuffer(reqBody))
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
client := http.Client{}
var respModel ResponseModel
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't get property field list: %v", err)
} else {
err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&respModel)
I'm sending a request to a server and trying to unmarshall HTTP Response. It's weird, but some of the responses return 200 and do not give an unmarshall error, while some of them return 200 and give an unmarshall error.
My client code looks like:
func SendRequest(requestModel *model.Request) (*model.Response, error) {
responseModel := &dspModel.Response{}
byteData, err := json.Marshal(requestModel)
if err != nil {
zap.S().Errorf("Error marshalling request. Err: %v", err)
return nil, err
url := "xx"
request, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, url, bytes.NewBuffer(byteData))
request.Close = true
client := &http.Client{}
response, err := client.Do(request)
if err, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && err.Timeout() {
zap.S().Error("Response timeout exceed")
return nil, errors.New("Response timeout exceed")
if err != nil || response == nil {
errorMessage := "not respond"
return nil, errors.New(errorMessage)
defer response.Body.Close()
if response.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
err = json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&responseModel)
if err != nil {
// Error occurred here!
errorMessage := "Request response decode error"
zap.S().Errorf("%v, Err: %v", errorMessage, err)
return nil, errors.New(errorMessage)
return response, nil
} else if response.StatusCode == http.StatusNoContent {
return nil, nil
} else {
bodyBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
errorMessage := "not respond"
zap.S().Errorf("%v, StatusCode %v, Response: %v Request: %v", errorMessage,
response.StatusCode, string(bodyBytes), string(byteData))
return nil, errors.New(errorMessage)
I suspect response cause it's too long and has different characters.
Response looks like:
{"tax":{"ver":"1.0"},"cur":"EUR","rack":[{"tur":[{"zar":2.599886212,"domain":[""],"ney":"${censored}","tax":{"name":"test"},"hy":3020,"ny":2530,"arz":"<script type=\"text/javascript\">var _CDurl='';(function(){_CDurl=encodeURIComponent(document.URL);})();document.write('<scr' + 'ipt type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"https://censored/at?bad=&gad=&ic=EWRMh-.UTPdNvWB-JYa58c85N0fEPgXunKp3wwyPadp7jwqHgZbz4dG0A51OVO-2Gs0znYmLcPIH0ThEmpsYl8wKofo9ytJ2A3uWr9Kn-dNxeh.k8lIml9kavPk1.dk7f.46xKX7IVpf3.yU-Yx1KetQl3Q9f-iePn7B86yjVgMxkTNfhZAg0pP0kKZaJMd2orLXoV4xPXmwTdfJbWJU5bGAUROJT-Yd7yTHoVveuvOBClHzM4cgHFmGxzox6cCJ2gZB.7fqKkPzECXwdpobmO0RWxdu224-FADd.oM4DghIEpdZJe.FjEq0stQnJBT.puw0JamHgT15NdSQN7voBJ8UqGCDOu1qSLece6Iy.PN392xGWhxs0URbrWhSEgkhCr.R4ol9kjrMqK78shw2gHBJjEzKeBeo6lBzU8YfoKDM7oPlj5SwmL6sV2i2UaWJbEtreRt3oABDPab--AevfJW2rQ0-2iyt-rJSPjDHHoOQEFoh0G7cPm8SIZxk17ojWkFdM7CXlmuSN0paqMhp-4gWlfgvNq8a65I8GfY8cwVrW5KzRszHLhWYareVM3MNpejdcVH2kinEnYzBVyW0e8oN06LC2icG8FRlhOC2N8wni66liT73RvKyFFT1zW7SAoqtgn9KXY6m.EaZzSx3aapIMGpG9-S8q6mwAuwZId37ri4GTiLXp6OMABsLwT3sMUOm.Kktp.uYP1z2be2DFM6zKKPL7YJopAvdfS7TdhMfHD6Dfcv-EvK6Q0lNylaFIjegbNjPEPPXzLPdf8iwLK-dqfSe127TZcj5xJUFwo45IgFl0i0puKRIzsAtM2W3zM-TNc2HEc0nIllK.aoKZ0tF9iSekzjcNnMAvhcAKBqq6DY.qIBUs5yOoxqW4m-ga9drHp09VXIkn7st7J4IUlrMZFuVHnnzbeqD61AKKFiaRCqPee6Y88DqhsdNt7SzdA-xq9SKnJW67zsZTD0T9OoRl3.nLaSwoQ==&t=adj&prc=${censored}&tat='+_CDurl+'\"></scr' + 'ipt>');</script>"}],"tark":"1"}],"gno":"55f03d71-f021-49e0-a1a5-cae4315b3561"}
When I debug the error, I noticed that after half of the response is not visible.
Error statement:
"msg":"Request response decode error, Response: {\"tax\":{\"ver\":\"1.0\"},\"cur\":\"EUR\",\"rac\":[{\"btyrd\":[{\"zar\":2.599886212,\"domain\":[\"\"],\"ney\":\"https://censored/nimp?fuid=&ic=EWRMh-.UTPdNvWB-JYa58c85N0fEPgXunKp3wwyPadp7jwqHgZbz4dG0A51OVO-2Gs0znYmLcPIH0ThEmpsYl8wKofo9ytJ2A3uWr9Kn-dNxeh.k8lIml9kavPk1.dk7f.46xKX7IVpf3.yU-Yx1KetQl3Q9f-iePn7B86yjVgMxkTNfhZAg0pP0kKZaJMd2orLXoV4xPXmwTdfJbWJU5bGAUROJT-Yd7yTHoVveuvOBClHzM4cgHFmGxzox6cCJ2gZB.7fqKkPzECXwdpobmO0RWxdu224-FADd.oM4DghIEpdZJe.FjEq0stQnJBT.puw0JamHgT15NdSQN7voBJ8UqGCDOu1q, Err: unexpected end of JSON input"
Response Model:
type Response struct {
Tax Tax `json:"tax"`
Cur string `json:"cur"`
Rack []Rack `json:"rack"`
Gno string `json:"gno"`
type Tax struct {
Ver string `json:"ver"`
type TaxOfTur struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
type Tur struct {
Zar float64 `json:"zar"`
Domain []string `json:"domain"`
Ney string `json:"ney"`
Tax TaxOfTur `json:"tax"`
Hy int `json:"hy"`
Ny int `json:"ny"`
Arz string `json:"arz"`
type Rack struct {
Tur []Tur `json:"tur"`
Tark string `json:"tark"`
Probably unrelated but requests are going concurrent and my test case is based on only one concurrent request. So how can I solve this problem?
I tried to implement your code at my end, and it's giving the expected output. The code I tried is given below.
Note: This is not a solution to the exact problem, since I was not able to reproduce the same.
// Response struct definition here...
// ..
// The trouble making JSON.
const msg = `{"tax":{"ver":"1.0"},"cur":"EUR","rack":[{"tur":[{"zar":2.599886212,"domain":[""],"ney":"${censored}","tax":{"name":"test"},"hy":3020,"ny":2530,"arz":"<script type=\"text/javascript\">var _CDurl='';(function(){_CDurl=encodeURIComponent(document.URL);})();document.write('<scr' + 'ipt type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"https://censored/at?bad=&gad=&ic=EWRMh-.UTPdNvWB-JYa58c85N0fEPgXunKp3wwyPadp7jwqHgZbz4dG0A51OVO-2Gs0znYmLcPIH0ThEmpsYl8wKofo9ytJ2A3uWr9Kn-dNxeh.k8lIml9kavPk1.dk7f.46xKX7IVpf3.yU-Yx1KetQl3Q9f-iePn7B86yjVgMxkTNfhZAg0pP0kKZaJMd2orLXoV4xPXmwTdfJbWJU5bGAUROJT-Yd7yTHoVveuvOBClHzM4cgHFmGxzox6cCJ2gZB.7fqKkPzECXwdpobmO0RWxdu224-FADd.oM4DghIEpdZJe.FjEq0stQnJBT.puw0JamHgT15NdSQN7voBJ8UqGCDOu1qSLece6Iy.PN392xGWhxs0URbrWhSEgkhCr.R4ol9kjrMqK78shw2gHBJjEzKeBeo6lBzU8YfoKDM7oPlj5SwmL6sV2i2UaWJbEtreRt3oABDPab--AevfJW2rQ0-2iyt-rJSPjDHHoOQEFoh0G7cPm8SIZxk17ojWkFdM7CXlmuSN0paqMhp-4gWlfgvNq8a65I8GfY8cwVrW5KzRszHLhWYareVM3MNpejdcVH2kinEnYzBVyW0e8oN06LC2icG8FRlhOC2N8wni66liT73RvKyFFT1zW7SAoqtgn9KXY6m.EaZzSx3aapIMGpG9-S8q6mwAuwZId37ri4GTiLXp6OMABsLwT3sMUOm.Kktp.uYP1z2be2DFM6zKKPL7YJopAvdfS7TdhMfHD6Dfcv-EvK6Q0lNylaFIjegbNjPEPPXzLPdf8iwLK-dqfSe127TZcj5xJUFwo45IgFl0i0puKRIzsAtM2W3zM-TNc2HEc0nIllK.aoKZ0tF9iSekzjcNnMAvhcAKBqq6DY.qIBUs5yOoxqW4m-ga9drHp09VXIkn7st7J4IUlrMZFuVHnnzbeqD61AKKFiaRCqPee6Y88DqhsdNt7SzdA-xq9SKnJW67zsZTD0T9OoRl3.nLaSwoQ==&t=adj&prc=${censored}&tat='+_CDurl+'\"></scr' + 'ipt>');</script>"}],"tark":"1"}],"gno":"55f03d71-f021-49e0-a1a5-cae4315b3561"}`
func SendRequest() (*Response, error) {
url := "http://localhost:8080/foo" // dummy server
request, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, url, nil)
request.Close = true
client := &http.Client{}
response, err := client.Do(request)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer response.Body.Close()
resBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
responseModel := &Response{}
err = json.Unmarshal(resBody, &responseModel)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return responseModel, nil
func StartDummyServer() {
handler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprint(w, msg)
http.HandleFunc("/foo", handler)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
func main() {
// a dummy server is created to send the response
go StartDummyServer()
resp, err := SendRequest()
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
func prettyPrint(i interface{}) string {
s, _ := json.MarshalIndent(i, "", " ")
return string(s)
Here is the console output:
"tax": {
"ver": "1.0"
"cur": "EUR",
"rack": [
"tur": [
"zar": 2.599886212,
"domain": [
"ney": "\u0026ic=EWRMh-.UTPdNvWB-JYa58c85N0fEPgXunKp3wwyPadp7jwqHgZbz4dG0A51OVO-2Gs0znYmLcPIH0ThEmpsYl8wKofo9ytJ2A3uWr9Kn-dNxeh.k8lIml9kavPk1.dk7f.46xKX7IVpf3.yU-Yx1KetQl3Q9f-iePn7B86yjVgMxkTNfhZAg0pP0kKZaJMd2orLXoV4xPXmwTdfJbWJU5bGAUROJT-Yd7yTHoVveuvOBClHzM4cgHFmGxzox6cCJ2gZB.7fqKkPzECXwdpobmO0RWxdu224-FADd.oM4DghIEpdZJe.FjEq0stQnJBT.puw0JamHgT15NdSQN7voBJ8UqGCDOu1qSLece6Iy.PN392xGWhxs0URbrWhSEgkhCr.R4ol9kjrMqK78shw2gHBJjEzKeBeo6lBzU8YfoKDM7oPlj5SwmL6sV2i2UaWJbEtreRt3oABDPab--AevfJW2rQ0-2iyt-rJSPjDHHoOQEFoh0G7cPm8SIZxk17ojWkFdM7CXlmuSN0paqMhp-4gWlfgvNq8a65I8GfY8cwVrW5KzRszHLhWYareVM3MNpejdcVH2kinEnYzBVyW0e8oN06LC2icG8FRlhOC2N8wni66liT73RvKyFFT1zW7SAoqtgn9KXY6m.EaZzSx3aapIMGpG9-S8q6mwAuwZId37ri4GTiLXp6OMABsLwT3sMUOm.Kktp.uYP1z2be2DFM6zKKPL7YJopAvdfS7TdhMfHD6Dfcv-EvK6Q0lNylaFIjegbNjPEPPXzLPdf8iwLK-dqfSe127TZcj5xJUFwo45IgFl0i0puKRIzsAtM2W3zM-TNc2HEc0nIllK.aoKZ0tF9iSekzjcNnMAvhcAKBqq6DY.qIBUs5yOoxqW4m-ga9drHp09VXIkn7st7J4IUlrMZFuVHnnzbeqD61AKKFiaRCqPee6Y88DqhsdNt7SzdA-xq9SKnJW67zsZTD0T9OoRl3.nLaSwoQ==\u0026t=adi\u0026prc=${censored}",
"tax": {
"name": "test"
"hy": 3020,
"ny": 2530,
"arz": "\u003cscript type=\"text/javascript\"\u003evar _CDurl='';(function(){_CDurl=encodeURIComponent(document.URL);})();document.write('\u003cscr' + 'ipt type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"https://censored/at?bad=\u0026gad=\u0026ic=EWRMh-.UTPdNvWB-JYa58c85N0fEPgXunKp3wwyPadp7jwqHgZbz4dG0A51OVO-2Gs0znYmLcPIH0ThEmpsYl8wKofo9ytJ2A3uWr9Kn-dNxeh.k8lIml9kavPk1.dk7f.46xKX7IVpf3.yU-Yx1KetQl3Q9f-iePn7B86yjVgMxkTNfhZAg0pP0kKZaJMd2orLXoV4xPXmwTdfJbWJU5bGAUROJT-Yd7yTHoVveuvOBClHzM4cgHFmGxzox6cCJ2gZB.7fqKkPzECXwdpobmO0RWxdu224-FADd.oM4DghIEpdZJe.FjEq0stQnJBT.puw0JamHgT15NdSQN7voBJ8UqGCDOu1qSLece6Iy.PN392xGWhxs0URbrWhSEgkhCr.R4ol9kjrMqK78shw2gHBJjEzKeBeo6lBzU8YfoKDM7oPlj5SwmL6sV2i2UaWJbEtreRt3oABDPab--AevfJW2rQ0-2iyt-rJSPjDHHoOQEFoh0G7cPm8SIZxk17ojWkFdM7CXlmuSN0paqMhp-4gWlfgvNq8a65I8GfY8cwVrW5KzRszHLhWYareVM3MNpejdcVH2kinEnYzBVyW0e8oN06LC2icG8FRlhOC2N8wni66liT73RvKyFFT1zW7SAoqtgn9KXY6m.EaZzSx3aapIMGpG9-S8q6mwAuwZId37ri4GTiLXp6OMABsLwT3sMUOm.Kktp.uYP1z2be2DFM6zKKPL7YJopAvdfS7TdhMfHD6Dfcv-EvK6Q0lNylaFIjegbNjPEPPXzLPdf8iwLK-dqfSe127TZcj5xJUFwo45IgFl0i0puKRIzsAtM2W3zM-TNc2HEc0nIllK.aoKZ0tF9iSekzjcNnMAvhcAKBqq6DY.qIBUs5yOoxqW4m-ga9drHp09VXIkn7st7J4IUlrMZFuVHnnzbeqD61AKKFiaRCqPee6Y88DqhsdNt7SzdA-xq9SKnJW67zsZTD0T9OoRl3.nLaSwoQ==\u0026t=adj\u0026prc=${censored}\u0026tat='+_CDurl+'\"\u003e\u003c/scr' + 'ipt\u003e');\u003c/script\u003e"
"tark": "1"
"gno": "55f03d71-f021-49e0-a1a5-cae4315b3561"
Also, I used the same code you are using, after commenting off the request body part(since I don't have it) and changing the function signature(of SendRequest) a bit as given below. All others are as same as the code given above.
func SendRequest() (*Response, error) {
responseModel := &Response{}
// Commented off since the response body is not with me..
// byteData, err := json.Marshal(requestModel)
// if err != nil {
// zap.S().Errorf("Error marshalling request. Err: %v", err)
// return nil, err
// }
url := "http://localhost:8080/foo"
request, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, url /*bytes.NewBuffer(byteData)*/, nil)
request.Close = true
client := &http.Client{}
response, err := client.Do(request)
if err, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && err.Timeout() {
log.Fatal("Response timeout exceed")
return nil, errors.New("Response timeout exceed")
if err != nil || response == nil {
errorMessage := "not respond"
return nil, errors.New(errorMessage)
defer response.Body.Close()
if response.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
err = json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&responseModel)
if err != nil {
errorMessage := "Request response decode error"
log.Printf("%v, Err: %v", errorMessage, err)
return nil, errors.New(errorMessage)
return responseModel, nil
} else {
bodyBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
errorMessage := "not respond"
log.Printf("%v, StatusCode %v, Response: %v\n", errorMessage, response.StatusCode, string(bodyBytes))
return nil, errors.New(errorMessage)
With this as well, I am able to Unmarshal the response successfully.
So, in my opinion, the incoming response is not correct(may be). Try printing the incoming data and verify.
resBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fmt.Printf("%s", resBody) // 👈
Go version: go1.8.1 windows/amd64
Sample code for HTTP request is:
func (c *Client) RoundTripSoap12(action string, in, out Message) error {
headerFunc := func(r *http.Request) {
r.Header.Add("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("text/xml; charset=utf-8"))
r.Header.Add("SOAPAction", fmt.Sprintf(action))
return doRoundTrip(c, headerFunc, in, out)
func doRoundTrip(c *Client, setHeaders func(*http.Request), in, out Message) error {
req := &Envelope{
EnvelopeAttr: c.Envelope,
NSAttr: c.Namespace,
Header: c.Header,
Body: Body{Message: in},
if req.EnvelopeAttr == "" {
req.EnvelopeAttr = ""
if req.NSAttr == "" {
req.NSAttr = c.URL
var b bytes.Buffer
err := xml.NewEncoder(&b).Encode(req)
if err != nil {
return err
cli := c.Config
if cli == nil {
cli = http.DefaultClient
r, err := http.NewRequest("POST", c.URL, &b)
if err != nil {
return err
if c.Pre != nil {
fmt.Println("*************", r)
resp, err := cli.Do(r)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error occured is as follows ", err)
return err
fmt.Println("response headers are: ", resp.Header.Get("sprequestguid"))
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
// read only the first Mb of the body in error case
limReader := io.LimitReader(resp.Body, 1024*1024)
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(limReader)
return fmt.Errorf("%q: %q", resp.Status, body)
return xml.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(out)
I will call the RoundTripSoap12 function on the corresponding HTTP client.
When I send a request for the first time I will be getting some headers in the HTTP response, so these HTTP response headers should be sent as-is in my next HTTP request.
You may be interested in the httputil package and the reverse proxy example provided if you wish to proxy requests transparently:
You can copy the headers from one request to another one fairly easily - the Header is a separate object, if r and rc are http.Requests and you don't mind them sharing a header (you may need to clone instead if you want independent requests):
rc.Header = r.Header // note shallow copy
fmt.Println("Headers", r.Header, rc.Header)
Or you can look through keys and values and only copy certain headers, and/or do a clone instead to ensure you share no memory. See the http util package here for examples of this - see the functions cloneHeader and copyHeader inside reverseproxy.go linked above.